Police Investigating Viral Video of BLM Protestors Pointing Guns At Cars

Indianapolis, IN-(Ammoland.com)- Police are investigating a video that allegedly shows two protesters pointing guns at vehicles during a Black Lives Matter Protest in Indianapolis.

Thursday, Aug. 6, BLM activist held The Indy10 Black Lives Matter march in Indianapolis. The protesters were upset with police over police shootings of Dreasjon Reed and McHale Rose.

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department shot Reed after the man led police on a high-speed chase. Police say Reed fired on police before being shot. Reed’s family disputes this, saying that he had a bright future that the officers stole. Last year police arrested Reed on felony intimidation and drug charges. Reed had an outstanding warrant at the time of the shooting.

Rose allegedly fired a rifle at Indianapolis Metropolitan Police officers as they were responding to a burglary in progress at a nearby address. The caller placed the 911 call from Rose’s phone, and police think he was waiting to ambush the officers as they investigated the incident. All the officers have returned to duty.

In the viral video, released by the IndyStar, you can see a blue GMC pickup truck approach the protesters who were blocking the road. The vehicle came to a stop in front of the protestors. Two masked demonstrators approach the truck with handguns drawn. The truck backed up and tried to flee the scene as protestors chased the driver.

Indy10 says it was their “security team” that had the guns. According to the group, they had armed security in case someone tried to hit protestors. The truck was stopped when the two men drew their pistols.

The group also claims that the men never pointed their guns at anyone.  They claim that their security threatened no one, and was acting in self-defense.

“Our security was ready, with their guns low on the ground, but did not point it directly at anyone,” the group said in a Facebook. “We don’t want to risk our people or protesters getting hurt or killed during one of our demonstrations.”

Indy10 also complained about the harassment they have received from internet users since the confrontation took place.  The group sees a double standard because of race.  Both men that brandished the firearms appeared white in the video.

“It’s always a double standard,” the group said. “White racist are killing and hitting protesters and then get mad when (we) defend ourselves.”

There is no evidence to suggest the pickup driver is a racist.  A spokesperson for the group admitted to AmmoLand that they do not know if the driver was racist or not, they stated that other racists in the past have hit people with cars. The truck was also wholly stopped when the men confronted the driver.  No one in the truck appeared to threaten any of the protestors.

AmmoLand reached out to Indy10 for clarification.  A spokesperson for the group said one of the men that pulled his gun, which is only known as ‘Icon,’ said he was afraid for his life because the driver revved their engine and had tinted windows.

When AmmoLand pushed the group for an explanation of why the group would run after the truck if they were afraid for their lives, the spokesperson didn’t answer and stopped responding to all our questions.

Police have not filed charges and have not identified the suspects.

About John CrumpJohn Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotnews. John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at www.crumpy.com.

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Deplorable Bill

Maybe it’s different there, but here, if you pull your side arm, that is assault with a deadly weapon unless it’s justified. I know this for a fact because the survivor of a group of men that pulled on me got 10 years. What do you think would happen if you pulled on a cop? You would probably get your ass shot off. Common sense. Survival. Once that weapon is pulled the time for negotiation, the time for deplomacy is gone and you just can’t out run or out drive a bullet. You have no choice but to deal with… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

The crimes committed in this video: False imprisonment (felony) Aggravated assault (felony) Possibly kidnapping (felony) – will be hard to prove Using a firearm in the commission of a crime (felony, typical add-on charge) Ample relevant case law exists. Having said all that, what actually happens when one choses to shoot and kill that clown: Legal defense costs for a justified self defense: $3,000-$5000 at minimum The truck gets impounded as evidence, so does the gun BLM will eventually find out who you are and where you and your family lives and terrorize you You will have additional costs for… Read more »

Some guy

So you are saying that we should give in to the terrorists?

Charlie Foxtrot

NO, you did not understand my post!

Choose your battles wisely! If you want to go down in some battle of glory, go ahead! You are not winning the war with that! You are not even winning the battle!

So, what training did you have for engaging in a gun fight in the streets at an armed roadblock?


