U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- One can hardly turn on the news without seeing what appears to be our country imploding before our very eyes, and it seems as though little to nothing is being done about it. We see non-stop protests that seem to have ever more radical demands, vandalism and destruction that is not only allowed but almost encouraged and at the same time, our elected officials seem hell-bent on restricting the ability of the police, those who stand between us and the madness while ignoring the destruction and cultural shift going on right in front of us.
Now, don’t misunderstand me, what happened to George Floyd was an outrage but it was one incident in one city committed by four police officers, not the hundreds of thousands of other men and women who put on a uniform or go to work every day in our police departments or our jails and prisons. Sure, there are bad apples, I saw a couple when I was on the job, but the majority of the officers I worked with were dedicated and hardworking, and now their jobs have just become harder thanks to Andrew Cuomo and the downstate Democrats here in New York and other liberal cities and states who are doing their best to appease the mob who are demanding change at the point of a protest. If they don’t get what they want, then, of course, the protests continue along with the fear that peaceful turnouts will turn to violence with blinding speed and terrible ferocity.
It’s hard to believe only a month ago police and first responders were seen as heroes, now they’re considered evil, that television shows like “Cops” and “Live PD” and even the kid’s cartoon “Paw Patrol” are under fire and are being scrubbed from consciousness. George Orwell in his wildest dreams couldn’t have envisioned what we’re seeing today. Not even the novel 1984 was as dystopian as what some politicians and the media have planned for us. Just think about what we can expect as we get closer to the November elections if we even make it that far.
The definition of a civil war is that it is a war between two organized groups within the same state or country with the aim of one side to take control of a region or to achieve independence. Within the last couple of days, we have seen a radical group take control of six blocks in the city of Seattle, taking control of the city hall, forcing police to leave one precinct, erecting barricades, allegedly telling business owners if they wish to remain open they will have to pay money and are even rumored to have patrols with armed guards.
If that doesn’t count as at least insurrection, I can’t think of what would. Yet there seem to be no plans to retake the area from the radicals. Meanwhile, for the last couple of months, we saw story after story on the news of a business owner in one state or another defy a lockdown by their governor or state, only to be shut down, fined or thrown in jail. It’s almost as if we’re living in an alternate universe or an episode of the Twilight Zone.
So where do we go from here?
Sadly, I don’t think it’s going to be anywhere good as we see our elected officials pandering more and more to the radical mobs that have realized protesting is now an effective tool of intimidation and fear. Amid the pandering, we’re seeing city streets being repainted with slogans, renamed, monuments being ripped down by cheering crowds in scenes that only a few years ago we saw a world away being committed by ISIS terrorists against holy sites in the Middle East while the world looked on in awe. Now we see it here in our streets while our politicians for the most part look on in silence.
One has only to look back in history to see our possible future. What we’re seeing now is shockingly like the start of the French Revolution which began with the storming of the Bastille in Paris on July 14, 1789, which was similar in a way to the takeover and burning of the Minneapolis police station during the riots only a couple of weeks ago. Or when the Enragés or Enraged Ones, who were not a cohesive body but they offered the poor a way to express their anger, which was done in the form of riots and public demonstrations because the National Convention which had been formed was not doing enough for them, they felt. Sound familiar?
The Enragés encouraged the takeover of the National Convention which happened on June 2, 1793, by the more radical elements, demanding a low price for bread and rules so that only the sans-culottes, the lower class, could vote in elections and many members of the electoral government were arrested, setting up the radicals to take control, leading to the Reign of Terror, where at least 16,000 people died under the blade of the guillotine according to official records, but as many as 40,000 may have been executed without a trial. France descended into chaos that spanned another six years before the rise of Napoleon.
What happened in France was the attempt to appease the mob by putting its radical elements in charge, hoping to appease them, as in France then and what we’re seeing now, there is no appeasing the blood lust of a mob, once they gain a foothold and find momentum, they continue often with breathtaking speed. In the end, even those who began the Reign of Terror were consumed by it. One of its chief architects, Maximilien Robespierre fell victim to the chaos and politics of the revolution and was tried and executed under the same guillotine that had ended the lives of so many others on July 28, 1794.
