Oregon Firearms Federation Calls for OR Republicans to WALK OUT Over SB 978


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Oregon Firearms Federation Calls for OR Republicans to WALK OUT Over SB 978

Oregon – -(AmmoLand.com)- Our backs are against the wall. If Oregon Democrat’s Omnibus gun control bill, SB 978 passes almost all of us are at risk of becoming felons. It is that simple.

SB 978 was created to turn as many Oregon gun owners of us as possible into criminals.

Virtually all Democrats support this bill.

There is one tool to stop it. The Senate Republicans have to take a courageous stand and WALK OUT.

Period. That is the only hand they have to play. If they don’t, your gun rights will be gone, end of story.

  • You will be a criminal if someone steals your gun.
  • You will be a criminal if you own an older firearm that never had a serial number.
  • You will be a criminal if you don’t lock up your guns.
  • You will be a criminal if you DO lock up your guns.
  • You will be a felon if you drive NEAR a “public building” with a firearm.
  • You can go to prison for 5 years for picking up a friend or family member at an airport.
  • You will be a criminal if you have ever built a firearm at home.

In short, you will be a criminal if you do virtually all things normal law-abiding gun owners do.

The time is short. If Oregon Republican Senators don’t walk out and deny the Democrats a quorum we will have very little chance of saving any gun rights in Oregon.

Please take a moment to demand Oregon Republican Senators take a stand to keep their supporters out of prison.

Please take action here.

Oregon Firearms FederationAbout Oregon Firearms Federation:

The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org

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Dan LaMoreaux

I would like to remind the “Powers that be” of one simple fact, they themselves are proud to be Americans.
*Note: a proud American is someone who is a descendant (most of us, at least) of people who were considered rabble rousers by the establishment and they rebelled.

Keep pushing us like you have been, and you’ll see another revolution.


I was thinking of moving out to Oregon!! I no longer have that plan in mind! And now my family is looking to move back out of Oregon!! It is a beautiful state but now just to visit ! I guess they don’t want law abiding citizens who don’t want to be pressured moving there ! Their loss! Now to find a constitutional carry state who would like to have hard working professional people who pay taxes move into their state!! Please send me info and pictures of your constitutional carry state and why I would want to live there!… Read more »

Dennis Nowik

The republicans are wimps.

Jeff Ellis

SB 978 was drafted by constitutional criminals. I identify these dishonable “pick-and-choosers for what they are: Constitutional criminals. They are cruel, brutish, intolerant bullies who demand total conformaty. Their goal is never to persuade, not debate. It is to humiliate and vilify all who hesitate to support them. Their ultimate objective is to destroy independent thought. They are not good people, not good citizens.

Frank L Lengele Jr

If you Oregon Republicans have any testicular fortitude you will walk out of the dog and pony show, don’t be intimidated


The USSC started this mess with Grey v Sanders and Reynolds v Sims. These cases created the one man one vote scam, ending the ability of States to have representation by County in one house of state government. Justice Frankfurter, in his dissent said,”if we do this we will create a nation with an entirely city point of view. Salem and Portland control Oregon politics. The rest of you are serfs in the state your fathers created to protect your Liberty. A California group CFR is seeing California in federal court to free ourselves from exactly what is happening all… Read more »

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