U.S.A. -(Ammoland.com)- On 27 December, 2018, the Ohio legislature voted with more than the two thirds majority required to override Governor Kasich’ veto of HB 228.
HB 228 strengthened Ohio’s preemption law to prevent erosion of Second Amendment rights in Ohio. The right to own, possess, and carry weapons has been under attack by several cities in Ohio. The City of Columbus is attempting to block the new law with a lawsuit.
The City of Columbus claims that it has home rule authority to pass ordinances pertaining to the ability to own or possess firearms and firearm accessories. The lawsuit can be read at this llink. From wcbe.org:
The city of Columbus today filed a lawsuit against the state of Ohio to halt legislation enacted last year because it limits the ability municipalities have to enact local gun ordinances.
Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein says House Bill 228 eviscerates the basic principle of home rule.
There is a significant barrier for the lawsuit to overcome. The Ohio Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled the Ohio legislature has the authority to pass general laws that protect the exercise of Second Amendment rights, which are also protected by the Ohio Constitution.
Ohio: The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. Art. I, § 4 (enacted 1851).
Just two years ago, in 2017, the Ohio Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from Cleveland, Ohio, on the subject. From cleveland.com:
CLEVELAND, Ohio – The Ohio Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to take up Cleveland’s appeal of a decision that struck down a gun offender registry and several gun ordinances approved in 2015.
The decision lets stand an April 2017 ruling by the Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals. That ruling held as invalid a package of ordinances proposed by Mayor Frank Jackson and passed by City Council in the wake of a flurry of gun violence in 2014 and 2015.
The Supreme Court of Ohio made its opinion clear in a ruling on the subject in 2010.
From City of Cleveland v. The State of Ohio (Oct. 12, 2010):
Today this court must decide whether R.C. 9.68, a statute enacted by the General Assembly in 2006 that provides that only federal or state regulations can limit an Ohioan’s individual right to bear arms, is a general law. We hold that R.C. 9.68 is a general law that displaces municipal firearm ordinances and does not unconstitutionally infringe on municipal home rule authority.
Those rulings seem clear. Home rule authority in Ohio does not extend to passing ordinances that interfere with general laws passed by the state legislature. In particular, home rule does not grant authority to cities to infringe on the right to bear arms protected by the Ohio Constitution.
In a republic where the powers of government are limited, cities do not have the power to pass any and all ordinance the government may wish. Some powers are forbidden to them.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
More “Morally Superior” statements from the Left! It’s so simple they say, Just pass More Restrictive Gun Laws, like they have in Chicago, and our problem will vanish!! The “OutLaws” will all comply and Bingo, we have Utopia! Ruled by a Left Wing Despot!
Constitution of the State of Ohio, Article 18, Sections (3) Powers, and (7) Home Rule, prohibit MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS (cities, towns, villages, townships, etc.) from enacting or keeping in force any law(s), rule(s), or ordinance(s) that are in CONFLICT WITH GENERAL LAWS OF THE STATE.
That answers this dilemma.
But, an armed citizenry is not a “standing army!”
Gun safety laws work. Responsible gun owners embrace gun safety. Gun safety does not mean banning all guns. “the right to bear arms is not unlimited” Supreme Court Justice Scalia Gun violence is not inevitable. America has the worst gun violence rate per capita of any developed nation. We also have the most guns per capita. Based on America’s current state of affairs regarding gun safety laws these two facts are linked. They don’t have to be but as long as gun advocates continue to work to attempt to block gun safety laws the carnage will continue. And that’s not… Read more »
Gun safety laws work to limit law abiding citizens. Anyone outside of that group don’t consider the legality of there purchase or possession. As gun rights suporters, most of us are hesitant to relinquish any of our rights becuase of all the lies from those who are both uninformed and ignorant of the very items they want to ban. Lets flip the coin of reasoning used by the left and save some lives; according to the CDC there were roughly 14,000 homicides from firearms 2017 and well over 57,000 alcohol related deaths, I’m not a big drinker and confident there… Read more »
What amount of crack are you smoking? There is no such thing that could possibly be prosecuted if it were enacted!
och will: FU d-sucker. exercise gun “control” @ your own risk.
fu, d-sucker
OCH, I wonder where you get you information. First, criminals are not impacted by restrictive gun laws. Only law abiding citizens are. FBI statistics clearly shoe that legally armed citizens prevent 2000 to 3000 crimes A DAY. Nine out of ten are accomplished with a shot being fired. Over the last 25+ years all states have enacted laws to allow law abiding citizens to more easily obtain concealed carry firearms permits. The states, and cities, that have embraced the spirit of the law and issued permits to all law abiding citizens who applied, have seen on average a 50%+ decline… Read more »
och will: If “gun safety laws” work SO well, why is Chicago (just one example), where there are some of the most strict and restrictive “gun control laws”, WORSE than a lot of war zones?
Were you born that mentally impaired, or did it take years of training and practice?
You lost me (completely) at
“Gun violence is not inevitable”
Oh brother… . Also that’s.. what?
I haven’t heard until now, a more purpose driven Frankenstein of a categorical label. Just makes no sense..
I’ve been a long time believer in using guilt as a motivator. I also subscribe to using guilt association as a negative motivator… an idea I have for this not so illustrious Columbus City attorney, Zach Klein. Klein, that is Jewish, yes? PERFECT! Readers of Ammoland should bombard this Mr. Klein with support emails, compliments, encouragements… like the following twisted example from his ‘Nazi’ admirers, NOT the kind of support a public scumbag like this guy would like to explain away! (This is just an example, draft your own brief version): “Dear Mr. Klein, I compliment you on your boldness… Read more »
@HH, Germany was called by Germans the fatherland. Russia was called by Russian the motherland.
MAKE AMERICA A SHIT HOLE Vote DEMOCRAT This is what happens when you allow communist in the country. Get rid of ALL DEMOCRATS-same thing.
