USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- When we talk about firearms,there is a LOT of misinformation and … outright lies told by the gun grabbing left.
For the left gun control is a means to an end, a way to gain power. Not to save lives. This is one of the reasons their programs fail. They don’t want to stop shootings but use them to retain power.
Here are the facts they choose to ignore. Facts YOU can use.
There are approximately 120,000,000 gun owners in the US. We are the majority of voting adults.
53% of all shootings are by black men under 30. So, 3% of the US population does more than ½ the killing. 83% of all shootings are gang and drug-related.
Only about 7% of all shootings from a rifle or shotgun and less than 40% of that 7% involve Modern Sporting Rifles.
The U.S. ranks 11th in mass shootings for industrialized nations. 50% of the counties in the US will not have a murder within their boundary. 2% of the counties had 53% of all the murders in the U.S.
Both Japan and Korea have much higher suicide rates than the US. Both nations virtually ban private gun ownership. 75% of all gun deaths are attributed to suicide. Guns are not the cause, just the means.
An Obama administration study showed guns are used over 500,000 time a year to save a life or prevent crime or assault.
U.S. Numbers
- Total Number of gun deaths: 38,000
- Suicides: 28,500
- Gang and Drug: 7,885
- Remaining: 1,615
If not for gangs and drugs, the number of murders by guns is below 1,700 in a country of 330,000,000 people. Remove the gangs and drugs, and the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world.
So fellow firearms owners – here are facts – the REAL facts
You’re reading this online, so share it. SHIFT the paradigm. For the left to face the reality that gun ownership is not the cause of violence. It is the left’s failed social programs of welfare that destroys families, and open borders that bring in opioids that destroys lives, that are the real cause of gun deaths.
Use these facts, fight for our rights with EDUCATION and the TRUTH!
We have a country to save.
Oh, where did I get these facts? The FBI unified crime report. They’re all there for ANYONE to see.
Also check out the Crime Prevention Research Center.
About Don McDougall
Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.
“53% of all shootings are by black men under 30. So, 3% of the US population does more than ½ the killing. 83% of all shootings are gang and drug-related”.
You know what that means, don’t you? You’re a “racist.”
Every gun owner needs this map and these numbers on them at all times!!!! Every time one of those anti-gun liberal “friends” starts their rants, smack them right between the eyes with these facts. Especially effective in shutting up the loud mouth know it all in a group Then ask why their liberal representatives aren’t going after the real problems.
Before gun confiscation or socialism in this country, there WILL be civil war. The situation today in America is EXACTLY why the 2nd amendment was added. The British may yell “God save the Queen” but ultimately it’ll be the American gun owners that will save America.
For those of you who are interested in a very quick read on propaganda and how medial, nonprofits and your own government use the tools of propaganda to subvert your natural, God Given Rights I strongly recommend “The Ten Commandments of Propaganda” by Dr Brian Anse Patrick. Patrick is a professor at the University of Toledo who is an expert on propaganda and how the Progressive New Left uses those tools to twist truth in to ideologically loaded falsehoods. It is a quick read and for those of you who may not have attended leftist universities to study leftism and… Read more »
That is much better than the “news” that is broadcast in almost every station I have ever watched or listened to. It lends credence to the question of just WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO DISSARM AMERICANS? Disarming America surely has nefarious reasons at best. At worst, it is absolutely evil. The first lie ever told happened when satan deceived Eve in the garden of Eden. When you personally or the general public gets lied to in order to effect “change”, you can bet the outcome will not be pleasant. I wonder just what lies were told in Venezuela that disarmed… Read more »
How about an overlay showing Democrat-controlled cities and counties?