U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- The liberal, left-wing media in Louisiana is calling basic 2A protections “extremism” and “ridiculous.” Last week, a House committee passed four pro-gun bills to the House Floor where they will be considered for a vote tomorrow. NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to contact State Representatives and ask them to stand with gun owners and the Second Amendment by voting YES on the following bills:
House Bill 746, sponsored by Rep. Ray Garofalo, allows those who lawfully possess a firearm to carry concealed for self-defense during a mandatory evacuation under a declared state of emergency or disaster.
House Bill 781, sponsored by Rep. Blake Miguez, establishes that firearms and ammunition manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, suppliers, and retailers are “Essential Businesses” that shall not be prohibited from conducting business during a declared disaster or emergency. HB 781 further prevents law-abiding gun owners’ rights from being infringed during proclaimed curfews.
House Bill 140, sponsored by Rep. Blake Miguez, prevents local authorities and municipalities from imposing restrictions to prohibit the possession of a firearm. Preemption legislation is designed to stop municipalities from creating a patchwork of different laws that turn a law-abiding citizen into a criminal for simply crossing a jurisdictional line.
House Bill 334, sponsored by Reps. Bryan Fontenot, Blake Miguez and Charles Owen, authorizes a concealed handgun permit holder to carry a concealed handgun in a church, synagogue, mosque, or other similar place of worship.
Don’t let those who believe that your Constitutional Rights are “extremist” drown out your voice. Please contact your state Representative and ask them to support the above pro-2A bills.
About NRA-ILA:
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org
Baby steps forward is good, but doing this all piece meal is craziness. We need nationwide constitutional carry. You would think that the second amendment would be our Constitutional Carry permit, but we need to emphasize it so that “progressives”, aka; communists can’t touch us. If you are legal to purchase and possess any firearm, then you should be able to carry it, concealed or openly, ANYWHERE in the United States of America.
the following statement has me a bit confused: “The liberal, left-wing media in Louisiana is calling basic 2A protections “extremism” and “ridiculous.” would you mind citing examples of the media doing this? As a resident of LA we have received and sent out our cards for our Representatives to vote for all 4 but have not heard a peep about these on news station, newspaper or radio. As conservatives we have that same burden of proof to back up statements with facts as everyone else should, so NRA give me some examples. and yes I am a Free Thinking Life… Read more »