Man, this really sounds like an entire city council needs to be hung for treason… Perhaps a constitution comprehension test should be mandatory before someone takes office.
First of all you take away the rights of the people to bear arms you’ll have the criminal more armed than the average citizen they don’t care they want your money they want your possessions they want your property they’ll go through are you around you they don’t care I carry to protect myself and my family with what’s going on across the world and in our own United States with some people that come to this country bringing their ideas and going against our freedoms I served in the Army Reserve I swore an oath to protect this country… Read more »
@knighthalk, Thank you for your service. And all true, what you write. But pre political Rights can not be taken away or diminished by the government or anyone else. Anything else is just a lie enforced by superior force.
Might equals right. Natural rights don’t exist without a mightier force than the oppressor. So far our natural rights that the constitution outlines have not been oppressed enough to snuff out the myth of natural rights. I pray that ti.e never comes. But with the perpetuation that rights are good given and not hard fight that time will likely come.
“First of all you take away the rights of the people to bear arms you’ll have…” IMMEDIATE REVOLUTION II No more else needs to be said.
It is absolutely fun how the ignorant say there is no need for the 2nd Ammendment, yet offer NO solution to gun crime. These fools fail to understand what the founding fathers created. Take away the 2nd Ammendment, which Amendment will be next? 5th with due process? These ignorant fools say, no, due process will not be affected. The reason that these fools are idiots, is simply because they DO NOT study! Not to long ago, the United States government imprisoned American citizen….A Democratic President did that. So, before the idiots say the 2nd Ammendment is outdated, look back in… Read more »
That is essentually true. We helped to destroy Venezuela with billions in convert actions (compliments of US taxpayers) although they did a good job of screwing the country up themselves. It is as if the gun control or gun confiscators believe that if a law is passed limiting magazines to 8 rounds instead of 10 or making acertain kind of gun illegal will change things. They believe the criminals will read that a new law has been passed in a newspaper (which barely still exist) and the criminals will look up the local police barracks address and mail in the… Read more »
If the 2nd Amendment is outdated, that means so is the 1st Amendment that allows them to say all the ugly things they say on social media.
Way back in this article there was a comment by Geniva Greene about Columbus and their drug problem. That is a big reason for people to have arms. The city has to be run by looney liberals or they wouldn’t be trying to outlaw guns. That is another leftist ploy, dope the populace up and take their legal guns. That way it is easier for criminals to take your stuff and buy more drugs. Different laws for different cities is a bad, bad idea and a trap for honest people. The number of snowflakes commenting on this article is one… Read more »
Gun guys should only be allowed to have deer rifle so then all they could kill is deer very simple! Also deer rifles don’t look nearly as mean as a AR-15 s.
You have guns that only shoot deer. Amazing.
New tech? How on earth do they know what they’re pointed at?? Wow. I guess I need to tell the wife that I NEED more rifles; one for rabbits, one for squirrels, one for ground hogs, one for coyotes, one for bobcats, one for home defense, (already have one for deer), one for elk, one for mountain lions (there are some around), one for . . . .
Nice, thanks for the tip! You made my day!
@CM, comrade Blum thinks that guns shoot deer. Amazingly stupid.
You really don’t think things through much huh? You see, most people form thoughts on their mind and then, continue to think about and reorganize these thoughts until they make sense in the context of reality. This is called ‘logic’. Very important for being a civilized human.. Try this out: A “Deer Rifle” can kill a deer. Therefore, it can also kill a human. To most (nearly all) people this is obvious. In your case, just re-read the last three sentences a few times and you’ll probably get it 😉 To your second “point”, if looking “mean” is a qualification… Read more »
Well said
AND those deer rifles are much more “efficient” than the small varmint round most AR-15s use. Isn’t that what the rights-haters claim, that the AR-15 is more “efficient” at killing people? MOST people shot with an AR-15 survive; most people shot even ONCE (most anywhere on the body) with a .30-06, etc., do not.
You really don’t think things through much huh? You see, most (nearly all) people form thoughts in their head and then, continue to consider and re-arrange these thoughts, with the final product being consistent with reality. This is sometimes referred to as “logic”… Only then does one speak (or type). First of all, any “Deer Rifle” that will kill a deer, will also kill a human. This should be obvious. To your second “point”, if looking “mean” is a qualification for restriction/regulation/censorship, then we would find ourselves in a truly scary world, where angry leftists like you might have your… Read more »
Well, that’s some solid logic. Pretty sure you made yourself tired thinking that up. Maybe you should drink some battery acid to stay energized.
WKA was, using humor, pointing out the fact that person’s wishing to limit certain firearms because those arms “shoot people” or “look scary” (a California law as I recall) should looking at rules that only allow (humor here) deer rifles. As if that rifle can only shoot deer.. and if the rifles were not scary looking (AR15) they are ok.
WKA… I got the joke… And yes, That is the thought if many of the mellenials and leftist politicians today. Pelosi, Feinstein, Columbus Ohio…..
WKA, guns that only shoot deer, really, whew, your cornbread ain’t done in the middle bud!
The 2a is a right. I can only imagine what people would think if some town in Texas made being a member of the democratic party illegal claiming the right to limit opions they find dangerous. That’s a 1a right .
Roger, move to California.
Columbus better be doing something about the drugs THEY put out in the streets. They have technologies and guns and manpower but drugproblem is worse there than anywhere in U.S.A. Why wouldn’t they want the average citizens to be prepared for danger? What is their agenda? They don’t want anyone messing with their drug running money
Jerry, the second amendment is obsolete. People do not need gun nuts to defend them. They need to take guns out of the hands of gun nuts.
Ask the citizens of Venezuela about that. The government disarmed them. Now if they protest they just get shot. Your statement is inaccurate.
