Opinion By Alan J Chwick & Joanne D Eisen
USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- It is without a doubt that our country will elect a Democrat President sometime in the future.
Folks, the Democrats are good at promising cheap trinkets to the lazy and they are great at frightening people into making decisions against their own interests. We know for sure that the Democrats will eventually get back into the White House.
That’s the way US politics has worked in the past.
After Trump, though, we are in uncharted territory.
For decades, the Dimwits, aka the Democrats, ignored the benefits and magnified the disadvantages of civilian-owned weapons. They tried to frighten gun owners and non-gun owners alike into making poor choices based on emotion, and not on the facts.
The Dimwits tried to fool us into peaceably giving up our weapons. Instead of giving up our weapons, we gave them Trump.
After Trump, will we peaceably disarm?
Now that the Dimwits realize that their lies failed to stampede us into disarmament, as has occurred in other countries, they are demanding that we “sell back” our so-called “assault weapons,” and whatever other classes of guns they fear. The Dimwits claim that our Founders never imagined the effect of technology on personal weapons. But our Founding Fathers did have full knowledge of the arms possibilities. They had knowledge of the Puckle Gun (considered one of the first machine guns ever built-in 1718) and others like it.
Our Founders gave us the Second Amendment fully understanding, and expecting, improvements in firearms and weapons technology. Logic Note: If the Second Amendment does not apply to modern technology, then the First Amendment should NOT either.
Those who wrote the Constitution wanted to limit government; they did not want to hinder technical genius.
The Dimwits plot to pass the Universal Instant Check System. If it were to be signed into law, rest assured that lists of firearms owners would be made, and used to confiscate weapons and ammunition. They are so eager to disarm us, that they can hardly wait for RED FLAG LAWS to accomplish that task one by one. The Dimwits are also too lazy to collect the 4473 documents from FFL Dealers, who must retain the 4473s for not less than 20 years, per § 478.129(b) Record retention: Firearms transaction record.
The Dimwits believe that when new gun bans become the law of the land, house to house searches will occur and we, the law-abiding citizens that we are, will quietly and happily disarm.
With all the new rights the Dimwits have normed into our culture, one would think that one has retained the right to safety in the home. So we would not expect government agents to swarm our homes, endangering our families, and take our property.
But that seems to be their plan.
The Dimwits should surely remember that past gun bans have not been fully obeyed.
Crazy Dimwits are finally telling us the truth when they promise voters that the next time they win the White House, forcible disarmament will follow. After all, according to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who not so jokingly reminded us about who would be controlling the atomic weapons, “It would be a short war…”.
If even thinking about nuking our land and our people isn’t insane, what is?
Although Swalwell was quickly shushed, the proverbial cat was fully out of the bag. But the Dimwits could no longer restrain from hiding their madness, Beto also made the confiscation claim.
The Dimwits, of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, labeled our NRA as a “domestic terrorist organization”! Can you imagine that a Civil Rights Organization, who helped train the freed slaves and promotes safety, is a domestic terrorist organization?
Our Second Amendment, and our Constitution, are under attack by lunatics, liars, and idiots. They are mean, nasty, and extremely destructive. They have a selfish streak, and can not be trusted.
Some of these loonies may be family. We may love them! But how can we ever trust them in the future? The political path they chose is not necessarily a peaceful path.
Why have we not seen most of the Democratic party apparatchiks flee their party’s massive lies, not only about the benefits of disarmament and socialism but about Republican subversion against the very Constitution we love?
Millions of Dimwits should have renounced the hatred of our country and spoke out against the damage that recent Dimwit policies have done to our Constitution, the country, our Presidency.
How many in the Dimwit Party really believe that we firearm owners are eager to sell out our beloved country to the enemies of freedom?
Our souls are wrapped in the flag of freedom!
Are their souls?
Is the Second Amendment worth it?
Is it all worth it?
And the answers are: No, Yes, and Yes!
About the Authors:
Alan J Chwick has been involved with firearms much of his life and is the Retired Managing Coach of the Freeport NY Junior Marksmanship Club. He has escaped from New York State to South Carolina and is an SC FFL (Everything22andMore.com). [email protected] | TWITTER: @iNCNF
Joanne D Eisen, DDS (Ret.) practiced dentistry on Long Island, NY. She has collaborated and written on firearm politics for the past 30+ years. She has also escaped from New York State but to Virginia. [email protected]
We are strongest when we show a unified front. That’s SOP. Now is not the time to let the NRA die. LaPierre should go, yes, that is a given but we mustn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I am an NRA patron and am withholding some but not all money I send to the NRA. Let’s win another election, take back the house and then collectively sue LaPierre for dereliction of duty. Because now is not the time.
By this time next year, there probably won’t even BE an NRA to defend. Radioactive Wayne is still at the helm and the BOD have decided that they will join Wayne in riding the NRA all the way down to Ground Zero just like Major Kong in ‘Dr. Strangelove’. The IRS and other federal agencies are initiating CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into NRA’s malfeasance at the hands of Wayne & Co.!! So yeah, go ahead and like a sheeple, blame the vocal advocates for NRA REFORM for “creating division” within the 2A activist community. We all know the real shill doing Bloomberg’s… Read more »
There’s an old saying, “Watch what you ask for, you might get it.” The Dems should consider very carefully what that saying might mean concerning gun control. I’m staying in the NRA, I’m a life member, and the rifle club I belong to is NRA- affiliated, so being in the NRA is a requirement to be a member. It’s not ideal, but it’s the only place I can train for my possible future as a HANSOB. This past week I got an invitation to up my NRA life membership to endowment level. I also got an invitation to become a… Read more »
Other than basic membership dues, give nothing else, and let them know with each mailing. Fully support GOA. But to forsake the NRA completely, will be disastrous for all the other groups.
Side Note: Sadly, my #RINO Senator, Lindsey Graham, and Rep Dan Crenshaw, are major pushers of ERPOs, at the state level, not the Federal Level.
@GO – Well said, particularly the last four lines. I agree that “antis” see the NRA as representing all gun owners, just as the cannot consider separating violence and guns. I personally have not dropped my nra membership, but will not be renewing. We all need to advertise, support and grow the other civil rights organizations ( GOA, SAF, +) so they are ready to fill whatever void is left as the NRA disappears. It is OK to disagree on methods and priorities, but we all need to support each other in efforts to protect our rights. I’m always open… Read more »
As a NRA member, and a GOA & JPFO member, I do feel your NRA burn, and am angry. But I hope that you didn’t miss our poorly stated point, and that being, that San Fran’s resolution, calling NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization,’ is very dangerous, for ALL 2A groups. If the NRA, as a terrorist organization catches on, in other locals, even GOA, JPFO, NAGR, etc., won’t survive the onslaught. The main stream sees the NRA, as us, being all 2A proponents. Sadly, they do not see GOA, JPFO, NAGR, or any other groups, as their enemy. Just the… Read more »