Fairfax, VA – -(Ammoland.com)- In a July 3, 1776 letter to his wife Abigail, founding father John Adams wrote about how Independence Day should be celebrated. Adams explained;
I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.
In the years since, Americans have done their best to live up to Adams’s expectations by celebrating the Fourth of July with fireworks. According to the American Pyrotechnics Association, Americans spent $1.3 billion on illuminations in 2018, with $945 million of the total spent on consumer fireworks. As for the volume of pyrotechnics, Americans consumed 277.5 million lbs. of fireworks in 2018.
Simply put, celebrating with fireworks is an integral part of and ubiquitous on Independence Day.
Never a group to tolerate the traditions of others, or to celebrate American freedom, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety made clear this week that Americans have been commemorating Independence Day wrong.
On July 1, the gun control group tweeted out an image with the message “Consider gun violence survivors on the Fourth of July.” The image was accompanied by a further message that stated,
Every day, an average of 100 Americans are fatally shot & hundreds more are shot and injured. If you’re planning to set off fireworks to celebrate the 4th, consider letting members of your community know so those who might be sensitive to loud noises can prepare themselves.
Every day, an average of 100 Americans are fatally shot & hundreds more are shot and injured. If you’re planning to set off fireworks to celebrate the 4th, consider letting members of your community know so those who might be sensitive to loud noises can prepare themselves. pic.twitter.com/8oYQjLKV35
— Everytown (@Everytown) July 1, 2019
There are those with a sensitivity to loud noises, including some veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. No one should go out of their way to exacerbate these individuals’ condition.
However, Everytown’s blanket admonishment raises a serious question, which was identified by Stephen Gutowski of the Washington Free Beacon. Gutowski tweeted, “This confuses me. Are there people in America that are unaware we set off fireworks on the 4th of July?”
It doesn’t take a cynic to suspect that Everytown’s Independence Day lecture isn’t about helping those with sensitivity to loud noises. The group has routinely sought to pervert cherished holidays in order to push its gun control agenda. In 2013, Everytown component Mayors Against Illegal Guns created a placemat that encouraged loved ones to argue about gun control during Thanksgiving dinner. The lame stunt was repeated the following year. Everytown supporters are encouraged to send anti-gun “holiday cards” to their members of congress.
Americans should strive to be safe and neighborly in their July 4th activities, but none should let a would-be oligarch and his political minions deter them from fun and legal celebrations. After all, Adams’s prescription for Independence Day observance was “from this Time forward forever more.”
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org
Bloomberg is a total joke. As with liberals their ideas apply to everyone but themselves.
Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety is nothing more than a gun control tactic, plain and simple dishonesty.
Then sub-woofers should be banned too. I hear one of my neighbor kid coming down the road everyday in their red Jeep. BOOM BOOM
fu thump “music” a**holes
Guns! Fireworks! What next? Flatulence??!!
Democrats ! Is there any difference between fart and a Democrat ? ABSOLUTELY NOT………………
The voice is different but the breath is the same !
Aoc was going after cow flatulence.its the first step!
Soon the ban assault beans!
There are many loud noises in life.
Train cars crash together in switching yards, dumpster lids are dropped, fireworks are set off, and guns are fired. The inability to distinguish between the sound of fireworks and that of gun fire is a basic fail by parents during people’s upbringing.
Any legitimate request for consideration of PTSD related to the sound of explosives would come from a veterans group who represent or treat those that have fallen prey to IEDs.
Last night on Fox news there was a member of the “pink” organization from the D.C. swamp holding a sign in the shape of a tank, painted pink, and it said “no tanks to tanks.” The woman holding the sign was interviewed and she showed her ignorance by not being able to put a good sentence together. The bloomturd people dig these people up and send them out to be minions for them.
First step, purge the media
We all know the Commiecrats hate freedom and any expression of our penchant for liberty. F*CK THEM! – WITH A PINEAPPLE!! I have no time, patience or tolerance for idiots who claim America “was never great” or similar BS.
Bloomberg. the reincarnated Mussolini.