No, his statement is ignorant, short-sided, stupid, unreasonable, unworkable, dangerous and delusional. The list of negatively themed adjectives is nearly endless, but you get the idea . . . .
@Travis, Roger is just a propagandist that gets paid per response to write outrageous things. If he makes no money here, Roger will go.
Roger the first amendment is obsolete! We need to remove the pens from peoples hands who think protecting their own families is wrong. Without second you don’t have first!
Get the fuck out of the country. You don’t believe in the Constitution and are a traitor to the United States. Are you to stupid to understand these words “shall not be infringed”
Roger, move to California.
roger go: anti-2a = d-sucker, d-suckers like you don’t tell me what i “need”
What we need to do is take the right to vote away from people who maliciously conspire to violate the civil rights of peaceful, law abiding citizens. Like you.
@Roger go, Comment: A LITTLE GUN HISTORY In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to… Read more »
AS an intelligence analyst in the Army, we studied various armies around the world. A retired former soviet general said when asked about invading the United States by the Kremlin that it would be suicide, that the citizens of the United States were free and well armed and would never live under such rule, he said you would have to wipe out the entire population of the country as you would never take it “alive” and then finished his answer with something like “if you ever decide to invade the United States let me know so I can retire”
If you recall the History of WW2, The Japanese wanted to invade the American Mainland. Their spies said that would be crazy,. There are guns in every house, EVERYBODY will fight back. Soooo… we still speak ENGLISH!
How soon people forget..
Isoroku Yamamoto went to college in the U.S. he had the privilege to visit many parts of this country, when the Japanese army stated they wanted to invade the U.S. he advised them that the citizenry of this country were all armed! It’s attributed to him that he told those generals “there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass”
Another city, like Pittsburgh, wasting tax payers money.
Most people don’t want their neighbors being able to possess warfare weapons like nukes and biowarfare. Yet that is what the 2nd amendment would allow if not infringed. The 2nd amendment needs to be altered to suit the majority. I have only heard that all citizens should have nuclear and bio weapons from very few people, most disagree that all people should have those types of weapons. On a spectrum from rock to nuclear weapon what should the constitution protect?
Wake up, first this is a Republic not a pure democracy., When lunch mobs hung blacks, did that make it right?
Our Bill of Rights is not about a majority, which you claim, probably from a CNN poll.
I would own whatever it takes to protect my family and our Republic. I don’t have to own nucs lmao. I just have to own arms to make tyrants understand, it would not be easy, if they decide to destroy that Republic.
Democratic republic. Not just a republic. Which means our representatives should follow the majority if they want reelected. The 2A was created to protect us from a tyrannical government. Thus any weapon our government has access to, the rights of the people to own that armory shall not be infringed. Your meth head neighbor has a constitutional right to own nukes with the current wording of the 2A.
Wrong! We are a Constitutional Republic, with democratic voting
Kind of pointless to argue over less than clearly defined terminology, where people may be angrily pushing the very same ball back and forth…. Meanwhile, yes, democratic action elects officials, but the most important law (the Constitution) is protected by the hope that an overabundance of the elected officials have good sense and a love for their country and its people. It’s getting more and more marginal to rely on that any more, or to count on voters to even notice the problem and vote for substance rather than party.
Under current law, which is technically an infringement of the 2nd amendment, his meth head neighbor cannot legally own a firearm. That said, legal or not, he probably does have one and would be happy to use it to get money to support his habit.
d-suckers like u don’t determine what i need
Excellent reply Geary.
In the Federalist Papers, the idea was put forth that if a large army would be formed, it could not be dangerous to liberty if the body of people were armed in a manner little, if any, inferior to the military. This has generally been interpreted to mean that – at a minimum – the types of weapons generally available to the average soldier are precisely the weapons constitutionally protected for the individual citizen. Seeing as nukes and bioweapons are NOT standard issue for the individual soldier, sailor, marine, airman, or coastie, an argument could be made that they would… Read more »
Dumb fuck! The government has them. The 2A is ment for the people to defend against a government gone bad. The difference is “we the people” wouldn’t use weapons like those because of collateral damage to “we the people”, but our government would. Remember Kent State!!
Remember Rick Swalwell!!
First off, it’s a Constitutional Representative Republic, that protects the rights of the majority, as well as the minority. Not a Democratic Republic, that goes with majority rules, as you implied. I guess you must have skipped class, the day they were teaching that lesson, probably off smoking dope, under the bleachers with your buddies. So what part of “Shall not be Infringed” is giving you problems exactly. This is the thing, that always gets me about liberals. If a conservative doesn’t like something, he just doesn’t buy it, if a liberal doesn’t like something, they want to prevent you,… Read more »
“So what part of “Shall not be Infringed” is giving you problems exactly.”
The contradiction between shall not be infringed and laws that infringe on how people carry arms and what arms they can carry.
@Nemo, Acts of the Congress or state legislature or county or city ordnance that are contrary to the U.S. Constitution are not laws. Those things are merely acts of the Congress, state legislature or county or city.
The various governments get their way, by force of arms, until one of the co-equal branches declares those acts unconstitutional, null, and void. The unconstitutional act of the Congress, state legislature, etc and the enforcement of the unconstitutional act are all illegal.
Wrong-o, moosebreath!! Have you even read the 2nd? It says no such things, so stop lying about it. And… altered to suit WHAT “majority?” Your hoplophobic, personal, ignorant thoughts/beliefs? First, the 2nd Amendment is quite clear about what it covers. It specifies the ability to “bear arms.” To bear is to carry, so anything larger than can be borne and operated by a single individual is not covered. What the military terms “crew-fed” weapons (mortars, bazookas, heavy machine guns, etc), as well as all artillery, tanks, and aerial bombs, are not what the 2nd refers to. [Never has referred to… Read more »
Actually, they DON’T have to be arms that can be carried. Tanks, artillery pieces, heavy machine guns, etc. CAN be and ARE owned by private citizens who can afford them. Much of our artillery back in the day was privately owned. (The cannon the Mexicans took from Bexar was owned by the people of the community. They took it back and dared the Mexicans to come and to try and take it again.)
