WA Candidate for Governor Would Set Up ‘Gun Rights Commission’

Washington Republican gubernatorial candidate Joshua Freed has proposed a “Public Safety and Gun Rights Commission.” (Screen snip, YouTube, Freed Campaign)

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- Something never before proposed by any candidate for public office has surfaced in Washington State, where the aunt of a victim in the 2014 Isla Vista murder spree just authored an Op-Ed in an effort to pass a law that would not have prevented the California mayhem.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Joshua Freed, the former Bothell mayor who has raised more campaign cash than any of the other four declared candidates, said on social media he would establish a “Public Safety and Gun Rights Commission.”

“Our 2A rights are constantly under attack especially following an incident in which a gun is involved between two criminals like what happened recently at McDonalds in Seattle,” Freed wrote. “Law abiding citizens are part of the solution to increase public safety and defend the vulnerable.”

That idea clashes with a Sunday Op-Ed in the Everett Herald, authored by retired elementary school teacher Jane Weiss. Her niece, Veronika, was among the victims of Santa Barbara killer Elliot Rodger, and she has become a gun control activist. Weiss’ 711-word column called for passage of House Bill 2947, which calls for a ban on so-called “high capacity magazines.” It would limit magazine capacity to 15 rounds.

However, there’s a slight credibility issue with what Weiss wrote.

“By the time his rampage ended,” Weiss stated, “the gunman had killed seven people, injured 14 others and terrorized an entire community. The Southern Poverty Law Center considers it to be the first ‘alt-right’ killing.

“The shooter who killed Veronika was armed with three guns and more than 400 rounds of ammunition,” Weiss added. “He used a semi-automatic pistol to shoot Veronika and her two sorority sisters. He fired 15 shots in just a matter of seconds.”

Rodger actually killed six people that evening, three of them with a knife. He used two of his three handguns in the shooting deaths, and investigators found only California-compliant 10-round magazines in the gunman’s crashed car after he took his own life, according to details found at Wikipedia.

It appears Rodger may have been planning this attack for about a year. He reportedly saved $5,000, bought three handguns at three different locations, went through three separate California waiting periods and background checks, all measures adopted by lawmakers in Sacramento to prevent such crimes.

While it is understandable Weiss would want to “do something” in reaction to the death of her niece, doing the wrong thing or something that would not have prevented the crime had it been in place—a magazine capacity limit that actually was in place in California at the time of the Isla Vista crime—doesn’t accomplish anything but provide a false sense of security and accomplishment, say gun rights activists.

Freed, meanwhile, is in a race to replace anti-gun Gov. Jay Inslee, now vying for a third term after the crash of his vanity campaign for president last year. He’s been able to raise a fair amount of money in the Republican field, but he’s got a long way to go if he hopes to match Inslee’s campaign war chest.

Washington has been under Democrat control for more than three decades. However, there is a growing grassroots movement involving gun owners and conservative taxpayers who are furious over the Democrat Legislature’s tax-and-spend approach to problem solving. At least some Democrat lawmakers in “swing” districts could be vulnerable in November.

Some of those lawmakers just might make themselves even more vulnerable by supporting another piece of legislation—Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6288—which would establish a State Office of Firearm Violence Prevention within the state Commerce Department. Activists see this as a taxpayer-funded gun control bureaucracy, and they are fighting it vigorously. It has already passed out of the Senate and is now in the House.

While a state agency to prevent firearm violence—whatever that is—may sound menacing to rights advocates, Freed’s proposed commission idea is not being wholeheartedly embraced, either. Some gun owners weighing in on social media have already panned the idea, complaining that Freed’s concept of appointing volunteers to serve would automatically disqualify anyone who disagreed with the candidate if he becomes governor.

On the other hand, the proposal probably would get no support from the Seattle-based gun prohibition lobby.

In her emotional Sunday plea for a magazine capacity limit, Weiss reminded readers that in January, “a 50-year-old woman was killed and seven others were injured when gunfire erupted during rush hour. One of the suspects was prohibited from purchasing a firearm, but easily and legally bought a high-capacity magazine just hours before terrorizing our community.”

