United States – -(AmmoLand.com)- What we are about to talk about is something that may annoy some of our loyal readers here at Ammoland. Well, ignoring this potential situation is something that is not in the best interests of securing out Second Amendment rights in the future. In fact, not discussing what to do in this situation is one of the biggest helps we can give to the likes of Michael Bloomberg.
What is the situation we potentially face? Well, it’s one where the circumstances and/or landscape are worse than our present situation. To review, we have lost the House, and Jerrold Nadler is leading attacks on our rights in the House Judiciary Committee. Thankfully, we have a pro-Second Amendment Senate and a pro-Second Amendment president, so we do not face the prospect of legislation passing.
That may not always be the case. A little over a quarter-century ago, we faced a different prospect. Anti-Second Amendment forces controlled the House, Senate, and White House. The push was for the Brady Bill and a semi-auto ban. The balance as to how bad it would be rested on nominal Second Amendment supporters in both parties who faced difficult balancing acts.
For some, it was how to support the Second Amendment in a way that would not cause them to lose to an anti-Second Amendment extremist in the next general election. For others, it was how to support the Second Amendment, and not be primaried by an anti-Second Amendment extremist. So, to do this involved coming up with something that was less onerous than what might pass if Second Amendment supporters just said, “No.”
The result, in 1993, was the passage of NICS. Now, it could have been even less onerous had the NRA succeeded in getting NICS to override all state and local waiting periods and licensing schemes, but the fact was, the intent was to create a permanent, federal waiting period, and that didn’t happen. This is not to say NICS doesn’t need fixes and improvements, but when you think about the whole scam of waiting periods, NICS largely short-circuits the arguments for them.
A quarter-century prior to Bill Clinton’s first year in office, the NRA faced a similar situation. Lyndon Baines Johnson wanted a federal licensing and registration scheme, which is the keystone for what made the confiscation laws passed by New Zealand and Australia workable. In 1968, the NRA worked to make sure the legislation that would pass in the wake of the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. did not have that, and succeeded.
In essence, the “second problem” HCI activist Nelson Pete Shields described in 1976 would have been solved if not for the NRA’s successful efforts to limit the damage in 1968. When Franklin Orth said the bill “could be lived with,” he wasn’t endorsing it. He was saying, “We did what we could to keep this bill from getting too bad.” Similarly, look at Lyndon Johnson’s statements as he signed the bill and hailed its passage. You think he was happy that licensing and registration weren’t in the bill? He knew that he’d been beaten in the long game.
The other benefit damage control can have is that it could prompt anti-Second Amendment extremists to kill a bill. This happened 20 years ago in the wake of the Columbine shooting. After the NRA’s damage-control bill became the preferred version in the House, anti-Second Amendment extremists voted it down, teaming up with “no compromise” Second Amendment supporters.
If we are to truly see the Second Amendment prevail, Second Amendment supporters must recognize that there is a time for a stand, a time to go into damage control mode, and times to let the tactical and strategic differences between NRA and GOA work in synergy to achieve victories, whether it is passage of pro-Second Amendment legislation, or defeating a bill that would punish law-abiding gun owners for crimes and mass shootings they didn’t commit.
About Harold Hutchison
Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.
Hmm, there are a lot of people commenting here who would rather die on every hill that would ultimately lead to losing the war instead of simply accepting a few tactical losses in order to win the war. I suppose we can use them. A little known part of history is that the people who died at the Alamo disobeyed an order to abandon the fort. See, Sam Houston knew the Texans could not win a head-to-head fight with Santa Anna’s army. He did, however, know that Santa Anna’s army could not sustain supply a supply line deep into Texas.… Read more »
@Bob999 Tactical Losses? So over the last 100 years, all those losses were tactically necessary? Please explain why they were necessary. You see, we have Rights, and we have a Constitution which restricts Government from messing with those rights. Why is it in your view necessary that we give up something which was already ours from the moment we were born, which those taking it away never had the authority, power, or right to do so in the first place? Explain yourself. Explain why you think a slow process of minor transgressions which ends in a loss is better than… Read more »
@Rev, Apparently, Bob is familiar with neither Deductive Reasoning, nor Abductive Reasoning.
