New York – -(AmmoLand.com)- Recall, it wasn’t long ago that retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens, remarked that the Second Amendment should be redrafted to make clear and unequivocal that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not an individual, unalienable, immutable right. Stevens authored a book audaciously titled, “Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution.” In it, he proclaimed the need for a massive redraft of the Bill of Rights. Disagreeing with the idea of a set of fundamental, immutable, natural rights implicit in it, he wished to replace it, to reflect his vision of the world, one at odds with the vision of the framers.
In his book, Stevens devotes attention to the Second Amendment to reflect his philosophy, his vision of America. His remarks constitute a vehement denunciation of the Heller rulings—as penned by the late eminent high Court Justice, Antonin Scalia—a strong denunciation Stevens dared not articulate in his dissent to the Heller decision.
But, on further reflection, Stevens evidently felt that a substantial redraft of the Second Amendment would be insufficient to set the Country on the course he sought: one cohering with the tenets of Collectivism. So, he went further. He argued for the outright abolition of the natural right of the people to keep and bear arms. The left-wing Magazine Time, citing John Paul Stevens’ Op-Ed appearing in The New York Times, wrote:
“Retired Associate Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has an idea for addressing gun violence in America: repeal the Second Amendment.”
Unfortunately, John Paul Stevens isn’t the only Supreme Court Justice who has condemned and has exhibited contempt for the Constitution the framers gave to us. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who presently sits on the Supreme Court, has also espoused little regard for our Constitution. The Daily Signal took Ginsburg to task:
“Conservatives are often ridiculed for criticizing activist judges who fail to respect the Constitution. We are told that it is not conservative originalists (labeled ignorant and extremist) but rather enlightened liberal judges—with their nuanced understanding of constitutional penumbras—who truly respect the spirit of the Constitution.
Conservatives, however, have good reason to be skeptical of the left’s ‘respect’ for the Constitution. . . for example, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told an Egyptian TV station that she would not recommend the U.S. Constitution as the model for Egypt’s new government. The problem, you see, is that the U.S. Constitution is ‘a rather old constitution.’ Ginsburg suggested that Egyptians should look instead to the Constitution of South Africa or perhaps the European Convention on Human Rights. All these are ‘much more recent than the U.S. Constitution.’
Ginsburg’s comments echo those by Washington University professor David Law, who published a study with Mila Versteeg on the U.S. Constitution’s declining influence worldwide. In an interview, Law unfavorably compared the Constitution to ‘Windows 3.1’—outdated and unattractive in a world of sleek and sexy modern constitutions. Such obsession with the age of the Constitution is both absurd and irrelevant.
Equally ridiculous is the claim that the Constitution is too antiquated to apply to the modern world. The principles of the Constitution, although first articulated centuries ago, are not tied to the material conditions of a bygone age. They rest on that most solid and enduring of all foundations: human nature. The Constitution itself contains no policy prescriptions. Rather, it is a short, elegantly written document that creates a framework for a free people to confront the political questions of their times.”
Slightly over a year ago, the National Review pointed out that, with the various changes Democrats would like to make to the U.S. Constitution, they dared not mention, at that time, what they really are after. They realize that to make their Collectivist nightmare of America a reality, it is necessary to do away with the Constitution as it is the framework for our Constitutional Republic, which they seek to undo.
But even as Congressional Democrats do not, at least at the moment, talk expressly of rewriting the U.S. Constitution in its entirety, the Democrats’ bullhorn, the mainstream media, has shown no such reluctance in doing so: proclaiming what the Collectivist world view requires.
The Leftist magazine, Harper’s, emblazoned its October 2019 cover with an incredibly audacious question, as the lead-in to the magazine’s featured article, “Do We Need the Constitution?”
