VCDL President Speaking at 2A Rally at Virginia Capitol on December 9th

VCDL President Speaking at 2A Rally at Virginia Capitol on December 9th
VCDL President Speaking at 2A Rally at Virginia Capitol on December 9th

Virginia – -( The Virginia First Foundation has asked me, Philip Van Cleave, your Virginia Citizens Defense League President to speak at their “God. Family. Guns.” rally on the steps of the Capitol in Richmond, VA. (the same place as the Lobby Day rally will be located on January 20, 2020).

This is a rally to stand for our 2A rights. Governor Northam and his band of gun snatchers have proposed legislation for the 2020 session that would make law-abiding gun owners felons by July 2020. Take a stand now and join us at the Capitol in Richmond. Got to work? Take a day off.

The rally is on Monday, December 9, 2019, at 1 pm.

More info:

The Virginia First Foundation wants to help with the fight over guns in the upcoming General Assembly session in January. This, of course, does not replace our critical Lobby Day rally in January, but if you can go to help swell the crowd, please come out and support the rally!

Above is the flyer:

Virginia Citizens Defense LeagueAbout Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

For more information, visit:

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Virginia is the lefts test state to see if they can bulldoze the people. If they are successful, the rest of the leftist states will do the same thing.
The writing is on the wall, will the people of Virginia erase it?


You want to bring God into it then you should have some biblical Teachers like Todd Friel of or John McAurther or other such, That is if there serious about the God part, but I would have to assume it’s not but more about guns. Sad.


Given the most recent legislation in Virginia, it doesn’t appear that the VCDL has done much that is effective to shut down the anti-gunners, not unlike the NRA under LaPierre. Talk is cheap, except for LaPierre’s, and we’re (all American citizens who love the Constitution) sick of all talk and no action from organizations and individuals. A rally? Woop-tee-doo! That’ll be another waste of time, money and effort the end result will be no change but the attendees will “feel better” afterwards. At least some areas are taking a stand to fight these illegal and insane anti-gun, anti-Constitutional law and… Read more »

Heed the Call-up

The VCDL has been very effective. No bad firearm bills got out of conference last session, and in most other sessions in recent years. Those that made it out of committee, either didn’t make it to a floor vote, or were voted down. The VCDL has also been effective at liberalizing our firearm laws, such as changing the state from “may issue” to “shall issue”. The VCDL also got rid of the “one-gun-a-month”, and got “restaurant carry” on the books. There are many other examples I could cite, but I believe I have shown that your statement about the VCDL… Read more »


@USA —

I at least nullified the one anti-gun asshole who voted you down for expressing your Constitutional rights. Live long. Live strong. Live informed.


I remember a time not to long ago when NASCAR driver Michael Waltrip asked his brother Daryl Waltrip if he had change for a hundee, and Daryl said: “Bro! A hundee is change!”