@Wild Bill I think wishful thinking is more within his area of practice. The truth is, I don’t expect a response from Bob, since in all my time I have never met anyone who can explain what I just asked him. Why are they adamant that we roll over and give up what is not and has never been within the ability of the other side to take. They cant answer because they understand to do so shows them as not being concerned with defending the 2nd Amendment but instead makes them violators. That level of insecurity and weakness compared… Read more »
Yeah I don’t see you guys up in arms over passage over any of those laws. Plenty of Americans have high end AR-15s and scores of ammo but don’t use them. Where is that 2nd Amendment when you need it?
I keep seeing this same old garbage “molon labe” and “X,Y,Z is unconstitutional” but we never do anything about it. Keep howling into the wind but not invoking the rights we claim to have. So what good is it? One day, though, right? Maybe your kids will do what you weren’t man enough to do in the first place.
@jh45gun Mackey Thank you, for demonstrating ignorance of why our founders did what they did in the first place. After reading this, you may want to go and re-read the Declaration of Independence. Even with all those AR-15’s, all that ammo, we are not murderers. We are good citizens who want to be left alone, want our rights left untouched, and want our kids to have the same. You agitating about “We never do anything about it”, well let me ask you something then. Why are you so eager to go out and kill? Why are you trying to stir… Read more »
Somebody needs to find out for sure..but from what I understand, Everybody with a concealed firearms permit has their record of it stored at the UN!
A Challenge for Mr. Hutchison.
I understand the “long game” scenario but when do you draw the line??? Which other Amendment needs the long game? As for the hardliners, on the flip side, as another commenter said, what about leadership, air support, air defense, logistics, comms? Without those, everything said is a moot point…. Farting in the wind…..
@the Grey Man Then let me pose a question to you. How do you defeat a group of people who cant be intimidated, bribed, coerced, or ordered into doing what you want? The answer is you can’t. The only option left is to kill off the entire group if your goal is control. That is why the American form of revolution works. What starts as 3% grows when the undecided group see’s what is going on. You’re position also automatically assumes the entire military, which would be outnumbered, would be on board knowing that their mothers, fathers, little brothers and… Read more »
The NICs is a registration, all those 4473 forms that have to be retained and turn into the atf when the gun shop closes.
NIC and the NFA should both be overturned as unconstitutional!
What most of us have been saying for a long time, along with the others, the GCA of 68, the GCA of 86, ect.
Limited damage.
Limited damage..
Limited damage…
Limited damage….
Limited damage…..
Limited damage……
Limited damage…….
The only constitutional arms laws are those that INCREASE the availability of arms, of all types, to the people.
Yet another apologist article for the NRA by H. Hutchison. Compromise is FAILURE when it come to ANY Constitutional rights and there is no excuse for it. The NRA under LaPierre is corrupt and does more harm than good. If LaPierre goes, the NRA has a chance to recover and become an organization that can defend the 2nd Amendment successfully, but only if LaPierre and his cronies, sycophants and toadies (like H. Hutchison) are shut down and/or gone.
Trust no one with your ol lady, wallet or guns. If they reach for them give them the lead.
I can actually spot a Hutchinson column by the headline. I don’t have to look as far as his name. He never saw a compromise he didn’t like. I certainly am glad the founding Fathers didn’t think like he does. What a sellout.
All ‘gun control laws’ are un-Constitutional. Article 6, U.S. Constitution “The Constitution…shall be the supreme law of the land”. THAT is referred to as “The Supremacy Clause”. Therefore, no legislative law, Executive Order or local decree may limit, deny, change or modify the Constitution. Article 6 continues “All laws must conform to and be made pursuant to the Constitution”. Therefore, any legislative law, Executive Order or local decree not in 100% harmony with the U.S. Constitution, is null & void. Americans could own any firearm of any type they wanted until the 1934 NFA. The U.S. Congress fearing the WW1… Read more »
Omgosh, nonbootlicker found. You rock brother and are a real American. I am proud to have the honor of finding you and would have your back in the fire, anytime, anywhere. Rest of you pathetic bootlickers need to take note of what this real American has to say if you can get up off your knees and stop sucking that stock.