History is full of turning points and conflict, most don’t seem to ever get remembered in the rush to recall which NFL team has the best chance of getting to the Superbowl or what celebrity just got married or divorced, and that very well may be our problem. We’re forgetting that history is cyclical and that despite the warnings of the past, we forget to heed the danger of the present. We’re seeing America fall apart before our very eyes, make no mistake about that. We need to come together and demand that the nonsense stops and that our elected officials in both parties know that we are watching and that the rule of the mob must not dictate policy or make laws out of fear, for if we give in to those who threaten that things are changed or else they face the wrath of the crowd, then every group will realize that the ballot box no longer means anything and instead air grievances with bricks and Molotov cocktails.
About David LaPell
David LaPell has been a Corrections Officer with the local Sheriff’s Department for thirteen years. A collector of antique and vintage firearms for over twenty years and an avid hunter. David has been writing articles about firearms, hunting, and western history for ten years. In addition to having a passion for vintage guns, he is also a fan of old trucks and has written articles on those as well.
These scum are not patriots of any kind, the real Patriots of this country have not started shooting back, but its coming.
Sadly I believe you are without a doubt correct. As a veteran it saddens me to see what has happened and is still happening to this wonderful country. However, even though I am getting older now (80’s) I will still contribute in every way possible to preserve this wonderful country if the need arises and it looks like it may! And I mean every way possible or needed!
These scumbags should come to the rural areas and see what happens to them
The “security of free state” appears to be very soon dependent on those Americans who “keep and bear arms.”
The only POSITIVE thing about what they STARTED, is it’s “WOKE” a lot of people who were ambivalent, and apathetic.Three million new gun owners that were Anti’s/Dems/Independents, that had never owned a weapon are now on board with their OWN self defense.
So in a way it’s a blessing in disguise.
It annoys me when pundits use the word “we”, as in “we” need to come together, “we” have to start talking to each other and stop hating… What’s this “WE”? All of this chaos is by design and inspired and propelled by the democrat party. The chaos is politics by other means–these events are a means to an end. There is nothing patriotic Americans can say or do to reach compromise because democrats want power and control. I think these times are perfect for a man like Trump. The only mistake Lincoln made was leaving the democrat party in tact.… Read more »
The democrat party would like nothing less than the total annihilation of the USA and claim to be the saviors of civilization. Scumbags!
Sorry, The cops lost me at “there are just a few bad apples” when they started enforcing Civil Asset Forfieture laws, Red Fiag Gun Confscation Orders and arrest Business owners who were trying to feed their and their employees family’s trying to work and handing out fines. Arresting mothers and fathers in parks. These were UNCONSTITUTIONAL orders by corrupt tyrant mayors and governors, yet 99% of the police treated them like laws that were passed in Congress and state houses across the country. Which they were not. And, still would NOT pass Constitutional scrutiny. No, it’s not the “bad apples”… Read more »
@UT – Well said.
Dead on, see U.S.C. Title 18: Section 242.
Dear God, I am thankful to be living in the middle of the country – where states like Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas are far more gun-friendly than states on the West Coast or in the Northeast Corridor. We’re still not yet perfectly in complete support for the 2nd Amendment… but we’re a hell of a lot better off in that regard than elsewhere in the country! And our police departments are staffed by local citizens who generally believe as the rest of our conservative citizenry does. Think I’ll just stay here, thank you very much.
Arizona is the most Gun friendly state in the nation!
West Virginia has some of the best #2A protected natural rights in the country. If not the best. We have Constitutional Carry WEAPONS not just Handguns or long guns. Knives, numb chucks etc are protected as they should be. We have stand your ground laws, we have recognized that if you come here from any where in the country, you actually gain more of your rights, you are able to carry openly or concealed without a permission slip as long as you are not a prohibited person. No duty to notify. Carry in any fashion when hunting for self defense.… Read more »
@J.S. – So apply some of the energy you are not having to burn protecting your state to protecting the nation. Living in a friendly state just means you’ll be able to hide and be less likely to have LEO shoot you simply for being a gun owner – but if grabbers have their way at federal level, your state laws won’t matter much. There’s always insurrection, but I don’t think individual gun rights will suffice to push any state to openly revolt. Certainly not an end I advocate for.
