U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- The germination of a powerful Nation and free Constitutional Republic took hold on July 4, 1776, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. A tremendous conflict ensued for control of the American colonies.
King George III of England was the visible face of the threat to a Nation yet to be. But the true power behind the throne of King George III was invisible. The true power rested with the secretive, powerful Rothschild clan that provided the financial resources for the English monarchy.
In the clash that followed, King George III and the Rothschilds lost. It was a bitter loss. But King George III and the Rothschild international bankers lost much more than control over the colonies. They lost control over both the untapped mineral resources available to the colonies and the massive, fertile geographical region that extended from the Atlantic Ocean on the East Coast to the Pacific Ocean on the West Coast, and that extended northward to Canada and southward to the Gulf of Mexico; and they lost control over the colonies whom they sought to integrate into a unified Global empire. But now, that ambitious goal would lie, not dead, but dormant.
King George III would rant, and rage, and fume and he would die and be forgotten. And the power of the English monarchy would wane, as would the might and power of the British empire.
But the Rothschild clan would not die, and the Rothschilds could not be forgotten since few ever knew they existed—a hidden den of vipers at the center of every European Country. And, through the centuries they would amass ever greater power, draining the wealth of European Nations for themselves. But the loss of the American colonies would never be far from their mind. And, they machinated and plotted and waited, seeking an opportune time to have their revenge.
The American Revolutionary War ended in 1783. The United States became viable, taking its first breath with ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1789. And, at that moment, the United States of American became an independent, sovereign nation and free Constitutional Republic. The ratification of the Bill of Rights followed in 1791.
Ratification of the Bill of Rights not only confirmed the inherent power of the American people over the three Branch Federal Government system the founders created but cemented the Sovereignty of the American people over that Federal Government.
It was understood among the founders that the government they sought to construct would be one of limited powers, operating only by the grace and consent of the American people, as all other powers and authority, not exercised by a central “Federal” Government, would reside in the States and in the people.
In the next 200 years, the United States became a mighty Nation; the most powerful on Earth, made possible through the drive, ingenuity, and resourcefulness of the citizenry, and through the Nation’s access to abundant natural resources, waiting to be tapped.
During the intervening years, decades and centuries, as the power of the United States would wax, the English monarchy would wane and the once-mighty British empire would diminish and wither.
But unbeknownst to most populations comprising Western Civilization, the power of the satanic offspring of the Rothschilds would also wax; their power and wealth increasing exponentially through the vehicle of and their singular control over the central banking system, as conceived and implemented through their founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.
The Rothschilds would extend their global financial reach throughout the world with one goal ever in mind: the creation of a one-world political, social, cultural and financial system of governance over which they would reign supreme.
And, as the age of monarchical empires came to an end, and as the age of independent nation-states is drawing to a close, the one-world Government scheme envisioned by the Rothschilds began to take shape; sharpening to crystal clarity through the creation of a new artificial construct: the European Union. The EU had its origins in 1945, at the conclusion of the Second World War and would become concrete with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, on November 1, 1993. And Europeans had no idea that a noose was slowly tightening around their neck, through the secretive machinations of a few men, all of them controlled by the Rothschilds.
The Rothschild clan intends to merge more and more nation-states into the EU, on the road to their creation of a one-world governmental construct.
Had the colonies lost the American Revolution, America’s resources would now be a prized asset, bound up in the Rothschild portfolio; and the entire geographical region would be merged into the EU; and the American people would be subjugated. But that would be no easy task; after all, the Rothschild clan lost the American Revolution. Yet they never accepted that loss.
They were patient; and, through the centuries, they engineered their plan to regain access to America’s resources, and to gain control over the apparatus of America’s Government, and to gain control over America’s institutions and people. But their plan for conquest would not involve an external military invasion. Not this time. It would be accomplished through stealth, subterfuge. An elaborate plan took shape but it would take a couple of centuries to execute. The Rothschilds, through their toadies, would insinuate themselves into every major organ and institution of our Nation.
Yes, the Rothschilds had failed to destroy a budding nation, that, at the time of the American Revolution, existed only as a germinating seed, two-plus centuries ago, but the Rothschilds could still emerge victor, and have their revenge.
The Rothschilds have waged a quiet, but no less tangible war to destroy the United States, from within. The Rothchild clan’s scheme was all going according to plan, but the election of Trump threw a temporary wrench into that complex scheme, as the Rothschilds did not expect Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton. Very few expected this. Trump might not be as amenable to their control as were the Bushes, and the Clintons, and Barack Obama.
After two centuries, dealing with the festering loss of control over “the colonies,” these excruciatingly secretive, fantastically wealthy, extraordinarily powerful, and abjectly ruthless, wily, and cunning Rothschilds, along with their Generals, a cadre of Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist companions, were growing impatient, and angry. They had all demonstrated infinite patience, but their patience had worn thin. They would wait no longer. They have had enough from these unmanageable, intractable Americans.
