Longmont, Colorado City Council To Vote On Extreme Anti-Gun Resolution

Disarm Criminals Not Citizens Rally For Our Rights
Disarm Criminals Not Citizens Rally For Our Rights, IMG Rally For Our Rights PR 09-03-2019

Colorado – -(AmmoLand.com)- In a Gun Safety Resolution so extreme it puts Boulder’s so-called “assault weapons” ban to shame, Longmont, CO city council is asking federal and state elected officials to implement laws such as gun registration and requiring gun locks so advanced the technology barely even exists yet, among many other things.

On Tuesday, Councilman Tim Waters presented the resolution. It was voted 5-2 to advance to the next step – deliberation and a final vote which will take place on Tuesday, Sept 10 at 7 pm during the weekly city council meeting. If approved, Mayor Brian Bagley would have to forward this resolution to state and federal elected officials conveying that these are the laws city council believes Longmont’s law-abiding gun owners should have to abide by. It should be noted, Mayor Bagley was one of the NO votes to move the resolution forward, along with Councilwoman Bonnie Finley.

Here is what the resolution calls for:

1.) Required state-issued permits for gun ownership.
2.) Universal background checks on all sales, including the private sale of firearms*.
3.) State issued permits for concealed carry*.
4.) State issued permits for concealed carry within a vehicle*.
5.) Banning the personal sale or purchase of military-grade weapons by non-military personnel.
6.) Limits on magazine capacity*.
7.) Required gun locks that enable only permitted gun owners to fire a weapon.
8.) Prohibitions of gun ownership by convicted felons and individuals convicted of domestic abuse.
9.) Red flagging individuals who have given family members and/or law enforcement reasons for concern about their mental and emotional stability*.

Read more about this action as well as access a PDF of the resolution here: Longmont, CO Wants to Register Their Gun Owners

Please speak up, especially if you are a Longmont resident. You can email the entire council at once at: [email protected] and telephone numbers can be found here. Please also attend the next two city council meetings: Sept 3rd and Sept 10th, both at 7 pm, Civic Center 350 Kimbark St. Longmont, CO 80501. If you are comfortable doing so, come with a 3 minute prepared speech to give during public comment (it’s easy). If you don’t want to speak, please still come and offer support to others. Questions? Contact us.

Rally for our Rights BannerAbout Rally for our Rights

Rally for our Rights is a non-partisan gun rights advocacy organization that was founded in early 2018. It has quickly become Colorado’s most active Second Amendment group with a focus on frontline activism and community outreach.

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Wow. Glad I left Colorado. I’m pretty sure that Gun Registration is illegal at the Federal level. It will be interesting to see this play out.

moe mensale

Switching party affiliation will allow one to ignore these proposed infringements? Is that what you’re saying?

Do you parse what you write before hitting the “post” button?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Boy, you sure aren’t very good at comprehension if you got that out of #USA statement! Maybe YOU Should take your own “advice”.

moe mensale

Three fourths of what USA posts here needs to be deciphered before responding to it.

He still hasn’t answered my question. Clarify what you said, USA. I won’t hold my breath.


Aside from the fact this list is tyrannical and unconstitutional I guess these morons don’t know that felons are
already prohibited by law to have guns and concealed carry is licensed by the state. I’m willing to bet they don’t
listen to the citizens who are against this and vote for it anyway. Typical anti-gun politicians.


Colorado state law prevents local municipalities from creating their own gun laws. Preemption law was passed into state law in 2002 I believe, negating the patchwork of city and county laws one had to deal with when traveling through the state. These people do not know what laws are already I place.


Colorado is a sanctuary state with constantly rising crime rate and the lefties won’t blame illegals for anything. Those in government in Colorado are working to bring the state down to the California level.


Don’t know what the solution is other than to stay away from places like Longmont, and other cities (Austin, Chicago) and states (California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey) where gun rights are routinely pissed on by the residents out of fear, ignorance and stupidity.


I like the sign in the picture. It sure would be a different world if they left honest people alone and started going after the criminals. It makes more sense because honest people pay taxes and criminals don’t.


Colorado, you are dead to me.


Denver, Boulder, Longmont and a couple other cities control the voting in Colorado. Perfect example of what the nation would be like if the popular vote was what we had. They have had the greatest influx of migrants from California, and it shows.
The rest of the residents are not for what is going on and we have a recall going to bring down the leftists governor that was questionably “elected.”
Colorado isn’t dead, don’t give up on us yet, we are still fighting.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Keep it up guys…and when some of you find crossbow bolts stuck in your skulls, your fellow communists will most likely figure out why.

You give the communists to much credit, if they could figure it out they wouldn’t be communists.


Here is the email I received back from council member Marcia Martin after emailing the council. Amazing to see how triggered she got! Go figure. “First of all, I have a hard time with people who won’t sign their name. Second, I don’t think you really want me to quit pandering to the loudest voice in the room, because that’s you and your compatriots in the 2A absolutist faction. The majority, who think that firearms ought to be regulated more like automobiles, are mostly pretty quiet about it. Finally, regarding TREASON: it has a very specific definition, and this isn’t… Read more »


There are so many laws restricting everyone but criminals, what’s a few more?


@MJ; As of today there are almost 25,000 ANTI-Constitutional, ANTI-Second Amendment laws across America. As far as the Constitution is CONCERNED, OWNING a weapon and being to able for a LAW ABIDING American CITIZEN to have IS A RECOGNIZED RIGHT!!!!!!! Which is to STATE, the governmental communists cannot remove or take away OUR RIGHT. NOT A “privilege”.


Traitor Trump is at it again. This time in bed with Google and China’s Social Merit BS.


Won’t matter that we have the 1st Amendment protecting FREE SPEECH, with Trump’s help it won’t matter anymore. Combine this with ERPO’S and it’s the perfect way to disarm Americans. Thanks Donald.

Wild Bill

@T, you must not base your opinion on that crap intel from PP.


You’re correct again. Am the primary father/care-giver to a 22 year old with severe developmental delayed and intractable seizures. On my own for a decade now and without much help. Get frustrated easily and forget to really check the sources. Thanks for the “pinch” to help stay on track.


@Truth; God Bless and give you the strength you need.

Scotty Gunn

Info Wars and Prison Planet is for tin foil hat conspiracy nuts.