![BUG-A-SALT 2.0](https://www.ammoland.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/BUG-A-SALT-2.0-1-600x339.jpg)
Idaho – -(AmmoLand.com)- Our constitutional rights are being challenged hourly. The liberals seemingly are coming out of the wood work by the droves. You expose one as a village idiot and ten more pop up in their place. I’m not into the zombie scene, but it’s like the liberals are mutating and trying to outdo each other on who can do and say the stupidest stuff the fastest. It’s exhausting.
So with the above said, it is time for a light-hearted product review.
We’re talking about Bug-A-Salt 2.0. While this review will be in fun, it also has a serious side. If you work in the food industry, you know that pest & rodents can be a problem as well as flies.
For instance, I’ve been in the beef industry since I was 8-years old and eventually even worked in Beef packing plants. Flies in a plant landing on carcasses are an issue. The USDA frowns upon this. Surprising huh? They also frown upon spraying DDT on the carcasses and premises! So, we’re restricted to using almost impotent methods. And to complicate the problem, every trailer load of cattle you bring in brings with them a new shipment of flies. In some of our bigger plants where we killed over 6,000 head/day, that equated out to 120 trailer loads of cattle/flies. And we had five beef plants, four pork, and three lamb plants. So that meant we had a lot of incoming flies.
Well, I’m helping a guy a few days/week to open a new beef plant as we speak…I mean type. It is fly season, and we’re struggling with that at the moment. The other day I saw a Bug-A-Salt 2.0 advertised in a local outdoor store flier and thought I’d test one out.
The testing procedures went downhill fast. I was in my office, opening it up, and the owner walked in and saw it. He grabbed it and ran out in the cafeteria and started running around like a mad man shooting flies while in flight while everyone was eating lunch. It was hilarious, and we all had a good laugh. But this did give me an idea. What if a restaurant had their waiters packing a Bug-A-Lite 2.0? Say a customer requests salt on his meal, and the waiter whips out a Bug-A-Lite 2.0 and sprays their meal. Save from buying salt shakers for every table. Ingenious, huh?
But it brings up a point; you can shoot them while flying. In the past, we were limited to mineral oil in a spray bottle. Obviously, you cannot spray bug poison in a food environment so we’d have to get up close and hit them with the mineral oil which would weigh down their wings and they’d crash. The Bug-A-Salt 2.0 is a lot more fun.
In fact, I may revert to my pre-marriage days when Bob Jett and I lived together. We’d fill the sink with hot water and see who could catch the most flies. We’d catch them and shake our fist to disorientate them and then throw them in the sink of hot water which would kill them. Of course, I was beating Bob so he opened up the kitchen door to let more in so he could move ahead. (There is a reason men need women in their lives).
For a hilarious video of the Bug-A-Lite 2.0 check out this guy’s YouTube.
So who wants to be toting an old fly splattered fly swatter around the picnic table? Heck no, make it fun. Sure, you could tote around your .44 mag with rat shot, but you’d soon end up in jail. Grab a Bug-A-Lite 2.0.
Here’s how it works. Lift the cap on top and fill with table salt. Pump the slide cocker back, and you’re good to go. When you see a wily fly hit the safety and let er’ rip. It holds enough salt for about 80 shots. The Bug-A-Salt 2.0 is excellent for a food environment, picnic, or pesky mother-in-law. All of these problems solved for a mere MSRP of only $39.95. Have fun.
About Tom Claycomb
Tom Claycomb has been an avid hunter/fisherman throughout his life as well as an outdoors writer with outdoor columns in the magazine Hunt Alaska, Bass Pro Shops, Bowhunter.net and freelances for numerous magazines and newspapers. “To properly skin your animal, you will need a sharp knife. I have an e-article on Amazon Kindle titled Knife Sharpening for $.99 if you’re having trouble.”
gcm-You guys are horrible! lol, too late, I just emailed in a patent.
It is great fun and if cooking outside on the grill you can kill bugs and season the food all at once.
Breaking news !
Harold Hutchison has been conferring with the flies.
They have come to an agreement
Harold will write some some highly sensitive considerate columns
to convince you that any resistance to the flies is futile and reckless.
Harold says we need to understand the flies and work with them.
Rumor is that Harold will be promoting the acceptance of ” Black Flag Laws ”
that would virtually eliminate possession of insecticides.
I think we also have the 1.0. Loads of fun, but it takes 3 or 4 shots to stop the flies, even at point blank range. I think the garden pest version in green might be stronger.
2.0 but still not a rifle.
I had one of these a few years ago, probably the first model. It was great fun until the cheap plastic gears in the cocking mechanism broke. Hopefully that issue has been fixed. If it came with some kind of a guarantee I might get another one.