ROSELLE PARK, NJ – -(AmmoLand.com)- On February 8, 2020, armored car security guard Roosevelt Twyne was returning home from work when he was stopped by three Roselle Park police officers for alleged side-tinted windows on his vehicle.
Twyne advised and showed the officers that he has a New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun, and informed the officers that he was coming home from his employment as an armored car security guard and was, in fact, one block away from his home.
Twyne’s Permit to Carry a Handgun specifies the Smith & Wesson handgun that he was carrying at the time of the stop. Twyne also possesses a SORA (Security Officer Registration Act) Card, a New Jersey Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, and lawfully purchased/registered his handgun with a New Jersey permit to purchase.
The New Jersey State Police Firearms Information FAQ website specifically states:
“Ammunition lacking a hollow cavity at the tip, such as those with polymer filling, are not considered to be hollow point ammunition. An example of this can be seen with the Hornaday Critical Defense #ad / Critical Duty, Car-Bon PowRball / Glaser Safety Slug and Nosler Inc. Defense ammunition.” (Emphasis added.)
Roselle Park Police Officer Louis Plock, nonetheless, arrested and charged Twyne under NJS 2C:39-3F(1) (possession of hollow nose ammunition) for possessing the above-mentioned Hornady Critical Duty ammo #ad.
Plock also charged Twyne with unlawful transportation of a weapon under NJS 2C:39-9D. This statute, however, specifically exempts people who are licensed or registered under chapter 58, and Twyne’s New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun was issued pursuant to chapter 58.
These are 4th-degree felony-level crimes with potential 18 months imprisonment for each.
Because of the arrest, Twyne is presently suspended from his employment.
Twyne has hired the law firm of Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law PC, to represent him. When asked for comment, Nappen said:
“Mr. Twyne is innocent of these charges as a matter of law, and never should have been arrested. The information regarding the legality of his ammunition is easily available to the public and law enforcement on the New Jersey State Police website. Three white officers stopping a black, law-abiding, licensed, armored car security guard coming home from work is extremely dubious. His subsequent arrest was unjustifiable.”
A www,gogetfunding.com/roosevelt-twyne-legal-defense-fund/ has been set up to help pay Twyne’s legal fees and correct this injustice, as he is presently unemployed as a result of these charges.
About Evan Nappen:
Evan Nappen (www.EvanNappen.com) is a criminal defense attorney who has focused on New Jersey firearms and weapons law for several decades. He is the author of the New Jersey Gun Law Guide. Visit his website at www.EvanNappen.com
But the NJ DEMOCRAT Governor, DEMOCRAT NJ legislature, (both Houses), and the entire DEMOCRAT controlled New Jersey power cabal, (backed by the DEMOCRAT supporting NJ press and media), will look you straight in the face and say: “[but] we support the Second Amendment; [and] “we only want to keep guns out of “THE WRONG HANDS.” Lying oath breaking BASTARDS! This honest man’s “wrong hands,” armed with his S&W, no matter what ammo it held, would have been a welcomed appearance to any one of the three officers who arrested him if he happened on them in a circumstance when they… Read more »
Every Democratic state Government is full of COMMUNIST maggots.
Tyranny under the color of law. No wonder why people don’t trust the cops, lawyers, judges, legislators, presidents and their financiers. The first rule to follow when talking with cops is….. DON’T TALK TO COPS.
Sue the crap out of them. Maybe, if it costs a badge or two, they will start working FOR US not against us.
Arm up, carry on.
A lot of people do not realize the Attorneys, even Atty’s THEY hire are Officers of the court and are really working for THEM.