Perusing the article, the reader comes to understand that the question is not only audacious; it is rhetorical. A subtitle within the magazine makes that clear, as Harpers presumptuously asks: “Has America’s founding document become the nation’s undoing?” Several Radical Left academic luminaries, namely Donna Edwards, Mary Anne Franks, David Law, Lawrence Lessig, and Louis Michael Seidman, address the presumed and misplaced—as they see it—subservience of the Nation to the U.S. Constitution. Harpers’ readers are obviously supposed to take on faith that the arguments evinced are logically sound, reasonable, and profound. But even a perfunctory analysis makes clear enough that the remarks amount to nothing more than sophistry, a collective superficial polemic, scarcely hiding the academicians’ contempt for the very framework of our Nation. Consider: how is it that Harpers and the Radical Left academicians would reconcile abandonment of a Constitution, one that has stood the test of time, with the idea implicit in the concept of “Rule of Law” that they apparently subscribe to and to the notion that they would ostensibly also ascribe to, namely that, in our Constitutional Republic, we, as Americans are ruled by law, not by men? Without a Constitution, as the backbone of our body of law built up over time, how might the American citizenry fare, under a new transnational system of governance–one predicated on Collectivist tenets that, at their core, eschew the dignity, sanctity, and inviolability of the individual?
The slippery slope of incessant, incendiary, insufferable Leftist attacks on various parts of the Constitution in the Harpers’ feature article, ends with a proclamation in response to the rhetorical question, do we need the U.S. Constitution? “No we don’t need this U.S. Constitution at all”—which is to say, the concept of our Sovereign Independent Nation-State, as a Constitutional free, Democratic Republic, as laid out in our “rather old Constitution,” as Ruth Bader Ginsburg asserts, is too old-hat, to continue to exist and should be replaced: but replaced with what exactly?
Through the words and actions of the Democrat Party leadership, along with the words and actions of Radical Left elements within the Party and within the greater society at large, and with the policy prescriptions of the Democrat Party Candidates for U.S. President, as mentioned in the Party debates, the American people should have a pretty good clue what these people they have in mind for the Nation if they gain the reins of power.
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Socialism>Communism>Gun Control=Disarmament=Extermination…
The Impoverished Deadly Agenda…As history has proven….
The Democrats don’t have to re-write the Constitution, they only have to continue to do what they have been doing since the middle of the 20th Century, which is re-interpret (pervert) it or just ignore it, which is done almost every time Congress writes a new law. The end result is the same as destroying the Constitution by making it mute or irrelevant, it only takes longer, and is more subtle and easily done. Like boiling a frog; drop it in hot water and it will jump out immediately, but put it in cold water and gradually bring it to… Read more »
Problem is the Frog is out of the POT ,and the states are IGNORING Congressional LAWS that preempt the Founders Docs.
To the point of a shooting war if needs be.I fear it will come to that very soon.
Recall that many states are already breaking Federal law on immigration, drugs, violation of the 2nd Amendment and so on. We are already in open rebellion; no one has the guts to shoot and make it official yet. This “non violent” civil war however favors the Marxist democrats. The frog in the pot analogy.
@CD, I have to disagree. Only certain politicians are in open rebellion. Just now things are going our way (e.g. judicial appointments, swamp draining), except in Va. All we have to do is out vote the libtards. Restore the Republic.
Which is exactly why our solemn and sacred duty is to revive awareness of our Constitution and the fact that it is binding as written on government, and to clearly label those who would abrogate it as enemy insurgents guilty of the High Crime of Perjury of their oaths of office and of Treason to the extent they adhere to the enemies of our nation giving them aid and comfort.
@Frd, Capture the school boards and restore The Republic.