The “militia” part of the second means that “crew served” weapons would still be covered by it. Cannons were still covered under the first half of the amendment should a militia ever be necessary. But the second part covers individual small arms yes.
Also Congress would have to fund the citizen militias if they were ever actually needed. Hence “well regulated”.
Tod was you ever in the Military? sounds like to me that you probably was not, let me say if it wasn’t for scary looking guns or guns in general you wouldn’t have any rights. I and my brother’s and sisters that came before me faught with those scary looking guns that you arre referring to to keep you and your family and friends safe and for you to say stoopid crap like you just did. Plus the Police can’t stand out side your house 24/ 7 365….. So what it boils down to is that guns are not the… Read more »
Wrong. ABSOLUTELY wrong. The 2nd Amendment was written for exactly that purpose. To possess any weapon that can be carried at the very least. During the war of 1812, virtually all of our “warships” were privately owned vessels that carried cannons for defending against pirates and such. The founders stated that the people were to always be superior in equipment and number to any army that might be raised against them. Try reading the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers sometime by a nice warm fire in the family room.
The so-called “majority,” inaccurate as that statement might be, can choose to not exercise their rights. They have no right OR POWER to choose for the rest of us. That is how these things work. You, and others like you, would not like for the rest of us to be choosing for you, now would you???
Yes, the 2nd amendment, as written, means that the people have the right to bear the same arms as the military. No matter the tech. That being said, the founders made it clear that the bill of rights were only to be guaranteed to peaceable citizens. Nuclear and biological weapons involve research, materials, and fuel, as well as literally billions of dollars to fund said research AND the final product. No U.S. citizen has the funds to obtain a modern nuke along with fuel, storage, etc. All of that being said, the people should outgun the government with good reason.… Read more »
@Nemo What a stupid hypo! Most of the nations of this earth do not have the finances or expertise to store a nuclear weapon much less develop one. No Corporation, terrorist group, or private person on the planet has the facilities or finances to store a nuclear weapon much less develop a nuclear weapon.
You may as well conjure hypotheticals about how many screaming libtards does it take to drown out the noise of the gay pride parade.
I did Express “on a spectrum of weapons from rock to nuclear weapons” which indicated from the most accessible and weakest weapon to the hardest to acquire yet strongest type of weapon, to what end should the second amendment be infringed? Should the government be allowed to infringe on the transportation of explosives? Should the government be allowed to infringe on how people carry knives and pistols? Should the government be allowed to infringe on people’s access and storage of chemicals? For a government that is not supposed to infringe on a citizens right to bear arms, there is a… Read more »
The hatefulness of you d*** gun worshippers is appalling. You sociopaths lacking compassion and empathy for the murdered victims of gun violence does not take precedence over peoples right to life. Your stupid guns protect noone, that is a lie. How many TRAINED police and military die from some idiot’s gun? If a trained officer gets shot and killed in a gun battle, you can bet you will too. If a gunman takes you by surprise do you think you are going to have time to dig out your gun, or have the presence of mind and skill to kill… Read more »
One day U may need the assistance of an armed person I hope he tells U too f—k off.
I hope you melt Snowflake
Jerry, the second amendment is obsolete. People do not need gun nuts to defend them. They need to take guns out of the hands of gun nuts.
I guess if you’re ever unfortunate enough to be a victim of violent crime or a tyrannical government, Roger, you can use mean words to defend yourself.
Do you tell victims to just let it happen, too?
Some people slept through their civics class and it shows.
Let’s point out an obvious fact, at best there are 83,000 federal agents, there are (by FBI statistics) 130+ million armed Americans, there is no way the federal govt can take the guns without having to hire a bunch of replacements, in the event they make the mistake to try, the U.S. military will side with the people as will your local police because they have to return home at some point! I don’t leave my house with a gun on me! I keep a carbine in my truck! The AR15 is THE most popular rifle in the United States,… Read more »
Interesting. Two Communists democrats in a row. Wasn’t it “Swallowells” that said he would nuke Americans and lm has just stated that ” guns save no one ?
try swallows-well
commie dhimmi-rat d-suckers of America – exercise gun “control” @ your own risk
Hey bird brain firearms are used almost 3 million times a year in preventing violent assault, robbery ,rape, car jackings,and home breakins,and that is not even firing the weapon. Just displaying the firearm to the perpetrators stopped it. If you dont want to carry a firearm thats your business but dont tread on me with your baseless stupid remarks. The police will show up if you are assaulted but you will be laying in a pool of blood dead.
All that it would take for you to do is ‘Google’ and ‘Youtube’ “armed citizen stops attacker”, to see just how utterly STUPID your stance is on gun ownership…smh…I’d much rather criminals think of me as a ‘gun nut’ than a damn sitting-duck like yourself…pittiful.
Lol I’m not empathic because I want to defend myself? You’re hilarious. Have you ever heard of a gun range you dipshit we go there as much as possible to be ready you really think the bad guy is going to give a fuck about you and your feelings that he shouldn’t have a gun you’re retarded if you do.
Delusional dribble.
the CDC’s own research shows there are exponentially more instances of firearms saving life than taking it, in the hands of private citizens even… gasp!
Ever heard of “Timothy McVeigh “???? Didn’t fire one shot look what he did.. You can’t legislate the evil out of a person. We already have plenty of laws on the books saying it’s illegal to kill people. There are a lot of people that have protected themselves and others with firearms. You just have your head in the sand about it and only listen to the bias news networks that don’t want to report on it because it doesn’t fit their agenda.
