Ft Collins, CO –-(Ammoland.com)-
“Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times” ~ TJ Weber
From a friend in the UK:
“It is as if we have suddenly developed a societal death-wish over here!
Our Trotskyites are tirelessly working towards their standard goal:
A one-way takeover of our country
Theresa May has no chance!
Trotskyites, as always, claim to be on the side of “downtrodden proletariat masses,” and in favor of stripping and punishing (eventually imprisoning) “evil capitalists”
When I was fighting Communists in Africa, just as you were in Vietnam, it was our privilege and honor at least to fight honest bad guys!
Like you, I am so deathly tired of listening to Janus-faced really bad guys, pretending to be “enlightened sophisticates!”
I’m hoping you Americans are seeing through your own Trotskyites’ (liberals) false rhetoric.
In the interim, train hard and well, my friend and comrade!”
We’ve already heard (in public) from many Democrat politicians that our Second Amendment must be repealed and done-away with since they’ve been pitifully unsuccessful in persuading us that it doesn’t mean what it plainly says.
How long will it be before we hear from these same mouths that our entire Constitution needs to be abolished and replaced with a Soviet-style “Master Plan?” After all, our Constitution has already been amended twenty-seven times. Isn’t it time to just scrap it altogether?
Is “Trotskyites” too severe a term?
“Root-out counter-revolutionaries without mercy. Lock-up suspicious characters in concentration camps. Shirkers will be shot, regardless of past service.” ~ Leon Trotsky
About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com
All I’ve got left is an old .410 single barrel shotgun. Had to sell the rest to pay bills.
How about that girl holding the sign “We could be next”. Someone should clue her in that the best way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to have a weapon with which to protect herself with. Funny how that doesn’t seem to have occurred to her.
@ Wild Bill; How true about your health, i retired 3 years ago, then the fun started, I had to get my Supplement Insurances, Medical wasn’t hard, but the prescription drug plan was a nightmare, Started in October, filling out 3 sets of forms,through middle of January, plus numerous phone calls, I finally asked two questions, same forms, and didn’t anybody enter it in the COMPUTER? The woman came back on line and said she did find the information, I then asked what was the problem with getting the policy, the the real shock, Reason was that I was not… Read more »
While waiting to be seated at lunch today an older woman noticed my NRA jacket. I cringed because I didn’t feel like getting into a debate. Then she said, “I’m with them 100% and always have been.” I smiled and relaxed and introduced myself and she and her companion invited me to sit with them for lunch. We had an excellent conversation on what our shared worries are for the state of our country, the nonsense of the leftist politicians, the root cause of gun violence and how they could learn more about firearms up to and including concealed carry.… Read more »
Good article. I’ve noticed that most of these gun banning cults and hunting banning cults are run by women. I’ve tried talking to some women about the 2nd amendment and they do not want to hear it. They have made up their minds and wamt the politicians to repeal the 2nd amendment. I get the same ridiculous answers, all crime will stop if all the guns are confiscated by the police, and everything will be just wonderful. They also don’t think the police should have toget warrants, because the drug dealers can get rid of their drugs before the police… Read more »
mr. citizen,you are 100% correct about women,most are unreasonable idiots. two men could get in a fight and beat the snot out of each other and most times that will be the end of it. two women would get in a fight and they’ll carry the grudge FOEVER!! i guess that where the saying keep them bare foot and pregnant comes from.
I am a veteran, three score and six and having gone through four wars, I look at what these new members elected to congress and our young people are trying to push down our throats and it wants to make me gag. The “old” democratic congress is pandering to the newly elected because they know their days on the seat are numbered. If there’s ever a revolution in this country, it will be the cause of what the democrats, and young people, are pushing forward. One person in particular leading the charge is one whom I call “crazy eyes”. I… Read more »
Legalize marijuana…first for medicinal purposes, then for recreational……aka numbness….aka control….. purposes.
Yep. Disarm and drug the population.
My son’s life has been hell from intractable seizures – the kind medications cannot control. My life has been hell watching him suffer. Thankfully, being able to get medical marijuana has saved his life – literally. While I do support the MM I voted against recreational pot here in MI. You are right about the numbness and control. The majority of those voting in favor for it most likely voted democRAT as well. People were not taught about the Opium wars in China when the Brits tried taking over every aspect of life. So here we are, the only difference… Read more »
If god is real then by criminalizing marijuana are you saying he was wrong about it? Marijuana is a gift and a medical marvel it’s just a plant don’t believe all you’ve been fed by the GOVERNMENT!
