AmmoLand Shooting Sports News has Endorsed Graham Hill for the 2020 NRA Board of Directors. “Graham’s independence and level headed leadership is much needed on today’s NRA board as it prepares to face upcoming challenges in this election year.” ~ Fredy Riehl, Editor in Chief AmmoLand News.
USA – -( My Name is Graham Hill and I’m a life-long gun owner running for re-election to the NRA board of directors and I need your support.
I was born and raised in south Texas, on the border. My parents took me on my first hunt when I was literally a baby in diapers. They taught me to shoot, and to hunt, beginning when I was 5 years old, just as their parents taught them, and just as my wife and I are raising our three boys.
As an attorney with 25 years work experience with federal laws, legislation, and regulations, I take my service to the NRA Membership as a director very seriously. I know where I came from, and know the values I was raised with, and I bring independence and objectiveness, passion and devotion to my Director duties. I focus on what we all want and need – a strong, thriving NRA that defends our rights on the battlefield at all times and all places.
I’m blessed to be able to competitively shoot three-gun – even from my wheelchair – to get to enjoy hunting in Texas with my AR, to get to shoot ARs and pistols competitively, to take youngsters on their first hunts and consistently have them each take game with suppressed AR15s.
I devote my time and labor to the NRA because without the NRA many of these activities could become illegal one day and deny my children, and their children, the rights you and I enjoy today and work hard today to protect. We need look no farther than what is going in Virginia to know serious threats to the Second Amendment are always only one Bloomberg purchased election in the future.
I believe we each have two sacred things to give in our lifetimes – our labor and our love. I’ve devoted my love to my family and friends, and my labor I give to protecting our way of life, our core family traditions, which in my case are embodied in the second amendment. I bring these commitments to my service as Chairman of NRAs’ Federal Affairs Committee.
As Chairman of the Disabled Shooting Committee, I work tirelessly to bring to other disabled hunters and shooters opportunities to enjoy hunting and shooting. My commitment to fellow disabled hunters and shooters includes as a Trustee of Camp Freedom ( My personal challenges and successes over nearly 40 years of hunting from a wheelchair were the focus of this 2018 American Hunter Article (
Through service as a Trustee of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund, where the real work occurs for advancing federal and state litigation that protects our Second Amendments rights (, I work with some of the brightest legal minds in the Country advancing Second Amendment jurisprudence through the Courts.
I also serve our cause as a Member of the Board of Directors of the American Suppressor Association ( I’m committed to preserving our hunting and shooting access and rights on federal lands through service as a member of the Department of Interior’s Hunting and Shooting Sports Conservation Council and where I serve as Vice Chairman of the Shooting Committee (
For the effectiveness of my service, independence, and dedication to the NRA Membership, I ask you to vote for my re-election so I can continue to serve you, the Membership of the NRA, in protecting and advancing the Second Amendment.
Based on the last years’ controversy at the NRA AmmoLand News is very cautious in who we are endorsing as we wait and see how the NRA’s legal challenges work out. Graham Hill is one of those Directors that we know very well and have much respect for his work and trust his leadership skills can help guide the NRA in the year to come. Please Bullet Vote only for Graham Hill and Anthony Colandro when you return your NRA ballot.
The ONLY appropriate question is, will he work to oust Wayne LaPierre or just kiss his ass like the current board members?
You seem to have missed the part where it says he’s running for RE-election, and he didn’t get kicked out last year, which means he was with the rest of the board when they circled the wagons ’round WLP last year. All I need to know…
The ONLY appropriate question is, what has he ALREADY done to end the NRA leadership corruption. Every crooked politician is full of promises. Apparently, nothing. NO VOTE> Next…
I see no way that violating the 4th Amendment can help protect the 2nd. Gun owners, you’ve got to VOTE!
@Bowser, Tait and Cushmen were not nominated by the NRA board. If we can support them, maybe others will be encouraged to get nominated by petition, and WLP could be facing a future bod revolt… maybe. It depends upon us.
Unless an option to completely dissolve the Board is on the ballot, mine is going to the recycle bin. The fact that the Board is responsible for the actions of the executive officers is not “controversy”.
@laughing Jack mac, No! Wait, you can make your vote count for something! There are two candidates that have been nominated by member petition. Those two are Mr. Frank Tait and Mr. John L Cushman. If enough of us bullet vote for those two we could throw a wrench into WLP’s corrupt plans.