I think I located a Video that explains the liberals theory on guns…
Video title “law abiding criminals”
Wow, explains the snowflake ideals…
The FBI says upwards of 2 million crimes are prevented or stopped by privately owned firearms. You want.to make 2 million more.victims, and call us hateful and sociopaths, maybe you should learn the subject or shut.your ignorant mouth.
LM. You sound like a freaking radicalized idiot.
Read your comment. I am afraid your logic and facts are in error. I my self have used my firearm to save my life in three differant times. If I hadn’t the ability to carry a gun three of my children would never be, nor would my four grand kids. My wife and daughter would have been on welfare and a drain on society. My firearm changed the course of history a bit. There is no place on this Earth where you could live without a scare of either someone with a firearm or a politician with an agenda. I’m… Read more »
Go to communist China,its for you.
Us owning a gun kills noone. People who harm other should be punished . I also could argue you lack empathy for the millions of people killed by there own tyrannical government. Including the us in 1994 1985 1970 and 1890 where is your empathy for those people murdered by guns and bombs in the hands of those very trained police and military. Heck I’d rather a cop or soldier die honorly then allow them to be the only one with guns and using those guns to kill non combatants or bomb entire neighborhoods (Move 1985) . I’m not Republican… Read more »
Fuck you you democratic communist. Without guns you surely have no chance. And if your that narrow minded ya might wanna read the stories of the genocide of the Jews,and people in Croatia. So shit you communist mouth and go crawl under the rock from sence you came
Just asking, what’s to say that a gun loon like us won’t stay away from you, and we’ll pull, say, an AR-15 on you? You are clearly anti-weapons, so if I or another gun loon were to pull a gun on you and you don’t have a gun, based on your ignorance and lack of willingness to defend yourself, what are you going to do? You have no gun; meanwhile, I have an AR-15 and am busy cocking and loading it. Whatcha gonna do, outrun the bullet? Pull up a damned force field? No! You get shot through the head… Read more »
LM Let me say ,,,, you are either Ritch or a Just a flat out DUMB FUCK ,to think cops have all the time in the world to be outside your house protecting you, You people blame the guns but not the one’s who makes the decision to pick up the gun. You see the gun can’t kill anything it can’t stand it has to be picked up.,so stop blaming the tool start blaming the one using it.
I was a police officer for a good number of years. I am very skilled with and without weapons. “Police” training is absolutely deplorable. I out-shot everybody on the line at my first qualification shoot (you only have to score 70% on a stationary, non-violent paper target to qualify!) with the first handgun I had ever owned and had only shot once. Scored 298 out of 300. The police, on average, miss criminal targets about twice as often as armed citizens. I think I saw a figure at one time that the “hit rate” was like police=25%, everyday citizens either… Read more »
It’s instructive to read LM’s comments.. Note that he talks about the “hatefulness” of those he disagrees with, and then goes on to call them “d*** gun worshippers” and “sociopaths” and writes “you are stupid” in “that gun cult” and that they have “ridiculous minds” with “dangerous fake ideas.” It’s one step up from word salad – you can almost envision the spittle on his monitor from his screams as he pounds out his diatribe. He’s so full of anger, hatred, bile, and intolerance for those he disagrees with, that he can’t address an issue without assuming everyone else is… Read more »
You have a good point. Let’s take away ALL items that can hurt a person .. Knives, forks, cars, gasoline, planes, trees, sticks, glass. Oh, wait… Cavemen died because of a lack of necessities. I have owned guns for years and my guns have never killed a single person. I have lost many friends in car accidents and to alcohol or drugs. Those 3 items alone kill many times more people than guns… Nobody is wanting those items outlawed… Bats, ink pens, high heeled shoes, belts, oh my, I did not realise EVERYTHING INANIMATE OBJECT has the potential to kill… Read more »
LM you are woefully wrong on so many levels, number one your statement “Your stupid guns protect no one”. Are you like five years old? Anyway the CDC just came out with a report that an estimated 800 k to 2 million people were saved because of guns. Even at the lowest estimate that’s 100 times more people saved then by those lost. Number two, an armed society is a polite society, and the idea is that there are more good people than bad. So if a gunman went berserk and managed to kill someone they got the drop on… Read more »
Anti-constitutionalist’s sense of morality is situational, based on incident and emotion, instead of rooted in God’s word and law.
Anti-constitutionalist’s stand for nothing. The situation determines their support for an issue and their emotions rule, not reason and rationality.
Moreover, they recognize the contradiction, but still cling to their situational justice. Situational justice is the tool of dictators, tyrants, despots, and unjust, unrighteous monarchs. It has no place in a free constitutional republic. In which the United States of America is……………….
Anti-Constitutionalist’s=Anti-Americans=Enemies of the United States…
Wake up, first this is a Republic not a pure democracy., When lunch mobs hung blacks, did that make it right?
Our Bill of Rights is not about a majority, which you claim, probably from a CNN poll.
I would own whatever it takes to protect my family and our Republic. I don’t have to own nucs lmao. I just have to own arms to make tyrants understand, it would not be easy, if they decide to destroy that Republic.
It has no place in a free constitutional republic. In which the United States of America is……………….
As stated above…
Well heaven for bid , but if our wonderful country is ever attacked , those who stand against the 2nd amendment will undoubtedly be sucking their thumbs cowering behind ,,, those who standup for the 2nd amendment to bear arms and use their so called pacifiers to defend this country, themselves,and their fellow countrymen.
When all you anti gun mouth breathers want my guns. Come get them. When it comes time to put up or shut up. You will show your true color, yellow. All of you self absorbed keyboard warriors are all safe and secure in your illusionary worlds. However, reality is much more harsh and unforgiving. So, like I said, when your ready to take my guns. Come and get them. Reality isn’t a news story on google. Reality isn’t on your phone or laptop. Reality is obviously a realm that you do not live in. The city of Columbus will lose… Read more »
Rodney, right on.
