Oregon – -(AmmoLand.com)- As we told you previously, April 2 2019 has been the day chosen for hearing anti-gun bills in Oregon’s Senate Judiciary Committee.
Until today, we have not been told which bills would be heard. Now it was announced that on April 2 at 8 AM the Senate Judiciary Committee would be hearing SB 978.
The hearing will be in Room 50 in the basement of the Oregon Capitol Building.
SB 978 seems to be a very innocuous bill that gun owners should have no interest in, or concern over.
The summary of the bill says:
Directs Department of State Police to conduct study on reporting of attempted unlawful firearm transfers and present report on findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September 15, 2020.
Who could argue with that? But here is the problem.
All bills have a “relating clause.” This bill’s relating clause says “Relating to firearms.” This means that every single word of the bill can be stripped out and replaced with completely different anti-gun language as long as that language relates to firearms.
(These fake bills are called “place holders.”)
We believe the Oregon Democrats are playing “hide the ball” with gun confiscation bills.
While they are required to give advance notice of hearings on bills, they have almost no requirements to share information on “amendments” until, quite literally, the very last minute.
We think that could very well be happening with this bill.
Unless the Senate Judiciary Committee shares other bills they plan to hear (and they are running out of time to do that) it appears they will be holding a hearing on this bill and not allowing Oregonians to know what “amendments” they plan to introduce to make this an extreme anti-gun bill. Of course, the point of this would be to prevent you from knowing their plans so you would have no time to prepare arguments against them.
This is the worst type of deceit.
If the Democrats decide to share what they will be trying to ram through on April 2nd we will let you know. But for now, it seems they are determined to keep it secret so you cannot prepare a response.
If you can be at the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing at 8 am on April 2nd, 2019, your presence would be incredibly important. You will have to be prepared to testify on changes to the bill that will have been kept secret from you until the last minute. But that is how the Democrats roll in Oregon now.
Please come. Please be ready. And please understand what an underhanded game the Oregon Democrats are playing.
SB 978 has received its first “amendment.” We have not had time to analyze it in depth (it’s 44 pages) but is a gun grabber’s dream. We’ll provide more info in an upcoming email but for now, here it is. Remember, this bill is due to be heard at 8am on April 2nd in Senate Judiciary. Plan to be there early.
About Oregon Firearms Federation:
The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org
£ibs are £iars!
Well I was thinking of retiring and moving to Oregon but since they are going stupid now also I’ll just keep looking!!
Simply amazing how these so call “Law Makers” take the Oath to protect the Constitution, then once in office, they learn the trade craft of deception through word smithing. They then go forward with 44 pages that clearly rewrite the definition of many Firearm items, then repackage it as Constitutional. This trickery was first Mastered in The Washington State Legislature in 2016. Carpet bagger and 2nd destroyer Michael Bloomberg from NY, Yes he is the mastermind behind the destruction of the 2nd Amendment. It was a huge success and caught many Washingtonians off guard. Such a success that “THEY:” are… Read more »
Gee! Musta went to government school in good ole californicate. This is a daily happening in the brown state. Oh, gov gruesome pissed off a few well to do voters and a recall is being instituted. Say it ain’t so…..stay tuned. Let’s face ir, our 2nd amendment rights are under hard attack, and it is up each individual 2nd amendment follower to see to it that the anti’s don’t get their way.
Gun grabbers being deceitful. Say it isn’t so. Most have let it be know that they will never be satisfied until all guns are banned and confiscated.
And remove their ability to label their anti-constitutional bills as “emergencies” – when there clearly is no emergency other than to give these self-righteous nut jobs a quick fix of anti-Americanism. These people have a sickness inside of them, and it must be quarantined before it’s too late.