Well, It seems like the law is on his side. And a lawsuit seeking damages after these bogus charges are dismissed is appropriate. NJ is one of those places where they hire cops that think they’re the only ones “smart” enough to carry firearms, and that the rest of us have no need to. A case like this brings that attitude into doubt. I’m a retired cop from the western US, and I can tell you this sort of ignorant, absurd, “badge-heavy” action that seems to be, unfortunately, the norm for the police in the Garden State is reprehensible to… Read more »
Been around MANY decades, IMO, with the few encounters,and the ones I know personally, there are two BASIC types. First are the ones that truly want to DO a great job and serve. Second are the POWER tripping DICKHEADS. They were bullied in school,or were bullies, or picked LAST for every team. They are the Power Trippers. In fifty years I have been stopped three times, one very professional and super easy to talk to,and deal with. The next two,were shitheads.One a cycle jock(and these are always dickheads),proceeded to give me the riot act for not making it through a… Read more »
The whole good cop/bad cop question can be disposed of much more decisively. We need not enumerate what proportion of cops appears to be good or listen to someone’s anecdote about his Uncle Charlie, an allegedly good cop. We need only consider the following: (1) a cop’s job is to enforce the laws, all of them; (2) many of the laws are manifestly unjust, and some are even cruel and wicked; (3) therefore every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer for laws that are manifestly unjust or even cruel and wicked. Therefore there are no good cops. ~Dr.… Read more »
@Doszap – Many years after the fact, figured I should have reported one cop’s behavior to his supervisors. That officer deserved commendation for his rather professional and courteous treatment of young idiots. Had he been less professional or more of a New Jersey style cop – I have no doubt that my ex-wife’s stupidity would have gotten us shot. In most departments, complaints are recorded and if an individual officer gets enough it may influence his chances of promotion. I suspect that compliments go further – particularly as public expects the best and do not comment when they do get… Read more »
If this guy had all the proper ID with him and he showed those to the cops why did the cops feel a need to inspect his firearm and the ammo when he was being stopped for a traffic offense of dark tinted windows?
Sounds like the cops were just looking for a reason to charge the guy with a crime.
Hope he wins his case and sues the police dept.
Trouble is with this hope (and I agree) is that if the Police Dept gets sued and loses the PEOPE of that town will pay the bill NOT the three filthy coppers playing Hitler. I’d go after them each personally and individually on rights violation under colour of law, Go after their personal bonds and insurance. Tie those up NOW< and they can't be working as cops until it is resolved. Oh, and try a COmmercial LIen (he WAS returnign from his employment aftr his shift….) against the coppers as individuals for the harm done.
No doubt they ran the s/n even with his papers. Oh look, illegal ammo.
They do not care, they have the same attitude like NYPD and PA NYNJ at the airports, charge you, arrest you and let the judge and jury deal with it. BUT if you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER you are free to to.
The sad part in all of this is our wonderful Supreme Court which ruled some years back that Police Officer’s do not need to know the law…they can arrest you for anything they so desire…It is then up to the determination of the courts to decide whether you are guilty as charged by the officer or innocent of the same charges…Hence the police officer is not even reprimanded for his wrongful assessment of his arrest…he gets a free pass…all police officer’s get free passes and they know it…That being said if an officer doesn’t like the color of your skin… Read more »
If you can’t beat them, join them, or get them when they are not looking!
Not stupid. Not mean. Just plain PSYCHOPATHS. Eventually this is going to go down bad for “the man”. It is getting close to critical mass.
@oldgringo – Got to wonder how well this plus RICO would work to support claim of legal self-defense. When cops can treat upstanding individuals as criminals for engaging in legal behavior, and they can seize your property simply because they want it – there is no reason for upstanding individuals to trust any cops in any way.
Isn’t there something in the gun control platform about not allowing untrustworthy people to have guns?
Another case of ‘DWB’ – driving while black. Compounding that is the fact that all gun control in the USA began as a way of suppressing the rights of black Americans and maintaining control and oppression over them. Those cops are the ones who should be in prison!!
I hope he takes that little podunk town for all it’s worth.
Courts have “clarified” that cops don’t have to know the laws, while we do. Perhaps it is time for US congress to legislate consequences for LEO violating rights like this. This would be perfect case – democrats get hooked by sympathetic victim and obvious racism angle while republicans can get in to support gun rights and rule-of-law.
The law already exists. 18USC242 and 243, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law and Conspiracy to commit the same. Both felonies at the federal level, all of which these politicians and redcoats, er, jack-booted thugs, er, cops could be charged, tried and be punished for! The only thing that’s missing is some patriots to arrest them all, and honest prosecutors and judges to see them tried & convicted.
He can also do a 42 usc 1983 INDIVIDUALLY against the actors.
Bingo, I have sent that to my two Senators and my Rep, and my local County LE Departments,you think it matters?.
NO.Why?, because they DO NOT follow the LAWS but you,and I had best damn well do it.
PRAY that we do not get a Democrat controlled W H and Senate, we will have a revolution in less than 90 days.
