National Rifle Association Comments on Weekend of Murders ~ VIDEO

Editors Note; Our NRA recently responded in two comments to the weekend’s Mass Shootings and the President’s comments in a press conference on Monday.

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National Rifle Association Comments on Weekend of Murders

FAIRFAX, Va. –  -( “Our deepest sympathies are with the families and victims of these tragedies, as well as the entire communities of El Paso and Dayton. On behalf of our millions of members, we salute the courage of the first responders and others offering their services during this time.”

“The NRA is committed to the safe and lawful use of firearms by those exercising their Second Amendment freedoms. We will not participate in the politicizing of these tragedies but, as always, we will work in good faith to pursue real solutions that protect us all from people who commit these horrific acts.”

On the President’s recent address to the American people:

“The NRA welcomes the President’s call to address the root causes of the horrific acts of violence that have occurred in our country.”

“It has been the NRA’s longstanding position that those who have been adjudicated as a danger to themselves or others should not have access to firearms and should be admitted for treatment.”

About National Rifle Association:

National Rifle AssociationEstablished in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. More than five million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services. Follow the NRA on social at and Twitter @NRA. Visit:

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The last sentence sums up the typical NRA approach to gun control, “… or others should not have access to firearms…”. Just who exactly are the “Or others” NRA is referring to in their statement that should not have access to firearms? The fact that the NRA is stating in print that they have had a “longstanding tradition” of advocating against some group/some individuals NOT having “access to firearms” is the main reason most gun owners will not join and/or support the NRA and LaPierre. I want an organization that will fight for my 2nd Amendment rights, not compromise them… Read more »


I’m a little disappointed in Ammoland. NRA is no longer worth quoting. Their token remarks are at best worthless, and now they come across as like some former politician trying to sound relevant. And half the column was an ad for NRA! OTOH, I’m sure NRA paid for the ad, and Ammoland is a business.

Will Flatt

EDITORS: Don’t call Negotiating Rights Away “OUR NRA”. It may be YOURS, but NOT OURS!!

It sure ain’t my NRA, I ditched those traitors to liberty and the 2A a long time ago!!

Green Mtn. Boy

WGAF what Negotiating Rights Away since 1934 has to say,they are already for Red Flag and are actively Negotiating members and Americans 4 th. amendment rights away.

Charlie Foxtrot

@USA, how much money is the Brady Campaign paying you to make gun owners look like certified lunatics?

Wild Bill

Except that we, in Texas execute murderers. Signing up to kill people so that you can be executed Texas style is the kind of loyalty that on one has.