It’s called tactics !

Charlie Foxtrot

Tactics without a strategy is just a train wreck waiting to happen! What part of “choose your battles wisely” you think was related to tactics?


Fear is your biggest weakness and your downfall.
You can always adjust to the situation for a better outcome that is legal and defeats your enemies threatening your life.
I had a judge tell me that sometimes violence is justified.

Charlie Foxtrot

Actually, ignorance is your biggest weakness and your downfall.


Ignorance has little fear, big mistake.
Ignorance is like leaves in the wind.
Ignorance can’t rule you only lets you make mistakes.


@Oldmarine – Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to decide and act despite fear. Absence of fear is often absence of knowledge and understanding. Anyone on your team entirely lacking in fear is a liability and likely to get entire team and your family killed. I prefer those who who make wise choices and train for ability to work past fear. In WWROL survival is the goal, not glory, not vengeance, not even being “right”.

I will not go once more into the breach, or charge with the light brigade.


Evidently you have never been in combat at all.
Courage is knowing the fear and resisting it so you can still preform you duty. Without courage you may be considered a coward.
The Marines say Honor – Courage -Commitment are not only noble but the very essence of a true man.
A man without Honor deserves no respect.


Courage is knowing and realizing the fear but overcoming that fear. Courage comes with commitment.
All military, First Responders and Law Enforcement.deal with it every day facing life or death.


The other possibility is ” I have no choice ” because I’m trapped. Anytime you are challenged you have only seconds to choose, something courts never consider. The natural reaction is to ” to do what is natural. You have several reactions to a challenge. A. Always run and hide. (only works sometimes) B. Try to negotiate your way out. (try reasoning) C. Try a compromise with you attacker. (give and take) D. Press your Constitutional rights. (starts a argument) E. React in proportion to the threat. (Normal reaction) F. React with devastating violence. (stupid, sometimes effective) G. Decide to… Read more »


Thanks Bill. I got tired of having to explain all this, I suppose because I’m so old. Glad you’re still up to it!

Deplorable Bill

Thanks Vans 40. I am also old. Most of the guys can see right from wrong. The difference between old and young warriors I suppose. At least it gets people thinking ahead of time, ahead of situation. Life favors the prepared.

Arm up, carry on.


It’s unfortunate you can’t go anywhere on the internet to have an honest (intelligent) discussion without it being hijacked by trolls or two guys trying to prove who has the biggest d**k.

“…saying that he had a bright future that the officers stole”. Why is it the police only shoot the smartest, nicest, loving individuals that would have gone on to become President or a Saint had they not been “murdered”.


can’t admit that their kids are criminal losers.


this is a prefect use of one of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: change the language, redefine everything..
“Bright future” really means chucking up daisies from six feet below the sod.
nicest, loving” means a thug who cares naught abut anyone else, only his own rotten self. “smartest” means his IQ is rapidly approaching ambieint temperature. “gone on to be president” means King of the Dunghill assigned him in hell. “saint” means minion of satan.

You just have to understand thelanguag they are using these days. Its simple, really.


Lock these BLM and ANTIFA scum up.

Ryben Flynn

That would be a threat of deadly force, run them over in self defense.

Charlie Foxtrot

That would certainly work, unless there are 10 other armed people in the crowd. Then your car becomes Swiss cheese and you assume ambient temperature. See the whole battlefield, not just the one armed idiot in front of you!


One of the primary tenets of warfare is “ Strategic Withdrawal “
when you are outnumbered, out gunned, lacking situational intel or when having sex !


About the only time I’d run them over would be if I hospital was on the other side and and I was transporting a medical emergency. That said, I would not want to subject my helpless passenger to gunfire from multiple unseen assailant – because why??? I suspect that if you yelled that you had a woman in labor and needed help getting safely through the crowd – the gunmen would be shoved out of the way by people wanting to be a hero without violence. Practically everyone thinks they are a good guy and appreciates an opportunity to prove… Read more »


That don’t always work. In WW1 +The British the French and the Army tried to take an important bridge held by many Germans and failed. Then they decided they would try the US Marines. One squad of 13 men took only minutes to take the bridge using plain squad tactics. The reason the Marines were successful against so many, was when the war started they took Marines out of the Banana Wars and shipped them to Europe to joint the fight there. So they were experienced in combat and had effective tactics already. The first time the Germans were turned… Read more »


IF ? ? ?