Progressives have long believed that our Constitution is antiquated in form and in ideas. The history of this thinking is a lot longer than you may think. Progressive scorned libertarian thinking Americans like Frederick Douglass who saw the need for carefully crafted and protected statements of individual liberties in order to protect minorities and the vilified classes in society. That is why you don’t hear much about Douglass in modern progressive social banter. He was a Constitutional liberal. Progressives are antimatter to that thinking. One of the clearest examples proposed by progressives was the Four Freedoms of the Depression era.… Read more »
they are not progessive, they are regressive. they want to take America back to a time when there were no civil rights for any person. their view of a utopia has never happened and never will, it is a fantasy of their twisted mindset. they seek to fracture society into groups to be used against one another, they do not want people to assimilate into the American way of life, that is why they want all the illegals to be here waving their nations flags and not ours, they want division. they have bastardized the word liberal and should not… Read more »
Put simply, the internationalist monied interests — the same adam henries to whom Great Britain was (and is) a wholly-owned subsidiary when we fought and won our War for Independence — want their colonies back. They are backing the useful idiots calling themselves “Progressives.” They regard themselves as our “rightful masters” and the fact that we have rejected their rule for 233 years has chapped their butts raw. They have infiltrated our institutions, government and private, to the point they now believe they have sufficient power to force their agenda through in spite of our President Trump, who was elected… Read more »
Frederick Douglass was a self-freed slave and worthy of our greatest respect, not only for his success in freeing himself, but for his great intellect. But my comment here goes to another issue, the label “Progressive.” Throughout the 1800’s people were absolutely ecstatic about their new freedoms, about the fact, for example, the average working man, woman, and child improved their living standard more than in the previous 25 centuries thanks to a monetary system, of intrinsic value (wealth) rather than units of the national debt as now, and thanks to the great value of a form of government founded… Read more »
Bloomberg exemplifies the progressive position. It needs to be, if he becomes the Demo candidate, widely and clearly spelled out the restrictions he imposed and tried to impose in NYC. In order to get the welfare vote, he’ll promise plenty, so conservatives must get across the loss of freedom that will come with his dolling out of our tax dollars. I could see major restrictions on what can be bought with food stamps, and actually that might be good considering the bad food selections people make. Not being able to buy high sugar, high fat products with their food stamps… Read more »
In my opinion the Bill of Rights was written so the common man could read and understand it without the benefit of a lawyer’s interpretation. I also believe any Supreme Court justice who does not protect and defend the Constitution as their oath requires should be impeached. Same for politicians that are being paid from our tax dollars. I don’t believe any gun control laws are legal and violate the Second Amendment. The Constitution provides a method for changing Amendments so why doesn’t the left use it. Because they know they would loose. I believe a Convention of States is… Read more »
A lot of people regularly call for a convention of states to “fix” the problems. One huge issue that almost no one brings to that table is that there is no guarantee that there will be enough support for a right to keep and bear arms component, term limits, etc. What if a majority of the states decide to support no arms, term limits, etc? What if they come up with and ratify a socialist manifesto? Full on communism? Then you are stuck with a Constitution, ultimate law of the land, that is antithetical to what the framer’s envisioned and… Read more »
@H; I suggest you go to the COS directly and read the “guide lines” which MUST be followed. These “guide lines” are there to STOP a “run away” Convention Of States.
Those “guidelines” were there for the original Convention held to address the inadequacies of the Articles of Confederation; the delegates were prohibited from addressing any other matter. But they found the Articles could not be saved, that they needed a whole new Constitution. That’s why they had to call for ratification of their efforts in the news media of the time, the article they wrote eventually becoming the Federalist Papers. They exceeded their mandate by a long shot, and there is no grounds to be sanguine about a current COS doing the same thing regardless of “guidelines.”
Term limits are already enshrined in our Constitution. They are called elections and are held on a regular basis. The REAL problem is most citizens can’t be bothered to get off of their collective fat azzes to bother to REGISTER to vote, much less cast a ballot. ‘We have met the enemy and he is us’ – Pogo.
true, if every firearm owner in America would vote in every election for the non-democrat politician we would be on our way back to sanity. problem is that with a leftists you know what you are voting for, but with a (r) by their name, they sometimes are not conservative and want to be liked by the lame stream media, i.e. Collins, Murkowski, McCain and the one from Missouri. President Trump had gotten many judges appointed this term and when re-elected will appoint more constitutionalist judges. get out, talk with people, write letters to the editor, and vote.
