By John Crump

Concord, New Hampshire –-( state with the motto “Live Free or Die” and in 2017 instituted constitutional carry has advanced more gun control bills through the legislature.
New Hampshire is known for being a libertarian-leaning haven. Being libertarian also includes some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country.
If New Hampshire House Democrats get their way, then that will soon change. On Tuesday, the bill known as HB514 passed the Democrat-controlled legislative body by a vote of 199-147. The proposed law would instate a seven-day waiting period on gun purchases.
The passage of the bill comes on the hills of the New Hampshire House passing a red flag law last week. Democrats plan on pushing through more gun bills in the coming days.
Supporters of the waiting period bill claim that the proposed law would save lives in the Granite State.
“Waiting periods can and do save lives by preventing impulsive acts of violence and suicide,” House Majority Leader Doug Ley said at a press conference after signing the bill. “Our most important job as legislators is to protect and preserve the health and safety of all New Hampshire citizens, and I am pleased that the House voted today to do just that. It is imperative that New Hampshire join the ranks of states that take this important action to avoid violent tragedy.”
Rep Lay claims that the suicide rate in the state has increased by 50% since 1999. He ties these increased rates of suicide to not having a waiting period for guns. New Hampshire has currently ranked 32nd for suicides the country. New Jersey sits as number one.
Groups like the New Hampshire Firearm Safety Coalition and the Brady Campaign have pushed for these waiting periods. Democrats have worked closely with anti-gun groups to restrict the rights of New Hampshire citizens.
The NRA and other gun rights groups have vowed to fight back against the proposed law. They call it an assault on the New Hampshire State resident’s Second Amendment rights. They call the mandatory waiting period on purchasing firearms a way to ban private sales since the bill would require a waiting period on those sales as well.
Gun rights advocates also point the tragic death of Carol Bowne as proof as for why gun waiting periods are a terrible idea. In that case, the New Jersey resident took out a restraining order against her violent ex-boyfriend.
Knowing that wasn’t going to stop him, Browne filed with the Berlin Township Police for a pistol permit. While she was still waiting for the permit, her ex-boyfriend showed up and murdered her by repeatedly slabbing Browne.
House Democrats also introduced and passed HB109 by a margin of 203-148. Democrats say that the bill would require a background check on “commercial sales” of firearms as well as a seven-day waiting period for guns. That makes it sound like a business to a business deal.
Reading the text of the bill reveals that House Democrats consider private gun sales at a gun show a commercial deal. Republicans see this as another way of banning private gun sales. Gun shows have long been a target of the anti-gun groups.
Both bills will now advance to the Democrat-controlled New Hampshire Senate where both proposed laws are expected to pass.
Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, who ran on “no new gun laws,” is expected to veto the two bills.
About John Crump
John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at
I’ve heard that time heals all wounds, but can someone explain how the waiting period can cure depression permanently, thus stopping suicides? Which medical study did this concept come from? With chuckle headed liberals, maybe the state motto should be “Live free, or not.”
The slogan “live free or die” has become just a slogan. The stat of NH is caving to the spreading cancerous democrats.
Is the reason for this turn from conservative being fueled by the voters not being concerned and patriotic enough to be involved? If that is the reason then it is time for a wake-up call before all is lost. Once it is lost there will be no getting it back and it won’t be fun.
Has anyone ever found a document that has detailed how many illegal shootings have occurred within 7 days of a person purchasing and bringing home a firearm?
This what happens when Democrats run our Education in our country. Just Face it North East you people are doomed to live under the Iron fist of the Democrat Party.
I dont know if 7 days is going to stop the suicide thing.
Lately a lot of famous people have hung themselves. Might want to put 7 day wait on rope? Heroin? Any opioid? Cars and trucks? Buildings over 2 floors? Cliffs over 4 feet? Hell I don’t know, maybe we should start helping our mentally ill people first?
This is what I have been saying for some time, this Virus from the Demo-Rats and Libs is what they want, they have most of the North East under their control, now they are moving inland, Vermont and Pa are the next targets, just get a copy of what the Demo-Rats are trying to pass in Pa now, it is totally out of control, it is just like the West Coast, it has moved into Nevada, who is next??????? These fools move from states that they have destroyed, tax and restrict, then move to another state but don’t leave their… Read more »