
Ft Collins, CO –-(Ammoland.com)- This past week DJT (Donlad J Trump), responding to last weekend’s shooting incidences in El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH, called for “meaningful background checks” to be imposed at a federal level upon any American citizen who wants to make a retail purchase of a firearm.
As I listened, it struck me:
“Wait! We already have an instant background check system in place. Our NICS System has been in mandatory operation, nationwide, since 1998!”
Is our current NICS System suddenly “meaningless?”
Imitating his Democrat/socialist opponents, DJT never got specific, never told us exactly what he means by “meaningful” background checks.
Our current NICS System performs a thorough records check of a perspective gun purchaser’s criminal history.
Most felonies, particularly violent felonies, will instantly bounce the application, as will current arrest warrants and protection orders, and documented mental-health deficiencies.
We’re now left to wonder what additional information about an individual is to be added to the NICS-check, in an effort to make it “meaningful!”
Will we now include rumors, speculation, and supposition?
- Will social-media presentations/opinions arbitrarily deemed “inappropriate,” (ie: politically incorrect) now bounce my application?
- Will letters-to-the-editor of local newspapers containing “divergent” opinions, similarly veto my chance to be armed?
- Will my membership in certain organizations, like NRA, GOA, RAC (Rock Against Communism), represent an automatic prohibition?
- Will my use of certain non-government-approved language, like personal pronouns, or my occasionally thinking non-government-approved thoughts, do the same thing?
Gee Mr President, just how “perfect” do I have to be in order to exercise my Second-Amendment rights as an American citizen?
Just how do I go about “proving” to your satisfaction that I’m not mentally ill, nor in another arbitrary category of citizens whom someone has offhandedly decided “should not have guns?”
“Nipping in the bud shoots of arbitrary power is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people.” ~ John Quincy Adams
About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com
This is true of ALL of our rights. First Amendment, unless your part of the media your input, letters to the editor are NOT published. 2nd we see what’s going on. Yes, due process is seen by the anti-gun world as ineffective in that there are still firearms on the street. Right to due process, police can lie to you and tell you that they have evidence they don’t have then tell you that if you confess you get off with a lighter sentence, not just TV. right against unreasonable search and seizure – gone. I’m not a racist and… Read more »
This is how DJT operates. He appeases the libtards by claiming he wants “meaningful background checks”, then libtards get busy and present their idea of “meaningful background checks”, and DJT shoots them down.
If DJT just flatly said “No” to any/every libtard gun control idea, he would be portrayed as a hardliner that is impossible to work with and who doesn’t care about the people who are being killed.
DJT is smart…very smart.
Get ready for Soviet style laws that link the NICS system to the VA, ones individual medical records and pharmacy dispensing records. Any positives for psychotropic medications, narcotics, mental depression, or suicidal counseling will deny a gun sale and trigger an automatic Red Flag raid on the individuals home. For those on Medicare that information is already in government hands. It was Obama that forced the doctors into electronic medical records and the public reason was Obamacare. I suspect more sinister reasons were behind it. This all becomes reality when communists take both houses and the presidency. Its time to… Read more »
It sounds like BOHICA again!!
(Bend Over Here It Comes Again)
You ever read about the use of Mental Health diagnosis to deal with refuseniks and other dissidents? It’s a very easy weapon to use against uncooperative citizens.
Even our own Veteran’s Administration allows employees to put veterans on the trouble list. While the VA no doubts treats many veteran’s with PSTD and other mental conditions, too many people are blacklisted in retaliation.
For expanded background checks to have any effect, the firearms used in recent and past shootings would have had to have been purchased without background checks. A look at the mass shooting suspects and perpetrators shows this not to be the case. But gang members and other involved in criminal enterprises shoot and kill far more people than those shot by mass shooters. How will expanded background checks take guns away from criminals? Do they get their guns at gun shows, from the internet by finding a seller on Craigs List? No. Criminals do not purchased their firearms lawfully. The… Read more »