Anyone who wants to destroy or eliminate a person’s right to own and bear firearms is an enemy to the Constitution, the Bill of rights and the American people.
Interesting that UCLA chimed in on an issue in OH. Don’t they have some kids who paid giant tuitions to educate, rather than step into political battles?
they’re too dumb to keep from stepping in s**t out there
If home rule is so damn important to Columbus, then why are they so quick to override the home rule of gun owners trying to protect their homes, families, and liberties?
At least those things. Anyone against our God given rights should never be allowed to attempt procreation again. This would also help cut down on government funded abortion. The irresponsible people and the mentally immature are really the same thing. Idiots!
When we lose our 2nd amendment rights you can throw the constitution out the window, other amendments won’t be far behind. Think about it, our forefathers did.
Read thru the lines it’s never about guns but it more about control of the population by banning guns and having America first Holocaust. History repeats itself until all elites are dead. Direct energy weapon or the orbital canon. Secret Detroit base manufacturing alien weapons and dark government on both sides far left and far right. Queen Elizabeth wants the United States without Americans she lost the declaration of Independence think about that. They want our country but wants to banned anything NRA has do not infringe on it. When it happens we’re all fucked. Unless you’re a Freemason. Their… Read more »
How interesting… I had no idea that there were Nazi Jews… “Sieg Heil” Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein!
Ever hear of Gyorgy Swartz? aka George Soros.
You must be dumber than a box of dirt. One day your sorry liberal ass will need the protection of a responsible person with a gun, not a police officer, I hope they tell you to kiss their ass as they walk away. Owning a gun is a big responsibility but appreciating our constitutional rights is a larger responsibility. Liberal morons like you need to move Venezuela, Cuba or Russia and enjoy true freedoms offered by atheists government.
“A registered fire arm is worthless against tyranny !”
R. Kelley
Think about it, why you register a gun with a government you may have to defend yourself against ?
I have an idea, Columbus can become it’s own country. Municipalities have no business micromanaging my constitutional gun rights. As a taxpayer I don’t even agree with the courts entertaining this. If governor dewine wouldn’t have to fund such cat fights we’d have money for our infrastructure. This dibalicle, and those like it are what’s dividing the country not one particular individual. As the constitution of the “United States ” and “ohio” state: an individual has the right to bear arms for defense and security , neither document states anything about micromanaging individual rights.
I agree with us. The guns taken from law abiding citizen only make sure u. Cant defend yourself screw that enforce the laws on the books but don’t mess with my god given rights to keep and bear arms
Actually the Constitution say the it “shall not be infringed.” Since 2008 and 2010 with HELLER and McDonald the United States Bill of Rights is controlling and the State Supreme Court has to follow both the State and Federal Constitutions.
Not only do municipalities not have the power to micromanage your right to bear arms, neither does anyone else. It is a right. Not a privilege. It is not given to you by the government, or any individual. Every single gun law ever made, federal or state, is unconstitutional, and infringes upon that right. I might also add, the same goes for any of our other rights. The government has no say over any of them. The willingness of some to accept Just a few “common sense” gun laws, is the crux of our problem. A problem that began as… Read more »
I concur. We have the right to keep and BEAR arms. The approval of the government or any of the leftist sheep reading this and posting their comments is NOT required.
What do you consider a military weapon? Why dont we just make murder illegal? Oh wait it is. See criminals dont care about laws. That’s why they are criminals. So why do you want to punish law abiding citizens?
Glad Columbus will eventually win, as will similar suits and laws across the country. A handful of activist judges upended the historical understanding and preservation of the Constitution in selfish pursuit of “individual gun ownership”, found nowhere in the Constitution, and now that moment is rapidly eroding. All these nutters celebrating school shootings and idolizing public shootouts aren’t enough to stop the majority from getting back to the rational practice of limiting and documenting ownership & use of firearms. To think some people associate themselves with gun nuts in the name of “hunting” and “sport” is laughable.
You seem to misunderstand the term ; ‘ Bill of Rights ‘ ! All of the first ten amendments are individual rights , not states rights ! Perhaps some ” Workers Paradise ” would be a better fit for you !
Columbus has already lost and should be punished severely. No state or city has standing or authority to make gun laws, they gave that up upon ratification of the second amendment. The 10th amendment doesn’t apply since the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not the infringed is in the Constitution as is the supremacy clause and equal protection clause. And yes the individual right to own guns is in the Constitution Amendment II A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear… Read more »
Nope, have you read the second amendment? It’s all about “individual gun ownership.” The only thing that is laughable is your lack of understanding American History.
You’re another idiot that thinks the military and police should be the only people with guns. Let’s see you defend yourself with a baseball bat when two or more intruders break into your house with their own weapons. You and your family will be dead or dying by the time the police arrive. You live in a fantasy world but whatever, go ahead and continue to believe that the police will save you in time.
LOL Captain America that’s funny He better take Thor with Him because it’s the only defense Francis will have, A Hammer agents a gun that’s a no brainer .
Keep dreaming
You will never get it until it’s too late, for you that is. Good luck dying at the hands of a criminal while waiting for the police, who by the way, have no duty to protect you.
You are an idiot no way do law abiding gun OWNERS condone any kind of violence we dred the day and hope it never comes that we would have to shoot someone. Hunting has been in our lifes since beginning of time. Responsible gun owning tax paying citizens are common sense people.
The way I see it, the USA is a free country by the constitution. You have the right to express your opinion. So do I, if you don’t like it leave the country.
Columbus is going to lose on this one. The state supreme court already decided it. It is likely the suit will be dismissed long before it ever hopes to get to the Ohio supreme court. As another stated, the Bill of Right are individual right to protect against government tyranny. The 2nd is included in that. Being an individual gun owner and enthusiast equates in no way to celebrating mass murder. The firearm is a tool, just vehicles that have been used for mass murder. Negligent driving, medical malpractice and obesity each cause more deaths every year than firearm use… Read more »
You need your momma to read & explain to you the 2nd Amendment t in the Constitution of The United States.
activist judge = useless libtard d-sucker in high school graduation robe. usually a bush, clit-on, or taqiyya-bama appointee.
