Oregon Firearms Federation Responds To Misleading Ballot Title


Locked Chained Gun Firearms Ban
The Slippery Slope to a total Firearms Ban

Oregon – -(AmmoLand.com)- Thursday was the deadline to submit comments about the proposed ballot title for IP 40, the gun lockdown, theft victim punishment, initiative.

As you know, Oregon voters who submit ballot title comments are qualified to file legal challenges to proposed ballot titles. You can read the entire ballot measure along with the misleading ballot title and submitted comments here.

It’s quite clear if you read the measure (a challenge in itself considering how poorly written it is) that the ballot title is dangerously misleading, in no way letting voters now how many liabilities they facing even if they attempt to comply with this effort to render them and their families defenseless.

We feel strongly that the ballot title (which is often all some voters read) is an effort to confuse voters into thinking this measure is about safety when clearly it is nothing more than an effort to find new ways to punish gun owners and deter defensive firearms ownership.

You can see all submitted comments here and see OFF’s comments here.

Oregon Firearms Federation Responds To Misleading Ballot Title IP 40 Comments

Rest assured OFF will be doing everything we can to ensure that an accurate ballot title is drafted and Oregonians know exactly how the crafters of this message are attempting to deny them the ability to protect their families.

Oregon Firearms FederationAbout Oregon Firearms Federation:

The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no-compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org

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I thought California was the master of voter slight of hand. But then there are alot of ex-Californians up there. We in the Golden State had to pass laws for ballots to be clearly written so you know exactly what you’re voting for. The state attorney general allows a confusing gasoline tax repeal ballot initiative that sounded like you were voting to do away with it. Instead confused voters misunderstood the description and voted to keep it. Result? Highest gasoline prices in the country. Laws don’t mean a thing if they can rig the ballot. Vote in every election no… Read more »


The left is 200% about deceiving and lying, it is all they know and all they care about. There is nothing they want to do that is beneficial to law abiding citizens of the United States of America.


Hopefully OR has a better Supreme Court than WA next door. The SCOWS ruled that I-1639 was good to go, despite the blatant omission of critical information in the initiative description. That AND the fact that 1639 concerned way more than one issue. Tim Eyman has been trying to reduce car tab fees for years now with the initiative process. His initiatives were shot down several times only because they addressed more than one issue. Washington State has turned into California North, seeming to be in a competition to see who can enact the strictest gun control laws. All because… Read more »


I talk to people who say why should I care what OR or any other state is doing? I say, these are the laws and regulations they want nationally to infringe on your rights and make it easier to make you a felon. People are not paying attention unless “it affects them”. Then, most of the time it’s too late. And these tyrants know this fact. Look at VA, majority of gun owners didn’t vote, now look! Each state is now being attacked and we need to get more people to understand why it’s important to pay attention and get… Read more »


Picking nits with the article, two grammar issues in bold type “in no way letting voters now how many liabilities they facing”. Should be “know” instead of “now”, and either “they are facing” or “they face”.
Thank you for the great info – and just trying to help make the article more “readable” for the rest of us.


According to an Oregon State Police armorer, the communist democrat and ugly lesbian governor, Kate Brown, ordered her State Police to “KILL THEM!”, referring to the Malheur protesters in 2016. The State Police continually shot at the protesters after they made the media stay miles away. The protesters were not allowed food or water. OSP shot through the windows hoping to kill or wound as many as possible. REMEMBER, the protesters were armed, as is their RIGHT, and they DID NOT shoot back. We all saw on TV when an Oregon State Police officer shot the unarmed Robert “LaVoy” Finicum… Read more »