Chris Cox Resigns from the National Rifle Association

Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA-ILA. (Photo: NRA)
Chris Cox, former executive director of the NRA-ILA. (Photo: NRA)

Fairfax, VA-( The National Rifle Association’s embattled chief lobbyist, Chris Cox, has resigned his position with the powerful gun rights organization.

Cox has been in a leadership position with the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action for 24 years. He was the chief lobbyist and principal political strategist for the organization at the time of his resignation.

To many members, he was the face of the NRA. Cox would announce the NRA’s endorsement of political candidates. In 2016 he would announce the NRA’s support of Donald Trump from President. He made YouTube videos on the NRA’s stances on issues.

NRA members have given Cox mixed marks in his tenure in power. In a YouTube video, he seems to have supported extreme risk protection orders (red flag laws). His supporters claim he has been instrumental in lobbying for gun rights.

Last week, the NRA suspended Cox from the NRA-ILA. In a lawsuit filed by the NRA contends that Cox was part of former NRA President Oliver North’s coup attempt against NRA executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre. The coup failed, and North resigned from his post as NRA’s president.

Cox vehemently denied his role in the conspiracy. After the allegations came to light Cox stated to the New York Times he was loyal to the NRA and the membership base.

“The allegations against me are offensive and patently false. For over 24 years I have been a loyal and effective leader in this organization,” Cox said. “My efforts have always been focused on serving the members of the National Rifle Association, and I will continue to focus all of my energy on carrying out our core mission of defending the Second Amendment.”

North allegedly threatened to blackmail LaPierre unless he agreed to step down from his position. He said he would release “damning information” against LaPierre that would hurt him and the organization. According to courts records the threat came through public relations firm Ackerman McQueen.

Ackerman McQueen produces NRATV. The media company is currently in a legal battle with the NRA. The NRA accuses Ackerman McQueen of not full filling their contract. The NRA asked for analytics about traffic that NRATV was taking in. The NRA says Ackerman McQueen refused to supply this data. On Tuesday the NRA suspended all live programming on the NRATV platform.

LaPierre refused to step down and released a letter about the alleged attempt to oust him from his position. The NRA Board of Directors overwhelmingly backed LaPierre and North was forced to resign his position.

The internal fighting and external attacks against the association by anti-gun groups have hurt the NRA. NRA members have been calling for the gun rights group to refocus on protecting the Second Amendment. To many, the NRA was too focused on being an entertainment company pushing their NRATV stars and launching products such as “NRA Carry Guard.”

The NRA has not announced a permanent replacement for Cox. Cox, for his part, he has not stated what he plans for his next endeavor.

Neither Cox nor the NRA has given statements on the resignation.

About John CrumpJohn Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at

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John Christensen

I’m disappointed I’m a five year member and would have switched to life member when all this came out. Yesterday I received a demand from the NRA to renew my membership. My membership expires in 2023. The demand in a red envelop seemed more like strong arming, Is the NRA thst desperate for money?

Wayne needs to resign, the damage is done, I don’t have faith that he can turn things around.

John Christensen,
Member of the Board of Directors
Mainstream Republicans of Washington Alliance.


The problem with the NRA is the advertising firm which the NRA has contracted. They spend MILLIONS of OUR dues on crappola! Wayne doesn’t need a quarter-million dollar annual clothing allowance for his fine Italian suits! My gun club is almost 6K strong, most being NRA Life Members. Their major complaint is that the NRA, through the advertising firm is ALWAYS asking for MORE money!! After I became a life member, for MONTHS I received unsolicited phone calls, emails and snailmail advertising asking for what??…MO’ money! Geeeze, even the ‘Friends of the NRA’ local meetings charge to go, charge for… Read more »


When they changed the voting privileges from life members to 5 year members was their down fall, Enemies snuck in and I warned em

David Florence

As a life member, all I can say is my disappointment with the leadership of the NRA. LaPierre needs to go, been in that position too long, holds absolute power. Have no issues with Chris Cox. Why the hate of Ollie North puzzles me. He took the fall for the Iran-Contra controversy and as far as I am concerned, he has redeemed henself, How about some Christian Forgiveness? Will not send them any more money until they clean house. Joined the GOA to bolster another 2A organization and will support others as well. You may not agree with me, but… Read more »

Kevin Donohue

Well I am a Lifetime Endowment level, I “was” a Golden Eagle, and frequent contributor to the ILA- BUt now I’m Done NOT another dime. Chris Cox was Always up to date/speed with Indiana legislation both pro and anti-gun. Spoke with our legislators, local TV and radio. He started the local reps getting out in public with tents at different events/functions to push OUR agenda. As a rated NRA Competitive High Power rifle shooter I am concerned about that function and system. I couldn’t care less about wine clubs and the like- he’s out I’m out. I’ll consider the future… Read more »


Just like congress, the NRA needs to have term limits. People have been in power for so long they believe they are irreplaceable, and they are not. Too many people with power going to their heads. This is not a good thing for the NRA, or its members.