Oscar meyer weenie
Micheal Bloomberg is Satan himself walking the earth.
He thinks, in his mentally unstable condition, that he is Cesar and is going to rule over America.
He will stop at nothing to BAN all firearms in America..
Bloomberg is nothing more than a coward, punk ass bitch!
Lets all hope he gets cancer or has a stroke and kicks the bucket!!
No. Soros is Satan. Bloomberg is just an Antichrist wanabe
Nothing more than control. Whenever any one or group tries to take a legal activity and tell you how you should not participate or how you should it is nothing more than control and power.
Every day an average of 100 Americans are fatally shot and hundreds more are shot and injured. 53% of all shootings are by black men under 30. 83% of all shootings are gang and drug-related. Any one else see the problem. FUCK BLOOMBERG AND HIS KILLJOY”S!!!!
How about in honor of the Doomberg idiots, we all participate in celebratory gunfire? I don’t mean like the morons in Saudi Arabia, shooting AK-47s with tracers up into the night sky….just make some joyful noise in a safe manner at a range. Or for those of us lucky enough to shoot on our own property, burn up some mags full of old ammo so you can A) celebrate Independence Day with NOISE and B) buy more ammo.
Did that this morning. And saw several family groups out at the local shooting area celebrating lots of Freedom!
f the commie traitor-party
Years ago, El Paso, Texas (Mexico del Norte) banned fireworks on the 4th of July and even hires paid informants to monitor and report people who buy fireworks across the county line outside of the city limits and take down their license plate numbers and the police go by and check their homes for “illegal” fireworks. A few years back after a major influx of Californians to the Las Cruces, NM area, just north of El Paso, the city began receiving complaints that the noise of the fireworks “hurt their little doggies ears and made them afraid”, and after alleged… Read more »
Any officer of the law enforcing that is a traitor to this country and his family. Pukes.
We want to thank Our President for having the Courage to fight valiantly and unceasingly, for us to have Our Parade. We hear that the backstabbing Bolshevik media will not cover Our Parade. We don’t care, and won’t even notice. We avoid their scheming fake news, their traitorous propaganda, their Demokrat toe sucking, and their treacherous demonic depravity. For all we care, they can broadcast a psychodrama of Klunkerdick sucking Nike cleats coming off a pigskin playoff in a muddy pig lot. We will be busy celebrating our freedom and our glorious nation, unique in the history of the world,… Read more »
I’m glad someone else has seen the way “Lost Causes”, NM is. I will be out tonight enjoying our Independence day with an aerial assortment. This damn town and its lawkeepers lean so far left that they are dragging their heads in the dirt. F ’em and enjoy the show!
Enjoy the 4th while you still can. This will be just another third world country before you know it and the fourth of July will be just another day on the calendar. Everyone wants to complain online about the direction our once great country is heading but that is all they are willing to do. The government will not help you because it has been infiltrated by Muslims and Socialists who are very vocal and clear on how they want to destroy our way of life. The people who still care about America and about what it means to be… Read more »
In life we only have two choices. Give up, or stand up. Don’t think that people voicing their concerns is all they will do, and even if it is they are spreading the word. Some are involved in local discussions. Some are preparing their familys for what is ahead. Some are even like Santa Claus, making a list and checking it twice. And yes there are a lot of people who have a blind eye to what is happening either intentionally or unintentionally, there always will be. To think that any nation created would last forever is ignorant especially with… Read more »
Well said! I want to stand up and i want to be a part of others that want and will do the same!!
The left will deconstruct America by any means possible in their quest for a progressive/marxist utopia. You are simply one of the eggs which must be broken to make their omelette.
Death by a thousand tiny cuts. They whittle away at it every day.
This is a great citation to save and use every time one of the useful idiots complains about Trump celebrating the 4th.
@Lee, Yes, there is an awful lot of fake outrage out there, today.
Screw those snowflakes & there families. this celebration has been going on for over 200 years & now because these flakes don’t like it or it hurts there ears or whatever there problem is they can prepare them selves ! WE THE PEOPLE are going to Party !! SNOWFLAKES BE DAMN .
Keith, right on!