Add Trump’s Suppressor Slam to Series of Let-downs for Gun Owners

You can’t appease gun-grabbers like PiersMorgan and expect gun owners to shrug it off come election time. (Good Morning Britain / Twitter)

U.S.A. – -( “Trump telling Piers Morgan that semi-automatic guns are for entertainment is grounds for impeachment,” self-described “comedian” Chelsea Handler tweeted Wednesday. “There are thousands of parents grieving and he calls guns entertainment. I can’t wait to elect a strong leader who has the courage to stand up to the NRA. That will be a leader.”

That Handler is serious in considering the appreciation of recreational shooting to equate with “high crimes and misdemeanors” says much about her legal acumen and judgment, and that of those who agree with her. Then again, we’re dealing with a “progressive” zealot who had not one, but three abortions (two at age 16), claims she traditionally shows sex tapes of herself at birthday parties and whose personal entertainment standard apparently involves allowing a man to urinate on her (warning, this last link is gross and NSFW).

Speaking of “gross,” that’s how she says “white privilege” makes her feel. And speaking of being a “feminist” icon, she’s quick to brand a Republican woman a “whore.”

While ad hominem argument is generally considered a logical fallacy, in this case, it does speak to the reliability of Handler’s judgment, something exemplified when she said “F**k you, a**hole” to Rep. Steve Scalise, a victim of political violence shot by another hardcore Democrat.

It’s not the first time Handler has gone after lawful and peaceable recreational shooters as sharing responsibility for the violence.

“If your hobby is [affecting] innocent people being killed all the time, children included, don’t you think you should reconsider the lack of restrictions placed on your hobby?” she challenged while failing to show how one has anything to do with the other. “Nobody is trying to take away your guns.”

Of course they are.  Just because a big lie is repeated by useful idiots does not make it true. This does, however, help expose another big lie, that the gun-grabbers have nothing against “sporting purposes,” a term that was birthed in tyranny, and still advanced by latter-day gunkapos and Fudds who don’t seem to grok that once they’ve thrown everyone else under the bus, they’ll be next.

Ironically, the very person Handler is attacking on guns seems to have adopted that very position.

“Today, in an interview on Good Morning Great Britain, hosted by Piers Morgan, President Trump bragged about his work to ban bump stocks when the subject was brought up by the left-wing host,” Firearms News reported Wednesday. “The President also stated that he is considering a ban on sound suppressors, and stated that he does not like them. While Trump did make some strong statements in favor of concealed carry for self-defense, he seems to be confused about what the Second Amendment really means. When asked by Morgan about why someone needs an AR-15, Trump stated that people feel that the rifles are fun to shoot. He went even further to make a statement that hunters need guns.”

It ain’t about hunting, something the constitutional Commander in Chief of the militia should know and champion.

We’ve seen past departures from Donald Trump’s campaign pledge to NRA members:

“Your Second Amendment rights … will never, ever be under siege as long as I’m your president.”

That hardly squares with the Trumpstock ban (effectively given the green light by NRA), with his red flag “due process later” support (ditto, despite the claim to the contrary), and with several of the president’s nominees for positions of vital impact to gun owner interests, most recently the FOP functionary he wants to head ATF.

Unsurprisingly, NRA higher-ups, fighting self-inflicted wounds, have been silent on the president’s latest threat of betrayal, and unsurprisingly, an insider Nominating Committee-picked director has decided member inquiries merit insulting dismissals. That hardly appears the most productive tack for an organization desperately pleading for donations from a membership increasingly alienated by reports of expensive suits and apartments for interns, and its closed-mouth circling of wagons.

If Fairfax expects the disillusioned to reopen their wallets, a thorough, top-down housecleaning and a credibly sincere effort to earn back lost trust must be made. Likewise, President Trump — besieged on all sides by Democrats calling for impeachment and imprisonment and swamp Republicans undermining him at every turn — can hardly afford to alienate the one group he’s making increasingly difficult to stand by him, gun owners.

“How Trump can lose in 2020. Keep up the anti 2A talk,” Gun Talk Radio host Tom Gresham advised his Twitter followers Wednesday. “Gunnies won’t vote for your opponent, but they will just stay home.”

Appealing to the likes of Piers Morgan and essentially agreeing with Chelsea Handler on the purpose for owning semi-autos won’t cut it.

What most fail to understand is that some gun owners will not disarm, not for shrieking exhibitionist freak “entertainers,” and especially not for politicians who order them to “turn ‘em all in.” Understanding the seriousness of the consequences, we prefer to resolve things peaceably through the framework of elections and laws bequeathed us by the Framers. But ultimately, when those who would rule demand too much, a core will refuse to comply.

If Trump and the Republicans manage to blow what’s been given to them, that’s not going to change. If voting was all you had to do to eradicate the right to keep and bear arms, it wouldn’t be much of a deterrent to tyranny at all.

As this article was going to publish, a related development took place:

“The Supreme Court is rejecting a challenge to federal regulation of gun silencers, just days after a gunman used one in a shooting rampage that killed 12 people in Virginia … President Donald Trump’s administration asked the court to stay out of the case and leave the convictions in place.”
The “Would you rather have Hillary?” meme is wearing pretty thin, especially when you consider the kind of fundraising noise that would have been made out of Fairfax had her administration done that.

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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I’m afraid David has a point here and it doesn’t look too good. We are really between a rock and a hard spot. We have Trump that keeps giving the 2A away but says he will defend it as long as he is president. Then on the other side we have the nothing burgers that preach about taking our guns and opening our borders. Here we are with a lesser of two evils again. I hope Trump will do something to strengthen our trust in him because he is the only chance we have of keeping our guns unless we… Read more »


Time to stockpile the 4 Bs. (Beans, Bullets, Battle dress and Bandages). Storm clouds are brewing. (Don’t forget the coffee.)

Barry Hirsh

The suppressor ‘ban’ is the same kind of knee-jerk reaction as the switchblade ban in the 1950s because of public reaction to “West Side Story”. The government used that bias to impose the ban without any resistance. But now, many states that had also banned switchblades under state laws have repealed those prohibitions, realizing in a cooler state of mind that the bans were ridiculous. I don’t see much public outcry in defense of the availability of suppressors, and I don’t hold out much hope that they won’t eventually be eliminated entirely. The least harm will be done if the… Read more »


How you got that price on your head and why you’re worth more dead than alive.


gun “c*ntrol” = a**hole


Sadly you people voted Trump into office on the premise that he would advance the rights of gun owners. What has he done, absolutely nothing. Articles here on “” regularly criticize the so called anti-gunners and praise the current president as if he has advanced 2nd Amendment rights. His ban on bumpstocks and comments to Morgan show that he clearly does not care. You idiots have fallen for the “okie-doke” but will probably still vote for him in 2020.