Thank you for making some exceptional correct points. Same goes for the FBI!
I just want EVERY State this way my friend, we must fight to get our rights back that should have never been taken in the first place. I have family and friends fighting like hell in Ohio to overturn their tyranny there. Against REPUBLICANS. SMH
For the last 6 months, I have been warning folks that the dark clouds of a civil war were forming and people laughed it off as ridiculous. For a year I have been posting that the media is using psychological operations in their reporting to control the minds of the masses and the already brainwashed stated I was nuts. I have been outspoken about the shredding of the Bill of Rights and was told we are protected by the courts. Well, we now see others saying the same thing about the civil disorder, the use of these tactics by the… Read more »
Like you, I have been preaching the same things for twenty years,NOW is time IF the Dems take control,where we will have only one choice.
As inept as they are the GOP is the only choice we have to stay semi Free.
French Revolution or Bolshevik Revolutions are the obvious go-to references today but you miss the most important revolutionary reference. That is the revolution against American Exceptionalism that was launched in the mid 1960’s under the guise of resistance to the Vietnam War but morphed in to a generalized Marxist attack on America. The Progressive New Left emerged with an alternative view of the universe and history and when finally defeated in the streets they simply went in to the classrooms and bureaucracy to advance their war on American values. That is where the current tribe of miscreants come from. They… Read more »
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it sure seems as though a lot of things began the minute Mr Floyd was “killed” – almost as if it was all planned.
Every attempt to remove Trump by the demtards – one right after the other for nearly 4 years – has failed. They (the dems) will not stop and no price is too high to pay.
Mr Floyd, the other cops – all paid (or blackmailed) participants.
“almost as if it was all planned”.
Floyd’s death wasn’t planned, but the Commies used it to foment the violence.
All these so called movements are being directly supported by George Soros, The Clinton Foundation, Tom Steyer/ Bloomberg/Jeff Bezos/Bill Gates/Google,etc,etc..
Antifa/BLM/The Sunshine Group, plus all the MSM except about 5% are ALL controlled by these NWO Globalists.
Their end goal is CONTROL, and destroying the SYSTEM.
I’m not entirely convinced that Floyd’s death was NOT planned. We know his criinal history, nd his substance use history to some extent. Anyone else here seen the toxicology report done with his autopsy? He had fentanyl in his system, ad FOUR TIMES what is considered a lethal dose. Did he deliberately overdose, or was his supplier complicit and “spiked” his last hit? We don’t know. How is it that this particular tough guy copper with a long history of nasty physical abuse “happened” to be the one who got called? And his four cohorts, who seemed to be fine… Read more »
I heard at least 2 GREEN cops on the scene joined only days before. Coincidence?
“almost as if it was all planned”
It was!
With the single exception of exactly WHICH death was to be the actual “trigger” (any death that was brutal enough and timely enough for convenient media exploitative coverage would do quite nicely in the Leftists’ minds… and Floyd’s death just happened to fit that requirement), the results – rioting, looting, arson, Autonomous Zones, etc. – were unquestionably part of a preexisting Plan for civil disruption by Leftists. Civil war is now indisputably on the visible horizon.
1. Russia, Russia, Russia
2. Impeach, Impeach, Impeach,
3 ChiCom flu
4. Riots
There is no destruction of America the left won’t do to get re-elected!
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
George Orwell, Animal Farm
The people looked from antifa to elected officials, and from elected officials to antifa, and from antifa to elected officials again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
@JIAZ, That is very good!
I remember sage advice from long ago: “You got to nip it Andy, nip it in the bud!”
Will, he did with only one bullet!
Will: During Annual Training there were a few people I would not shoot on the same line with due to their inability to properly handle firearms. The Bell Curve applies to many things.
Will, 10 4 to that.