When “all you can do is limit the damage”
It’s time to crawl under a rock and pray there is someone stronger, smarter and more courageous to take care of YOU
@Graham Harold Hutchison has been a well known apologist for certain gun control agenda’s for quite a while. Lately it looks like he is trying to cozy up to GOA members, but we aren’t buying it. We already know him for what he is. He spams articles urging gun owners to compromise with those on the left intent on destroying the second amendment while whispering words of soothing about tactics, strategy, and necessity at the same time. He’s been a castrated animal for a very long time now. He has zero reputation here, and is essentially the village idiot of… Read more »
@Rev, Yes, the Harold issue… What to do? I can hardly believe, based upon his writings here, that he, once, was a consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine. I call on Harold to turn over a new leaf; pull up his pants; and get with the Constitutional freedoms program.
@Wild Bill
He won’t. He had his balls removed long ago, and has shown he has no intention of changing.
He doesn’t engage here because he knows he wont win a factual argument against us, and rightly so since he cant argue about what has been done when he is trying to sell what his imagination thinks will be in the future. He just spams more articles from his hiding spot in his closet.
Yeah and if you look up n down my street you will see it is not only Ammoland that is infiltrated by communists, Muslims, DS operators from every kind of soup etc. Heck this Harold thing is nothing. What he is failing to tell you while attempting to disarm you is that you have 2 selections for Oresident coming up. 1 is Trump and 2 is Hillary. Your guns will determine which one you get. Bootlickers should be prepared because nobody is handing you the easy way out this time. You will have to seize your desire, no free rides.… Read more »
@ Rocky Mountain
Along with the Communists, and DS operators, you forgot to mention racist national socialists…
Oh wait, there you are.
The Constitution is applicable to all. I am on the side of the Constitution, not yours.
Oprah is the racist and the farthest thing you can find from a socialist. Might have something on the nationalist label. I carry a pocket constitution. National constitutionalist is probably a more precise label. The guy with no political party. Every post on all channels these days wants to kill white Americans and I’m the racist eh. Liberals, Muslims, Iranians, BLM, Antifa, Hollywood, deep state, cartel, etc. all want to kill white Americans and openly advocate for our genocide and I am a racist somehow. That’s a good one. Loooooool.
@Rocky Mountain I’m going to tell you straight up, I don’t trust you. Ive seen some of your other posts over the last several weeks. If at anytime you attempt to use identity issues as your driving argument, then by default you can’t be a constitutionalist. A constitutionalist operates on the founding principles that all are created with equal rights, the same rights, and that those rights only stop where they collide with the rights of another regardless of who they are or what they believe. The minute you start advocating for unequal or disproportionate rights based on the stupidity… Read more »
Well done article. I know the sub group of zero tolerance will scream about the realities of politics and slippery slope but they also fail to see the advances we have made concerning concealed carry and the amount of shall issue and constitutional carry states that exist compared to 30 years ago. Changing public policy and opinion takes time and work. Leftists understand this and work for success a bit at a time. Shouting and threatenings of civil war is not conducive to changing public opinion, it only makes us ugly.
@Stevie And if leftists work to get one small piece at a time, what does it say about the weak apologists who work only to give them a little at a time? Whether you admit to it or not, the left is getting more violent about not getting their way the way they want it. Whether you admit to it or not, we are at a position now that has been caused by people like you as well as those trying to tear down the republic that has our rights threatened in ways that have been forged over a century… Read more »
And as long as we have our guns, all will NOT BE LOST. it’s the reason The Founding fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment for that very reason. And I will stand up to tyranny just as they did.
