Senator Marco Rubio Confronted Over Red Flag Law Support ~ VIDEO


Washington, DC – -( My recent trip to the White House and the D.C. Swamp turned out some unique opportunities to fight for gun owners.

Among those opportunities was a chance I had to confront U.S. Senator Marco Rubio for his support of Red Flag Gun Seizure laws.

Remember, it was Senator Rubio who last year introduced a Red Flag Gun Seizure law, and it was Senator Rubio who once again introduced another version this year with S.R. 7.

While gun owners continue our efforts to beat back gun control from the likes of Sen. Schumer and Sen. Feinstein, it is extremely frustrating that we are getting stabbed in the back by phony supporters of gun rights like Senators Rubio and Graham.

Gun owners are fed up with this treachery from weak-kneed Republicans.

By sheer luck, I ran into Sen. Rubio in the hallway and we had about a 1 1/2 minute debate on the issue of Red Flag laws.

Sen. Rubio did what most politicians do by dancing around the issue, ignoring me, and trying to justify his support for gun control as “constitutional.”

However, I didn’t let him off the hook!

Gun owners need to know that we will do everything we can to hold these traitorous politicians accountable for their actions. That was my intention in this debate with Senator Rubio.

I wanted him to know that gun owners are furious for his support of Red Flag Gun Seizures and I delivered that message on your behalf.

You can hear the debate for yourself by clicking the link here or on the image below!

You may wonder what you can do to help expose Senator Rubio for his treachery. I’m glad you asked.

We need to make him feel political pain for what he is doing to gun owners!

Therefore, we are asking that all gun owners share this YouTube video on all your social media sites, email lists, and blogs. It’s time to hold Sen. Rubio accountable for his actions.

That’s why sharing this debate is so crucial.

You are the key to keeping politicians in office honest about their 2nd Amendment support, or lack thereof.

Help us hold Sen. Rubio accountable today!

In Freedom,

Greg Pruett
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

Idaho Second Amendment AllianceAbout Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms through an aggressive grassroots program designed to mobilize public opposition to the anti-gun legislation.
Our website can be located at

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I heard the other rhinos call Rubio the shower boy sweet cheeks.

John Andrew Kociuba

Red Flag Law is Unconstitutional and anyone who supports this trash is not just a traitor to Constitution but future generations as well.

Daniel T Karaszewski

Song and dance but at least he had some dialog. Thanks for you voicing our concern, good job.


What about Devin Nunes who is stringing us along with fairy tales of indictments? He looks Muslim to me and after all these years of him leading us in circles I question his authenticity. I wrote the names below of the ones I know for sure are on our side. Names are as follows.

Green Mtn. Boy

Sen. Rubio is a worthless RINO,just in case everyone hasn’t noticed,he should just join the other party and have it done.

Ktown Bill

Thank you, Greg Pruett, for taking this important opportunity to confront Sen. Rubio about SR 7. Yes, you are correct.
These weak-kneed RINOs who are ignorant of the history of the Second Amendment and our Bill of Rights must be confronted and held accountable by the voting public for their betrayal of our constitutional rights. Although neither of us live in Florida, you have done us all a big favor. Thank you, sir!

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