Pro-Gun Legislation
- Senate Bill 5, sponsored by Senator David Sater (R-29), would modify and create new provisions relating to the initiative and referendum process.
- Senate Bill 39, sponsored by Senator Bob Onder (R-2), would remove the prohibition on law-abiding citizens carrying firearms for self-defense on public transit. In addition, it would also allow law-abiding citizens to transport unloaded or non-functioning firearms on buses.
- House Bill 82, sponsored by Representative Justin Hill (R-108), would ensure that gun owners may store firearms in their private vehicles when parked in any parking lot.
Anti-Gun Legislation
- Senate Bill 23, sponsored by Senator Jamilah Nasheed (D-5), would allow for an individual’s Second Amendment rights to be suspended without due process with a “firearm restraining order” and for a search warrant to be issued for the firearms to be seized.
- Senate Bill 40, sponsored by Senator Jill Schupp (D-24), would impose criminal liability on gun owners who do not follow a one-size-fits-all requirement for storing firearms if a child gains access.
- Senate Bill 41, sponsored by Sen. Schupp, would require those convicted of domestic violence offenses to surrender firearms to law enforcement for disposal, with no provision for the owner to have them sold by a dealer or given away to someone who can lawfully possess them.
- Senate Bill 42, sponsored by Sen. Schupp, would allow for an individual’s Second Amendment rights to be suspended without due process with an “extreme risk order of protection” and for the respondent to be detained while law enforcement searches for and seizes firearms.
- Senate Bill 94, sponsored by Senator Scott Sifton (D-1), would make it illegal for certain individuals who are already prohibited under federal law to possess firearms.
- Senate Bill 163, sponsored by Sen. Schupp, would criminalize private firearm transfers.
- House Bill 40, sponsored by Representative Deb Lavender (D-90), would allow for an individual’s Second Amendment rights to be suspended without due process with a “firearm restraining order” and for a search warrant to be issued for the firearms to be seized.
- House Bill 56, sponsored by Representative Gretchen Bangert (D-69), would require firearms being transported in vehicles to be unloaded and stored in a locked case, trunk, or other secure container. It would also prohibit handguns being transported in vehicle cabins from being left unattended.
- House Bill 162, sponsored by Representative Richard Brown (D-27), would ban certain firearm accessories that do not fundamentally change how a semi-automatic firearm operates.
- House Bill 163, sponsored by Rep. Brown, would make it illegal for certain individuals who are already prohibited under federal law to possess firearms.
- House Bill 210, sponsored by Representative Greg Razer (D-25), would criminalize private firearm transfers.
- House Bill 235, sponsored by Representative Bruce Franks (D-78), would set requirements for how gun owners must report lost or stolen firearms.
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org
I had to look up what bills are being considered here in MO, when I heard TV reporter talking about one. It is the bill that would require firearms to be locked up in the trunk or lock-box when being transported in a vehicle. Reporter said the bill was designed to make criminals think twice before taking a gun out of a vehicle. Seriously? Criminals might think twice before doing a criminal act? I can hear their wheels turning in their brain cavity…”Oh, I had better not take my gun out of my car, before I rob someone, or kill… Read more »
Can’t figure out how to legal carry but can’t have it in the car and loaded but yet I can carry it legally
Jill Schupp (D-24) no doubt hawking this obvious bunch of Bloomberg-sponsored bills for financial kickbacks. These self-serving people are dangerous to liberty and personal safety. They need to be stopped here and removed from governing others.
The introduction of these bills is simply an exercise in futility.
Both the senate and house in Missouri are in republican control as is the governor’s office so if any democrat bill should pass which I doubt, it will never become law.
You can see the pattern the liberal democrats are going to push as their national agenda against firearms, beware everyone.
I learned that only 11 states require one to report to law enforcement officials a gun has been lost or stolen. Not doing so hinders criminal investigations. Guess when Joe Griswall leaves his pistol in the folds of a couch while humping his girlfriend while his wife is away and then the thing falls to the floor, it gets unnoticed. Come on Joe, be more responsible!