I live in Texas,our Governor signed Open Carry in 1995 into law, try it.You will have 18 cops all over your ass.
Umm – the Open Carry law, changing the Concealed Handgun License (CHL) to the License to Carry (LTC) was passed in the 2015 Legislative session and became effective 1 January 2016. Open Carry of a handgun requires the person be 21 years old, qualify for and possess an LTC. We almost had constitutional carry, but the previous SOB Speaker of the House killed it, and that was a significant reason why he didn’t bother to run again this year. Next year (we only allow the Legislature the opportunity to scr uh, do their work for 90 days every other year)… Read more »
@DZ – I also live in TX. Have only noticed a couple people open carrying and neither one was harassed in any way which I observed. No one I’ve spoken with has experienced legal hassle on open carry, better that way because the law specifically disallows stops simply for carrying a firearm. For me, open carry is simply legal cover for when my visual cover fails. I live in a city with a lot of liberals and do not care to deal with offended people. Possibly I’m way over the top – as no one seemed to notice a couple… Read more »
WF: And don’t forget 18 U.S. Code § 4. Misprision of felony! Almost every politician is guilty of this felony count.
We have TWO set of laws in our SO called RULE of LAW nation.One for thee, and NONE for me.Just look at D.C. HALF the Congress and Senate, and the entire upper echelons of all ABC agencies need to be replaced or the entire Dept CLOSED.Most should be serving time,but they are FREE as birds.
All you have to do is look at the last FOUR nearly FOUR years, EVERYONE can see what IS UP THERE.
Sue for unjustified arrest hope you get at least a million.
After further thought: It’s the banks and those financial institutions involved that need to step up in defense of this guy. If they expect to have their money ferried around so that they can conduct business safely, then they need to do more than just prop this guy up, but go after those institutions of law that would see them run out of business. Cops like this are a threat to the American way of life.
@StWayne – Cops like that generate distrust and general lack of respect for police among the general populous. Their behavior creates hazardous conditions for cops across the country while undermine ability of the country to function as a peaceful law-abiding society. Their behavior is a direct attack on the foundations of our country.
If they don’t know this, or understand this about themselves, then they shouldn’t be wearing a badge. Other police need to “police” other cops when they get out of line, even using social media if need be to bring rouge cops like this to heel. This man is a threat to not only his PD, to include all other PDs, but his family by way of his actions. To me, there’s nothing worse than a cop with a badge and a gun that has let it go to his head. On one of the media shows I saw a cop… Read more »
Hope he makes a lot of money for his inconvenience!!!
Jack Booted Thugs just jealous the man is totally legit for his firearm and ammo.
In all of the years that I have carried with my permit, I have never had an issue with any State Police, now when it gets to the local Police that gets to a new level, of why and what they stop you for! In all of those stops I have most times ended up having to go to court, which brings me to conclude that the locals didn’t pass the exam for the State Police so they fall into a class of Wanta Be’s!!!!!! Case and point years ago,traffic stop, handed over license, insurance card, registration, conceal carry permit,… Read more »
Here we have an apparently-decent, law-abiding gentleman who has played by the rules and his reward is to be arrested, will possibly lose his job and be placed in prison. I suspect this will not happen, due to the efforts of his experienced lawyer, but I sent a GoFundMe donation. We do not support the cause of protecting our gun rights if we do not support our numbers who have outrageously been prosecuted for obeying the law and doing his job. I hope his lawyer wrests a generous settlement from the city and the officers involved are reprimanded.
Where did you send that donation to? GoFundMe doesn’t recognize his name.
The name of the account is listed at the bottom of the article, it is NOT “go fund me” but something very similar. check it again.
It’s officer Louis Plock who needs to be arrested. He’s a nazi with a badge. He needs to know that he cannot be allowed to roam outside the law because this, is effect, makes him lawless. Or that his actions will reflect upon his family: put citizens at undue risk, and you might as well put your family at undue risk. Neither you nor them are protected just because you’re a cop. He’s one of those “progressives” that will be coming for YOUR gun. He is, in fact, an enemy of the Constitution.
As a retired LEO I agree that this guy’s name needs to be plastered far and wide on social media as someone who has violated the oath he took to uphold and defend the Constitution. He’s a disgrace to the badge and uniform he wears.
