Virginia – -( This video covers bill S.7 put in by REPUBLICANS (Marco Rubio and others) in Congress that essentially extorts the states to pass Red Flag laws by withholding federal funds if they don’t do so.
Bribery by the Federal Government like that works – it has gotten us a lot of bad laws over the years.
Lobby Day is January 21, 2019 at 8 am at the General Assembly in Richmond. We will muster and break into lobbying groups at the Bell Tower (9th Street and Bank Street). Information on catching a Virginia Citizens Defense League bus is on Virginia Citizens Defense League’s home page:
Thanks to member Stan Chaney for the link:
About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
For more information, visit:
Congratulations to everyone here at Ammoland who has ever said “Would you rather have Hillary?” You are idiots suffering from an extreme case of Cranial Rectal Insertion. Thanks to you, the Republican party is now openly endorsing and writing gun control legislation in violation of the constitution. You have defended these knotheads because you didn’t have the balls to accept responsibility for being played like little puppets by them, and you create these fantasy delusions where your explanation is that it must be some back alley sneak attack on the left. I’m not going to pull any punches here. You… Read more »
What a bunch of crap thanks a lot Marco Rubio. The dictionary should say politician = liar.
Marco RINOio and the Republicrats are standing up for the Constitution and BOR,NOT.
The Republicrat party lie, said give us the house,senate and presidency and we will protect Americans rights,until we infringe upon them so there are no rights left,The Republican Lie.
It will be a challenge to change the minds as the majority of Americans support the RFB. Research data programs show overwhelmingly support (Keating Research Center, and PEW Institute) to name just two. It is unfortunate that our government would hold hostage federal funding.
m. screw-bio be tryin’ to get some d-rat vo-tuhs
f the d-sucker auth-whore & supporters of s.7