Does the Anti-Gun Mob Have a Self-Inflicted Mental Disorder?

Opinion by Dan Wos
Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Anti-Gunners may be suffering from “Delusional Disorder.”

USA – -( The irrational fear of guns, perpetuated by the anti-gun left, has worked its way into our society in such a way that causes people to take extreme action on situations that exist only in their minds.

Often times, when guns are the topic of discussion, those of the anti-gun mindset, believe their fantasies over the stark contrast of what is actually occurring in the real world. It’s so bad that the mere photo of a gun, a Pop-Tart chewed into the shape of a gun or someone making a hand gesture that looks like a gun, has become cause for alarm among those who have this condition. These irrational views are perpetuated by gun-fear-groups like Moms Demand Action and other anti-gun lobbying organizations.

The knee-jerk reaction to anything gun-related comes from people who have been cultivated, to fear guns, through concerted propaganda and rhetoric. The people who fall for this type of fear-campaign seem to be very illogical, irrational and emotionally driven when it comes to the topic of guns. These are often people who have never even held a gun in their hands. Critical thinking gets thrown out the window in exchange for dangerous, reactive, emotion.

What is the left trying to accomplish with their anti-gun brainwashing?

In Colorado, 16-year-old Loveland High School Junior, Nathan Myers, was kicked out of school and told not to come back until the school was able to “conduct an investigation,” into what they called, a threatening Snapchat by the student. The short video consisted of footage of firearms in their cases, that Nathan took during an innocent day of shooting with his family. The guns were very well-kept and frankly not a bad collection. However, those in charge at the school, decided that this was a threatening video and Nathan should be investigated, causing Nathan’s Father to prove his innocence to the Police. The student who reported the Snapchat video claimed to be scared that Nathan would “shoot up the school.” This is the result of the anti-gun left and their misguided fear. It’s working exactly as the Anti-2nd Amendment Radicals planned, but the people at the Thompson Valley School can’t see that they, and others like them, are the ones who have been manipulated. Thompson Valley School District spokesman, Michael Hausmann, refused to comment on the school’s horrible accusations.

In another delusional cry for gun-control, a Pennsylvania man was convicted of disorderly conduct for making a shooting gesture with his hand. Stephen Kirchner, in response to his neighbor “giving him the finger,” replied with a hand gesture that simulated a gun. The delusional neighbor told authorities he felt “extremely threatened” by the gesture and Kirchner was found “at fault.” You read that right. The neighbor “felt” threatened by someone pointing their finger like a gun. It’s clear that something is happening to a group of people in our society, but what is it?

According to the Cleveland Clinic website:

“Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness — called a “psychosis”— in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue.”

“These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.”

“People with delusional disorder often can continue to socialize and function quite normally, apart from the subject of their delusion, and generally do not behave in an obviously odd or bizarre manner.”

“In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted.”

Anti-Gun “Delusional Disorder” has been cultivated over many years. Just in time for “Red Flag Laws.”


Dan Wos
Dan Wos

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is an American entrepreneur, author, musician, and NRA member. He is the founder and President of House Detective Inc., a home inspection and appraisal company serving many markets across the United States. He is also an active real estate investor.

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One exception to this might be a victim who was traumatized with a gun present or used and the reaction would create more of anxiety (PTSI) than delusions. This could also happen it secondary trauma when either observed it or had a close friend or relative affected by it. After my brother had a gun held to his head during a robbery, both of us went, got a permit and bought a pistol. So people react in different ways. I try to listen to people through their anxiety. It’s more effective as they can slowly disarm themselves from their fear.… Read more »


Just one of many psychoses cultivated by the left in their adherents and followers. They have given us a generation of white people who hate white people, and others who believe we have less than a decade to live unless we “do” something. And that’s just for starts.

Old Ch.E.

Late neighbor, a good conservative, was terrified of guns and his wife was worse. I asked him what he would do if someone threatened them in their home and he said he would call me to come shoot them. Somehow he inherited an ancient .22 that might even have been inoperative. He wanted to give it to his son in Dallas. He asked me how to transport it I said put it in the backseat the next time you go. He did but his wife made him wrap it in two quilts. Some people are legitimately afraid of guns but… Read more »


I hope Nathans Father took time to “evaluate” the mentally deranged powermongers in charge of that school, and took his Son out. NO child should live in fear of being destroyed for such innocent activity. I’ve been involved with the Appleseed Project as an INstructor for a few years now, and have noticed a remarkable change of late. We like to take photographs of the events, which will often portray identifiable individuals. We have always given the option to everyone as they register to opt out of any images of them being taken. We let them put duct tape of… Read more »

jack mac

Disarming populations is common since to our public servants desiring to be our masters. As well of those desiring our servants to be our masters. The disarming of a population and killing those who resist is a common method of oppression. People lacking the mental ability to recognize oppression could be considered mentally defective. People whose minds have been imprinted (brain washed) to accept oppression are mentally defective. People who so imprint are simply evil, with the mental defect of psychopaths. Most those so brain washed are likely beyond repair. It would require massive deprogramming therapy on an individual bases.… Read more »


Hoplophobia, it’s as simple as that.