The “nutters” you refer to are the media and leftist politicians who make tremendous amounts of money off of these horrific crimes that are virtually always committed by people who support them. There is an agenda. If you’ve been paying attention for any serious length of time, you will see that these “events” occur more often in and leading up to election years.
The Constitution is the Supreme law of the land. So no City Clunc5il, Mayor, DA, Governor etc. can make any law contrary to the United States Constitution.
So your legislation passed. Then passed again by a 2/3 majority. Which is also upheld by your state constitution. But because you dont like it you are going to sue? This is literally the will of the people. Fuck this guy.
It’s not the will of ALL THE PEOPLE! you can’t speak for me.
Ma’am (yes, I am assuming, with respect, your gender, nor is it germane to the discourse), he is NOT speaking for you. Only you can do that from the realm of the individualist– as are we all, individualists. The statement “will of the people” seems to be confusing you. The “will of the people” is a term of collective democracy of the governed as a majorative that creates law. The individual will ALWAYS be a minorative term in a society ruled by a majority decision. You choose to live with the law of the land determined by the “will of… Read more »
Who’s paying for city council lawsuit? The tax payer. If the are unsuccessful the cost should fall on the individual council members to reimburse the tax payers
Those individuals aren’t bringing suit, the city of Columbus is… by taxpayers who voted for the officials who would do exactly this. You can’t get around it, you’re in the losing minority and failing more every day.
You must not be a liberal. Were you a liberal you would know there’s no such thing as “taxpayer’s money”, just an allowance that the liberal politicians allow taxpayers to keep after taking what they want.
God given rights is not right man wrote the law back in days we was fighting the British.murdering the indians. When we had to hunt for food and kill foxs coyotes big bad bears coming after the stock.we did not have the killing machines we have today .and this is not the old west laws need to reflect the times and keep us safe from guns falling into the wrong hands and military weapons of war should not be in the hands of those not in service at time of war so grow up .stop helpping the killers get guns… Read more »
Grow up how childish we have the right to bear arms .
What a pussy.
Your second amendment right is the only right that ensures all of your rights are not taken away, u grow up and realize this has NOTHING to do with hunting….and it’s spelled speech
The old farts knew any government can become tyrannical and the only way to have a revolution and liberty is either at the end of a rope, or the cold feeling of hot lead. Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” .. as for me I will fight for my liberty and my 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Brilliant men endowed with knowledge on loan from God.
Let me start by saying, I do not own a gun. I believe in the right to own one, period. “Grow up” , I say wake up. What stops people from doing drugs…. the law? I guess that’s why there is a heroin epidemic. So, since the average person can by drugs in a matter of minutes, how long do you think it takes a criminal to by a gun. Make the gun laws stricter, yep, that will work about as well as prohibition did. Sad to say this but put guns into damn near everyone’s hands. Then, no one… Read more »
That’s the solution, Matt. Thank you for your support of the 2nd Amendment and the inalienable right to protect oneself. You’ve made the choice not to own a gun, which is absolutely fine. Thank you for not trying to push that on everyone else like the socialist democrats are trying to do.
You obviously have no understanding of the purpose of the 2nd amendment.
I’ve had”military style guns” in my cabinet for years.. never hurt anyone..bad people kill people..
Agreed. My Military style weapons are inanimate objects that require human intervention to operate.
Rae you are correct and I agree! 100%
You need to learn to spell, and proper grammar and punctuation. Otherwise you come off as being uneducated and stupid. Oh wait…I guess actually you are!!
Actually the arms we had then were rifled Kentucky flint locks which were far superior to the brown bess rifles the military had. Besides when they wrote the bill of rights they had not just come back from deer hunting.
If you listened to president Obama and secretary Clinton free speech DOES kill. They both said so on national TV. They said the man in Florida who made a film caused ALL the deaths in Bengazi.
Rae..You are so full of SHIT it isn’t funny…You seem to think that the firearms of 250 years ago only killed you slightly dead and that the firearms of today kill you really dead…. You must be an expert on forensics ??
Rae let me say if someone breaks into your home and uses a knife or something else and hearts you or a loved one your going to kick your self in the ass and say I wish I had a gun, you people need to understand stand it’s not the tool it’s the one using it .there are people out there that get a hold of a knife easier than a gun, You don’t need a background check for that.
About 12 years ago I came home about 1AM and found my front door open. The storm door was closed, but I watched the frost form on the glass. There was no other vehicles around, so I knew someone had just got inside. I sat in my car and waited 15 minutes, hoping they would know I was outside, so they’d leave. This was just before we had cell phones; So I got out with my 22 and approached the front door and yelled. I cracked the door and yelled again; and didn’t hear anything. Went in and cleared the… Read more »
Wow, you left your door open and saw nobody but needed a gun like a pacifier. Don’t publicly share how sad you are, it’s really embarrassing.
Nope is a dope.
He well might have been much sadder if he did not have a firearm!
Maybe when you come home and find yourself facing a criminal and he attacks you, with your weapon, see how well you fair, waiting for YOUR protection, that 1 hour cop. Good luck with that turdball. I’ll use my 44 mag., that will blow your criminal head clean off.
Nope, too bad Tim didn’t have you there to protect him.
This is such a dumb take. No local, state, or federal govt. has the right to take away your God given (Constitutional) rights. Letting a handful of people create an ordinance that circumvents your Constitutional rights is stupid. If they can do this, what is to stop them from saying Columbus has an ordinance that says women aren’t allowed to vote. I know that seems ridiculous as an example but is only because the idea itself is that dumb. The Constitution is an incredible document and once you start letting people ignore it, we are all screwed.