Candidates are often no more aware of the principles of our government foundation than the average doofus in the street, and they tend to campaign under the rubric of the party they think is most likely to elect them in whatever district they are in. Then they go on to propose cockamamie legislation that violates every right we have, like the Brady Act that converts our right to keep and bear arms into a revocable government-issued permission government lawfully has no power to issue or deny, and compels us to give up our 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th Amendment rights… Read more »
@Frd, You get an A+ for the day!
Yes elections are there. However, elections have been proven to stop professional politicians from being in the same office for DECADES deciding what is “best for We the People” – – even when these “politicians” FEEL they know better than WE the PEONS TELL THEM WE DO NOT WANT WHAT THEY DECIDE. As an example: the DemoNAZIS in Virginia who are acting as TYRANNICAL TYRANTS, or wannabe “dictators”.
@"MCCLOUD!", You always say the same thing and it is still only partly true. Our employees that work in government have found lots of ways around that one control on them. Other employees are not even subject to that election control.
We need more and stronger ways to regain control over our employees in government.
Would have worked years ago not now, IF we had a CON CON, then the People from each state would be Co Opted by $$$$$$, and do away, and /or change the Founding docs. IF we could have ONE that was Set Up BEFOREHAND allowing only 5-6 items to be addressed(NO MORE) that could work. But once it’s OPENED it would be Pandora’s Box.(NOW) I far prefer to Separate and Red go with Red, and Blue go to Blue. Balkanization or Civil War is coming.I prefer the first. SICK AND TIRED of NEW YORK Billionaires/California maggots telling Me in Texas… Read more »
You were doing fine, exemplary fine, until you advocated the Convention of States. The problems we are having are the result of the federal government not obeying the U.S. Constitution in the first place, and the Constitution conveys no power to the federal government to do anything not specifically authorized by that document. It doesn’t even convey the power to the federal government to declare the 17th Amendment ratified depriving the States of their suffrage in the Senate (and their ability to keep the federal government in check). If the federal government won’t obey the Constitution as written, why do… Read more »
Hey, Mr. Katz, did you just wake up? You been toking instead of paying attention? Everyone here: Has been talking about the communist democrat’s desire for a totalitarian America. Knows the America-hating democrats DEMAND a communist United States. Knows the communist democrats, at the 2016 DNC Convention, said they would not interfere with a public burning of our Constitution. Knows how, at the 2016 DNC Convention, the democrats declared the Communist Party USA to be THE democratic party. We ALL know how the monster Ginsburg has written and spoken about her hatred for the United States, the U.S. Constitution and… Read more »
We don’t have a GUN PROBLEM we have a DEMOCRAT problem,UNLESS we get them UNDER control we are going to continually fight for air.
TIME to face it DEMOCRATS esp the LEADERSHIP are UN-AMERICAN and do not deserve the rights afforded to them.(Take,take,take,take is their MANTRA and murder babies.)NO COMMIES in our GOVT!.
‘j.stevens’ along with ‘r.baddger’, with their HATRED of OUR American Constitution should be IMPEACHED from the Supreme Court Judge position. These LEFT LEANING NAZIS are NOT HONORING nor ADHERING to their OATH OF OFFICE and are NOT defending OUR Constitution. REMOVE THEM POST HASTE!!!!!!!!!
Roberts s a Traitorous POS also.
@Laddy, Have to control the House of Representatives and the Senate, first.
“That’s the argument of flexibility and it goes something like this. The Constitution is over 200 years old and societies change. It has to change with society, like a living organism, or it will become brittle and break. But you would have to be an idiot to believe that.”
Justice Antonin Scalia
“The Constitution is over 200 years old and societies change. It must change with society, like a living organism, or it will become brittle and break. But you would have to be an idiot to believe that.”
The late, great Justice Antonin Scalia
The Deep State murdered him on a Democrat hunting retreat,no formal autopsy was done and he was cremated before any could be done,one of our Best.
