United States – -(AmmoLand.com)-Â Earlier, I noted that Second Amendment supporters were winning the big arguments surrounding our freedoms. The winning arguments have always been there for Second Amendment supporters, and the landmark Heller and McDonald cases have shifted the terrain. But with these victories have come adjustments from anti-Second Amendment extremists over the last few years.
Unable to refute arguments in support of our Second Amendment rights, anti-Second Amendment extremists have taken to trying to suppress the ability of Second Amendment supporters to make their case to the American people in earnest. Back when McCain-Feingold was being debated, Michael Barnes, then the President of the Brady Campaign (formerly HCI), explained his support for the legislation because it would muzzle the NRA, while giving the Brady Campaign’s supporters in the media free reign.
Lately, though, it has taken on a new intensity. Part of this has been the shift we have seen since the Heller and McDonald rulings. What gave it the impetus was the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Realizing that the admissions of Barney Frank and Dick Gephardt in 1999 after the NRA beat back an effort to destroy gun shows had made Second Amendment supporters seem human to supporters of gun control, not to mention those on the fence, they switched to a smear campaign strategy.
We’ve seen it take place over the years… spurring an effort to stigmatize support for the Second Amendment, and effort to get companies to coerce FFLs and firearms manufacturers into complying with the wish lists of anti-Second Amendment extremists, and more pushes for legislative measures, like HR 1, intended to make the stigmatization easier, and the National Popular Vote Compact.
When the facts are out and people can consider them rationally, Second Amendment supporters can win the debate quite easily. For instance, one look at Justice Department stats blows the arguments for banning modern multi-purpose semi-automatic firearms out of the water. Few Americans realize that rifles of all types were used to kill about a fourth as many people as knives – and if that were to become common knowledge, the push by Feinstein to replicate what was done in New Zealand would be the laughingstock it should be.
So, what do we get? Well, Hollywood stars and other cultural influencers have turned up their efforts. Just to give you a sense of that pull, Ellen Pompeo, star of Grey’s Anatomy on ABC, has about twice as many followers on Twitter as the NRA. She’s just one anti-Second Amendment actress among many. That star power is pushed behind the narrative that support for the Second Amendment is complicity in mass killings.
That jumbo-sized lie has been a lot more effective, especially after the Parkland shooting. Now, it is not unusual to see boycotts leveled at media figures who are supportive of the Second Amendment. Protestors show up at homes. Speaking out in support of the Second Amendment can even cost some professional opportunities Silicon Valley is silencing pro-Second Amendment voices. Andrew Cuomo has started down the road to the thuggish tactics of the Maduro regime in Venezuela and the Erdogan regime in Turkey.
In many ways, Second Amendment supporters have winning arguments and facts. In fact, these days, the biggest fight may be to preserve our ability to make those arguments and present those facts. This fight may be the biggest one of all.
About Harold Hutchison
Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.
“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.”
– Thomas Jefferson
The ignorant usually sway to the left, and by proxy become Anti-Constitutionalist’s. Anti-Constitutionalist’s=Anti-Americans=Enemies of the United States… Anti-constitutionalist’s sense of morality is situational, based on incident and emotion, instead of rooted in God’s word and law. Anti-constitutionalist’s stand for nothing. The situation determines their support for an issue and their emotions rule, not reason and rationality. Moreover, they recognize the contradiction, but still cling to their situational justice. Situational justice is the tool of dictators, tyrants, despots, and unjust, unrighteous monarchs. It has no place in a free constitutional republic. In which the United States of America is………………. Weapon prohibitionists… Read more »
In the United States of America was founded on Government “BY THE PEOPLE”. Yet it feels more like Government at and upon the people, by constantly dictating to the people how we have to live our lives. Our recent history proves The Civil Rights non-violent marches were quite effective. I suggest the Bill of Rights and Second Amendment supporters organize a Bill of Rights nation wide march. Pick a weekend date, and march on our nations capital in Washington DC. For those who cannot get there, on that same date they can march on their state capital. Also boycotts can… Read more »
Well, if suppression of our rights by the lies and emotionalism that are the anti-gun lobby’s stock and trade are successful, then we have only a few options left. It is akin to being pushed into a corner by a foe using dirty tactics and seeking your demise. At least for some of us, taking a knee and bowing the head in preparation for a killing blow is unconscionable. So, we fight back with whatever weapon is left to us. That can well include armed resistance, and the choice not to comply with evil-driven mandates. It becomes a matter of… Read more »
Tell this to Sen. Lindsey “Every Right Has Limits” Graham.
Great job Harold.
F all the haters on ammolanD comments section…
F ing bunk.