Until officers who abuse the badge get “code redded” on a regular basis by their fellow officers instead of covered for mas part of the thin blue line there will be abuse by the police.
If the left wins they will reduce PD’s to goon squads to enforce ideological conformity.
Treat traitors like traitors, clean up police ranks, outlaw no knock warrants and qualified immunity, and to repeat myself, treat traitors like traitors.
Or prepare to live in a target rich environments.
Hey perez….excellent post! Agreed that its a few bad officers causing the issues, but until the REST OF THE DEPARTMENT where those bad apples work start calling them out for their BS, then the police as a WHOLE will be judged poorly…sorry guys, if you collectively defend shitty officers behavior, you’re just as shitty as that problem officer….
Nothing new about any of that. Tyrants throughout human history have always expended incredible amounts of OTHER PEOPLE”S energies in a vain attempt to cover up their crimes. I say “in a vain attempt” to cover up their crimes, because they never succeed. Their cover ups do succeed temporarily, but only for so long as the tyrants maintain control of all speech. But they always lose control, the information floodgates open, and all the crimes come pouring out with all of the vile details. History has recorded all the misdeeds of the nazis, the Romans, the USSR, etc. But those… Read more »
What is occurring here now is a replay of what I saw in South Africa in the early 1990’s. IT IS EXACTLY SCRIPTED FROM THAT PLAY BOOK. It is exactly crafted to do the very same things here.
I have noticed elements of several despotic takeovers…Especially the NAZIs.
Greg: Yup. It’s no accident that after WW2, the US imported the nazi mental conditioning experts under Project Paperclip, and the old Soviet Union imported the nazi rocket scientists, and now the west is deeply mentally conditioned, and the Soviets got ahead in space.
Or, if it IS an accident… it’s sure one hell of a co-incidence! 🙂
Indeed. We changed the names of all the nazis we imported when we gave them their citizenship, before they even got here. The records are all non-classified… nowdays!
Just as Heinz Stern changed his name to Henry Kissinger to hide his criminal past as a product of the early Israeli terror organization, the “Stern gang”, which his father founded.
Mass Stockholm Syndrome. That’s a good name for it. I think I’ll start using that (with your permission only, OFC). It’s much less derisive than sheeple, even though harder to type. 🙂
Take 16 minutes of your life and watch this video. Then send it to anyone who wants to know what’s really going on. Trust me.
USA: That’s part of the problem. There are many out there that haven’t a clue or have only been exposed to the horseshit the leftists put out. Some will find it useful and others, apparently like yourself, less so. But, it is available in any case.
USA: Since 1998 for me. A couple of decades of research to get to the place I’m currently at.
Fortune favors the prepared.
that’s funny..”don’t touch someone else’s balls”. They even want to tell us how to play TENNIS? Forty years after Lexington and Concord, one of the militiamen who stood with the seventy or so others on the Commons at Lexington to face off against the three companies of Jesse Adair who tried to disarm them was interviewed by an historian who wanted to learn more about “that time”. This solider was asked “WHY were you men out that morning? After a few suggestions from the interviewer, all denied by this soldier, interviewr finally gave up and asked Well, why WERE you… Read more »
What is happening in Seattle now is an entirely different thing then the police shootings. That is nothing less then treasonous actions. A take over of a part of America. That is as close to an insurrection as anyone can ever get. Consequently, President Trump should take action with regular troops soon if nothing is done by the mayor or governor of Washington. Like maybe tomorrow! That can not go on if it does it will be duplicated in other cities. Believe it! The question is are we headed toward a civil war? Right now it does look like it.… Read more »
Will, I hear ya brother! They may remove the statues, but they can never remove the brave and heroic deeds of Southern soldiers who fought for their homelands against overwhelming odds for four years! They will live in our hearts and minds forever!
I’m glad the North won and slavery ended. Having said that, I have not seen anything in the Constitution that forbids secession.
@Duck, The original states signed on to the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Please see The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, by J. Davis. Please see also Texas v. White.
@wjd, And money, too! The industrial Northern states were using taxes, tariffs, and political power to hold the Southern states in a kind of economic bondage, which kept the South poor and enriched Northern industrialists.
