Right Of The People To Keep & Bear Arms Is Completely At Odds with Collectivism


Seattle Antifa Protestors
Leftist extremists have shown their contemptuousness of and open hostility toward the U.S. President, Donald Trump. They hate him for having the audacity to attempting to preserve our Nation as a Free Republic

New York – -(AmmoLand.com)- The ethical systems and political philosophies of individualists and collectivists are mutually exclusive and therefore cannot be reconciled with each other.

We see two different value systems of two distinct political and social philosophies, one reflecting the tenets of Individualism and the other reflecting the tenets of Collectivism. Each side frames the political, social, and ethical questions in mutually exclusive ways, as each side emphasizes different values, and, this, in turn, is reflected in the policy choices each side makes, as that side attempts to resolve what it perceives as distinct political, social, and ethical problems and dilemmas.

Given this indisputable fact, negotiation and compromise are impossible, as the vision each side embraces for this Country is absolutely at odds with each other.

Thus, we see each side taking completely different policy positions on every major issue: three of the salient, pressing ones, of late, being firearms, abortion, and immigration. But why is that? Why are there such profound differences on social and political issues–such profound differences that each side doesn’t even ask the same questions, approaching the issues in such different veins that it is impossible for each side even to begin to understand the other side. It is as if each side is speaking a different language. And this being so, it stands to reason that resolution of political and social issues would reflect demonstrably distinct, antithetical policy choices that make reconciliation between the two sides impossible. It is for this reason that there can be no compromise, no negotiation between the two sides, as any attempt to do so, would be sterile, empty, as one side seeks to preserve the philosophical underpinnings upon which this Nation was created, the free Republic the founders placed their very lives on the line to create and to provide for future generations of Americans; and the other side seeks to rend and replace the Nation the founders created. The profound differences of the two sides being irreconcilable, and so profound, so resolute, and existing on such a basic, elemental level, that the conditions for the possibility of an actual modern civil war unfolding, are very real.* The Radical Leftists and Progressives seek nothing less than to replace our free Republic with no less than a Marxist styled dictatorship, a regime that is visibly at odds with the Nation as it presently exists, and they intend to follow through with their plans. Those individuals who wish to preserve our Nation as a free Republic, as the founders intended, the political Conservative, will never permit or abide by the uprooting of the philosophical underpinnings of our Nation as a free Republic, wherein the individual is autonomous and sovereign.

Leftist extremists have shown their contempt of, and open hostility toward, the U.S. President, Donald Trump. They hate him for having the audacity to attempting to preserve our Nation as a Free Republic. These same Marxist, Radical Leftists and Progressives have shown a no less contemptuous attitude and hostility toward the founders of our Nation, the framers of our Constitution.

The Radical Left and Progressives that have virtually taken control of the Democrats and of the Democratic Party, demonstrate open disrespect toward, and, in fact, deep loathing of, and perverse, monstrous abhorrence toward, the founders of our Nation, and have demonstrated their deep, abiding contempt of, and, in fact, open defiance toward, our Nation’s Constitution, and toward our Nation’s fundamental, natural rights and liberties, toward our Nation’s long, glorious history and culture, and toward our Nation’s institutions, the entirety of it. The Radical Leftists disrespect of our Country, and of its people, whom they bizarrely and erroneously divide into two disparate, armed camps of victims and overlords (victimizers), is not only extreme in the conception, but pathological in the use. In fact, the very notion that this Nation, a Nation of free citizens, is comprised of two broad classes of people, the oppressed and their oppressors is outright ludicrous, but it does serve their ignoble purpose.

The ruthless and reprehensible designers of disquiet and disruption in our Nation, the social engineers who desire to disrupt and corrupt the orderly operation of society, to weaken and confound the citizenry, have done so, so that they more easily control it. So that they can remold it, reshape it, and insert it anew into the Marxist vision of Hell on Earth they have conceived: a world of vast surveillance and control over the mass of populations; a world where the mass of humanity is reduced to servitude and penury and where those who object, those who dissent, those who demand freedom and liberty are brutally crushed into submission. This cannot be reasonably denied, as there exists mounting evidence to the contrary: the rebellious, disaffected extremists have taken over the Democratic Party. The current Democratic speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, hardly a proponent of the Bill of Rights, has been principally silent. She has lost her grip of the House.

Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi

Whether afraid to wrest control from the mutinous Radical Left or otherwise through an attempt to retain a modicum of power through obsequious acquiescence to it, Pelosi herself, has become subservient to the frenzied call for an immediate transformation of the U.S. into a Marxist dictatorship. Those of the Left seek nothing less now than open revolt, audacious in the conception, frightening in scope; but hardly grandiose; simply disgusting, reprehensible, and absolutely insane.

These Radical Leftists, who had sought to reshape society quietly, through the social policies of Barack Obama, and which were to continue through the regime of Hillary Clinton, were dismayed to see the election of Donald Trump and to witness his Administration throwing a wrench into their incremental path to a Marxist world State. And Seeing that their master plan for a quiet progression of the U.S. toward Marxism was failing, possibly could fail, the Internationalist Billionaire architects of a One World Government went to work. Their plans for a one-world political, social, economic, and cultural system of governance would now have to be made plain, to be made obvious to the American people. And they set to work to destroy Trump’s Presidency.

They have attempted to do so audaciously, and they continue to do audaciously, attacking and ridiculing the man himself, as well as attacking the President’s policies for returning our Nation to its historical roots. And what they desired to do incrementally, they now seek to do quickly, through one major push, one massive frontal assault on the Nation and its Constitution and its people.

Whoever gains the nomination of the Democratic Party, and whoever it is that might gain the U.S. Presidency, no longer matters. There are no political Moderates left in that Party who have the Will, the Backing, and the fortitude to wrest control from the dominant Radical Left. Whomsoever in the Democratic Party it is that retakes the White House, will be taking his or her marching orders from the Billionaire Internationalists, and through their minions in the Party. And, as these supra-nationalist, one-world Government organizers have lost patience with a slow, incremental transformation of this Nation into a Collectivist one-world State, expecting, anticipating this Nation’s slow but inexorable, assured fall into unceremonious ruin, only to be rebuilt, but only to be rebuilt as a cog of a world super-state, they now seek a rapid advance. Should a “Democrat,” any so-called Democrat, takes over the reins of the Executive Branch of Government, expect to see a rapid political, social, cultural, economic upheaval to occur, and as the new “President” will have the legitimacy of the Office of President, in which to mount the upheaval of this Nation internally, it will be difficult to prevent the metamorphosis of this Nation into a Marxist Hell. And, what will all this mean for the American people?

These Radical Leftists and Progressives desire to erase the very memory of our Nation as it is, and once was, and is ever to be. They seek to wipe the slate clean, to start over; to replace a free Republic and a free People with a thing that died long ago and that should have remained dead and buried long ago–the Marxist Collectivist Dystopian dream of a one-world, borderless, political-social-economic, construct, ruled by an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful Government. This is the Collectivist nightmare of a world devoid of nations, devoid of free citizens, devoid of hope, dreams, and reason; a world containing serfs, drones, and slaves, all controlled by a small cadre of ruthless overseers, intent on containing, constricting dissent, and bending entire populations to their will, the goal of which is to provide uniformity in thought and conduct, along with confounding, oppressive stasis.

*For a detailed account of the major political and social differences between Radical Leftists/Progressives, on the one hand, and Conservatives, on the other, the Arbalest Quarrel has pointed out the salient differences between the two sides, providing then the reason why compromise between the two is empirically impossible. One side ascribes to the basic tenets of Collectivism, an ideology upon which the social and political philosophy of the Radical Leftists and Progressives is predicated. The other side ascribes to the basic tenets of Individualism, an ideology upon which the social and political philosophy of the Conservatives is predicated, upon which our Nation was founded and upon which it presently exists. We invite interested readers to take a look at two Arbalest Quarrel articles on the subject, both of which were posted on AQ in October 2018: “In the Throes of the America’s Modern Day Civil War,” and “The Modern American Civil War: A Clash of Ideologies.”

Arbalest Quarrel

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit www.arbalestquarrel.com.

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Will Flatt

The problem is it’s not just leftists. It’s RINO traitors to the Constitution, oath breakers like Dan Crenshaw, who get into office on false promises of defending our liberty and then promptly turn around and stab liberty in the back. IN YOUR BACK.