Recently they unleashed their agents: the dead souls and carrion beasts of the underworld to wreak havoc across our Nation—ravaging and pillaging and laying waste to our Land; destroying with complete abandon and with alarming speed our irreplaceable National treasures, the wondrous monuments to our glorious past; desirous even of destroying the icons of our Nation’s Christian heritage; threatening the lives of innocent Americans; erasing all traces and vestiges of our history and culture, anything and everything that might remind Americans of their ancestral past; of their founding fathers’ vision of a Nation as a free Constitutional Republic where the American people are sovereign. But those American people must now be corralled, brought to heel.
With the U.S. economy sorely weakened by a Global Pandemic, courtesy of the Xi Jinping of China, it is no longer certain that Trump can secure a second Term in Office. But it was the killing of a black petty criminal by a white psychopathic police officer, caught on video, that could yet turn the tide in the Rothschilds’ favor. That killing caught on video would be the pretext for fomenting violence across America, bringing the Nation literally to its knees.
What would commence as a protest, predicated on the ridiculous charge of systemic police violence targeting blacks, metastasizing into an imbecilic claim of systemic race hatred existent throughout the Nation since the Nation’s inception, has devolved into an explicit call for a Marxist counter-revolution, the purpose of which is to destroy the very underpinnings of the United States as a free Constitutional Republic and independent Nation-State under sovereign control of the American people, themselves.
There is no getting around the danger facing our Nation today. Its very survival as a free Constitutional Republic is at stake.
The smug insufferable Globalist Rothschilds—through their captains and lieutenants in Government, industry, media, and academia—are no longer even pretending to mask their intentions. They aim to annihilate every vestige of our free Republic, including the very memory of it: our historical record.
Those doing the bidding of the Rothschilds, who have ingratiated themselves with the Rothschilds will be richly rewarded with money and power. But those Americans who have been duped into believing the need for radical change in our Country will learn too late, that they have bought more than mere “change” to this Country, in having acquiesced to the mob. They have ensured subjugation and penury for every American.
And no one in Government is truly lifting a finger to stop this; not Republicans in Congress, nor the President. Are they resigned to the Nation’s dire fate? The response to the social and political crisis unfolding throughout our Nation has been limp, at best.
Perhaps nothing can be done to stem the overthrow of a free Republic, because the Government, so riddled with saboteurs, is reduced to impotency. Our one and last fail-safe? The armed citizenry!
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Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.
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I am/was a soldier, a disabled veteran. I raised my hand and swore on a BIBLE that I would defend the nation, the people and the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Vets will tell you that you never really take off the uniform and I agree with that view. The threats when I served were communism, socialism, terrorism, tyrants and the odd dictator. All of my business was overseas — thank GOD. The problem is now we see these things every day here in the States. The communist play book on destroying a society, a nation starts by… Read more »
98% of the reason I read these articles is to hear your response. You give me hope that we have a future. I believe a single organized effort can and will put down this festering plague in our country.. Although I’ve been actively and furiously preparing for more than a decade, I never truly believed we would get here. I have been so concerned that I chose to pursue a graduate medical program as my 2nd career after a line of duty injury ended my LE career. I believe the value of medical knowledge and skill will be the most… Read more »
What has been most disturbing is how the weak, pathetic, passive, cowardly GOP have sat by doing NOTHING. Not one GOP member has come out against BLM, Antifa, the riots and taking down of statutes that have had historical meaning. And we are just supposed to vote for them? I am sick and tired of people telling me “Well, what is the alternative? or claiming me to be a troll/liberal. Of course I know what the other side is but how in the hell are we to support a GOP who have done NOTHING in the past few months? And… Read more »
My sentiments exactly. The Republicans, not surprisingly, have been hiding under their desks. These people are gutless eunuchs, except for a tiny handful. It makes more sense when you understand that after being elected, the only issue of significance is re-election. Until they’re replaced it won’t stop…keep replacing them until it does.
Most republican politicians, as well as conservatives, continue to cling to their decades old, misguided tactic of always taking what they see as the “high-road”.
“Dig in. Never take the offensive. We want them to like us. If we’re nice to them they’ll vote for us.”
Against the street-fight mentality, political viciousness, as well as outright violence, of today’s democratic-socialists, that “high-road” leads to extinction.
If America hadn’t ‘taken the offensive’ in 1942, with the Doolittle raid on Tokyo, and again in 1944, with the D-Day Invasion of Europe, where would THE WORLD be today? Where is THAT ‘backbone and fortitude’?
The RNC will do nothing, been bought and paid for, besides why would they kick their Left boot? After all the Left boot is creating the problem and fomenting the reaction, so the Right boot can slam home with the freedom crushing solution. Hegel would be proud…
Truth be told, Trump is a half assed Pinocchio, still a puppet, but alive enough to pull back on the strings. He knows if he pulls to hard or tries to break the strings like JFK did, he will meet the same end. The real question is who pulls Trump’s strings.
The same bankers and financiers. They own you. It’s a club and you ain’t in it…..George Carlin was right.
