USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- The American Academy of Pediatrics is defrauding the public.
They released a “study” using data from the virulently anti-gun Brady Campaign which claims that tougher gun control leads to fewer firearm deaths of children.
The pediatrics’ lobby wants you to believe that children are safer in Baltimore and the south side of Chicago than in Cheyenne, Wyoming or Bismarck, North Dakota.
You and I know it’s not true, but anti-gun lobbyists will use this piece of propaganda to convince lawmakers to pass gun control such as Red Flag Gun Grabs or else be publicly shamed as enablers of children’s deaths.
We need to remind our allies in the Senate to stay true to logic, facts, and our God-given rights or else face another kind of backlash — from angry American voters who feel betrayed.
Please pressure your Senators to reject the despicable anti-gun propaganda from the pediatrics lobby that exploits the death of children as a way to shred our 2A rights.
As obedient servants to their Marxist idol, Saul Alinsky, anti-gunners adhere to the rule that they can never “let a serious crisis go to waste.”
After the most recent gun tragedy in Virginia Beach — effectively happening in a gun-free zone — anti-gunners didn’t waste a second before calling for radical gun control measures.
They know that their only path to annihilate the Second Amendment is to exploit people’s fears and emotions with gun control measures that will actually endanger our kids, as we’ve seen in Baltimore or the south side of Chicago.
That’s why this new study that claims children will die unless more gun control is enacted is such a dangerous and powerful tool for the anti-gun lobby to use.
It’s our duty as patriotic citizens to remind Senators that the surest way to endanger our children is to create more and more “gun-free zones” for armed killers to flock to.
If politicians only act when they see the wrath and anger of the American voter, then let’s show them how angry we’ll be if they shred our God-given rights.
Please add your name to our pre-written letter pressuring Senators to reject the despicable anti-gun propaganda from the pediatrics lobby that exploits the death of children as a way to shred our 2A rights.
In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America
Erich Pratt, or another GOA spokesman, is available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over 1.5 million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Newsroom.
“Please pressure your Senators to reject the despicable anti-gun propaganda from the pediatrics lobby”
==> Really? While I am happy to use the GOA link provided to send my senators my thoughts on this matter … since I live in one of the most deep, DEEP-blue states, what *good* will it do?? Will it do anything more than get me on a blacklist by my Senators of people to *ignore*? It feels like this action is purely “spitting into the wind” :-(.
Is there something ELSE I can do that would be more effective, or have ANY effect at all?
Join your states Militia.
Doctor asked Me if I Had Any Guns and I Told Him this, After I gave Him A “Go To He** Look”, That My Right to Own Firearms is a Civil Right and that is None of Your Business!
If these clinicians practice medicine like they publish prevarications then they must have astronomical malpractice premiums.
They are not concerned with fraud,it appears more likely they are concerned with pushing the agenda of civilian disarmament.
children are more safe when you teach them about firearms so they know what to do if they come across one and safely handle one when they are able to do so. this is nothing but propaganda from leftists. they claim that children are up to 21 years old. can I count my 35 year old daughter as a child so I can use her as a tax deduction? do they say how many children up to the age of 21 die from medical errors each year? using their logic we should be afraid of seeing a doctor because more… Read more »
They will NEVER let FACTS stand in the way of their agenda.
NO doctor has any business asking about gun ownership! NONE!
I have known a couple who have asked me about firearms—one owner to another owner.