Oral Arguments heard in California Magazine Ban Appeal at Ninth Circuit ~ VIDEO

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Stock Pile Ammunition Gun Magazines High Capacity Standard

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- On 2 April, 2020, a three-judge panel from the Ninth Circuit heard oral arguments in the Duncan v. Becerra case. The District Court had decided the outright ban of magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds violated the Second Amendment. The opinion, by Judge Roger T. Benitez, was brilliant and extremely well written.

The video lasts over an hour, with strong questioning by the judges. Judge Consuelo Callahan presides and does most of the questioning. Judge Kenneth K. Lee asks some pointed questions, and Judge Barbara M. Lynn asks a few questions.

The appealing attorney for the State of California was John Darrow Echeveria.

The plaintiffs’ attorney for Duncan and the Second Amendment was Erin E.  Murphy.

The State of California did its best at attempting to reduce the Second Amendment right to the minimum possible under the Heller ruling. The argument made was essentially, if California residents had access to some effective means of self-defense in the home, then Heller was satisfied, and the State could ban and regulate almost anything they wished to do.

When asked if the ban could be extended from a 10 round ban to a 1 round ban, Echeveria thought that might be unconstitutional.

This argument was specifically rejected in Heller as being off the table, but the Ninth Circuit has worked hard to forward it.

The attorney representing Duncan and Second Amendment supporters, generally, simply reiterated the Heller and McDonald decisions. Weapons in common use which are used for lawful purposes are protected by the Second Amendment. In particular, a complete ban is off the table.

When asked if the ban violated the “takings clause” of the Constitution, Murphy said it was primarily an issue of compensation.

The State made the claim that limiting magazine capacity was merely reasonable regulation that did not impact the Second Amendment.  It relied on several court cases from other circuits.

This is what happens when the Supreme Court refuses to enforce its previous rulings. Several appellate courts are adamantly hostile to the exercise of Second Amendment rights. They have relegated the Second Amendment to a second class right, as noted by Justice Thomas.

The oral arguments are interesting. They probably make little difference. The finding of the three-judge panel will not be final.

The Ninth Circuit has shown, again and again, Second Amendment rulings will go to an En Banc court.

The makeup of the Ninth Circuit has changed considerably under President Trump. Once a bastion of leftist ideology, which was the most reversed Circuit in the United States, it now has nine judges appointed by President Trump. The Circuit has 29 judges. The Circuit now has a three-judge majority appointed by Democrats.

Not all judges appointed by Republicans are originalist and textualists. They tend in that direction. The Ninth Circuit now has some balance, instead of being overwhelmingly leftist.

One of the judges on the three-judge panel, Judge Lee, was appointed by President Trump.

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About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

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it was a long video, but erin killed it. only thing I would tell her is to not let leftists dictate verbiage and use the term standard capacity instead of large capacity magazine. all my firearms came from the factory with magazines that hold more than 10 round magazines except my glock 26, which is able to use a glock 19 or 17 magazine if I want. also how is the government able to tell you what you need for self-defense?


“You can legally keep your more than 10 round magazine – – BUT you would be breaking the law if you use them. What an ASININE COMMENT BY THE STATE.
FYI: The STANDARD capacity of NORMAL “AR rifles / Modern Sporting Rifles” is 30 rounds and/or 20 round magazines!!!!
Intermediate scrutiny does NOT APPLY to ANY or EVERY Second Amendment court argument!
ANY and EVERY Second Amendment argument brought before the courts – – MUST be held under STRICT scrutiny.

Wild Bill

@DW, I, too, would like to read a report about this attempt after it is over.


SHALL NOT INFRINGE , should end all. Damn Wordsmiths.


The operative concept in the Second Amendment is personal defense, yes, but not against errant coyotes and the occasional serial rapist. No, it is personal and community defense against a corrupt government. Define corrupt government? Yes please. A government that does not trust its own citizens with God Given natural rights. That is the foundation of tyranny. Antidote? An armed and competent population willing and capable of confronting tyranny with equal or better firepower. Leftist should get this. I don’t understand how they can see Trump as a serial rapist totalitarian and in the same breath desire to be completely… Read more »

The other Jim

Listen to that voice…Judge Consuelo Callahan. That was rough to get threw, that voice.