Black Guns Matter: Is The Mission Accomplished Yet for Maj Toure?

U.S.A.-( I first met Maj Toure in July of 2017 as I meet most folks these days: over the internets! Maj Co-Founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2016 and was very loudly championing The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear Arms!

BGM is an Educational Non-Profit Organization advocating the Second Amendment and promoting responsible firearms ownership to Black and urban communities around the United States. The brash North Philadelphia born and raised, dreadlocked rapper, was quickly gaining popularity in the Gun Community with his philosophy of solutions and self-reliance when it comes to ever-present conflicts and mistrust minority communities deal with in regards to crime, violence, policing and protecting our families. So folks were reaching out to me assuming that I obviously golfed with him every weekend at the local country club. Jokes aside, you’ll find if you want to reach out to Maj Toure, he’s really easy to communicate with through social media, just don’t bring that smoke! If you don’t know what that means it roughly translates into check yourself before you wreck yourself fool – I’m old school.

Anyway, back in the day, I reached out to Maj through the BGM socials, invited him onto Episode 5 of the Who Moved My Freedom Podcast and we’ve been friends and allies in this everlasting fight for freedom for all ever since then. The message has spread and the mission has grown over the last three years for Black Guns Matter. Recently Antonia Okafor, National Spokesperson And Director Of Outreach for Gun Owners Of America invited us both so sit on a panel entitled: Is The Second Amendment Really For Everyone? put on at the Libertarian National Convention in Orlando and hosted by Party Vice Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen.

Picture of Libertarian Party GOA Panel From Left to Right: Rhonda Mary, Edgar Antillion, Maj Toure, Devin Perkins, Antonia Okafor, Spike Cohen, Alicia Garcia & Hank Strange
Picture of Libertarian Party GOA Panel From Left to Right: Rhonda Mary, Edgar Antillion, Maj Toure, Devin Perkins, Antonia Okafor, Spike Cohen, Alicia Garcia & Hank Strange

After the panel, Lola and I took the opportunity of us all being in the same place to do this sit down interview with Maj and update the readers of Ammoland News and my Viewers on YouTube with The Man, The Organization, and The Mission.

On the subject of the latter question of the 2A, as we both iterated in the video: The Second Amendment Is Absolutely For Everyone!

As recent tragic and violent events in our country have unfolded all compounded by the Covid-19 Lockdown, I hope we all realize that we need Actions and Solutions more than we need Rhetoric and Symbolic gestures to keep our Great Nation moving forward. In our sit-down, the question I wanted most to ask was: After four years of activism, outreach, and training, for Black Guns Matter and Maj Toure is the mission accomplished? Have we in the Gun Community pitched in and done our part to support the effort to ensure that The Second Amendment is indeed For All People and that all are welcomed and nurtured here?

According to Maj (as you’ll hear in the video) BGM’s objectives have grown from one introductory class in Philly to a Thirteen City Tour and now to a Nationwide Outreach Effort. In 2020 the mission for Maj Toure is to raise a million dollars, and depending on your perspective that’s either too little, too much, or not enough! Considering that a well known Pro Second Amendment Organization spent just as much or more paying for custom-tailored suits for it top executives in one year, I personally feel the money would have been better put to use at BGM Empowering our Brothers and Sisters in Arms. Maj has already raised and given back to our community at large close to three hundred thousand dollars in the form of training, locations for events, ammunition, as well other material costs necessary to put on classed around the country. If you’re a fan of Maj and Black Guns Matter or even if you just discovered him here, you owe it to yourself to check out our video (it is just 20 minutes) and you can help support BGM by following this link to their GoFundMe page here:

2A Panel Discussion At Libertarian Convention


About Hank StrangeHank Strange Headshot

Hank Strange is an Enthusiastic Supporter of The Second Amendment, An Avid Filmmaker, Writer, Blogger, Music Producer, and Digital Artist: Hank is a Prolific YouTube Content Creator having Published over 1000 Videos to date relating to Lifestyle in the realms of Firearms, Cars, and Technology. A Proud American Citizen Since 2003 Hank was born of Mixed Race Parentage (his Father having African Ancestry and his Mother being of East Indian Ancestry amongst others) in Guyana, South America. He has traveled to a few places in the world with his Family living in London, England, and Nigeria in West Africa before settling in NYC. Hank & His Wife Lola are both Federal Firearms Licensees and currently live and work in Florida. Passionately Pursuing The Lifestyles Of The Locked And Loaded! Tune in to the daily Gun Culture News “Podshow” Who Moved my Freedom Podcast (WMMF) on the LIfestyles of the Locked and Loaded youtube channel. Hank’s work can also be seen on, Facebook, Instagram, his Personal Blog, and other Social Media.

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so does black guns matter mean the same as black lives matter? meaning is black gun ownership more important than white gun ownership? anyone? anyone?…crickets!

Peel the onion

I’ve infrequently followed this guy since he first started and suggest you go back to review some of his earlier postings to assess for yourself. I think you might be surprised.

Jabari Hunt

It’s really bazaar to me that people see an imaginary “only” in front of Black Lives Matter. Who said anything at all about black lives mattering any more than anyone else’s??? That’s never been said or implied in the movement. It’s simply states that black lives matter. To “matter” is the lowest rung on the civility ladder. It doesn’t mean “superior” or “better than”. People simply want to be treated “OK” (again, a very low standard) rather than always having to deal with BS while doing everyday normal activities. Somehow people have an issue with that. Save the dolphins doesn’t… Read more »


What color is the sky on the planet you live on. It certainly isn’t this planet. I’ve watched several news reports and You Tube videos. Where people have been chastised, shouted down and physically attacked by BLM protesters for saying All Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter and Even LGBT Lives Matter. So Yes. This whole scene has been Racially Motivated to mean only BLM. All the While Black on Black crime continues to escalate without one protest To denounce it. Black Lives will Matter. When the Black Community cares more about young black men killing each other. Than it… Read more »

Jabari Hunt

I think you payed more attention to the fact that BLM protesters were screaming at all rather than listening to what they were saying. It’s not that “All Lives” don’t matter, that’s just silly. They are upset that the ALM and Blue LM protesters are specifically attempting to discount the very experiences of police brutality that BLM is attempting to highlight. Let’s look at it from a different perspective. Imagine, God forbid, you have a child that passes away. During the services you begin to talk about how great your child was, and all of the wonderful things that made… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Jabari Hunt

when the whole “black lives matter” business started, that’s what I thought too. But bless you are dwelling under a rock somewhere, or perhpas in a very dimply lit basement, you cannot help but observe, particulalry in these past weeks, that to those INSIDE the poitical organisation of that name, unless you are black (as in, of african descent) you DO NOT MATTER. THen, if you were to really get brace, begin to look into the history, formation, control, operationl funding of the BLM as an organisation, read about its roots, how it came to be an entity and WHO… Read more »

Jabari Hunt

First and foremost, what does any of that have to do with police brutality? Police brutality is the core issue. I’m not in the BLM organization. I do, however, believe in the literal statement that black lives do, in fact, matter (see my other posts above for further details on that if you like). You are attempting to deflect away from that core statement. Second, Timothy McVeigh grew up Catholic. That doesn’t mean the Catholic Church has an agenda to blow up federal buildings. Bill Clinton liked to keep his cigars in warm moist places, that doesn’t mean the US… Read more »


You seem to be all wrapped up in Police Brutality and yet Black on Black Brutality has injured,Killed and ruined the lives of more blacks this year than all the police brutality in the last 20 years. Why? Because they are an easy target. Unlike the Black community who would have to judge themselves. For their own Brutality against their own race. Like Ignoring the forest to scream at the trees. Black Lives will Matter. When the Black community cares more about Black on Black crime. Than they do screaming Racism.