Jonathan Levi Howe is the name of the leftist in the street with the gun.


Not entirely confirmed but he all but admits it was him on his Facebook page

Some guy

These are Bolshevik terrorists, when are people going to realize we are at war?

Mystic Wolf

Thanks to the blm and that antifa bunch we ARE in a defacto state of civil war, and things are only going th o get worse as time goes on, those two groups are only going go get more violent


The tipping point for all out civil war WILL be the Presidential Election. No matter which way it goes, there will be chaos and destruction.
Start arming up ( which I see is already in progress) and recruiting your own defense teams or militia. Contact your local Sheriff and volunteer for Auxiliary status in the event of insurrection. If nothing else, identifying who will be with you and who will be against you, but don’t be surprised if some of the “enemy “ turn out to be former friends, relatives and neighbors.
That’s what civil war is .


That is why we Republicans need a real REPUBLICAN candidate!!! Dump Trump!


Who would you suggest, a traitorous RINO like Romney, a weasel like Lindsey Graham, an all talk and no cattle slug like Trey Gowdy? Like it or not Trump is the one man who has actually done his best to do the things he said he would do during the campaign. NO ONE ELSE IN AMERICAN HISTORY HAS DONE THAT LIKE TRUMP HAS, NO ONE.
And he has done those things while a full court pres has been pushed against him from BOTH REPUBLICAN RINOS and the DUMOCRATS.


@Row – Already looked in sheriff’s auxiliary. Good deal that… get accepted and pay for academy, get accepted, pay for additional training, gear and parts of the uniform, then volunteer something like 20+ hours a month — in return you get to know that you are doing good for your community and have LEOSA protection for your rights. After a mere ten year since you can quit and enjoy LEOSA protection as a retiree. At least in Texas, auxiliary officers must be licensed law enforcement and meet all state mandated requirements for full time officers. OK so it’s not so… Read more »

Terry H

Funny, they’re yelling at the driver not to be stupid. Sorry, I’d of probably ran them down.

uncle dudley

Will the local prosecutor file charges on these two like the prosecutor did in St Louis?
Confiscate their weapons?


Or if the driver would have popped both their tops?


Illegal blocking of a public roadway and the driver is at fault???


Isn’t this how the guy in Austin TX lost his life?


November 2020 thru February 2021 will be at the very least an unpredictable, chaotic time period.

Don’t depend on any national organization or government entity to come to the rescue.

First and foremost, prepare to defend your home turf.

Charlie Foxtrot

It appears he no longer wants personal information to join. Am I correct?

Charlie Foxtrot

Thanks. When he started, his forms to sign up included required personal information, like name and address.


I want to know what is this “gaurenteed” they use in their manifesto; not once but three times right in a row.

While morons have provided some angst in my life they have also provided much humorous entertainment.


NOt quite: ALL taxpayers footed that bill,and WE got a bad deal. One quick look at the product, we got burned. I want my money back!!!!


If the weapon is being displayed for the purpose of intimidation OR self-defense, it is defined as “brandishing the weapon” and justifies whatever it takes to mitigate the threat. The rule is, if you draw your weapon you’d better have good cause to use it. “Indy10” had better hire better-trained “armed security” because those two clowns
are damned lucky they didn’t become roadkill.


The two clowns forget that any action begets a counter action just like a two way street. I would have backed off about 100 yards then showed my AR with the warning to them I was coming thru and anyone attacking me will get the same. Sometimes you have to stand up on your own two feet instead of bowing to the aggressor.

There is two sides to every coin.


