Being in a ‘Safe’ District Brings Out Gun-Grabber Casten’s True Lack of Character

It’s fair to wonder how much personal knowledge Rep. Casten has amassed in order to come up with his general theory on gun owner endowment.   (Sean Casten for Congress/Facebook)

U.S.A. – -( “Casten calls for ban on assault weapons, stronger gun control laws,” the Daily Herald noted Friday on the race for Illinois’ 6th Congressional District between incumbent Democrat Sean Casten and Republican challenger Jeanne Ives. “With violence on our streets a growing concern for many Americans, U.S. Rep. Sean Casten remains an advocate of stronger gun control laws.”

Who that “violence on the streets” is being committed by is left unexplored. That helps explain how targeting lawful gun owners and relying on constituent ignorance is a “successful” Democrat strategy. That passing such disarmament edicts will have no effect on those depraved enough to murder people is something they don’t talk about because the in-the-tank media won’t ask them.

“We have more guns per capita than any other country in the world,” Casten asserts, as if that’s the meaningful statistic.

“The hunters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia alone would comprise the largest army in the world,” an Outside the Beltway article from 10 years ago showed us. Do you suppose we’d have heard about it if they decided to take to “the streets”? Or for that matter, why don’t we see headlines where the 5-million or so estimated members of the NRA, arguably the most heavily-armed civilian population on the planet, are adding to the urban body count? Just think how many opportunities for passionate confrontations arise every time they hold an annual meeting and 80,000-plus armed members show up representing diverse factions from Fudds to Three Percenters.

In addition to demanding “sentence first — verdict afterwards” edicts and registration-enabling “background check” prior restraints, Casten calls for a ban on “common defense” weapons while misrepresenting the core purpose of the Second Amendment and actually claiming what the Founders wanted was a “standing army,” something Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States, called “the bane of liberty.”

Challenger Ives, we are told, “voted against several gun-control measures while a state representative, including a red flag law and proposals that: created a 72-hour waiting period for gun purchases; created licensing rules for gun dealers; and sought to create minimum age limits for people buying assault-style weapons [and] sponsored legislation allowing people to carry concealed firearms.”

The problem here is the 6th District, where Casten won his seat by a significant 53.6% to 46.4% margin. A significant reason why is something we’ve seen repeated time and again throughout the Republic:

“In 1995, the suburbs were the center of Illinois’ Republican universe, the bucolic backyards the home of the leaders of the state legislature as they strove to drive an agenda as a political force to be reckoned with for future generations. Now, nearly a quarter-century later, it is the Democrats who have advanced in collar counties that were once the Republican firewall to Chicago’s massive Democratic vote — a confluence of changing demographics…”

We just saw this play out in Virginia. It is the greatest threat to continued legal recognition of the right to keep and bear arms that gun owners face, and yet the one most ignored by national and state “gun rights” groups.

Naturally, Casten is the foreign nationals’ best friend.  Compare that to Ives’ positions.

Looking at the trends in his district and the predictions by the pundits, Casten is feeling unbeatable, and it shows in the haughty and crude way he disparaged gun owners in a Zoom conference call with college students:

“If you are a constitutionalist, unless you’re a member of well-regulated militia, tell me why you need to own a gun, right? Having small genitals is not a sufficient reason to own a gun.”

That insult, known as “Markley’s Law,” is hardly original, but then again, neither is tyranny enabled by citizen disarmament. And note Casten just revealed what he’s all about. He doesn’t think ordinary citizens have “sufficient reason to own a gun” — any gun — which shows the semi-auto ban and other edicts he demands are but incremental steps toward the real goal.

The ignorance, arrogance, and contempt coming from someone aspiring to more political power are telling.  There is still a way gun owners can show Casten how they feel about it, but that means they have to support and spread the word on Jeanne Ives for Congress.

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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Looks like a “peter-puffer” and a pedophile. Sounds like one too.

uncle dudley

The state of Illinois has some of the toughest gun laws in the country and this idiot wants more, has he seen where most of the murders are taking place in the land of Lincoln, and the countless shootings everyday, Chicago!
The people who are doing the shooting didn’t go in to a sporting goods store and purchase their weapon of choice and they didn’t have the famous Illinois FOID card in their pocket and most of all they don’t look like the folks in the picture above with the American flags.


Casten say some $h!+ like that to a real gun owners face and you’ll be wearing your a$$ for a hat

WI Patriot

“If you are a constitutionalist, unless you’re a member of well-regulated militia, tell me why you need to own a gun, right? Having small genitals is not a sufficient reason to own a gun.”

What a pathetic POS…typical liberal…


This DemonRat looks just like Dwaine Tinsley whose claim to fame was as a comic artist who’s work may have alluded to troubling real life events. The “Chester the Molester” cartoon first appeared in Hustler’s pages. The cartoon’s creator, Dwaine B. Tinsley, was arrested. Art, it appeared, had imitated life. His 18-year-old daughter said he had been raping her for years.
He got put in a Cage. He should have received a Brooklyn Roof Ride!


“We have more guns per capita than any other country in the world”

I know, isn’t that awesome? American’s own nearly half the world’s small arms.

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