Idaho 2A Alliance: Democrats Sneaking Red Flag Laws in Stimulus Bills

Idaho 2A Alliance Oppose Red Flag Laws
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance urging shooters to oppose HR5717/S 3254 Red Flag bill.

U.S.A. -( Democratic Congressmen, ever the bastion of decency, virtue, and level-headedness, have spearheaded a push for unconstitutional Red Flag laws in the next round of stimulus bills. Because if there’s one thing a county needs in times of turmoil, it’s virtue-signaling and political grandstanding. Indeed, this is a truly despicable move by Democrats in Congress hell-bent on fully eroding American citizens’ right to due process while simultaneously establishing the framework for full-on confiscation.

The bill in question is H.R. 5717. Introduced back in January, the bill includes such gems as mandating that citizens cannot purchase ammunition without a firearms license, and raising the minimum legal age for buying a gun to 21. Though arguably, the most dangerous aspect of the bill is the inclusion of a nation-wide Red Flag law. Such laws have already seen several Americans killed during warrantless raids. So even those staunchly opposed to the Second Amendment should be wary of these laws. The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance has more details below in their press release.

Recently we warned you that Congressional leaders were trying to sneak radical gun control into the stimulus bills that are being passed in response to the Coronavirus.

That’s right.

As Americans are worried about their families and their neighbors and doing all they can to look out for each other, socialists in Washington are going all-out, trying to use the crisis to advance their sick gun control agenda!

What they want, ultimately, is passage of H.R. 5717, which is the largest gun control bill that has ever been introduced in the United States.

The cornerstone to H.R. 5717 is ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’

‘Red Flags’ are a dream come true for socialists because they allow liberal judges to order your firearms seized via secret court proceedings that you know nothing about, and before you have been charged or convicted of anything!

And that’s why one hundred and fifteen members in Congress — Democrats and Republicans — recently sent an open letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell demanding that ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation be included in the next round of stimulus spending!

If this was simply a letter signed by AOC and the rest of the hard left, it might not be as dangerous. But the fact is, over a dozen Congressional Republicans signed onto this letter!

And we’re not talking about notoriously moderate Republicans like New York’s Peter King, either.

Rank and file Republicans like Ohio’s Troy Balderson, Missouri’s Ann Wagner, Michigan’s Fred Upton, Texas’s Will Hurd and Indiana’s Jackie Walorski are just some of the Republicans who are backing Nancy Pelosi’s effort to use the Coronavirus to advance their gun control agenda!

And with a growing number of Senate Republicans publicly backing previous versions of ‘Red Flags Gun Seizures’ like Rob Portman, Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, and others — this is a very dangerous threat!

That’s why it’s urgent you send a fresh round of emails to Senators Mike Crappo and James Risch, as well as your Congressman, insisting that they ‘VOTE NO’ on H.R. 5717 or any other version of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures!’

When you’re finished, please consider an immediate donation to help the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance.

We are leading the charge against H.R. 5717, and against any effort on the part of Nancy Pelosi to sneak radical gun control into the next round of stimulus spending.

ISAA members have sent over ten thousand emails directly to Washington, D.C., but if we can alert more gun owners, we can increase our pressure!

And with more and more Republicans supporting gun control, we simply must increase it!

You can help us do that with your immediate donation of $100, $50, $25 or even just $10.

These are trying times, to be sure, but we can’t let up, not even for a second — because if we do, Nancy Pelosi and the 115 congressional leaders who signed that letter will win!

Thank you for taking a stand for freedom!

For Freedom,

Greg Pruett
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

P.S. Hundreds of members of Congress — Republicans and Democrats –- are demanding that Senator Mitch McConnell stick ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ into the next stimulus bill!

And with Republicans in Congress and the Senate already supporting this legislation, this might happen if gun owners don’t take action!

Idaho Second Amendment AllianceAbout Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms through an aggressive grassroots program designed to mobilize public opposition to the anti-gun legislation.

Our website can be located at

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Ryben Flynn



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