Sturgis, SD –-( When we heard that Antifa was planning to protest the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, we thought it was a joke, but the group did end up trying to protest the biker rally. They were unsuccessful by any metric.
Every year hundreds of thousands of bikers from all around the country descended on Sturgis, South Dakota, for the world’s largest and most famous motorcycle rally. Even in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, bikers made their yearly pilgrimage to the small town that becomes the mecca of the bike world. This year the bikers were joined by a small group of members of the anarcho-communist group known as Antifa.
Antifa decided to protest South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem’s decision not to shut down the bike rally as they demanded. Antifa claims it wanted the rally shut down because of the novel coronavirus world pandemic. The group said the rally would increase the spread of the virus. Some of the bikers found the group’s reason hypocritical since Antifa has been protesting by the side of Black Lives Matter around the country without regard to the pandemic.
Another reason the group gave for protesting the biker rally was that they were standing up against white supremacy and President Trump. The group believes that most bikers are Trump supporters. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally draws partygoers from all races and walks of life. Several predominantly Hispanic and Black motorcycle clubs attend the rally every year without fear of white supremacy. President Trump has never attended Sturgis or any other motorcycle rally.
One of the protester’s signs read, “We don’t want you here. Coronavirus, White Supremacy, 45.”
The number 45 is a reference to Trump. President Trump is the 45th President of the United States. Protesters and others use the number as a nickname for the President.
The protest started peacefully, with most bikers ignoring the black mask covered protestors that marched on down Main Street. One of Antifa’s favorite tactics is to block off a street. One biker rode his motorcycle by the group. A member of the black-clad demonstrators kicked out at biker’s bike as he passed the group. Motorcycles to bikers are more than just a vehicle. They treat their bikes as a part of themselves. They are scared objects.
This trespass against the biker’s ride set off the rowdy crowd. Bikers swarmed the Antifa members surrounding them. The noise from the crowd was deafening. Eggs were thrown by the bikers and hit an Antifa member. Police had to move in to protect the group from the angry bikers. The police officers had to escort the group to a safe spot away from the rally attendees.
Police Chief Geody Vandewater said the scene “was little chaotic for a bit.” The bikers vastly outnumbered law enforcement officers. The rally’s attendees did respect the officer’s request that they stay back away from the protesters. The protesters want the state to defund the police but depended on the same officers to keep them safe from the massive crowd of pissed off bikers.
After the protest ended abruptly, police arrested one of the protesters from Rapid City South Dakota. The officers charge the man with disorderly conduct.
Antifa did not try to protest the rally again. The 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally ended on Sunday.
About John Crump
John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at
ANTIFA needed police protection. Damn, if the Stuirgis Police had been defunded for that moment in time>
Hopefully the crowd reaction to these lightweight, antifa brownshirts will serve as a template for the rest of the country. Standing up to these punks shuts them right down. It also shows another aspect of their mountainous hypocrisy when they have to be protected by the very police they say they abhor and wish to defund. These people are cowards at heart, which explains why, whenever they are seen attacking someone you will note they hit the person from behind, never from a direction in which they will be seen and they always attack when they have the target of… Read more »
Talked to the Harley Rep. about bike parts and how everybody is just going to have to wait to get parts they want. I told him the manufacturers should’ve never left the U.S. to begin with and its time to bring it back home. He said he thinks that’s a Trump ‘pipe dream’ it’s never gonna happen. To cheap to get parts made over seas ’cause they don’t have all the restrictions we do. With corporate goo-gobblers sucking up profits could give a $hit less if our kids will have jobs that go beyond anything from pushing some buttons and… Read more »
“Toto, I Have A Feeling We’re Not In Seattle or Portland Anymore”
Oh, this alone would’ve been worth the trip…how very entertaining…
Choose your fights wisely little white sympathizers..where was your backup? You know BLM..NFAC.. they weren’t there for you were they? Yet you feel the need to protest for them, Now who’s the Slaves ?
Good thing the cops were there to save your asses !!