SW, Weed messes up lungs, brain, and health. People don’t appreciate their health until its gone.
I sometimes worry about those customer records of accessory companies. If Big Brother decides to ban certain firearms, they can require those companies to turn over their records and compile a pretty good list of what you own by the accessories you bought.
Of course, I lost all of mine in a tragic boating accident on Lake Superior. I mean for all the rest of you!
You too? Mine went under in Lake Erie!
All my firearms slid off the Roosevelt Bridge across Lake Texoma, into water 80 feet deep, while I was distracted (caught a giant bass!), and I cannot afford to pay divers to retrieve them. Such a tragedy.
Shoot. I want to join in the fun, but can’t remember what I said the last time these kinds of comments were going around on this site….!
The really sad thing is anyone with the slightest intelligence can see what’s going on here. It’s still all about the money and power. Globalists (including useful idiot liberals and democrats AND RINOs) are NOT simply looking to create a better, safer, war-free world! No, they’re looking for total and complete power over all of us,and the riches that can come from a totalitarian socialist regime. All socialism does is concentrate power and wealth into the hands of fewer people, while bringing the rest of the population down. Look no further than Venezuela to see the truth. History does, in… Read more »
@Bill G, I so, truly, wish that the democrats and all their elitist and globalist allies would try to seize power by force. I have just the solution for them. Thank you for your service. What was your MOS? We may have a place for your skill set.
The Free Shit Army has been coming across the southern border for years. If that wasn’t bad enough, the home grown divisions are growing daily. I can’t wait for the day of the rope…
Yeah, and they want your job, burn the American flag and demand you speak Spanish!
The greatest communist influence is PRC China. We were/are in a simmering war with
Russia post Cold War, but China is funding the media to push socialism in hopes it will destroy our republic. Sometimes the most simple and obvious answer is staring us in the face. Who do you think is funding the media and pushing all the socialism and communist propaganda? Not to spark McCarthy-ism but there are middle men and women who are helping China facilitate this propaganda war.
@Core, Yeah, the Des Monies Register is one of them! They help disguise paid for propaganda as news! I bet that the DM Register is not the only one.
The Brits went peacefully down this road and never though about it until it was too late! The Aussie’s are the same. Country after country have been sheep led down the road of gun control works. Once they find out it DOES NOT, they want their guns back. Too bad, so sad! Wake up and smell the BS. Chicago, NYC and other cities have tried this for years and still people are getting killed because the thugs DO NOT care. The BS that if we disarm the bad guys will disarm is like thinking you can take a bath in… Read more »
If those Trotskyites ever showed up over here, THEY would be the fist to join the commie party.
They ARE here as democRATS. A name is only a name and doesn’t always reveal the true, hidden agenda. “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.” “The difference between Democrats and Republicans is: Democrats have accepted some ideals of socialism cheerfully, while Republicans have accepted them reluctantly.” ― both… Read more »
@Rich z and Mark R, And teaching in the schools too.
They are already here. Many are already in Congress, one has been in the White House. There are many more salted through our government at all levels, our educational institutions, news media and even healthcare. That won’t call themselves ‘Trotskyites’ because that would give them away as Communists plain and simple. Today, they call themselves ‘democratic socialists’ OT ‘progressives’.
Learn who they are, and where they live and work and shop. Stay locked and loaded my friends – there will be no ‘breaking news’ announcement that the revolution has officially begun.
Wake up PLEASE !!
They are here since DECADES !
Their party too …
“ Ignorance is a condition tha5 can be cured by hard work and education. Stupidity, on the other Hand is mostl6 incurable and a; of5en fatal condition!”
T(e hippybiker
Stupidity my friend is often a choice because it relieves a body of responsibility for their situation. If that person is really lucky they can get someone (usually government) to relieve them of the unpleasant aspects of ‘living stupid’.
Democrats/socialists/communists: Some of the best liars, cheats and thieves America has to offer.
We know thought crimes are in the list. Recently, face crimes have been brought up. We are on our way to an unwinnable war and the superstate structure is there just begging to see the light of day.
Maybe Orwell’s commentary was truly predictive, just a little off on the timing.
“In order to take over a country, you must first disarm the people.’
Hitler 1938
“It worked”
I’ll take my chances with the street thugs. It’s the politician thugs that worry me!!!