Bravo Sir! Bravo!
Nappen will crush these guys! Also if this isn’t a clear case of profiling, I don’t know what is! NJ has some of, if not the most, draconian gun laws on the books, The state is run buy rich, left wing socialist “Demorats”! Time for people in NJ to wake up and clean house in Trenton. Evan Nappen is one of, if not the best, criminal defense lawyers who has won numerous cases for those wrongly charged with firearm’s violations. I used to live in NJ and his reputation is impeccable. Go get them Nappen, and rip them a new… Read more »
New Jersey, AGAIN????
Someone needs to give that state a political enema.
start with da guvner, and his filthy sidekick Grewell.
New Jersey has a reputation that’s worse than California, if that’s possible. With all that cop intervention, you’d think New Jersey would be crimeless. The only problem is they only arrest the law abiding.
@Mike – At least NJ only outlaws hollow point. California requires a background check to buy ammo and totally outlaws ‘importing’ ammo. If you bring your EDC (unloaded and locked in trunk or otherwise) better throw away all rounds before crossing the state border or you’ve broken the law. If you drive into the state with a lost round under a seat, you’ve broken the law. In my mind it’s pointless to compare these – it’s a bit like being a little pregnant. They are either unconstitutional infringements or they are not. To me they remain unconstitutional regardless of how… Read more »
Join the discussion…
And dig this: as of Feb 11, (according to a report in the Newark Star Ledger), there were “48” “Red Flag” arrests in Ocean County, (which has an average age of over 65 and is a NJ REPUBLICAN enclave and aka as God’s Waiting Room in NJ), and “ZERO” arrests in HEAVELY DEMOCRATIC and crime ridden Hudson County and only “4” in Essex County, home to Cory Booker’s Newark. You know: Newark?…. the place where Obama came to stump for Killery?
“I smell a rat.” — Patrick Henry
Well, it looks like in New Jersey, not all “Black Lives Matter”.
this one does, he’s well employed, has a nice ride, and we “got supin on ‘im”, so he matters a lot.
They misjudged him, though. Hiring an attorney of the calibre of Mr. Nappen should have them shaking in their boots. I suspect all charges will quickly be dropped…. but if they set the condition of not coming after the dirty coppers, I’d tell em to go fly a kite. In a very wet lightining storm.
Love living in Texas. Compare licensing laws to carry and you’ll see why. Compare ammo laws and you’ll see why. Love living in El Paso. Our police chief, who happens to be Black, did not come out for assault weapons bans after the Wal-Mart massacre (unlike a certain local hero Presidential candidate). He directed that his police not stop people for carrying a pistol openly unless they otherwise acted improperly when open carry was passed and constitutional carry didn’t. Not “Joisey” by any means. If a person is arrested for legal activity the only reason is to keep them in… Read more »
@a.x.p. – What ammo laws? Aside from federal restrictions on “armor piercing” I’m unaware of any.
Not actually sure what the AP law is, I’m of the mind that if a handgun round is not sufficient then one needs a rifle.
@Finnky- Exactly.
Too many unlawful, unjust laws. Too many LEOs with nothing (they want) to do. Too many monetary incentives in collective bargaining agreements to create “conflicts” that will result in overtime and impressive stats without unnecessary risks to the LEO. Too much deference to LEOs via “qualified immunity” and shielding through union attorneys. Too limited transparency of individual LEO’s job performance and disciplinary records. Too low are the education prerequisites for LEOs. Too little life experience required before they’re given absolute deferential authority to “rule over others”. Too many enter LE hoping to “exist” until retirement or to “win” the “disability… Read more »
Roswell Park …. get out your checkbook and get ready to stroke a big one …..
Typical behavior from the Gestapo in the PRNJ!
The Hornady ammo is just what I would think of as non-hollowpoint because it’s point isn’t hollow. Duh.
Perhaps this was some of the reason for Speer making their G2 ammo the way they do.
I have a fired .223 Blank case on my keyring, even that would get me arrested in NJ. But I don’t have any reason to go there or to any other anti-gun State.
Wise decision. I left and have never looked back!
…but sometimes you need to travel through one to get where you’re going. What then?
Plock’s a cock, not a cop!
Naaaaa…this one wasn’t racially motivated. Not at all.
