Mass Shootings by the Numbers, What You’ve Been Told is a Lie


Falling Crime
Mass Shootings by the Numbers, What You’ve Been Told is a Lie

USA – -( Have you noticed that only mass shooting where an AR patterned firearm is used are the only ones covered by the fake news, like CNN? The purpose of bending the coverage of shootings of all types is to move public opinion. Gun control is a political tool to scare suburban white women to vote for Democrats.

Here are the actual numbers and statistics for mass shooting in the US from 1998 through 2018.

Here are the three big TRUTHS the left is lying about.

  • 78% of mass shooting do NOT use an “Assault Rifle”
  • As a Percentage of the population, whites, and Hispanics are the LEAST likely to do a mass shooting.
  • Gun Control laws have NO effect on mass shootings.

Only 15 of the 67 events involved an “AR patterned” firearm; they are used in less than 22% of mass shootings. Only 22% of all mass shooting used AR style rifles.

As a Percentage of the population, most shooters are of middle eastern descent.

Percentage of population shooters of middle eastern descent.
Percentage of population shooters of middle eastern descent.

As a percentage of the population, White and Hispanic are the least likely to commit a mass shooting.

The real issue is the ratio of mass shootings to population.

Ratio Of Mass Shootings To Population
Ratio Of Mass Shootings To Population

The actual percentage of the population in the US from the middle east is remarkably small. Their participation in mass shooting dwarfs all other groups.

Gun Laws Have No Effect On Mass Shootings

California and Florida both have the greatest number of mass shootings (6 each). The State, with the most restrictive gun laws and the State with the most open gun laws both suffered the same number of mass killings. Exclude the Pulse Night Club shooting, and CA has more casualties than Florida too.

So the left lies about mass shootings. Liberal politicians lie about mass shootings. Why do they lie? To scare suburban white women (who voted 51% for Trump) to be scared enough to vote against their interests and elect a Democrat.

I’d like to thank the Crime Prevention Center and Dr. John Lott for making the raw statistics available. If you have an opportunity, you can donate to them to help keep the facts and truth available to the common citizen. The left is entitled to its own opinion, not it’s own facts.

About Don McDougall

Don McDougall

Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

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john blanchard

I am 9.8 % (sorry 10%) confused by what I read here as far as repeating any of this to a democrat to prove anything,well …………..just as well sit home and clean my gun..


I watch MSN (Muslim State News) go straight after the person for permits and registrations who is defending against an attack while completely ignoring the fact that the criminal doesn’t have permits and registrations. They immediately demonize self defense and the defensive shooter protecting life. Muslim State News funded by enemies of the state attempting to destroy America and rob us of our country but hey like Barry Sotoro stated on his presidential twitter a couple nights after his Muslim attacked at Orlando Night Club he said, give us your guns and we’ll stop attacking. He was right, they’re still… Read more »


The vast majority of shooters have been DEMOCRATS and MUSLIMS. Solution BAN THEM BOTH.

David Garlisch

I really do want to share this article. However the lack of links and specific citations to the supporting data prevents me from doing so. Writing “I’d like to thank the Crime Prevention Center and Dr. John Lott for making the raw statistics available.” does not qualify as a valid citation.


Sir, There has been only ONE mass shooting using an ASSAULT WEAPON. That was on the Valentine Gang Shooting. There have been NO ASSAULT Weapon used in ANY American MASS SHOOTING in the last decade. There have been AR 15 rifles used, yes, however, THEY ARE NOT ASSAULT WEAPONS.

Scott High

Where did these “actual numbers” come from? I would like to quote them as being factual but don’t see any reference to where these numbers have been published and by whom? Thank you!