About 12 years ago I came home about 1AM and found my front door open. The storm door was closed, but I watched the frost form on the glass. There was no other vehicles around, so I knew someone had just got inside. I sat in my car and waited 15 minutes, hoping they would know I was outside, so they’d leave. This was just before we had cell phones; So I got out with my 22 and approached the front door and yelled. I cracked the door and yelled again; and didn’t hear anything. Went in and cleared the… Read more »
God given rights is not right man wrote the law back in days we was fighting the British.murdering the indians. When we had to hunt for food and kill foxs coyotes big bad bears coming after the stock.we did not have the killing machines we have today .and this is not the old west laws need to reflect the times and keep us safe from guns falling into the wrong hands and military weapons of war should not be in the hands of those not in service at time of war so grow up .stop helpping the killers get guns… Read more »
Really! Have you been in Antifa controlled Portland Oregon. God forbid you speak out against anything Antifa believes and you get the crap beat out of you. Some of those people open carry guns. So either way, when you exercise your first amendment right, you just don’t know how it will end.
And if you want to keep that freedom of speech you may want to make sure you protect that second amendment.
Fuck you you democratic communist. Without guns you surely have no chance. And if your that narrow minded ya might wanna read the stories of the genocide of the Jews,and people in Croatia. So shit you communist mouth and go crawl under the rock from sence you came
God given rights are you have Spears and rocks. We have multiple ton cars and chemical’s in your house that can create bombs. What happened to mental heath care? Pills don’t fix a broken heart.
Kasich is proof RINOS are not “better than a democrat”
You don’t see how this allows a municipality to ignore the constitution huh?
You need to stop and think about how dangerous it is to allow local politicians to say, “they 1st, 2nd, 12th, or 14th amendment”, for example is irrelevant because me and the other eight Democrats on City Council want something different. Wise up.
OR these pro-socialism people who post on here and how it would slap them in the face if they suddenly found themselves without 4th amendment protections from “no warrant” searches of their homes in the middle of the night or their person randomly on the street. “We run the city! We don’t need to follow no stinkin’ 4th amendment! Do as WE say!” And, no, you couldn’t vote them out, either, because they would also have done away with elections. You morons don’t have a clue, and that’s just the way the people YOU vote for like it.
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON. This doesn’t say unless your mayor thinks different. No government should be able to deny me my constitutional rights.
The government did not give you any right to own a firearm
The house and senate both voted on the bill of rights, reread the 2nd one
No, they did not; you are correct on that. The 2nd, etc., confer nor right, they RECOGNIZE and are supposed to PROTECT an inherent right. (Ooops, do I have to define “inherent” for you?) Ok – you HAVE it because YOU EXIST.
Correct 1. Freedom of speech 2. Bear arms
Must b good reason they made those 2 1st
For a militia, but you only pick & choose without discernment.
Nope, what is a militia? It’s a citizen army. So before you pick and choose make sure you no the definition of the words. I think I know why you tag yourself as nope, it’s because when asked if you had an IQ nope was your answer.
Hey Nope what do you get when you cross a Donkey and a Democrat ?………… You give up? You get a whiny anti-gun activists like you .
I’m with Columbus on this. States’ rights and in this case Cities’ Rights are very important. Keep power decentralized. Of course it’s bad to kill gun rights, but Federal and State preemption is a bad precedent and a tyrannical principle in general. The default position on every policy ought to be “let the localities decide”.
meaning any d-sucker in a state can determine your rights
You don’t see how this allows a municipality to ignore the constitution huh?
You need to stop and think about how dangerous it is to allow local politicians to say, “they 1st, 2nd, 12th, or 14th amendment”, for example is irrelevant because me and the other eight Democrats on City Council want something different. Wise up.
This is such a dumb take. No local, state, or federal govt. has the right to take away your God given (Constitutional) rights. Letting a handful of people create an ordinance that circumvents your Constitutional rights is stupid. If they can do this, what is to stop them from saying Columbus has an ordinance that says women aren’t allowed to vote. I know that seems ridiculous as an example but is only because the idea itself is that dumb. The Constitution is an incredible document and once you start letting people ignore it, we are all screwed.
by that logic the states can just stop letting blacks vote.
no, the state has the responsibility to protect its citizens rights
It has nothing to do with race but since you want to bring up race let’s talk about the liberal white supremacists Australian that shot up a church and start hatred wars David Duke should has been held responsible. Why is the white nationalist shithole targeting everyone freedom. Why can the white supremacists go back to Europe? We have no room for hate. Pack your bags flash your birth certificate around to ICE department since you support hate of one race when everyone is to blame. I have birth certificate here in American no criminal record. YouTube why all whites… Read more »
Cry me a river, whiny a$$. I didn’t hear you once talk about the illegals assaulting and killing U.S. citizens and visitors from other countries (those legally visiting). You sound like a racist to me.
However, I will say that you have wonderful writing skills. Oh, wait, that was for someone else, not you.
@ Hernandez Are you even a legal citizen of this country. If so you have not studied history or OUR Constitution and Bill of Rights. As whites we have a right to be here. You are singing the liberal song of all whites are bad. The founders and the people that secured our freedom were all white people. Get over it or move on.
Gun safety laws work. America has the worst per capita gun violence rate in the developed world. States with stricter gun safety laws have lower gun violence rates per capita than states with lax gun safety laws. Responsible gun owners embrace gun safety. Gun violence is not inevitable.
Wow your no better than the socialist liberals trying to strip the country of our freedoms and rights.
People like you should be tried and deported for treason.
deport won’t solve the problem
penalty for treason= death
Heil hitler Boris!!!!
d-suckers don’t like 2A? strip down to socks & underwear, get on an open barge to your favorite commie s**t-hole, don’t come back. dog-s**t is more valuable than you are.
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