Lightfoot Grasping at Straws on Guns to Mask Her Own Ineffectiveness

“When your heroes are teenagers: Last night it was an honor to meet David Hogg from Stoneman Douglas and the other Parkland and Chicago young people who are showing the rest of us the way to say no to the NRA.” Can even she actually believe that garbage? (Lori Lightfoot/Facebook)

U.S.A. – -( “70 shot, 10 fatally, in Chicago this weekend,” the Chicago Sun-Times reported Monday. “The numbers surpassed those of the same weekend last year, when 43 people were shot, three of them fatally. Last weekend, 64 people were shot across the city, 13 of them fatally. Six of those victims were teenagers and one teen was killed.”

“79 shot, 15 fatally, over Fourth of July weekend in Chicago,” the Sun-Times reported two weeks ago. That’s in spite of “community leaders hir[ing] private security” and the city putting “1,200 more police officers on Chicago streets.”

They should have known it wouldn’t work because the year before they deployed more than 1,500 cops to predictable results. There’s a definition of insanity in there somewhere.

Speaking of insanity, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blames guns and the coronavirus. Disregard what it takes to lawfully own and carry a gun in Illinois. Mayor Lori says what we need to stop the killings by the lawless is to heap more laws onto the “law-abiding.”

That and it’s Trump’s fault.

“If the president was really committed to helping us deal with our violence, he would do some easy things,” Lightfoot insists. “What he would push for is universal background checks, he would push for an assault weapons ban, he would push to make sure that people who are banned from getting on airplanes can’t get guns.”

“We have to have a federal policy on background checks and making sure people are not able to go across the border to states like Indiana and get military-grade weapons in quantities and then bring them back to the streets and shoot people up,” Lightfoot continued.  “That’s what’s happening.”

“The only problem with her response is…well…everything,” NRA-ILA observed. “[R]ather than looking at what she can do better to stem the rising tide of violence in her city, Mayor Lightfoot has decided to misrepresent federal law, malign her neighboring states, and suggest we need more laws that will further infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens; more laws that violent criminals will regard with as much disdain as the current mountain of laws they violate.”


As for what Lightfoot can “do better,” that’s something we dare not bring up lest we are smeared as haters and worse.  Besides, bringing up “black on black crime” is a “fallacy,” we are told. The real problem is with white men killing themselves, the gun-grabbers instruct us in a nice bit of apples and oranges bait and switch. True, we can’t deny there’s a problem there, still not anywhere near as bad as the suicide situation in “gun-free” Japan, but we still have yet to see headlines about 70+ white men shooting themselves in Chicago on a holiday weekend. And changing the subject does nothing to help stem the bloody violence happening there as a matter of routine.

People are also only bringing that up to “deflect attention away from police brutality,” we are chastised. So the deflectors are deflecting—accusing your opponent of that which you are guilty is standard “progressive” operating procedure.

Having blamed gun, the coronavirus, and Donald Trump, Lightfoot has also decided the enemy is the Chicago PD.

What’s wrong in Chicago and the root causes behind the violence are existential problems Lightfoot and city “leaders” are unwilling to even acknowledge let alone tackle lest they get exposed for the incompetent, trough-feeding frauds that they are. And while these causes and their relative weights in contributing to the problems are legitimately debatable, the truth is not.

The truth is that mandating more infringements on the right of peaceably-inclined people to keep and bear arms will only make things worse. And those pulling the citizen disarmament strings to impose a monopoly of violence not only know that, but they’re also counting on it.

UPDATE- This headline happened after this article was submitted:

At Least 14 People Wounded In Mass Shooting Outside Funeral In Auburn Gresham

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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I have to admit. I got this from another web poster on Fox News. It is a great example of the left’s attempt to control the narrative. The Dichotomy of the troubled Liberal Mind: ~ If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him ~ Somehow it’s un-American and racist for the census to count how many Americans are in America ~ Foreign interference in our elections is bad, but illegal aliens voting in our elections is good. ~ Crowded, violent “protests” are encouraged, but singing in church is a public health violation ~… Read more »


“I completely… ugh… understand. Now back to my fidget spinner.”(Says 97% of the population)


Last edited 4 years ago by estim8ing
uncle dudley

This mayor only got elected to that office because of the color of her skin and not for her smarts in running anything except her mouth.


That’s traditional in Chicago & Baltimore…Coming soon to your small and medium sized cities if you keep voting democrat.


On May 10, 2018, Lightfoot announced her candidacy for Mayor of Chicago in the 2019 elections, her first-ever run for public office. She is the first LGBTQ mayor and first black female mayor of Chicago. Lightfoot was the first openly lesbian candidate in the history of Chicago mayoral elections.