I would not have backed up, remember there were thugs swarming all round the truck. A long gun is NOT a good cjoice for fighting from INSIDE a vehicle, especiallly when YOU are the driver. Fr too cumbersome. And I would NOT reveal my weapon until it is time to USE it. I’d keep the element of surprise in MY hand, and keep any possibility of brandinshing charges OUT of my hand. Two goons illegally blocking my way, handgns at the low ready, and making threatening moves against me? Time for the fight foot to press the “trigger”. We had… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

Some of your narration of the Garrett Foster shooting is not fact based. For starters, it was an AK. And the guy who shot Garrett Foster didn’t wait for the cops to arrive. He made his way to safety first, while being shot at by a second gunman in the crowd. If he had stayed around, he would be dead today.

Why are most of the posters here think that there is only the one or two armed guys out there that flash their hardware?


You mistake my my meaning I would have picked one to die first and informed him that he was in my sights. You forget that AR’s come in pistols also. The one I pick would be informed that if any trouble he would be the first in my sights. I used this same tactic in Alaska when the Teamsters tried to block my passage on the highway and it worked.


I actually carry a gun called a “Truck Gun” called the ” IMP “.
A short 30 cal. with the M1 carbine as the machine, by Standard Mfg. Made especially for quick response. Ammo is soft nose for maximum effect.


Have to correct that it’s by Inland and is call the IMP , the “Inland Motor Patrol”.


That little guy look like fun.


Only in America does indisputable video evidence require investigation, unless of course they are using the term loosely. Full Throttle, that satisfying feel of bumping and grinding in the undercarriage of a truck.


Got a 300 blk with a 40 rd stick for the WHITE sympathizers worried about black rights and an HK .45 usp for these 2 punks I’m not gonna run you over I’m gonna back up 30 yds kik the truck door open and we shall see just how dedicated you really are for others rights who don’t give a POSSUMS ASS about yall..hmmmm shit just got real.Stay up north ladies trust me, stay up north.

Charlie Foxtrot

And that’s how you get charged with murder! Rock on, dangerous road warrior.


O trotting fox you can beg if you like but I’m drawing up on them just as they are drawing on me ..difference how we were raised I guess. Keep running I got your 6 big boy go get some help since I can’t depend on you…lol and bring back some coffee

Last edited 4 years ago by SEMPAI
Charlie Foxtrot

Just a difference between us in the way we got trained. I did. You didn’t! That simple.



Spoken like a true POG.


@SEMPAI – You are called grunts for a reason. It is so that rear command can view you as less than human, and live with your deaths resulting from their choices. I for one would prefer to be POG, gathering intel, making my own choices, and most of all surviving to win the war. People like you are very useful, more so when someone like @CF directs your effort so in a useful direction.


Cowards deserve no respect.

Charlie Foxtrot

Chest-thumping wasn’t part of the curriculum.


Last edited 4 years ago by Charlie Foxtrot

Running isn’t part of mine, don’t get mad about it.

Charlie Foxtrot

So, you belong to MEAL Team 6 then? You never trained bounding or peeling then either, got it!

We still will have a use for you. You can sit in that corner and watch that door. Empty chamber, just to make sure you don’t shoot yourself.


Your quite the funny lad. Like I said you were in junior high werent cha? Some folks brag about controlled safe training good for you if that’s what makes you feel good about your skills so be it.Dont forget my coffee POG

Last edited 4 years ago by SEMPAI
Charlie Foxtrot

Controlled safe training? I guess you are really out of the loop on civilian training. Please take a look at modern force-on-force training offerings and some of the high risk civilian contractor training offerings.

Also understand that the 2-way range on the battlefield in the military is different from the 2-way range on the street as a civilian. You do NOT have a solid supply line, so wasting 3-4 mags on just breaking contact isn’t really a thing. Comms may get easily jammed too.

Providing safety for your neighborhood is a little bit different!


Well I just told you who and where I train….your up let’s hear it. We would love to have you as a guest in any class I’ll even provide your ammo for the day..cant beat that deal

Last edited 4 years ago by SEMPAI
Charlie Foxtrot

Living in East TN gives me the advantage to pick and choose. My last several classes were with Reid Henrichs at Valor Ridge: https://www.valorridge.com
The 7-day class I posted about at the end of this thread was with a non-government outfit in VA that I can’t disclose (signed NDA). It was employer-sponsored training for oversees assignments. Think of it like a beefed-up version of https://www.fletc.gov/training-program/foreign-affairs-counter-threat

Note, I am talking about instructor-led classes, not just going to a range and sending rounds down-range.


