Democrats – Trying To Separate You From Your Firearms Since 1934

Democarts War on Guns and America
Democrats – Trying To Separate You From Your Firearms Since 1934

USA – -( Before there was an NRA/ILA to fight to protect our rights; back when the concept that owning a gun to protect yourself was part of just being an American and the 2nd Amendment was never a question, the Democrats wove into their DNA the desire to disarm America.

While we know the National Firearms Act as a law to disarm criminals from having machine guns the original intent, and the original version pushed by FDR, was nothing less than comprehensive disarmament for the common man.

The definition of a “Machine Gun” originally included any semi-automatic firearm that could hold 12 rounds or more, basically, ANY semi-automatic with a magazine, Add in the barrel length restrictions and lots of generic rifles also get tagged. All pistols and Revolvers would have also been banned. Or taxed out of existence really.

The purchase of every firearm would require registration and a fee. The $200 fee in 1934 is the equivalent of over $3,700 today. So sure, you COULD buy a gun, but only if your were rich and more than likely these firearms would have been squeezed out of the American Culture.

The intent of the NFA of 1934 was to disarm America.

How did FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) sell the NFA? Like all good Democrats he used fear and spin by focusing on criminal use of machine guns.

The Roosevelt Administration went to print and radio outlets and asked for their help. Just like today, the media took a side, to assure that any use of a machine gun was an evil event, even though most machine guns were on one gangster vs. another.

If any of this sounding familiar? Senator Feinstein offers an “Assault Weapons Ban” so broad it included 1911’s!? The liberal media makes every use of an “AR patterned firearm” into a national disaster. Just like they did in 1934.

Disarming America is a CORE belief of an FDR Democrat in that time. Corry Booker and Eric Swalwell (that crowd) are doing NOTHING but following an 80-year-old playbook. They long to be the politician to fulfill Roosevelt’s dreams. In the halls of the Ivy League, the failure to disarm America is taught as Roosevelt’s only major failure. Good liberals line up to continue the battle not even knowing why.

The National Rifle Association was caught off guard by this. The NRA of 1934 was not the political juggernaut that it is today. Unprepared gentlemen rifle shooters of that day 1st stumbled in their testimony until the full weight and reality of the bill sunk in. Then nationally gun owners rallied and helped block many of the most egregious parts of the NFA. The NRA acted more as a communication and awareness network of loosely associated shooting clubs than a lobbying group. It was 40 more years or so before the NRA/ILA came to exist.

Gun control is and never has been about saving lives. It is the last unfulfilled dream of the Roosevelt Administration. Then as now the Deomcrat’s strategy is to lie, use fear and scare tactics with the help of a supportive media.


Subscribe ButtonSo what can you do? Get off your ass and contribute or join a pro-gun association. Don’t care which one. Pick one and get involved. AmmoLand News has more readers than the NRA has members; grow that reach by subscribing to their email list. If every AmmoLand reader added two more people to that daily email list we can crush the so called main stream media infulence with our own message.

We collectively can make a difference. Gun owners have been fighting this same fight now for 80 years. A copy of the NFA is below. If you care to read it.

American gun owner beat them back then, and we must do so again and again, we have a country to save!

National Firearms Act: Hearings, Seventy-third Congress, Second Session,

About Don McDougall

Don McDougall
Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

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Wallace Curry

The NFA was and continues to be the most egregious assault on Constitutionally recognized (NOT GRANTED) natural individual rights. This assault is coming to full fruition with the goal of total confiscation and the birth of the American totalitarian State, if we allow it. Remember “United we stand, divided we fall.” Be ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with your neighbor. Molon Labe.

Will Flatt

NRA is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. They pushed for the passage of the NFA. And the GCA. And Hughes. How long before fudds stop apologizing for the antigun antics of the NRA???


No mention of how FDR and all the same Democrats also sold concentration camps with the same tactics? How about how his judicial appointees (including Hugo Block, an avowed KKK member) approved of those as well?


Revisionist BS. The NRA supported and still supports the NFA.


The modern democrat party are THE domestic enemies our Founders warned us about. Let’s not forget, they fought a war for independence against the most powerful military in the history of mankind over 2 primary issues: 1) onerous taxation. It was never really about “no taxation without representation”. The colonists had always paid taxes to the Crown. They only rebelled when those taxes became so oppressively high that they couldn’t tolerate them. 2) gun control. The first shots of the Revolutionary War were only fired after the British tried seizing the colonist’s powder stores and arms in Concorde. That was… Read more »


The NFA has to go.

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