What Weiss neglected to mention is that the magazine allegedly purchased by accused gunman Marquise L. Tolbert was a 12-rounder for a .380 ACP-caliber Glock pistol that held a maximum of 12 rounds, according to court documents obtained by Ammoland News. Even if the legislation supported by Weiss is adopted, it still would not have prohibited the magazine Tolbert allegedly purchased.

It is this sort of deceptive advocacy that has finally awakened grassroots rights activists in Washington State. The Legislature is winding down to the end of its 60-day session, and activists hope to stop these gun control bills in their tracks.

Gun owners contend their rights are being eroded with legislation that penalizes them via a process involving half-truths and false advertising, based on emotion rather than fact. They are looking ahead at a national election that will undoubtedly pit a gun control advocate against an incumbent who has appointed pro-rights judges and justices to the federal bench. It’s an election that could swing Capitol Hill to control by the “party of gun prohibition,” as they were called by Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, or flip the U.S. House back to Republican control and retain the Senate, where judicial nominees are confirmed.

What is happening in Washington State could be a preview of what might happen in “the other Washington” depending upon how the November elections go, and gun owners know it.

About Dave WorkmanDave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books #add on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

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Once again, a great article Dave! Facts are oozing out of pieces written by Jane Weiss, and many others, that blow those pieces right off the very page they’re written on.

However actual facts don’t seem to matter! Quite often people just read headlines and (maybe) pick through for key words and take that as gospel.

Ej harbet

People got your back sir.I read you here because I heard you on AAR but I remember reading you in gun week.a delightful newspaper I miss. Hope you and Mr gottlieb.
De-Californicate your state


Great article…drip, drip, drip slowly erodes our 2A rights, no matter how slow the drip.


All the candidate needs to say is to read the Second Amendment and look up the meaning of those words when written.


A politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun. He only controls the good guys which is his true agenda. A legislator with a bill is far more dangerous to the populace as a whole than a citizen….good or bad….with a gun. A politician with a law is a greater threat to citizens than any bad guy with a gun. The bad guy with a gun poses short term danger. The politician’s danger grows constantly and lasts forever. And, a bad guy with a gun can be shot by a good guy with a gun. A… Read more »


I’ve been reading these articles for so long now I can almost recite them. Oh yes we have to do something, anything, as long as it infringes on the Second Amendment up to and including confiscation. Its all about control, THEY need to CONTROL us.

fifteen rounds she’s being too generous…


The entire Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights.


DCC. Divide, Concur, Control. It’s thousands of years old, so when will we say, enough is enough. Who will stand-up and lead the fight for what is right? Something I regrettably, will not see in my lifetime. Where’s the 300 when you need them?


Washington sure could use a decent Governor, and more Constitutional Representatives and Senators, but given the voter base in Seattle and Olympia and the west coast area, it’ll take a miracle for that to happen.


Sorry, Dave, the opportunity for Washington state to be reclaimed by sane, conservative folks passed years ago. King, Pierce and Snohomish counties call the shots, every time and all the time. One ‘activist’ can’t overcome 1000 liberals with heads full of mush.


‘If I owned Texas and Hell I would rent out Texas and live in Hell’ – General William Tecumseh Sherman. ‘Nuff said.




We can try. By disobeying their commands is a beginning. They may control their precious seats in their house, but do they really control the masses? Those who have spoken their words of discontent, tell an altogether different story.


Already sent my ballot in. How much easier can it be with a mail-in? Boy, when it is spoken, that we as a society, have become lazy, they only have to look at the number of registered voters and how many actually vote. To Vote, something which should be held, to the level of life itself.


There seems to be a little softening of support for Inslee after his presidential spanking. But I fully expect things to only get worse in WA. Just think Boob Ferguson for governor.


The real cause of school shootings is the No Gun Zone law passed in 1990 which “enables and guarantees a successful mass shooting every time” by making everyone in the public school system absolutely defenseless. This law also guarantees the shooters’ safety since they alone have weapons! Politicians passed this law and created the school mass shootings by removing all safeguards protecting the children. This law doesn’t apply to private schools which have their own armed security. There have been no mass shootings at private schools in the same 30 year time period (1990 to 2020).