I agree that there is a time to fight and a time to fight another day but if your defense / offense training is really good then even when out numbered you can make a real difference in the outcome. Combat has proven this many times. The desired results is to create overwhelming fear in the enemy no mater who they are. That is exactly what the demonstrators with guns use on unprepared victims. That gives them the advantage over the unprepared. Success always favors the prepared.


@CF – Was that a chamber pot reference?


PLEASE grow a pair.


I didn’t know they now teach you how to be a coward.

Charlie Foxtrot

You replied to your own post there!


If Sempai is/was a Navy Seal then I know he can defiantly be counted on in dangerous situations. Anyway I would rather have him watching my six than you. There are emotions and logic but the one thing you are unaware of is instinct and we all develop it sometimes with training OR mindset and practice. Marines don’t run from the sound of gun shots , they run toward the sound. Quick reaction is just as good as a surprise action, both have the same effect. You must consider all options you took after any action to determine if it… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

LOL. You still don’t get it that NO ONE is watching your six in the situation in the video. You speak of Marines, as in plural and as in a military unit, yet you are ALONE in the street and NOT part of a military unit. Strategy and tactics change with the situation! All that bravado posting here on Ammoland is not saving your behind when you are OUTNUMBERED in the street! Ever heard of the “grey man” approach? You are the opposite of that! If you had ever worked in any high-risk job where you are on your own,… Read more »


strategic withdrawal is NOT “running”. And once you are 90 feet away, and yu’ve decided it is safe enough to STOP. then you STILL draw down and fire on them, then YOU are now the criminal. They have become YOUR victims. Have fun ‘splainin’ that one.


In a life and death situation, cheating is allowed and recommended.


you mean “there are no rules, and WE make them”?

I like that attitude. ALL is fair in love and war, and those goons aren’t making love on the streets.. at least not in this vid.


Just so you know if you join american contigency ( which I am a member of ) you might be asked to STEP UP soooooo ya might wanna think about it. Might not be your cup o tea amigo

Charlie Foxtrot

I am stepping up when needed in my community, not when some Internet keyboard warrior on Ammoland decided that we should commit suicide.

I am ALREADY part of a network that was created way before American contingency. People that actually train stay connected in non-public alumni groups. I posted about that here months ago!

If you had actual training, then you would know that. You would also know that joining any local organization like that is preceded by vetting to filter out posers and infiltrators.



Ever heard of the persian gulf ? Were you even born yet AMIGO? it was in the 80s

Charlie Foxtrot

So, the last time you had any training was 30+ years ago! Anyway, as I said, those that actually keep up with their training in civilian life are already organized. American Contingency is just a public outreach, while all the other organization that has been going on is based on alumni networks.


Actually no I train with Dave Charles at Hard Point Training look em up were in North Fl I generally send 300 -400 down range every week . He’s retired military 3 yrs ago great guy who is actually a nice guy. Hand to hand , shotgun , pistol, and of course Rifle training and knife defense we would welcome you in our class
Anything Else?

Last edited 4 years ago by SEMPAI
Charlie Foxtrot

Well, good for you then. Does he have a network of alumni that communicate via a non-public forum? If not, he should!


He hates the internet and anything to do with it..he still has a flip phone..I’m serious pays extra for it


Are we done here ? You and I should agree to disagree on some topics (which we have) we shall joust again my friend..until then good luck, stay safe, keep training..were all fighting for the same thing just different views on how to do it.

Charlie Foxtrot

We are certainly done on this discussion right here. I have one post awaiting moderation in a different discussion, as, stupid me, dared to post two links about training.


Roger That..stay away from TTAG terrible censorship…
Until the guessile drops ..goodnight now !!


He relies on friends and a dependable weapon.
The first law of human nature.