Shortly after he learned, or was reminded, that his dicta in Heller that States and municipalities remained free to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms was false and contrary to his previous rulings: Article VI provides and requires that the Constitution (of which the Bill of Rights is an integral part) is the supreme Law of the Land, and the judges in every State are bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. It was shortly after being reminded of that, that he checked himself into a retreat and… Read more »
Opps. You beat me to it. Oh well! And thats a deep subject!
The “…radical left…”? Don’t you mean the left? All of ’em?
Same as the muslims. There are no ‘radical ‘ muslims, they are ALL radical and demand a world Islamic Calipahte. They ALL read the same book.
Again, you are 100% correct. Democrats brought the muslims here to have them go after conservatives and, again, fulfill the Hegelian Dialectic. I do not think they know they have a monster on their hands, one they will never be able to control.
Not the same, but all a threat.
Never happen. Served one term, gets salary and health benefits the rest of her life–that she will spend doing whatever she can to bring our nation down.
Point of consideration: The idea that politics is based on a straight line, with the right wing to the right of center, the left wing to the left of center, and the moderates halfway between the two, is bogus. The purpose of that illustration is to keep the political wheels spinning without getting anywhere. In reality, it don’ work like dat. In reality, politics are more accurately represented as a circle. The Fascists and the Communists overlap each other at one place on the circumference; at the street level the victims of their tyranny won’t see any difference. Liberty under… Read more »
@Frdmftr – Agree that a line is far too simplistic a model. Your 2D-circle description is a far better representation. Reality is that there are far more political dimensions to all of us. Of course trying to analyze in more dimensions gets complicated quickly and is probably no more useful than your 2D model.
The new agenda for humanity requires that no one will have the capacity to fight back. It has been said: “Our Task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” No other explanation is possible. History has repeatedly demonstrated that disarming good people in the name of making bad people harmless only eventually facilitates politicians shooting their own countrymen. History…learn from it or be doomed to relive it. Norman Thomas, the six-time Socialist Party candidate for U.S. President, said the following in a 1944 speech: “The American people will never… Read more »
@StL, Trump has already chased sixty rinos out of office. Forty last election that could see the writing on the wall, and twenty more this coming election. He is draining the swamp, but we have to help him.
POTUS appoints SCOTUS. TRUMP 2020
@JIAZ – Sounds like trump may have finally heard that he has been alienating his base with his failure to live up to his words regarding 2A support.
Glad to finally hear him say something I can agree with.
Bit too little, bit too late – but who else is an option?
Take a deep breath and READ his book. You will learn a lot. Remember when Trump said to Dianne Feinstein “Well, we will just take the guns and worry about the law later”…? A bunch of pansies on here went crazy. In reality, he was feeling out the democrats, trying to see WHERE their agenda is really at. As we all saw, Feinstein had a BIG ‘O’ and they needed a mop to clean the mess. He KNEW, right there, they were lying about ‘Protecting the people from gun crime”. He learned exactly that their goal was a total ban… Read more »
For years the communist democrats have been claiming “We don’t want to take your guns”, but Dianne Feinstein said “If I had the votes, I would tell Mr. & Mrs. America ‘Turn in your guns…ALL of them'”. She said that in the 1990s.
During the ‘Assault Weapons Ban’, Schumer said the almost same words. He wanted ALL guns banned, except for police, security (for the politicians) and military. Their guns would be needed to cleanse the United States from those Pesky Constitution-lovers.
Bingo! You are correct about the Kool-Aid guzzlers…er, sheep.
Spoken like a true believer in the career criminal,leftist gun grabbing buffoon that is trump. Neocons/racists,/rinos etc. are so stupid they actually think he supports the 2nd amendment despite already doing much more to harm it than the tranny husbander obama did in 8 yrs in office. Trump changed hundreds of yrs of precident when he wiped his arse with the 2nd amendment through fiat executive order decree which the next lib president will use to arbitrarily ban semi autos.(only then will you trump nut huggers realize hes a career leftist with ultra libtarded policies & the fact he had… Read more »
You are SO STUPID!
Donald has DONE NOTHING to garner any ‘gun grabber’ moniker, moron.