We have seen the insidious work of this group as mentioned control the indoctrination thru academia,news media,Hollywood,politicians,banking,precious gems and metals and investment in the Democrat Communist Party . Wealth, they have but the will to die to get their way never. They are cowards and use the ignorant poor as their cannon fodder. Looks like a 2nd battle for America is portending. Choose your side wisely.
Sides have been chosen. We know where the “silent majority” stands on these issues. Its ALMOST comical.. they chose to fight the 100 million gun owners.. all of Law Enforcement.. and with 87% of the military supporting Trump.. especially after he intervened in several high profile military “shaftings”… We have jobs, careers, families… we cant spend days or weeks sitting in a park and risk our professional licenses by speaking freely about our view points.. educating the uneducated.. but soon there will be no other option. I will die on my feet before I live on my knees. Think about… Read more »
The Rothschilds didn’t ‘accept defeat’. HRC didn’t ‘accept defeat’. See a pattern?
Democrats = Communists. Republicans = Geldings.
After over sixty years of devoted study of American and world history, this is the first time I heard that the Rothschild banking family had tentacles in colonial America. Unloading this kind of bunk helps sooth conspiracy aficionados and feeds more raw meat to the clique of idiots who find Jews behind every travail in history and life.
Isn’t this a summary of the Qanon conspiracy theory?
Does that make it any less true?
Yes, it does. Just more of the same anti-Jewish crapola that has been around for centuries.
When the truth leaves your butt sore.
Ya dumb ass.
It doesnt all have to start with antisemitism. Trace it back via eugenics, central banking (ignoring the rothchilds are jewish), communism, luciferianism, Rhoades Society, secret societies and fraternities, CFR, try if you will to ignore the facts. However they are all intertwined and eventually go back to the Kabbalah, or Moloch/Baal worship.
Clark is one of our (the dumbest one) many deceivers here to protect Satan’s New World Order.
Propagated by sad losers who need someone to blame for their personal failures.
Only if your stupid and you’re already proven.
Another wack-job conspiracy theory designed to sow fear and distrust, and drive Americans further apart. Will the next installment address the insidious influence of the Illuminati and the Knights Templar? Right up there with QAnon and the boogaloo nut cases.
1) What makes you think Mr. Trump isn’t part of the “plan”? The big fingers have a hold of both main parties. 2) Systemic racism is real. I’ve seen it all my life. I do disagree with the destruction of our monuments. If they’re all that disagreeable then educate and erect something else nearby. I wonder if China has become a thorn in the side of the biggies behind the scenes. My dad many times in my youth told me of his belief the capitalist bosses were the workers of the hidden agenda. They’re after a two-tier society like in… Read more »
Youre correct. There is systemic racism. Lazy entitled and lawless African Americans have been benefiting from it for 3 decades. I had the highest GPA in my high school class and scored a 1410 on my SAT and a 35 on my ACT. The highest scores in my graduating class.. yet I paid full tuition to FSU.. not even a grant. Yet another student with a 980 SAT and very likely less than a 3.0 GPA got a full ride.. plus grants. I graduated at the top of my undergrad program… Suma Cum Laude… yet I was awarded minimal scholarships… Read more »
Same thing in the Army. Affirmative action. We had guys promoted who could not do the job, some who did not know 50 words of English because of their skin color and/or their minority status. I called it reverse discrimination. So, yes there is systemic racism but it’s the opposite of what they are claiming. I have no problem with someone’s color. I do judge people on what they say and do, their actions and non actions. I define right and wrong, good and evil through the BIBLE, the very same one our nation is founded on. Antifa, blm, bamn,… Read more »
DB I am with you. When I got of the military I went to college, there was 1 class that I had that had 6 people of color in it. All had to go to remedial reading, because they couldn’t pass an eighth grade reading test. One of them was retired out of the military, drawing his retirement, GI Bill for school, had an eighty acre farm, and was on Welfare and food stamps. Years latter I took a Civil Service exam, scored 98 with 5 points for being a Vet. it was 103. They were hiring several people, I… Read more »
Greetings loveduck: There is a distinction between systemic racism, which existed until the 60s and prejudice, which is a component of our species demeanor. Today we have prejudices; however, not systemic racism.
Bullshit. Ammoland just joined Alex Jones as entertainment, not news.
hello bobtail: you need to be specific to have a dialogue. What is not news? We do have a Constitutional Republic. We have suffered culturally and our former slaves literally systemic racism. The systemic aspect of racism has been addressed and eliminated. There are no lawful rules that support literal slavery and subjugation by race anymore. We suffer as all people do from prejudices. However, our Rights stand as equals, as citizens with common interests of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The current events unfolding in our cities are anathema to our common interests. They are pseudo Marxist… Read more »
Please explain as to why you believe this. Besides even broken clocks are right twice a day (Alex was right about the chemicals and gay frogs.) so it may do better to approach open minded and then look deeper. Especially if you disagree, try to prove them wrong if you can. You wish to ignore items that are actually documented? Like the results of working groups paid by these people, their own statements written and otherwise. It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild or his son that said: “Give me control of a nations money and I care not who writes its… Read more »