But yeah, we’re headed for a big fracking civil war, and when it happens, there will be no rules of engagement. Politicians from sea to shining sea will swing from streetlamps, along with other enemies of liberty.


@WF; I hope and pray the “war” remains with words and does not evolve into throwing ropes or lead.

Will Flatt

We’ve been in a cold civil war (of words) for at least a decade now and some would say even for 50 years. 50 years ago the radical lefties (who now run the Dems) were plotting the total democide of all conservatives and the logistics of how to murder & dispose of many tens of MILLIONS of us. No, the civil war will go hot before too long. The extremist Left have made it impossible to live with them, impossible to reason with them, and they want nothing less than total control over us and our future descendants. No, they’re… Read more »

Will Flatt

I posted another comment which was held for moderation because I included a couple links. In case that it doesn’t get approved, go on YouTube and search for “John Mark” and watch the videos “Conservatives Reaching Consensus”, then “Welcome to the Winning Right” and finally “Civil War 2 in America: Who Would Win?” – these are truly incredible, awesome analyses of what’s happening and will open your eyes! If you can, download these videos & save them because this truth ammo is too powerful and the collectivist Left (including Google/YouTube) will do all they can to censor and suppress this… Read more »


These DOMESTIC TERRORIST RIOTERS with their faces covered need to be ARRESTED and CHARGED as TERRORISTS. Organizations such has “antifa / Anti First Amendment” need to be OFFICIALLY labeled as a DOMESTIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATION and BANNED. Also, the MUSLEMBROTHERHOOD’s American FRONT group named “cair” needs to be banned along with all of their ANTI American sub CULT groups MUST be banned from America.

Arizona Don

It is becoming obvious the anti-gun presidential candidates (which is most of them if not all) are determined to pass more gun restrictive laws into effect should they attain a position of power in the upcoming election. In essence and quite obviously they desire to confiscate all guns. That must never be allowed to happen in America. It is also a foregone conclusion the guns must be taken from the hands of the American citizens for these so called democrats to impose the promised fundamental transformation which we now can see is into a communist socialist state. Taking Americans guns… Read more »


What I’d love to hear is how much of “our” law enforcement community will go along with the leftists the way they are now, with a pitiful few exceptions, and hide behind the ” it’s the law” excuse or the “I’m just doing my job” excuse and trample all over us. I’m afraid it will be far too many. Many more than most reading this want to believe. I’m NOT anti LE but I tend to believe that this 99% are good guys line and there is 1% who are bad apples to probably be just the opposite.

Will Flatt

Even if 100% of the police AND military went along with the tyrants, that would still not be enough to overcome the militia – which is every gun owner in the country. I believe that the bad apples in police service are probably 40-50%, with another 40% willing to just follow orders. But the military is another matter. They will NOT obey unlawful orders, and will arrest or shoot anyone who does give an unlawful order. Of that I am certain. You would see outright defections of no less than 50-60% who would come over to the side of the… Read more »


This is what happens when you don’t enforce laws. The last administration’s hope and change sanctuary city BS was instrumental in fostering the complete disregard for the rule of law. This empowered the left, giving them a pass to break windows, destroy private property and harm those that disagree.


“Why are there such profound differences on social and political issues–such profound differences that each side doesn’t even ask the same questions, approaching the issues in such different veins that it is impossible for each side even to begin to understand the other side.” we understand the leftists, leftists do not even attempt to understand our points of view. if we don’t agree with them they label us nazi’s, white supremists, racist etc. leftists don’t want to allow us to speak or engage in debate, they want agreement or silence. good luck with that. leftists have no moral ground to… Read more »




This evening I was reading the local postcard called a newspaper and the opinion column was written by Seattle Times and the subject was the Electoral College. This writing was so full of lies about the E.C. and how it does not provide the votes of the citizens to elect the president. Of course, I understood that their idea of voters includes dead, illegal, vote counting and all types of cheating being done by the progressives. My point is that Washington state no longer recognizes the E.C. along with fourteen other states. Yes our little paper is as leftist as… Read more »


I’m not sure why people try to make The Donald some kind of saint…..he ain’t. Better than Billary but not all that great. He’s already turned his back on gun owners a couple of times. Get used to it.


Yeah, well it’s Trump or bust. There is no other choice. No third party can win and unless it’s Trump, it will be a communist. Get used to it.