You should keep sucking that communist democrat dik of stupidity. It works for you, commie democrat scum.
@TTJ – “Take the guns and worry about the law later” – maybe he thinks he’s playing 3-D chess, but many on both sides have taken his words to heart – including M. McConnell.
Perhaps you think he was working to prop up the suppressor industry when he said “I don’t like them at all” about suppressors? That market doesn’t work like that at all. One cannot just go out and buy a suppressor on fear that Pres. will outlaw them next week.
Chaos may have worked for running his companies, but it’s not appropriate for running a country.
WHY do you say such STUPID things? DID YOU READ HIS BOOK? Trump ALWAYS gives them MORE than they want so he can see where their ideals lie. It is an OLD business trick. Yes, he said that to Feinstein who came in her pants. BUT..DID HE TAKE ANY GUNS? LIST ANY LAW TRUMP HAS SIGNED THAT HINDERS the Second Amendment in ANY way. Your lies disgust me. YOU WANT a REAL American kicked out of office. Or, are you still crying because the BATF (NOT TRUMP) banned your toy bump stocks? Everything you posted are lies. Try READING before… Read more »
Trump banned not only bumpstocks but also made it to where even a rubberband can be considered an aw,TRUMP SIGNED IT INTO LAW THROUGH EXECUTIVE ORDER DECREE YOU fN DUNCE! Trump confiscated without compensation hundreds of thousands of legally owned property which also bankrupted several American companies in the process. You are as blind of a sheep as they come. Trump has been after every single shooting pandering to libs by saying hes receptive to their bs such as new aw ban,new nfa ban etc. & Yes hes placed conservative judges FOR HIS OWN MEANS/GAIN
Yes hes placed conservative judges FOR HIS OWN MEANS/GAIN,which is exactly why that bs exec order (&future ones already promised from trump/libs)will now forever be law because those judges won’t go against who appointed them & future libs will say “Trumps approval rating in R party is 90%, therefore since he banned guns through decree so can we) Trump has single handedly destroyed the 2nd amendment when HE CONFISCATED (GUNGRABBED) hundreds of thousands of bumpstock/guns,& he even prosecuted several ppl because of his tyrannical law. He confiscated millions of dollars in bumpstocks held by said companies without any recompense whatsoever.… Read more »
It shows you are obviously NOT a lemming like @TTJ,I mean I get his point that voting for a republican is usually better than a commie leftist but when a Rino gets elected they do far more damage to the 2nd amendment because the Republican Bilderberg party goes along with it so long as a rino like Trump does it(most in senate are rinos that love gungrabbing laws like “Lindsey takes it in pooper secretly closeted Graham”) Trump is only now acting like he fully supports 2nd amendment til he gets reelected then suddenly hes fully receptive. Hes a snake… Read more »
Typical trumptard plinko,”trump didn’t mean red flag laws are great when he said so duur” thats how stupid trumptard libtwats are
“Waaa,waa” you pathetic plinko loser. So sorry I hurt you with the TRUTH. It doesn’t get any stupider than a dumb truptwat that says”he didn’t mean what he says whenever he agrees that citizens should be arbitrarily stripped of their rights through red flag law tyranny” what he actually meant was that he loves the 2nd amendment,duuur,duntadun” you should get a visectomy immediately,we don’t need any more brain dead trumptards destroying the Republican party by turning it into trump commie plinko party that agrees with him signing executive order decrees that render a rubberband a machine gun under law,those executive… Read more »
Relic: Well … er … ah … bullshit.