To the author….Either you’re with us…or against us. There’s no fence to straddle here.
@Must Have Hammer, Small arms are fine, but we need to think of asymmetrical methods of destroying the enemies of the Constitution. We need to think in terms of target lists, logistics, operational security, and secure comms. So put your thinking cap on.
Keep that up and you might actually get a tour.
Well said Rev! When are people going to realize that some people have certain principles and positions they won’t budge on? If there isn’t something that fits into your belief system that you refuse to capitulate on. You stand for nothing.
@ Ton E Probably about the same time people also realize that they can’t redefine terms just to make themselves a part of a group. Here are just two examples. Keep your guard up, and stay true to the constitution. 1. People who willingly violate or attempt to restrict who the constitution applies to are not constitutionalists. I’ve seen more than a few here who want to claim to be constitutionalists, but have advocated the worst kind of tyranny and unconstitutional practice because they look at the other side and want to say “Get em! Make em pay”. 2. Just… Read more »
Man up. Arm up. Stockpile your Beans, Bandages & Bullets.
2020 is going to be long and hot. 2021 will be downright interesting after DJT gets rehired and the Libtards all totally melt down.
@.45'Em, That would be pluperfect! We could use the Federal logistics train to “help” police up after the sharp end of the stick gets done.
Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
@"MCCLOUD!", Of course not, but running scenarios all the way through is part of the planning process.
Anything LBJ did was suspect. Look at Nam for example. How many of our friends and relatives did LBJ and Robert McNamara kill with their BS. Many think LBJ had JFK killed. He knew he would not live long enough to run for president after JFK served 8 years because of his heart problems. It was common knowledge in Washington and the USA that LBJ HATED Kennedy. LBJ was a crook, phony and many other things none of which can be printed here.
My new truck is ready to be picked up from auto body shop where I had plate steel welded to exterior for upcoming conflict. I can’t wait. Looks like right out of Mad Max documentary.
Now all you need is the leather jock strap and hockey mask used in Mad Max Road Warrior 2.
Who said I don’t already have that stuff? Lol.
Negotiating Rights Away
Don’t think you are safe just because Republicans are in office. Percentage wise, more Republicans voted for the GCA than Democrats did. Remember, Baby Bush said he would have signed a new Assault Weapons Bill.
No pro gunners in gov anywhere just liars.
Right, we got it.
Ardvark; Welcome to the wonderful world of MODERATED, I read ammolands policy and tried to find out how I got on that list to be moderated with no success, so I post very little any more, there are several people that have hit this list and we all seem to not be able to find the reason. I blame it on their location and the east coast virus! Now as far as the thing about the N R A they are now trying to cover all bases of shake the tree just enough but don’t drop the fruit, stay under… Read more »
“Tolerance is the lube that helps slip the dildo of dysfunction into the ass of a civilized society.” Plato
Your article is the lube…
I Just love your, we must “Compromise” on our Rights defending post. This is a disgusting and unconscionable to even suggest this. Can you imagine if the founders COMPROMISED with the British, they all would have been shot! The NRA and you evidently are trying justify their backstabbing of their members and gun owners in general. This will cause you to lose more members not help. We have over 25,000 gun laws in this country and counting, The NRA’s VP, former President, has now been caught wasting members money on extravagant life style to say the least that could have… Read more »
Free people armed.
Armed people are free.
A well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state.
The People ARE the militia.
Better to fall in the struggle for freedom than survive to see defeat.
LBJ….Another Traitor. Remember this, and the USS. LIBERTY among other of his treasonous acts.
Yes. the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. did not have that, and succeeded.How about the assissination of JFK? Johnson is heavily implicated in all three of the above travesties. I find it VERY troublling that LBJ, while not picking up the gun in his own hands, sems to have been largely responsible for the three major gun crims of his time. His hands dirty, he then stumps to put the punishment for these acts upon we who abide by the law. My only satisfaction in this dilemma is that, when he left this big dirtball… Read more »
So who would you have to be the policeman of the world? Russia? China? Grow up.