@USA, Congress can bless the secession of a state. The union is and always was intended to be perpetual. Congress can determine the size and shape of a state. For example: Congress could make Washington, Oregon, and California into one state, thus reducing the number of liberal Senators to 2.
That is a great idea!
Yep, but you have to have the majority,and if Trump isn’t elected and the GOP(what’s left of it) doesn’t maintain the Senate/regain the House, we are in for one HELL of a mess come Inauguration day.
@Gentlemen, My first line says, “Congress can bless …” That is wrong and I thought that I had corrected that. My first line should read Congress can’t bless the secession of a state. My apologies for any confusion that this may have caused. The first thirteen states were joined by the “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Our republic is intended to be perpetual. See Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. See also The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government by J Davis. And please see Texas v. White. Congress can, however, determine the size and shape of a… Read more »
WB, the original 13 colonies were promised a lot of things (concerning exactly what the union was to be/accomplish) and they were assured that if the union ended up NOT being as promised, that secession was indeed an option for them. That promise (admittedly only a verbal one) was essentially the “trigger” that finally convinced the colonies/states to actually sign the compact in the first place. Absent that promise, the union would not have come into existence (and Franklin, Madison and Jefferson KNEW that was true!). About 80 years later, the southern (Confederate) states seceded, while they had faith/understanding that… Read more »
@wjd, Sorry I was late to the soiree. I have a horse that is in pain from a hoof abscess.
@wjd, I put a large baggie over his hoof and filled it part way with iodine. Then taped it around his leg above the fetlock, for overnight. Of course a baggie is no match for a 1200 lbs horse with steel on his foot.
I have a skillful fernier coming this morning.
@OV, Thank you. I took a syringe (no needle) and added a little iodine to the farrier’s poultice. No punctures or cuts. we will know better in the morning.
WB: After the poultice comes off, another good thing is a twice daily spray of colloidal silver. Kills the nasty bacteria and keeps the area clean, plus boosts healing. Good in open wounds also. Any health food store should have it.
If not, Tea tree oil is good too, but animals don’t like the smell. It comes from the Melaleuca tree, a relative of Eucalyptus, and just as strong smelling. Not really unpleasant, just really pungent.
@Knute Knute, Where can I get this colloidal silver? I have never seen it in a veterinarian catalog.
WB: You won’t see it in vet catalogs, because it’s a human use product. Lots of people take it internally for various things, but its a great skin healer used topically. This link has a good video on the subject, and sells it too, but just search: “buy silver colloid” and there are hundreds of places. Also health food stores, and even some grocery stores. https://www.mountainwellbeing.com/product/colloidal-silver-2/ It could even go in with the iodine poultice. I’ve not seen any research on it, but I’ve done it to my finger when I ripped the nail off. Dumped my IT250 and my… Read more »
It’s not bad in small quantities. 20 bucks or so for a couple of ounces. But two ounces goes a long way. I like a little spray bottle. Just a couple drops is all you need for one application. But some people buy it by the quart and drink it! (not me though… I know that more isn’t always better) Only keep it in real glass bottles, either cobalt blue or amber, though. I had some in a plastic bottle once and it made the silver fall out of suspension and collect as grey dust at the bottom. I never… Read more »
WB: Even modern medicine has discovered silver’s medical uses now. This link is from walgreens: https://www.walgreens.com/q/burn+wound+dressings They say its only for burns though, but as they learn they might come around to the evidence. I wouldn’t use any of their products at this time though. They all contain various proteins and “inactive ingredients” that just contaminate the product. Even so, they still help with burns. Not as much as Aloe Vera gel does though. Aloe Vera is the King of burn dressings. I had to stomp out a grass fire in bare feet once. Burned my soles pretty good. I… Read more »
@Knute Knute, thank you.
You are extremely welcome. I have a really soft spot for horses, just like dogs. In general, I prefer animals to humans (well, not quite. To sheeple. That’s better 🙂 ) anyway, but horses and dogs are extra special, along with whales and dolphins!