So all the trumptards can’t refute a single word I say thats backed by Trumps ACTIONS & WORDS,just brainwashed lemmings that like licking boots as long as the brown shirt wearing it says hes a republican despite being a lifelong abortion supporting libtard
Oh, I have! For years they have claimed the high ground, incrementally chipping away at our rights in the interests of safety (of course), and even the NRA has a record of trying to appease them by giving just a little this time, and next time, and next time, etc. Every time our side acquiesced they had a new demand on the table by morning. It wasn’t until about 1990 that we — the ones paying attention, not most gun owners — started saying “Not no but HELL NO!” Even then it took another ten or fifteen years for most,… Read more »
Don’t be too harsh on President Trump; in that respect he is no different than most gun owners out there who give lip service support to their RIGHT to keep and bear arms but support the unConstitutional Brady Act converting the RIGHT into a revocable government-issued permission, and giving up their 4th Amendment-protected RIGHT to be secure from search of their records in the absence of a warrant, their 5th Amendment-protected RIGHT to due process by criminal jury trial before this or any other right may be taken, their 9th Amendment-protected RIGHT to be secure from being compelled to give… Read more »
You might want to consider that the Iranian people, the ones that haven’t puffed themselves up into some powermad* Islamic thug, pretty much love America and what it stands for. (*In that respect, very much like the Democrats when they get into power.)
ONLY 43% of Republicans voted in 2016.
Only 37% voted in 2018.
No one to blame but our lazy selves.
I disagree, at least in part. Yes, we have been lazy (well, most of us have; I have an incentive) but our laziness has not merely been in our failure to research the candidates and get off the couch and go vote — many of us did so and felt patriotic about it, but we fell for the “grassroots” (read “astroturf”) movements organized by the communists from the Frankfurt School who used the programs of Italian communist Antonio Gramsci. But even that was not the whole problem; a major part of the fault lie in the fact that we give… Read more »
You do not need a bill for perjury of office. The American People have the Constitutional Right & Duty to control government. You still think like a slave. What we lack are GUTS. 138 years of Americans allowing the governments (City, state & federal) to run rough-shod over us and our Rights has made Americans feel as they are powerless. Yet, the People are the supreme power & authority in the U.S. Cowardice and inaction have their consequences. It emboldens the tyrant and tells them the citizens will accept their oppressions, willingly. WHY are there not 5 million angry America… Read more »
You lack the guts to go against a treasonous coward from your own party. YOU are responsible,dumbass
To which one of the communist thugs, a guy named “Hope,” replied “I’m the chair of the Va House Public Safety Committee, the Committee he is referring. We WILL be bringing sensible gun violence prevention laws to Virginia. The voters have spoken. Thank you.” Only the voters of Virginia stayed home out of failure to pay attention, and the communists were elected by the Deep State thugs who use northern Virginia as a bedroom community. This is proof of the old adage gun owners seem intent on having to relearn practically every election: ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. You need to pay… Read more »
When a republican gungrabbing plinko is against guns,it is far more harmful than a lib who would’ve been opposed by the right at every opportunity,when its a racist fat orange blob who switched parties like Trump suddenly the floodgates are open & republicunt cowards bend over believing “listen to him using the 2nd amendment to get reelected not to the actual destroying of the entire constitution, because surely a republican wouldn’t be against the Constitution.”(no surprise Trumps entire Entourage/allies are treasonous rino slime like lidnsy takes it in the pooper Graham & Moscow mitch.) Trump is the scum of the… Read more »
@Rel, I don’t care that he is fat, orange, or a blob. He is our best bet at this time. What, do you claim, has he done to destroy the Constitution? We have little time for your vague, unsubstantiated accusations.
I shouldn’t have to explain that to a true conservative aka constitutionalist
Bill of Rights- void where prohibited by Law.
Old joke,, current tyranny.
@axp, I’ve been known to steal a few good jokes, myself.
The Constitution is really old? Senile people should not be appointed for life.
@MJ, you should be happy that Trump is appointing judges that are younger than the average prior judicial appointee.
Fortunately Justice Stevens is now “good”. If only RBG would follow in his footsteps and fall over “good”.
@Hankus, Well said! I bet that RBG costs the federal health insurance system a hell of a lot more than the health insurance companies of ordinary Americans would pay.
Two Communist SCOTUS Judges thank GOD one traitor is gone, THE other IS NOT FIT TO SIT the BENCH(DID you take NOT an OATH to Protect and Defend the ORIGINAL ONE?),yes YOU DID.
