USA – -( This NRA garbage reads like a COPS episode. We’ve all seen it when the cop rifles through the suspects pants pockets and find a bunch of money and drugs.
Don’t you just love it when the perp says, “It ain’t mine, man. These ain’t my pants, man.” The cop asks, “These aren’t your pants?” “Nah man, I don’t know whos pants they are, man. They ain’t my pants, man,” the loser says. Of course, to anyone who isn’t on the drugs that the cops found in the suspect’s pockets, of course, they’re his pants, and that excuse just isn’t going to fly, either to the police, the judge or the jury.
Queue up the NRA list of excuses. In the latest twist to an already sordid tale, the NRA has sued Ackerman McQueen, AGAIN, this time with what I’m calling the “These aren’t my pants” excuse. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. From the Daily Beast, the headline reads, NRA Sues Advertising Firm For Alleged Media Leaks, Coup Attempt, but its the subhead that got me: The gun rights group claims Ackerman McQueen leaked confidential info to tarnish and ultimately destroy the public image of the NRA and its senior leadership.
By now, you know what the NRA is referring to in this latest suit against its longtime business partner – excessive and embarrassing expenditures. Wayne and company are upset that his extravagant spending on clothing and travel, have been exposed. But wait, they’re not disputing the amounts, only the fact that it’s been revealed? Apparently. Seems the top brass on Waples Mill Road has a, well, lotta brass. Why? I’m guessing that none of this would be going on if it weren’t true. Take this from the Daily Beast:
The suit also says the NRA has been receiving media inquiries about LaPierre’s “travel, wardrobe, and other expenses incurred in connection with AMc projects, based on AMc’s advice, or on trips with itineraries crafted by AMc.” And it blames the firm for those leaks. The suit says the firm “directly or indirectly” leaked to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, and The Daily Beast.
LaPierre’s wardrobe has become a flashpoint. Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal reported–citing leaked documents–that LaPierre billed Ackerman McQueen over $500,000 for clothes, travel, and other expenses. The lawsuit, meanwhile, says LaPierre made these purchases “[b]ased on AMC’s advice” and over fifteen years. Once the NRA started asking the firm about expenses that appeared questionable, the firm became “evasive and hostile,” the suit alleges.
So let me get this straight, in simpleton terms, mind you. According to this, AMc advises Wayne to make substantial expenditures on clothing and travel. Wayne makes large expenditures on clothes and travel. No problem, until the spending is leaked. Now it’s a problem, but it apparently wasn’t a problem until it was leaked? “They told me to do it,” isn’t going to fly with membership. How do I know? Because I’m a member and this isn’t flying with me.
The whole thing stinks of getting away with your hands in the cookie jar for fifteen years and once caught, blaming the cookie jar for being there. People know better unless they’ve lost sight of reality. Top management of a large organization that now blames the company they hired to do the things they did and never questioned the things they did over all the years they did them until after they got caught doing them? Huh?
Here’s the deal – America needs a strong NRA, and our rights need a strong NRA. I want to and plan on remaining an NRA member, but some things must change at the top.
The mess we’re in now came from the top and this second lawsuit seems to me to be a diversion, a sort of “they made me do it,” excuse. No, not anymore. At the very least, the top dogs are incompetent for getting the NRA here, to begin with, and, well, need to go.
There, I repeated it. OH, and here are some words of wisdom for Lapierre –If you had shopped at Jos. A. Banks, you wouldn’t be in this position, and hey dumb ass, if you did it on Tuesday’s, you would have gotten two for the price of one. Just saying.
Think next time!
About Mark Walters
Mark Walters is the host of two nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, Armed American Radio and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense with Mark Walters. He is the Second Amendment Foundations 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year award recipient and co-author of two books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson (Whitefeather Press) and Lessons from UnArmed America with Rob Pincus (Whitefeather Press)
“Ackerman McQueen leaked confidential info to tarnish and ultimately destroy the public image of the NRA and its senior leadership.”
Wayne LaPee and his fellow miscreants thru out the organization have done a credibly job a sullying the name of the NRA,with or with out Ack-Mac’s help. However if there is any hope for the NRA in the future it needs on giant flush of all of it’s swamp turds,starting at the top with Wayne La Pee.
I have been a member of the NRA for over 40 years. I have supported the NRA financially with donations as often as I could. Now I have a message for the NRA. You must come clean with the membership if you wish to exist. I get solicitations 3 or 4 days per week asking for money to fend off attacks on the 2nd Amendment, when money beyond imagination is being drained out of the NRA by all sorts of people and contractors. The whole thing stinks. From now on, keep your mailings to yourself and take my donations out… Read more »
This NRA Patriot Life member will spend his campaign donations elsewhere unless real reform happens. The NRA has only a few months to get ready for the 2020 elections and they better hurry.
I plan to email the NRA board of directors and tell them this. I encourage all NRA members to do the same. Maybe they will get the message and clean up their act.
LOL!!! Good to hear from you, Mark. You know what l see with all this NRA crap? It’s a mirror image of what’s happening with government, and society, too. Look at the divide among members and gun owners. Mirrors the divide in this country. Look at our wasteful, bloated government then take a glance at the NRA. Looks pretty damned similar to me. Only we’ve known about government for a lot longer. All those expensive toilet seats and hammers. The difference is l like the leader of this country and wish all the haters and detractors would shut up and… Read more »
NRA sucks it’s own stock and the others are barely any better. Go ahead, run to the next corporate tyrant in line and enjoy their unconstitutional gun control bs. Go right on down the line bootlickers, keep em in cash. Pay those mortgages and stay under their corporate tyranny right where they need you. Exon gas station is no better than Mobil you suckers. Until you interpret the couple sentences of 2A as it is written in plain English your fluxed by your own ignorance. Checkmate! EVERY LETTER OF EVERY SENTANCE OF ALL GUN CONTROL BEYOND 2A IS UNLAWFUL! And… Read more »
The Open Letter from past N.R.A. presidents is more ” SHUT UP & SIT DOWN ” , preserve status quo garbage.
They all say –
” You Need Us …”
” You Need Us ”
” You Need Us ”
No , we don’t !
Gun Owners of America is the NEWER , Better ” N.R.A. “