@wjd, Before germ theory was enunciated, our ancestors knew that people eating off of silver did not get sick. People eating off of utensils made of other things did get sick.
They also noticed that people that drank water got sick and died, but people that drank beer, wing, and whiskey did not.
Our ancestors also noticed that an apx. 1/10 ounce silver coin in a clay milk pitcher would keep the milk from souring for a couple of days, even without refrigeration. Now we know why. Silver’s anti-microbial qualities.
During the Black Plague, the rich (eating from real silver silverware) largely didn’t get it. So much so that they sent their children out into public while sucking on silver spoons, giving rise to the old phrase: “born with a silver spoon in his mouth”.
@OV, I’ve seen worse, but we will get him what ever he needs.
@wjd, 0830! and it took three hours. I even skipped church. I suppose that the local wags will have something to say about that.
@Gentlemen, Old Harry will get what ever he needs. We will know better in the morning. My animals get better healthcare than I do!
@wjd, Yep, we are acutely aware of colic. I have some Frank Lampley’s products on stand by.
Will, right you are!
Duck, slavery would have ended if the South had won, even though it would have taken longer. Sad part is, there is still a lot of it now in some countries. We are all Americans now, but we will always remember past history.
ras52: Exactly so! Today, machinery will do the same amount of work as a hundred slaves, and at half the cost. The Countries that still keep slaves now, use them for household chores that machines cannot do. Technology rendered slavery obsolete, not pieces of paper.
The people that WROTE those pieces of paper, though…. they have a vested interest in the power of paper, don’t they? 🙂
@Love Article 4, Section 3, both Clauses
@gk, What do you like about both clauses?
It’s not about like or dislike; It’s the procedures for dividing or adding to states, and/or disposing of Federally held lands to the States, as well as discharging rules to other held territories.
If Love wanted to know the rules, there they are…Am confused about what you thought I was trying to get at.
Constitution. Left that out, because if Love asked where it’s from, it would indicate that they have never read it.
@gk, Clever.
;)) Clever or devious? When you asked What I liked, I read it too literal, and answered Pragmatic. As I read through it again, It appears that you were asking what is it about the second clause that pertains, or something to that effect. Great question. We can probably agree that Clause 1, is the closest thing to Secession in the Constitution. By definition of “Secede” it is just that. Clause 2, indicates the implications of said action, and the complications of asking Congress and the State Legislators for said relief. Here in WA State, there has been a movement… Read more »
@gk, a further complication is the Act of Congress that enabled Washington to become a state. Often Congress would reserve assets and lands to the federal government, and require all others to renounce their claims to those lands and assets, as a prerequisite to a territory becoming a state.
Wild Bill: But not Texas!
Remember, Texas is a special case. There was never a “territory” of Texas. They came straight into the Union by a special procedure (because of the Mexican/American War), and only remain because they entered by treaty, and the treaty automatically renews each year.
All ya’ll would have to do is to have Austin vote to cancel the renewal and your participation would be over. No need to secede, your participation is only temporary. For almost 200 years now, but still temporary!
@Knute Knute, I’d like to read where you got that temporary thing. The U.S. paid off Texas’ huge debts; gave up huge swaths of land; receive all of east Texas and land south of the Nueces river. That does not sound like a temp. treaty to me.
Well, even wikipedia (one of the least reliable sources around…) says: “Through secret negotiations with the Houston administration, Tyler secured a treaty of annexation in April 1844.” But a better source is:https://www.tsl.texas.gov/exhibits/annexation/part4/page1.html I read the original “Texas Annexation Treaty” documents years ago, but they don’t come up under that search now. Could be they’ve been censored, and might now exist only on the dark web. But it’ll still be in a Texas museum somewhere. Even texas dot gov admits its a treaty, but only talks about the US’ reaction to it, and not about the Texicans (as they were then… Read more »
Texas dot gov does allude to the treaty’s part in creating the Civil War twenty years later, though:
” Now, Calhoun wrote, it was going to happen—one way or the other. If Texas annexation were rejected, the South would not stand by and allow Texas to come under the domain of Great Britain. Rather than let that happen, the Southern states would secede and join with Texas in a new Confederacy.”
