ANJRPC Releases Guide To Comply With NJ Magazine Ban By December 10

Appeal Likely to Continue to Supreme Court.

Fuck New Jersey
ANJRPC Releases Guide To Comply With NJ Magazine Ban By December 10

New Jersey – -(  The appeal of New Jersey’s gun magazine ban is still pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, but because there are only 10 days before gun owners are required to comply with the ban, Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs has released a 4-page guide for gun owners to comply with the ban by its mandated deadline of December 10, 2018.

The guide reveals non-obvious, lawful methods to continue owning magazines that hold between 11 and 15 rounds without modifying them, in addition to covering the conventional compliance options under the mag ban.

It is critical that all NJ gun owners read this guide and comply with the mag ban law by December 10, 2018. Failure to timely comply is a serious crime that could result in imprisonment, fines, and loss of gun rights nationwide, and nearly all gun owners are affected by this law.

View or download copies of the guide here.

ANJRPC Guide To Comply With NJ Magazine Ban

The guide was co-authored by Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs Executive Director and Attorney Scott Bach and Attorney Evan Nappen (who literally wrote the book about NJ gun law). It contains critical information that every gun owner needs right now in order to comply with the ban before the last day for compliance of December 10, 2018.

Regardless of the outcome of this middle-level appeal before the Third Circuit, the appeal will likely wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court, and ANJRPC will be taking every available step to get it there.


Please forward this article to every gun owner you know, and if you don’t already receive alerts from ANJRPC, please subscribe to our free email alerts for the latest Second Amendment breaking news and action alerts.

Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol ClubsAbout ANJRPC: The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs is the official New Jersey affiliate of the NRA, and is New Jersey’s oldest, largest, and most effective Second Amendment advocacy organization.

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Dan Deckert

If you REALLY want to know just how effective a limited capacity magazine is in relation to the number of rounds fired in a given length of time, go view this video link below. I can & will attest to it’s authenticity because I tracked the Sheriffs office down and got all the details from them. Unknown why it never made the pro-gun rounds nor received national attention. If you don’t believe me, or just choose not to believe me, feel free to do your own research. Then I can tell you I told you so.. You Tube Link…… Read more »

Just me

The soap box, the ballot box, the jury Box, the bullet box. The jury box; Report for jury duty, cast a not guilty verdict for those patriot citizens exercising their Rights! You report for jury duty, not try to get out of it! Trial for carrying a firearm without a permit, for having an outlawed magazine in your possession, etc, etc, vote not guilty for these and all other infringements upon the Constitution.

dava golino

you can run, but you can not hide. while Europe is starting to wake up to the Evil of the EU and the EU controlled UN and NATO,THEY ARE STARTING TO FIGHT their enslaving agenda. Sadly in this country after 45 year of our educational system being taken over by Maoist ideology, it has produced brainwashed masses that vote, cheat and by what ever mean are wholeheartedly on board with the EU agenda, which is the biggest threat to the American Constitution because they have their own constitution, Couple that that with the champagne socialist control of labour through Unions… Read more »

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