Well, the Jack Booted New Jersey Thugs are at it again! Arresting a man who was in compliance with all of the anti-Constitutional laws in The Peoples Republik of New Jersey. There ought to be some kind of civil redress/punishment for an LEO that does such a thing! Moreover, Plock SHOULD BE FIRED!!!
Roosevelt is innocent and has done nothing wrong or illegal. The man is just trying to put food on the table LEGALLY and he get’s sent to jail??? This is just ridiculous and let’s just face it, he’s being punished because he is a dang gun owner and it goes against the extremists narratives! These cops went against there oath to uphold and defend the constitution and should be held accountable!!
On top of all the utter ridiculousness of this whole story, where this man’s rights were violated in the most brash in-yer-face Gestapo-styled manner, the company he works for leaves him to twist in the wind? Since he was following the letter of the (unconstitutional) law, had all his credentials for the officer’s perusal, and complied with the orders given, WHY would he be suspended? His employers obviously are just as complicit in the presumption of guilt as the jerks that arrested him–they should have done everything in their power to get this man some representation, and shown him that… Read more »
I expect that, unstated in the story, his permit(s) have been suspended as a result of the arrest. Thus his employer would have no other choice.
We need a Constitutional Convention to REMOVE several states from the UNION.
When it gets to this point, they are LOST and are of ZERO use to the rest of us.
it’s NJ no surprise police have been racial profiling for decades
“Three white officers stopping a black, law-abiding, licensed, armored car security guard coming home from work is extremely dubious” Jumping right to racism is bull. New Jersey is a very anti-2A state and it doesn’t matter what color you are. The instant jump to racism being the root cause is not only annoying, it has no evidence to back it up. Just because the cops were white and the suspect is black doesn’t mean that race was an issue. What is an issue is New Jersey’s constant violations of the 2nd Amendment. Seriously, cut the shit with the cries of… Read more »
@Tsgtschmitt – However victim being black makes this an even better case with which to challenge NJ laws. Demos have to choose between fighting against guns or fighting against their assumed racism… No reason we cannot play their racism card against them. Looking at his picture, he looks like a nice-clean cut individual – which makes for what (I understand) lawyers refer to as a “sympathetic victim”. Demos often claim that gun owners are racist – holding up fact that NRA often chooses to not fight for black victims. Using this situation as basis for a legal case goes toward… Read more »
Sorry to hear that you have been living outside the US for the last fifty years and therefore are completely clueless.
Seriously, cut the shit with pretending race didn’t play a role in a “young black man with a gun” being stopped for driving a pimped out niggamobile then arrested for having a gun.
ackshully he was busted for alledgely having “the wrong kind” of ammunition. But the coppers blew it, because what he had is specifically named as NOT in violation of the law in that state. So the copers are sunk right from the git-go. Hammer them as hard as possible I really hope that ammo is the standard issue duty ammo suppied by his eimplyer. That way his company can go after thd dirty coppers as well, and back up their employee in his legal fight. My guess is this will get tossed, but if I were the kid, and am… Read more »
stop and consider this aspect of the stop that opened up this nasty door. In that part of the coutry tinted windows are “a thing” amongst blacks and Mexicans. Not being racist here, that’s reality. HOW do you know those three cops (of ANY colour skin_) did not choose to stop THAT car with the dark windows on the theory the occupant is highly likely to be a member of one of the two “people groups” I named above? Now add in the vastly increased likelihood such people are involved in i”illegal” guns and/or drugs. Odds are quite high their… Read more »
You say there’s no evidence to back up a charge of racism. There’s also no evidence to NOT to back up a charge of racism. Add up all the facts and it doesn’t look good for NJ.
Join the discussion…I say use whatever ammo we can muster against our enemies.
Here’s the cops FB profile. https://www.facebook.com/louie.plock
@CharlieMuk – thanks for the link, but it’s dead. Guess he couldn’t handle the feedback or publicity. That city is going to get raked, I hope by enough to serve as an example for other cities.
Police education of hyper technical laws is critical!
Doesn’t appear the ammunition law, or at least the NJSP explanation of the law, is even technical, much less hyper-technical. The explanation even has a picture, which is apparently too much for Plock to understand.
@ed – It does however appear that their ammunition law is, on it’s face, unconstitutional. I imagine the city will fold quickly in fear of case escalating. Be nice if this lead to NJ ammo restriction being thrown out – but won’t happen.