YOU are UNWORTHY OF YOUR SEAT you leftist BITCH.You should never been seated to BEGIN WITH.
YOU ARE to follow the Founding Docs NOT have opinions on WHAT YOU WISH WAS different.
You know what’s also not sexy: Not murdering.
Idiots. An ideas age has no no bearing on if it’s valid or not.
These are our best legal minds? Pathetic.
I am very disappointed Trumps LACK of stepping up and BEING MR.Mr. 2A POTUS he bragged so much about, he has’t done shiot.
@DZ – Which makes the preceding tweet so much more impressive.
Unfortunately I think trump is not expressing any heartfelt appreciation for Jack Wilson’s act – he is simply capitalizing on an obvious opportunity to take political gain from a mistake by his adversary.
This article relates, “Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told an Egyptian TV station that she would not recommend the U.S. Constitution as the model for Egypt’s new government. “Equally ridiculous is the claim that the Constitution is too antiquated to apply to the modern world. The principles of the Constitution, although first articulated centuries ago, are not tied to the material conditions of a bygone age” (Roger Katz, “Radical Left’s 1st Item of Business: Retire Bill Of Rights, Starting w/ 2nd Amendment”). Compare this to the following. Realize that in some cities, small vending companies which could not afford… Read more »
“Honor” is a concept completely foreign to most Americans. Without a moral core, there can be no Honor. We have a country filled with wild animals, after all “If it feels good, do it” said Nike, a communist Chinese company. The anti-America democrats have employed the Communist Manifesto and it has played well in our society of wealth, free time and luxury. American families, who REFUSE to teach their children the principles of morality and virtue, and refuse to discipline their brats, are creating a generation of insane murdering monsters. We see this in the fascist ‘antifa’ terrorists. We saw… Read more »
Man! You have THAT correct. These new crop of kids growing up are totally nuts. All they care about is themselves. Heck, they don’t even like sex. They would rather use dope and listen to music 24/7. The communist democrats have used the education system to make several generations of ‘useful idiots’. By the way, I just saw on the TV guide, “The man from Laramie” a 1955 cowboy movie. It’s description is “A cowboy sets out to find the man who sold automatic weapons to Apaches”. WTF? “automatic weapons”? The propaganda never stops. I never knew lever-action Winchester 1873… Read more »
@tt; You are INCORRECT. MOST American are moral and are honorary. I see a lot of 0b0z0’s imports not having the MORAL FIBER that Americans have grown up with. The “professional money grubbing politicians” and their IMMORAL attitudes are a big problem right now. One of the BIGGEST problems America faces is the COMMUNISTS that are in OUR GOVERNMENT who are WANTON to destroy the America WE the PEOPLE believe in.
Gene, one does not need religion to be moral and ethical. Many religious people are not moral nor ethical. I am an Atheist, but I do believe in morals and ethics. No society is moral and ethical. Your example of stealing the railroad is quite amusing. I gather you were thinking of the “robber barons” as you wrote that, the same as I was thinking while reading your post? “In his day there were enough moral and religious people (read- ‘Christian’)”? Only Christians are religious? Wow. And we know how well that worked in the past. How many different sects… Read more »
‘I am an Atheist but I do believe in morals and ethics’. That is like claiming ‘an effective anchor has no chain’. Nice try; no cigar.
Some of the worst atrocities and mass murders of the past–and still today–have been perpetrated in the name of religion. Heed is right. Morals and ethics are within the person, not a religion they choose or choose not. Most of our laws are based on and dependent on voluntary compliance. The federal income tax, for example, has the threat of audit with fines and penalties, but in truth it is mostly dependent on people’s compliance. A guy I used to know (he passed away just last year) used to say, “You don’t trust people. You’re better off trusting a dog… Read more »
@Bowser, Yes, “in the name of religion”, in name only. Religion is how you get morality into a person. Your brief and correct testimony on complying with law, as you have systematically observed it, is evidence that government promulgated law is not the answer.