Jabari Hunt

I answered that question, twice now actually. Read a couple of posts up. Interesting though, the entire point of the BLM movement is to pay the attention that’s due to exactly what you are continuously deflecting away from, yet, you wonder why people are harping on it. Stop for a quick minute and think about that. BTW – I’ve never been robbed, beaten, and of course murdered by anyone who was black (outside of a fist fight as kid). Everything I mentioned above, which was not a complete list, I’ve experienced with various officers throughout my life. I’m a software… Read more »


In response to your posts, Jabari Hunt, for over 22 years I dealt with many people in a law enforcement position. The ones who insisted on conducting themselves in a less than cordial fashion were responded to in like manner. Those that were civil and level headed barely made my radar. There is a lesson there for those smart enough to take it.
Then there are those who insist that they are “special” and they usually end up getting “special” treatment.


From my understanding of the world those people are considered, “useful idiots.”


Jabari Hunt, Finally some logical conversation. However all the media reports is BLM breaking windows, tearing down monuments, burning police cars, shooting eachother for nothing, raping women, looting stores, (just because everyone else was) spray-painting explicitives and other foolish non-sense. What is your relationship to BLM? Most of the people marching are white, what on Earth does that mean? It means you are a means to an end. It signifies the Snowflakes intend to use you to gain control as Hitler did with the Brownshirts. Why tear down monuments? To destroy the evidence of past errors? So we can do… Read more »


Jabari, You may see yourself as a software engineer but you clearly have the skills of a “creative writer”. BLM is a “communist” propaganda campaign/movement with the sole goal of sedition; so say the three founders (look it up). The founders have been and are mentored most prominently by two ‘60s radical, communist, domestic terrorist and murderer (look it up). BLM followers have murdered and physically attacked those who dare say “all lives matter” (look it up). BLM followers and sycophants wallowing in “group think” have now caused many in academia to resign under threat of violence because they also… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Sisu

Jabrari Hunt is deflecting and I want him to talk about the thousands of WHITE dead for the Freedom of the thousands of BLACKS. This is not about color it is about the One and Only True GOD.
Where does your allegiance lay? At the foot of Baal or the foot of Jesus Christ?
This is one Country, Under GOD Idivisable. Or do you ‘feel’ you need a slice for yourself?


Big Jim, I’m not clear as to the point of your last sentence. Regardless, I take no issue with anything you wrote. … I expect you agree, the lie is in attempting to summarize BLMs purpose in three words – the name, those three words, have nothing to do with the founders’ objectives. Reading the chain above it appears to me Jabari does not understand this simple, devious fact. … See my other post re: black community news article from four years ago.


Sisu, if you are not Clear, perhaps you haven’t read enough books. Or better yet, worked until you’ve bled or damn near collapsed. Us 3% call that Fun.


What ? … Not sure why you’re casting stones. Better check the horizontal and vertical on your CRT, and adjust the squelch; you may be receiving more than one signal at a time. More to the point, I suspect your “deity signal” is not coming in as clear as you perceive.


Jabari, An article from four years ago. Heed the last two paragragraphs:


Just curious when did Black lives not matter ? And why do they take offense to people using ALL Lives Matter ? They state it’s a deflection to say ALL LIVES MATTER. To me all lives matter till you try to inflict harm on me or others. Then all bets are off. No Matter their race or skin color.


it’s sad to read the level of hate demonstrated here, how otherwise “educated” people use their skewed perceptions to justify that hate. rather than see how many different races coming together and wanting real change is nothing more than a “soros” conspiracy.
there is no point in arguing any point here in reality, it’s only an echo chamber for misguided beliefs.


Sounds like you have some projection going on in your statement, wil. Of course it could just be my skewed perceptions.


it’s just the kind of thing your skewed perception will NEVER allow you to understand.


“So let it be written, so let it be done!”


Its when you are called names for sayin that “All Lives Matter” that Black Lives Matter gets a bad rap.