U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “Florida sheriff says he’s encouraging gun-toting residents to shoot looters who break into homes,” ClickOrlando.com reported Tuesday.
“The message is clear: If you come here to peaceably assemble and protest, we’re gonna make sure we protect your constitutional right to do that and we encourage it,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said in a video statement. He followed that with a sober warning:
“I would tell them, if you value your life, they probably shouldn’t do that in Polk County because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded, and if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns.”
That bit of commonsense advice brought swift condemnation from prominent opponents of the right to keep and bear arms. The echo chamber over at Shannon Watts’ Twitter feed was representative, with some of the “nicer” ones asserting:
“This man needs to be removed from his job! … Fire. HIM. … Irresponsible rhetoric. He should resign.”
That’s curious when you consider Moms Demand Action and their Everytown bankroller have endorsed Joe Biden for president, a man who urged followers to:
“[J]ust walk out on the balcony, put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house…”
Or alternatively to:
“[J]ust fire the shotgun through the door…”
Apparently firing a gun when you don’t know who is on the receiving end, aside from opening one up to felony endangering and homicide charges, qualifies as “commonsense gun safety” with those who demand you and I be disarmed. That and shoot assailants in the legs.
But when a sheriff suggests people being attacked take appropriate measures to defend themselves and their homes, that makes him, at least according to some of Shannon’s Twitter followers, “a lot of fun at klan parties…” [and] “a White Privileged Extremist”…
Self-defense, the manipulators originating such memes would have us believe, is an act of privileged racism. That’s calculated because they know such accusations in today’s Chinese-style “social credit” environment can ruin a person.
We see report after report of armed citizens deterring violence merely by possessing the means to do so. We also see police officials admitting they will be too late to protect victims (and indeed have no duty to do so). In some cases, they’re even powerless to protect themselves.
Don’t expect the cognitive dissonance between willful delusions and reality to register with doctrinaire gun-grabbers. They’re incapable of logical consistency and will just have to learn the hard way if they’re ever going to learn at all.
And speaking of cognitive dissonance, Sheriff Judd showed everyone his big “but” (as I believe in the Second Amendment but…) a while back when he called on “Congress to outlaw devices designed and manufactured, imported, or possessed, for making any firearm simulate or function as or in the manner of an automatic firearm,” and used his bully pulpit to speak out against open carry. You can’t have it both ways, Sheriff: It’s either “shall not be infringed” or “infringed.”
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
Muiss Two Watts Short of a LIght Bulb would go apopleptic t read this, but I’ll type it anyway: the ANSWER to the crazy high death toll in CHicago’s “hoods” would be for the law abiding amongst them to of a sudden get themselves legally armed and skilled. Once the “saturation level” s enough the gangbangers would be afraid to go out in public with their guns, housebreakings would end, and so would drive by shootings. The safest I ever felt in a big city was when I was in Managua Nicaragua back in the Sandinista occupation. Daniel Ortega, their… Read more »
The RIGHT to keep and bear arms, the RIGHT to life, liberty, the pursuit of happyness, to assemble PEACEABLY, the RIGHT of self defense etc. have absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH RACEISM. These are GOD given and they are constitutionally protected RIGHTS. ANYONE who would disarm you is very misinformed or criminal or just plain evil. Now we find demoncraps in lock step with antifa, b l m, b a m n, all terrorist organizations wither they are called such or not. Demoncraps even fund them and bail them out of jail when they are caught. The question becomes; Why… Read more »
Mmmm yep kinda screwed up there, stereotype much officer? What was he detained for to begin with?
After watching all the rioting and looting this past two weeks and the burning of buildings that had nothing to do with a bad cop who killed a guy in custody just shows me the need for no reduction in cops just better management of the cops, that cop should have been fired a long time ago according to his record.
With all the looting and burning we sure don’t need any laws that restrict honest citizens from owning firearms and using them to protect what is there’s.
We have a second amendment for a reason.
Wish he were my sheriff!
Grady Judd has his flaws, but this attitude is why he will get re-elected AGAIN.