While I agree with most of what is posted here, I’d like to point out that it is very hard to take most of you seriously, due to atrocious grammar. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to sound like you are intelligent and well educated. Statements like “Some of the other amateur operator is also are former military” should have been “Some of the other amateur operators are also former military” of “are former military as well” Please take note, I am not being critical of you. I am trying to help us all, when we sound… Read more »
Uh, that would be every single one of them to be shaken out to continue to repeat history by putting identical one back in once again. To desire gov (US Corporation) is to desire tyranny. Gov is tyranny and has always been tyranny. No such thing as tyranny free gov has every existed. Duh.
FO, gun control = a**hole
Yes, sometimes all that can be done is to mitigate the damage. However, once that has passed then you work to reverse and eliminate the damage in following legislative sessions. This is not what the NRA has historically done. They have accepted the restrictions as the new norm and only fought back against them when one of the smaller groups has gained traction and too much publicity. In addition, in too many cases the NRA has actively worked against small, gun rights organizations instead of supporting them. Whether that is because the NRA is at its core an elitist organization… Read more »
It’s all well and good to say that occasionally damage control might be all we can do, but it is unacceptable to say that damage control is all we should ever do. The NRA has always supported anti-RKBA federal legislation. They asked for the NFA and asked for the FFA. More recently it was the NRA that asked for and orchestrated the Bump Stock Ban. In between they have occasionally defended our rights but the NRA’s interest is strictly in fighting, without ever winning — because fighting brings in the big bucks. The NRA’s notion of a Give & Take… Read more »
Oddly enough Americans see gun groups (corporate tyrants) as pro 2A which is delusional and just one reason why crown colony USA under foreign country corporation (US Corporation with branch office near each states capitol typically a law firm of esquires that represent the crown) owned is going down for count. Nancy said millions will die and she for once is 200% accurate. It will be a good day when all is burned to the ground. Only cure for the desease.
The NRA never asked for the NFA — do some objective research for God’s sake. When you do you will see that the NRA was the one who got handguns removed from the NFA legislation.
NICS is literally the only reason the Brady Bill is still in force. The NRA expanded the damage, they didn’t mitigate jack.
You will never have rights even with Trump unless you take them back and refuse to comply to thier face. You will know when you get good at refusing because you will have visitors so don’t answer the door and continue to REFUSE TO COMPLY. Don’t fall for thier fake papers trick when they come knocking and don’t listen to your esquire he works for them.
Define ‘fake papers’.
Fake legal documents that are nothing more than bait. Not real. Old school Nazi tricks. Sometimes they will claim they have papers to serve when Attorney calls dispatch to verify but no papers in hand or in sight then they run off after dispatch tells them attorney is on the phone. They’re real good at physically attacking the exterior of homes with this psyop. Attorney says let’s sue them in federal court. Me, well I’m not a letigous type. Would rather go fishing and read my pocket Constitution.
Line in the sand time. Start loading ammo and cleaning guns.
Join your states militia. I did.
And I’m doing everything above.
Because voting at the ballot box has been compromised.
But most importantly,
REFUSE TO COMPLY to the deep state tyranny. Compliance is consent.
Shove their agenda UP THIER ASS!
Flux them!
Well done! I hope your State’s militia has a fair number. 100 guys can do nothing. 60,000 however is a different story. There are number I’ve radio hams in my area that have signal to me that they wish to form a militia. I am also a radio ham. But I also had 15 years military experience. Some of the other amateur operator is also are former military. We even have a couple of law enforcement. I intend on meeting with them to discuss this but they need to understand that I have no interest in forming a militia of… Read more »
You sound like Wild Bill.
So called Constitutional Sheriffs are a myth like Bigfoot. Replicating the same thing we want corrected is why history consistently repeats itself. To me it’s a disqualifies. Jack booted authoritarian Nazi’s can flux off.
@Rocky Mountain, What … SA sounds like me? Gee whiz, there is no use in insulting the man!