Every law in American that “infringes” on the right to keep and bear arms is, on its face, Unconstitutional…but we’ve got a bunch of guys and gals in black robes that apparently cannot pass a 3rd grade reading exam…
Apparently it’s okay with NJ if the child playing in the street behind the perp gets a round of FMJ through her.
Paipas please………..”Your’d paipas are not in orda”.
Please, everybody relax because I happen to know that this is a very, very rare occurrence and is not likely to happen to anyone else in NJ or anywhere else. How do I know this you may ask and why am I so positive. Well, these police officers who perpetrated this gross violation of a law abiding citizens 2nd amendment rights are part of that very rare 1% of officers who are out to violate all of us and not members of that 99% of good guys who are just out there just doing the best job they know how… Read more »
Bill, I wish I could agree with the 99% being righteous. I have known nearly a hundred officers, feds and judges by name. ALL BUT TWO OF THEM ARE DIRTY. When I was in the Army, long ago, there was the option to NOT OBEY AN UNRIGHTEOUS ORDER/MISSION. To me, and supposedly to all of them the oath is to defend the nation, defend the people and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Thus, anyone who writes, judges, lawyers, enforces or funds unconstitutional law is criminal to the point of treason.
Arm up, carry on.
When I was in the Army, long ago, it was not “an option to NOT OBEY AN UNRIGHTEOUS ORDER/MISSION” it was your duty. This was something that a fair amount of time was spent on in Basic. Of course that was but five years after the My Lai massacre. By the way, a Chief Warrant Officer in the Company I was assigned to in Germany, Mr. Lee was the person who oversaw the issuance of ammo to Lt. Calley and his troops for that mission. That action hung like a millstone around his neck even though he had no part… Read more »
Accountability needs to be held for officers that do no uphold their oaths.
Bill . . . Pull your blinders off! I worked in law enforcement for many years. There are lots of cops on patrol out there who will gladly arrest you for the color of your skin, if they do not like how you look at them, if they do not like what you say to them, and regardless if you are in compliance with all statutes! The problem in this case is that there in no retribution available against Plock even though he CLEARLY VIOLATED THIS MAN’S CIVIL RIGHTS!!! PLOCK WILL GO MERRILY ALONG WITH NO PUNISHMENT WHATSOEVER!!! Now, before… Read more »
Hummm, let’s see, New Jersey, young black buy with blacked out windows traffic stop and later a gun and with those Hornady rounds. Ever since we dropped one of those rounds on Hiroshima in WWII we have just set our selves up for this kind of behavior and police action.
@jh45gun – Is that a joke? Are you suggesting that cops and gun grabbers see hollow points as being as deadly-effective as nuclear weapons? If so, your sarcasm did not come across in writen form… Apparently (judging by current net 5 down votes) your joke fell flat.
Of course it is sarcasm–these folks suffer from way too much recoil damage. Hope the kid wins out!
Ohhhh boy…. I was ready to boogaloo for this man and illegal cop activity until his lawyer played the race card. Now he’s lost me.
you obviously do not understand :life in Joisey:” Tinted windows are a stupid thing to fuss over, but they do. Maybe there really IS something to the race side of this? False premises for the “contact” right out of the gate, then we get to the dirty coppers going over his weapon to the extent they examine the ammunition he’s using? Probably issued by his company, certain it is in full compliance wiht NJ law. No, thies attorney has a reputationi for fighting like a bulldog for his clients, and is very smart. Starting with the “race card” isn’t a… Read more »
He lost you because of facts in evidence? Please, excuse yourself from any juries you may be called to be on.
Nappen knows what he’s doing.
And his is very expensive.
@D. L. – Do you fight under queensbury rules or some other nonsense? Legal cases are a fight – and as in a physical fight the first rule is win. Use whatever tools you have, whatever the environment can provide and whatever tactics or strategy give you an advantage. Whether or not race was actually an issue in the initial stop or how the cops treated him after stopping him – it can certainly be a powerful tool in the right hands as well as in the court of public opinion. From all accounts the young man’s lawyer has “the… Read more »
I dont give a damn eho was what color or what his damn lawyer said. What friggin difference does that make? How does that change what they did? Yeah, I heard him say it too but in this case, big deal. Your too easily distracted from what’s important here.