USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- West Freeway Church lives saved by gunfire. Armed parishioners jump into the fray, and don’t shoot each other.
- Every hoplophobic myth from anti-rights bigots falls, lives saved.
- Mass media, as predicted, avoid and play down the glorious win.
Lives were saved at the end of 2019 by armed attendees at a church service when a murderer was shot dead seconds after he acted. The only thing unusual about the now-famous Dec. 30, 2019 incident is that it was caught so dramatically on clear video with sound. This sort of event occurs with great frequency, getting limited reports in print and word-of-mouth, thousands of times every year, but is actively suppressed by the so-called mass “news” media.
“In a moment of candor, the Associated Press told me directly they avoid self-defense stories because they don’t want to encourage copycats,” said Alan Korwin, a 30-year member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), and advisor to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, www.jpfo.org. “The reporter told me if he did report he would face a reprimand, eventual firing, and those stories would simply not run if he did.”
The AP and mainstream media dwell on the criminal misuse of firearms and murderers constantly, however, who they deceptively call “shooters,” part of a concerted effort to denigrate guns and a peacefully armed society, according to critics.
The well-documented criminal copycat effect caused by spotlighting murderers is largely dismissed and ignored by the journalism industry. JPFO has a campaign to limit media glorification of spree murderers and all criminals, see the Don’t Inspire Evil campaign, here: jpfo.org/d.i.e/die-homepage.htm
Media’s attitudes and actions show their disgust for armed self-defense and the Second Amendment. JPFO calls for an examination of this obvious bias during SPJ Ethics Week in April. It deserves a decent amount of coverage during the week-long heightened scrutiny.
Support JPFO, speaking truth to power: https://store.jpfo.org/11-donations
About Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, www.jpfo.org is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of `gun control’ as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called `gun control’ does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.
“In a moment of candor, the Associated Press told me directly they avoid self-defense stories because they don’t want to encourage copycats…”
BS. It doesn’t fit the narrative.
It reads like they want to avoid people copying DGUs. So I guess they want people to be crime victims instead. I wonder how they would feel if they were the crime victim? Another example of opposite day.
They avoid DGU’s because 1) They are under absolute strict orders to censor out lawful self-defense stories. They have a narrative to push and this aint it. 2) DGU’s typically do not end in tragedy. The MSM core principle is, “IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS”. So instead they glamorize the mass killers because the higher the body count, the higher the ratings. And because the average person is drawn in a macabre way to death and gore, instead of shutting off the TV or not clicking on the news link, they go there out of morbid curiosity. The media knows… Read more »
Typical MSM, nothing to see here, please move along.
It’s the people who’s to blame, because they themselves have proven over and over again, no matter what country they hail from, that if mission number one is to control the masses, you must first control the narrative. End of story.
The ap is so left that they disqualified themselves as a news outlet.
Nothing tells you how twisted and evil our media system is as their fascination with evil and abhorence of good deeds and heros.
Stop publicizing their names, period. “Another worthless nobody” is all the ID they should get.
The more evil is exposed, the more it wants to see itself in the headlines. Evil wants to rule and doesn’t care what it has to do to do so. Lives are expendable.