That’s a good one. Right on.
Are you having FEMA camp training at your location like us here? Been here 20 years and never had FEMA camp training till this year. People say civil conflict is coming. I say come and see us prepare for it right here and right now. Could give a tour.
@Rocky, Thank you for the invite. I’d love a tour. I accept. What is your address? When is a good time for your group?
Call 555-555-5555 for reservations.
@Rocky M, Most disappointing, but I understand the need for opsec. Carry on.
Article, Section and Clause in the Constitution that mentions the office of sheriff? Can you quote it?
100 men can do quite a bit. One man shut California down for days. Two men caused Boston to go full police state.
He just wants to go full scale war when all you need to do is take out key people. Burn key cities. Could take a lesson from Tet Offensive. Oh well, not to worry because soon enough none of you will have to do shit because this mess is coming to your front door full throttle as I type. You have run out of options by sitting on ass. Now it will be a matter of how prepared and ready to engage that you are. Enjoy the beer because soon it won’t be around anymore like everything else like food… Read more »
Who, exactly and specifically, is ‘they’? Methinks ‘they’ only exist in your active and paranoid imagination. Seek professional mental health treatment.
Would be the same guys who burned down the forest up the street killing those people who declared they’re not liable due to state law immunity aka “them” or “they”. “They” were front page news for intentionally lighting forest fire in a fire ban resulting in dead citizens which made “them” famous. “They” claimed immunity from the law due to being employed by the gov. All common knowledge around here.
@church Mallory, In the US Constitution at Art. VI, clause 3 there is a vague reference to state officers, but does not specifically name Sheriff as one of those.
Article VII, Section 4 of the Constitution of Virginia. Va. Const. Art. VII, § 4 reads as follows: “There shall be elected by the qualified voters of each county and city a treasurer, a sheriff, … etc, etc.” is the earliest that I could find. Hope that this helps.
When Boston took away all Constitutional rights and went full police state, the country sat around and did nothing. Like Waco, like Ruby Ridge, heck Mr. Ruby Ridge William Barr is now attorney general and are the people calling for pitchforks and torches? Nope, they are content to vote for the lesser of two evil’s and if the evil they vote for wins, they turn a blind eye to the evil they voted for.
Dozen Antifa armed with ignorance and on meth stand down entire big city police forces. Bahahahahahaha.
Because the police were ordered to stand down. They won’t be ordered to do the same with conservative groups. Bahahahaha.
Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be a conservative group.
You are correct! The word compromised will seem small compared to the massive fraud that the democrat party will pull with the next election and no one will do anything about it, so unfortunately we probably need to prepare for suffering under a democrat commissar after that, which should then lead to the civil war they keep threatening us with!
I will try again, last post , no threats, no swearing, but still get my comment moderated out of posting! You may as well accept the fact that there will be massive voting fraud and nothing will be done about it!
Brady Bill was due to hit on Reagan which was deep state. Shooter was out of Evergreen Colorado where neighbors watched government sedans coming n going from shooters house for long time before the event which prompted the Brady Bill. This info not ever reported in the fake MSN. Evergreen Colorado is still Deep State enclave. They stole your rights with false flag events for as long as USA is a country. Even USSC is stacked against rights. Barry had Brennon due Operation Hammer which gathered intel on sitting USSC justices and at minimum resulted in Stevens being blackmailed by… Read more »
Next flight to Canada departs in 10 minutes. You won’t be missed. Buh-bye!
Yes there’s Rocky Mountains in Canada.
While the NRA takes all the credit. The GOA does most of the actual leg work. And while no fly by night laws can over ride the Constitution. I don’t see the NRA standing up and pointing that out. And I don’t see a single politician actually taking his oath of office seriously. And obviously the DOJ who is charged with enforcing the constitution, has fallen on so many swords, or deserted and abandoned the Constitution, that they no longer have any credibility for anything but being pooperscoopets for the communists, and democ rats.
Yup, it’s why GODS wrath is here. There is nothing that can stop it.