And in the wake of the Scammy Crooks school massacre in Newtown, CT, some folks in the State of Ohio got together and worked out a real plan that has WORKED. They managed to get state law changed to allow adult school staff who volunteered to take a full week of special training in all aspects of what happens in an armed invasion of a school, including medical treatment as First Responders. Then the teachers, janitors, etc, have the OPTION of carrying their own defensive weapon upon their persons at achool. NO ONE but the head admin guy at any… Read more »


If Ms. Weiss’s girl and others had been saved, or the body count been kept lower, by a law-abiding citizen with a legally concealed weapon, would she not be talking a different language? It only needs to happen once, to change a persons mindset. Criminals stopped robing banks after the townsfolk started shooting them down in mass. A lot to be said, when everyone carries a weapon, criminals would be foolish to commit even a misdemeanor out in public. Gun safety would be paramount as would gun ownership. Most likely be the safest place on the earth, according to somebody’s… Read more »


Northfield, Minnesota comes to mind.


Thanks for the article Dave. As always, you put it out there like it is. I have been following Freed for a while and despite efforts to see where he stands on the second amendment, he hasn’t stated anything until now, anywhere. I don’t like the fact that he hasn’t really taken a position either way. To me, it is a bit late, at this date, to come up with a ‘volunteer’ public safety and gun rights commission? Why not just defend the Constitution of WA State and our great bill of rights. I believe I will still support Chief… Read more »


Neither Culp nor Freed have a prayer against Inslee. ‘I can see all the votes I need from the top of the Space Needle’ – former U.S. Senator Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson.


As a majority of registered voters, when will the Independent voters, have their say. I for one, think it is passed due for, most likely the strongest party ever to raise it’s head, open it’s mouth and be heard. If a third party will screw things up as predicted, then lets screw it up real good. How much worse can it really be screwed up, than it has already gotten?


One can always pray.


Being from Eastern WA, I too, know Culp would make a good Governor. Give someone else a shot at fucking things up, Inslee has done a great job at this. Hell, Inslee has had 2 terms to prove himself. What’s he done. Spend money and raise taxes. Why, because on the West Coast there running out of room to grow and money is being bled from every tax source of the working class. After deep-sixing the Medical Marijuana and dumping it in the Recreational Stores, while making it legal, the state found a tax base to raid, for their spending… Read more »

Culp Supporter

Culp is 100% for our gun rights. Don’t trust freed, Inslee in disguise


Keep in mind that Viet Nam was a battle for hearts and minds, and that we lost that particular war. When it comes to emotions, the worst “lefty” is better at it than the best Republican. We haven’t yet learned the fine art of engaging the enemy on an emotional front. The sooner we come to terms with this, the sooner we will put ourselves on equal footing with the enemy. It would be a helluva an argument to have an emotional engagement WITH the facts on your side. This is called knocking them over with a feather.


Anti-gunners throw road apples on the ground and call it truth.


Those apples on the road, to spin your wheels, so you get nowhere.

Culp Supporter

Freed is a democrat in disguise. Remember how many times we’ve heard snakelee claiming he wouldn’t raise taxes over the years? Result: taxed to death… Vote smart, Culp 2020


Dave Workman, you have erroneously reported that Freed has raised more campaign money , he has donated like 500k (or more?) to his own campaign. Please set the record straight.

Culp 2020 is the lawman’s choice.

Last edited 4 years ago by Randyinwa

One question never asked of politician gun grabbers: how is taking away MY guns going to make anyone safer?

mr ed

also thanks for the info.. I am on the agenda at the
Stark County Board of Commissioners april 7 2020 North Dakota for the preservation of our 2 nd Amendment. so any body in the area come on down.
RED Dawn .. i watched the first one 1980s said it could not happen,,,, i was on duty as a firefighter on 911 and as they parked 1,000s of jets in Mojave and then sold them to any body in the world ,,,,