Just one more reason why thermal is #NoLongerOptional.
MANSFIELD, TEXAS – -(AmmoLand.com)- At Pulsar, we know thermal imaging technology doesn’t just help put food on the table, we also know for a fact thermal imaging is an invaluable tool for first responders. Firefighters, search and rescue teams, the U.S. military, and law enforcement use thermal not only to apprehend suspects and catch bad guys but also to find missing persons and victims of fire and accidents.
Due to legal disclosure agreements from different law enforcement departments, it is rare we get to publish the life-saving opportunities of using thermal imaging units. But thanks to an alert hunter from Nebraska and his Pulsar Trail XP50 riflescope, three people are alive today.
Pulsar Trail owner Marcus Dryak was on his way home from bow hunting in Nebraska. On an isolated road in the dead of night, it can be nearly impossible to see your surroundings. Marcus had his radio turned on but windows down, allowing him to hear the wind and night sounds around him.
When driving past one particularly dark area of the road, he believed he heard a faint “Help me!” in the distance. Scanning but not being able to see anything in the fields beside him, Marcus heard the cry for help again. He pulled over and turned on his Trail XP50 thermal scope.
About 30 yards from a nearby Stop sign off the main road, Marcus saw a crashed vehicle. Through his thermal, Marcus was able to see three people trapped inside. Marcus immediately called 9-1-1. It took first responders 45 minutes working with the Jaws of Life to free the passengers from the car.
The driver of the vehicle, a Dodge Ram pickup truck, missed the stop sign and hit a cottonwood tree off the road.
All passengers were transported to the nearest trauma unit. Police later told Marcus had it not been for his thermal, one of the passengers would not have made it through the night.
Marcus visited the victims in the hospital.
He says, “The hospital staff and the family were all amazed that I found them. They said the whole thing was a miracle. They said that my thermal was priceless.”
Stories like this remind us of the everyday applications and life-saving potential of thermal and digital night vision.
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About Pulsar
Every Pulsar device is designed, manufactured and tested to ensure demanding professionals receive the most reliable, most advanced thermal and digital night vision performance the industry has to offer. The result of Pulsar’s commitment to industry-leading excellence is consistent world-class quality, precision engineering, seamless device operation, and cutting-edge proprietary software. Pulsar produces an array of advanced optical devices designed for law enforcement, security, home defense and hunting applications, including thermal imaging and digital night vision monoculars and riflescopes, night vision binoculars and goggles, rangefinders, IR flashlights, and related accessories. To learn more about Pulsar, visit www.pulsarnv.
Nice work by hunter, but using a technology most of us can’t afford. $2000-$6000 is way beyond the average person’s range. When they make them for less then $200, let me know.
Somehow I just knew someone would make the comment you made. And no, no one is going to “let you know” when the price comes down, that’s up to you. However, as more companies enter the field it will come down.
As a PS: Start checking now!
One day maybe, some companies are trying to make thermal devices more affordable.
Your comment is 100% subjective. Honestly, in my Marine Corps days, thermal was more of a myth. We knew it existed but none of us had ever seen or used the technology. Even 10 years ago this consumer-grade stuff was $15k – $30k. Now thermal riflescopes can be found down to about $1800, roughly half the cost of a couple of my traditional riflescopes. I’d say that IS affordable for someone willing to save a little or even sell a rifle or two. I suspect you may die of old age before that type of technology costs less than some… Read more »
Some people live in a different world from others, and how nice for them. In any event, when I find that getting a somewhat better view of a deer, or whatever the usual objective may be, is worth $1,800 to me, then I’ll consider a purchase. Meanwhile, to blow that much money, some of us do ask whether the benefit is worth the cost. Not yet, for me, rich guy. $1,800 can buy a lot of meat, and I’m just not the kind who can (or is even willing to) afford $10,000 luxury hunting trips or custom made equipment..
Part of the present high cost is likely due to the cost of development now being spread out over a relatively small number of units sold. Further, I’ve noticed that when US Gummit wants some tricky new tech for field use, they somehow manage to pay far more than someone else wouldpay for the same item/development/service. Not saying this manufacturer is ripping them off, but that’s just the way it always seems to work. Once they begin to come into the “plain folks” market for the likes of you and I, just as with “night vision”, GPS, laser rengefinding, it… Read more »
I used to run a company which was often requested to bid on government contracts. You would not believe the hours that would get spent on the paperwork. The reason that hammer costs $5,000 is that it is $29 for the hammer and $4,971 for paperwork.
great use and kudos to Markus however 5K + is a tad steep for most of us…. when the price comes down to say a K then I will have one…
They sometimes have markdowns and special sales.
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The list of beneficial applications of thermal technology continues to grow! What a great story to read this morning!