I found this buried on the last page: “Donelson assured Houston that the Texas question was far from dead; in fact, it had become the central issue of the ongoing presidential campaign. A movement was afoot in Congress to annex Texas by joint resolution, rather than by treaty; this meant that annexation would need to pass only by a simple majority rather than by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. If Polk were elected, the resolution would be sure to pass.” Again, this emphasizes the nature of Texas as unique among the States. I’m also now remembering a little detail.… Read more »
@Knute Knute, Yes, Texas was “annexed” by the US through a joint resolution of Congress and a coordinating agreement to annexation by the Texas legislature, according to “Texas a Compact History” by Archie P. McDonald. Please see pps 84-5. Having mentioned the above, such a temporary treaty would have most certainly been rendered moot by reconstruction. The theory of reconstruction is that the states in rebellion destroyed their state and government and had to be politically reconstructed. Thus the southern states that rebelled were turned into five military districts until they got with the program. In 1877 the states were… Read more »
@Knute Knute, Turns out that the Republic of Texas joining the United States of America is quite quirky, and therefore intriguing! From the Texas website: Q: Did the terms of Texas’s admission to the Union include permission to withdraw if it found statehood not to its liking? It is said of Texas (and, occasionally, Vermont) that it received a letter or document of permission to withdraw from the Federal Union if it so chose. In the case of Texas, this permission is sometimes said to have been granted at the time of Texas’s admission as a state. Other times it… Read more »
@Knute Knute, Never the less, Texas was a territory for about .07 seconds so that coming into the Union could follow Constitutional theory. The chunks of land that Texas gave up, as part of the deal, became parts of other territories that ultimately became states, but Texas was never a physical territory, that is true.
The Civil War loss by the non industrialized South, took that right away,(along with many others)
@Doz, You have your finger on the pulse. The non-industrialized combatant lost. That should be a lesson for us in our current and near term relations with China.
What we, as individuals, can do is refuse to buy anything made in China (Chinese product fail soon anyway), and demand products manufactured and assembled in America by American citizens.
The war was started over STATES RIGHTS, not Slavery.Slavery has/had been Legal for 6000 years.Whites never invented Slavery, Blacks did in Africa, the first slave owners in the Colonies were Black.
slavery was never an issue in that War of Northern AGgression. And the war did NOT “end it”. It was an economic war to escape the unconstitutinal and unfair taxation/import duties imposed on the Southern states. The ecomonics of slavery, particularly in the face of the already coming IndustrialRevolution already had it doomed, and many in the South knew it and were making changes to adapt to the new reality. Had the north not invaded and destroyed, slavery would have been done away with peaceabely and far more equitably than Reconstruction handled the issue. Nearly ALL of the racist discriminatory… Read more »
HEMP should be the preferred material.
Will, that`s right. Slavery was not the only issue!
he forced the seceders by INVADING A SOVEREIGN FOREIGN NATION with no provocation. He started his invasion by taking over Fort SUmpter in Charleston Harbor and used that as a naval base for the enforcement of an illegal blockade on the shipping of a sovereign foreign nation. When that nation fired upon the fort to try and retake it, he used that as an excuse to mount a full on military boots on the ground invasion. If we had done that to Mexico the rest of the world would rightly have comdemned us out of hand. But “Honest Abe”, the… Read more »
@Tio, as I recall Ft. Sumpter, and the land under it, belonged to the federal government and the Confederates began shooting at it, first. Oh, and how did the seceders become a sovereign nation? The seceders can only become sovereign after secession and making secession stick. Unfortunately, some of the southern states had signed the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, and then ratified the Constitution, which contains no provision for leaving. Later states, including southern states, were admitted to the Union under the Constitution, which has no provision for leaving. That leaves a huge legal and theoretic problem. The… Read more »
Wild Bill: That is what I was taught in school also, but upon close scrutiny… no one knows who fired the first shots at Ft. Sumter. The South said it was the North and the North said it was the South. I’d call the South’s version more plausible, since the only Union witnesses were soldiers at the Fort, and only a couple of the officers reports are the source for the Union’s version. The rank and file couldn’t even write, so the few officers got to say whatever they wanted to… or whatever they were ORDERED to! Meanwhile, the South’s… Read more »
@Knute Knute, Well … we do know that the first shots were fired AT Ft Sumpter. So, I’m guessing that it was the Confederates fired first
@wjd, Lincoln started the “Cancel the Constitution” downward spiral and the corruption of the military industrial complex.