UD: Don’t forget Philly, they are getting close, with their DEMO-RATS running that city!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Progressive New Left ideology is collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions. The best evidence of this ideological collapse is the reaction of leftist leadership to these contradictions and the resulting consequences. That reaction will be based upon blaming the people as being not worthy of their enlightened leadership and an immediate elimination of individual liberties and protections. Case in point. When your heroes are teenagers who are not wearing uniforms and are not sworn to uphold and defend liberty you are in deep effluent. The current generation of progressive commissars are in deep effluent. They know it and… Read more »


love this part. “We have to have a federal policy on background checks and making sure people are not able to go across the border to states like Indiana and get military-grade weapons in quantities and then bring them back to the streets and shoot people up,” Lightfoot continued. isn’t there something called nics already in existence, or have i been getting scammed every time i purchase a firearm? she wants border security between illinios and indiana, but not mexico and America? and surely none of the shooters are illegals here in America? where can i legally get some of… Read more »


Mayor Light in the head can not grasp that the criminals do not use background checks.


As for laws about not crossing the border. To commit a crime. Here’s one Illegal Border Crossing Crime that Lightfoot supports.
‘Should have never happened’: Thin Blue Line members killed in Texas crash; illegal immigrant charged | Fox News


Joseph Paglia (who was killed in this crash) was a member of the Northwest Side GOP Club of Chicago

Last edited 4 years ago by SGT_Wombat

If Indiana is the problem, why is there no/not much “gun violence” in Indiana, I mean if the laws are SO lax in Indiana it should be a war zone too.


The laws are more lax here than there, but that allows law abiding people to get guns easily. Plus we tend to return fire here, often accurately.

We do have a place that looks like a warzone, its called Gary, and it sits on the border with Chiraq….

Boris Badenov

I thought it was ILLEGAL to sell a hand gun to a non resident or did I misread the frigging law. The natives sure as heck aren’t using M4’s M16’s M-WTH’s They’re using hand guns.


It appears that with all of these shooting their average is going up. I guess if there are no shooting ranges they have to practice on each other.

That’s a shame.

Papa J

My guess is it’s more fun for ’em that way. I mean how many Ranges have moving targets that shoot back?


But that’s exactly what they need. We need to train them on how to shoot properly. Gun control is being able to hit your target. This will reduce innocent bystanders being shot and eventually only a few will be left standing and we can just lock them up.


I’ll guarantee those shooting-up the Southside are NOT members of the National Rifle Association…


Lightfoot is an stupid !! She and her minions keep doing the samething over and over expecting different results. She and here minions just want CONTROL at any cost. If she and her minions really wanted to do something ab out the high crime rate they would arrest and lock up the ones causing the problems BUT she can’t do that It’s part of their culture. If you doubt that just do some digging on the net. She is onboard with hilarity nancy chuck and that shit fellow to bring down America at any cost. My friend Ben Franklin would… Read more »


Miss(ing) LIght In the Head fails to tally a few FACTS in her memorised narrative. Thigs she SHOULD know but obiously does not. Can’t buy interstate without BGC That’s “univesal” canot possess firearm in IL wihout their FOID Mother May I Card. There are just as many “military grade” weapons available at retail in Illinois as there are in INdiana. That number is NONE. Can’t buy a handgun until 21 even in Indiana someone ask her the AGES of the ones “shooting up” Chicago. I’ll lay high stakes at long odds the average is somewhere near 15. NO ONE that… Read more »


She believes that everyone in Chicago is stupid, and she’s pretty much right! they keep voting Democrats into office in Chicago, despite the murders, despite the poverty, despite the bad public schools, and the catastrophes just keep rolling along decade after decade! I have NO sympathy for people in Chicago, Seattle, NYC, Baltimore, Portland, Frisco, or LA: they KEEP voting Leftists into office despite the results. Obozo had one thing correct: “Elections have consequences.” he smugly and spitefully told McCain in front of the press, humiliating the RINO. The populations of the cities I noted (and many others) should take… Read more »


pretty sure David Hogg’s 15 mins of fame (infamy) have long expired, Mayor Beetlejuice is completely incompetent


lightweight is another incompetent Chicago mayor, all hat no cattle !!!

Big George

This fish-faced f’ugly moron thinks getting her hair done will improve her looks??!! Maybe she could trade her hair fo the nose of that other moron in Portland with his big’O crooked honker you could ski down! WHY are all of these liberaturds so F’UGLY in the first place??


Think back to High School. You’ll find a lot of seeds to people’s madness there.


Every time I see a picture of Lightfoot, I think….wow, that head would surely be a great rust remover.

Liberty Valance

To Mayor Lighthead. It’s black on black crime. It’s black on black crime. Is any of this getting through?


You gotta be shitting me…


“[R]ather than looking at what she can do better to stem the rising tide of violence in her city, Mayor Lightfoot has decided to misrepresent federal law, malign her neighboring states, and suggest we need more laws that will further infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens…”

Communists — taking everything except the blame, since 1918!


And look at the CLUELESS MOUTHPIECE shaking her F**KING hand… Just give him a head job Bigfoot, get it over with ! The Dems and their “droppings” gotta go.


Chicago; Has been burned once already, when is someone really going to STRIKE THE NEXT MATCH, as I see it it is getting real close!!!!!!!!!!!


It’s Black on Black crime.
It’s Black on White crime.
The democrat party does NOT want to stop any of it.