NRA & CRPA WIN: Federal Court Strikes Down California’s Gun Magazine Ban

A Magazine Ban is a Gun Ban
A Magazine Ban is a Gun Ban

California – -( Today, a federal district court issued a decision permanently enjoining California from enforcing its restrictions on standard capacity magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

This monumental victory comes in the NRA and CRPA supported lawsuit titled Duncan v. Becerra, which challenges all of California’s laws banning so-called “large-capacity” magazines.

In issuing its decision, the court notes that “[c]onstitutional rights stand through time holding fast through the ebb and flow of current controversy,” and that governments cannot turn “millions of responsible, law-abiding people trying to protect themselves into criminals” for simply exercising their Second Amendment rights.

California will no doubt appeal the decision to the Ninth Circuit. Given that Duncan is not yet final, California gun owners should still exercise caution when interacting with law enforcement. NRA and CRPA attorneys will soon update members on what exactly this ruling means for California gun owners.

More details and guidance will be provided in future NRA and CRPA information bulletins. To stay up-to-date on the Duncan case and other important Second Amendment issues affecting California gun owners, visit And be sure to subscribe to NRA-ILA and CRPA email alerts by visiting and

Additional Comments by Anthony Colandro

Duncan v. Becerra by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News on Scribd

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Steve Miller

This column is censored Fuck You!

Steve Miller

Your state is a complete mess. Probably why New Yorkers come to NH where I live to buy their Liquor and cigarettes. We have no gun issues here.

Steven Miller

I wish I could. I live in NH. We have no restrictions or gun violence either.

Steve Miller

Law Abiding Gun Owners should not have their Second Amendment rights restricted. Enforce the existing gun laws of American Citizens. Prosecute those not legally able to own any gun.

Kevin L.

I second Randy’s comment. New York is really getting hard to be a lawful gun owner. Cuomo won’t be happy until nobody can possess a firearm. He can’t figure it out that criminals don’t follow gun laws and that it just hurts the gun owners that follow the laws. New laws don’t deter crime. Need to prosecute the laws to the fullest extent of the law and stop plea bargains. Put the criminals where they belong. Oh that’s right, Cuomo wants to shut prisons down too!


Will someone come and stand.for the law abiding citizens of New York State? We have more regulations on our 2nd Amendment that is only or possibly more restrictive than Chicago. We Need Help Here!

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