WB: But more of the witness statements say the opposite. So I guess the best we can do at this point is to say that who fired the first shot is an unknown.
@USA, I think that the American people know that the name Pelosi has to go.
I watched and listened to the video of Floyd vs cops. I agree the man was murdered. I did not hear anything that would lead me to think it was racism. As far as cops shooting people, the facts are they shoot more white men than black. Tucker. Don’t get me wrong, I do not trust the cops or the system or the courts. Things have gotten to the point that even the stazi would be proud of them. Getting rid of the cops is not the answer. Cops owning up to their oath and obeying the constitution and the… Read more »
I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I read an article about a group of bikers and patriots who were storied to descend upon CHOP on July 4. To the tune of 16,000 people signed up. The goal was to remove the barriers and clean the area of non-residents. It would not surprise me if the SPD showed up to defend Antifa.
We might have some of the best 4th of July fireworks ever.
Seattle needs to cut electricity, water and food deliveries to the CHOP zone.
All the calls for LEO Reform. How about an equal amount of Defective Citizen Reform? Change your brand. Quit being known as the perp on the evening news for negative reasons. Become known as an Effective Citizen. Quit being a victim with a chip on your shoulder thinking you are owed something. Life is not fair and doesn’t fairly deal life’s cards. Take the hand your are dealt and play a winning, rather than losing , game. Typically, it all starts with the Defective Citizen doing something illegal forcing the LEOs to initiate a confrontation, which goes bad. Without the… Read more »
Just like the GOOD LITTLE COMMIE she is.
AFAIK, it’s only Democrat controlled Cities in Democrat controlled States. Here in SC there are protests in Columbia and Charleston, both Democrat controlled Cities, but they don’t get out of hand with looting and burning and rioting. Even Myrtle Beach had a few protests, but less than 100 people with signs and just standing around across from the MBPD HQ with Police in riot gear watching them. No trouble. They kept it peaceful.
Yes! “Democrats attempt to erase history of bigotry” is hilarious – ridiculous, idiotic, hypocrisy-filled, and excessively dishonest (even a bit ironic), but laughable, nonetheless.
Love to, if I were younger,but some of us have no choice anymore.
Even at age 70 – although I may not have the physical stamina to actively participate in combat operations – I still have the knowledge, tactical/strategic experience, and direct skills (especially including marksmanship!) to find ways of being useful… surely you, too (and almost all veterans, as well), have abilities that would be necessary in times of conflict.
Those individuals in Seattle will get bored and leave…it always happens….if happened after Rodney King, and it will happen here and now…and the city is using the correct “action”, which is to contain it, it will go away…..if they went in all jackbooted and began hurting defenseless people, they’d only be creating MORE problems for themselves…they are saving themselves some very negative media coverage by handling it the way the are….sorry to inject some “real world” sense to this discussion, I know it’s frowned upon…lol!
That’s scary!
Never forget that all one has to do as a police officer is to answer the radio. Eliminating qualified immunity will turn officers into armed secretaries going from one report call to another. No on-views, no reasonable suspicion stops, no traffic enforcement, no lights/siren/speeding to calls. Not worth losing your home due to being sued personally by some thug who has been arrested (and released) many times. And who in the world would apply to be a police officer in Colorado? Be careful what you wish for; you might get it.
The South lost, period, end of story. If you want to South to lose again all I can tell you is you can’t fix stupid.
@"MCCLOUD!", True, and entirely irrelevant. Each of the Southern states has been fully restored to the Union.
Yep, WB, even the Free State of Jones.