Ft Collins, CO –-(Ammoland.com)- The USMC, in response to recent shooting incidents on military bases in FL and HI, just published a Corps-wide “update bulletin” on the subject of personal security.
Marines should “ (1) continuously assess local security posture, (2) promote an increase in vigilance and security awareness, and (3) re-enforce emphasis on reporting suspicious activity.”
Yes, all very benign and non-controversial. What we might have expected, and I’m sure no one’s career will thus be jeopardized.
And yet,
There is curiously no mention of the painfully obvious issue of individual Marines (the ones they profess to care about) taking-up and bearing personal arms in order to be ready at any time to repel lethal attacks by violent criminals/terrorists!
That is, of course, “subject non-grata,” that current USMC leadership lacks the courage to even acknowledge, much less face honestly.
And, when you dutifully report “suspicious activity,” particularly on the part of Islamics, you’ll without fail be accused of being a “racist,” and then promptly drummed-out of the Corps.
So, those up the USMC food-chain want us all to be “vigilant,” but of course we must be extremely circumspect, because “race politics” always comes first, far ahead of anyone’s personal safety.
And ultimately, in spite of all the flowery, sepulchral boiler-plate slabber, they don’t trust any of us with guns.
There needs to be a belligerent “philosophical turnaround” within our entire military culture, reversing decades of cowardly, gun-phobic dogma, promoted and maintained by generations of anti-2A liberals, in and out of uniform.
Even now, we see courageous pilot/instructors within the Navy, at great personal risk, demanding that they be allowed to be armed. They’ll be harshly rebuffed, of course, by pusillanimous star-wearers, but the movement is determinant and expanding.
Among those up the food-chain, in the USMC and Navy, we need less “political correctness,” and more righteous personal audacity.
Lives of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines depend on it.
The next military base attack is surely coming.
Will armed terrorists find us all drearily disarmed, untrusted, and unready as they have in the past?
Or, will they be repelled immediately, via righteous gunfire, by proud, dauntless, routinely-armed US servicemen, magnificently armed and trained by their fearless commanders, including DJT, who (finally) really does care about them?
“Victory results from unconditional readiness. ‘Willingness’ is a state of mind. Readiness is a statement of fact!” ~ Anon
About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com
Gun free zones are inviting targets for anyone wanting to run up a body count.
My understanding about the marines is that EVERY MARINE IS A RIFLEMAN FIRST AND FOREMOST TO ANY M O S THEY SERVE IN. That is a lot more training than ANY law enforcement branch. What more needs to be said? Who are the idiots that come up with these disarming laws in the first place? Treason has a price. Congressional vote logs are commonly available to the citizenry. Again, treason has a price.
Arm up, carry on.
Courageous military leaders past are all spinning in their graves to see the stupidity of unarmed soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen standing their duty while unarmed on military bases everywhere. The stupidity is simply astounding! It is far past time to correct this lunacy!
Phil in TX
The idea that American law enforcement officers have to respond to American military facilities to protect American warriors from terrorist attacks would be absolutely laughable if it were not for the
tragic results of this stupidity.
If these Commanders have fear of their own men? What does that mean? They are not fit to lead in battle either.
@BigJim, Yeah, compare and contrast them with Patton:
To each officer and soldier in the Third United States Army, I Wish a Merry Christmas. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We march in our might to complete victory. May God’s blessings rest upon each of you on this Christmas Day. G.S. Patton, Jr, Lieutenant General, Commanding, Third United States Army.
What does that quote have to do with anything?
@"MCCLOUD!", The best officers trust their men, and their men trust them. The fate of, both officer and enlisted are intertwined. The officer must make decisions that accomplish the mission and keep as many of his enlisted alive as possible. The enlisted accomplish the mission and keep their officers alive to continue making good decisions. The Patten quote illustrates what BJ wrote.
See also Medal of Honor Monday: Marine Corps Commander COL William E. Barber. supra. Merry Christmas, Clark, and a Happy New Firearm.
The young man that was shot 5 times was. “on watch” ? How the hell can a soldier be on watch unarmed? I would expect to see armed soldiers protecting all military bases. Something needs to change…
God bless these soldiers and their families.
I did 20 years in the Navy. I was never armed while “on watch”, nor were those above me. I guarded many millions of dollars worth of airplanes. I could throw rocks, maybe.
We spent time on guard with a weapon ,ammo ready to issue.
@Arny, Ft Leonard Wood, Nov 1975. Three rounds!
WOW! That sure could stop an invasion!
Fort Dix 1981, M16A1 with 5 rounds in a 20 round mag up in a guard tower. Mag inserted, round not chambered. Under strict orders NOT to shoot Uncle Sam’s deer. You’d better turn in all 5 rounds, or you gots some splainin’ to do.
We used to pull our weapons from the armory on duty weekends in the Reserves, just to stay in practice for being responsible for a weapon all day long doing normal tasks. No mags or ammo, but if the SHTF, it was readily available.
You couldn’t have found any rocks in the area because they would have made it a rock free zone.
Political correctness and this entire lib/soc dogma was started by Dr. Spock and exemplified by Dr. Seuss. “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” Discipline went out the window. Education became an exercise in name only. All children are equal. Everyone gets a trophy, and/or a passing grade. Our education system was turned into a political tool of the liberals to further the socialist dogma which has permeated the last two generations. American history and government are either no longer taught, or skewed to the current philosophy rather than the way it was. Seventy percent of the professors and instructors… Read more »
So Dr. Seuss was part of the PC ‘dogma’? Have you ever read ‘The Sneeches’? Until you do, stop posting such ignorant bilge.
Now we see why it was law.
So you are against freedom of religion? How very un-American of you. Do us all a favor and move to North Korea; you would fit in there just fine.
Islam is not a true religion, it is a political ideology that professes to be a religion. That way they can garner the sympathy of those they will either convert or kill.
Don’t believe me? Where is the condemnation from the “religion of peace” every time one of their believers supposedly goes off the rails to commit these horrible acts?
Yeah….the silence (and therefore collaboration) IS DEAFENING!
Just goes to prove that “the powers that be” don’t TRUST ANYONE with firearms. The fact they make our own military bases crime spree zones just goes to prove it beyond a doubt. It may be to the best interest of all military personal to en-masse reject the whole “Gun free” nonsense and carry something ANYHOW.