Actually Military training can be counted on from the time you lean till the time you die.

Example :
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical training is still as important now as it was in the 50’s.
Like Classical music it will be effective forever.

Tactical training is still effective today but also understanding human nature really helps also.
Knowing how your enemy thinks is always good intel.

Commiefornia Sucks

it was in the 90s.


If your life is theatened it is not murder but self defense. when they point a gun at you it is atemped murder charges they will face.
That’s the Law.
Have see many caught for this.

Charlie Foxtrot

Yeah, no, you will be charged with murder. If you have time to back up 30 yards and then start shooting, you will have a hard time to explain how you were in “reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm”. The prosecutor will have an easy time to explain that you backed up to a safer position and attacked in retaliation. Realize that you have to show that they pointed their weapons at you when you were 30 yards away!


I just saw a case in Wyoming where a man rammed a officer in a pickup. the man pointed his gun at the officer and yelled at him. he was subduded by other officers and the Perp was charged with attempted murder on two counts. Using his car in a weapon and also for the pointing of the gun. All this even thought the officer never drew his weapon and tried to get away. You are NOT required to retreat from a threat and after warning criminals that you are within your rights, you may then proceed as normal. Any… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

You may want to read up on the context in this discussion. The poster above is proposing to retreat to safety and then to attack from safety! You are not required to retreat, but if you do retreat to safety you lost the argument of self defense in court.


30 or 40 yards is not safe by any means. Do you know how to protect your life or do you go a safe distance away. All it takes is for a prep. to chase you then what are you going to do, Run faster? ? ?
Success favor’s the prepared. when it comes to self defense a jury favors the laws of nature and self preservation.

Charlie Foxtrot

“All it takes is for a prep. to chase you” – In other words, you aren’t in imminent fear of death. You just made the prosecutions case!


@Om – So how does that story relate? Someone assaulted an officer who was not threading “the perp”, then the perp was charged with assault. I fail to see parallel to the article.

In any case, laws expectations vary by state, county, and even city. Actions completely legal in Wyoming or Texas will get you arrested, vilified, and imprisoned for possession in California or New York. It is part of understanding your terrain.


I rely on human nature and the right to be free of threats and anyone threatening me will get the same back with interest. Take that to court and the jury will agree with you no matter what the written law is.. No one likes to be threatened including you. Understanding the way your enemy thinks is an important asset.
A threat is an invitation to combat that sometimes becomes a life and death situation.
States my have their laws but the jury makes the decision.




A matter of opinion.



Last edited 4 years ago by SEMPAI

once you back away from the immediate threat (retreat) if they do not immediately persue you YOU are now the agressor. Have fun convincing those twelve locals that you “feared for your life” after you stopped only thirty yards away……. no dude, if you were REALLY in mortal fear, you’d knock out a three point turn, or maybe even a Moonshiner’s Turn, and get outta their sight while you can.


Backing away doesn’t always mean a retreat. It can also mean you are getting prepared to protect yourself. It’s all an opinion. You are not the aggressor when exercising your Constitutional rights to free passage on public property. Only authorized law enforcement are allowed to stop you. Anyone else trying to stop you is a criminal act thereby making you defense a completely legal act against a criminal. Any Jury can see that even with their eyes closed.


Cowards always run.
Marines Never run.


Come to Tennessee doing that!

Rick D

same for Louisiana lol


they’ll like it so much they’ll never leave………..


He tries to drive, they pull pistols, he tried to go around they pursued. After that I wouldnt have blamed the driver if he went hammer down.

Last edited 4 years ago by Random71

It must have been “Take Your Kid to Riot Day.”


Happens far too often….

Mike Crognale

Rev the engine and release the clutch, they’d be dead vbefore they could react.


“Indy10 says it was their “security team” that had the guns. According to the group, they had armed security in case someone tried to hit protestors”. hey isn’t this the gang that is hollering to defund and get rid of police? ANd here they have “their own” police force? Anyone else see the irony/lie in this?. Don’t these goons understand that it is a crime to block a public right of way without proper authority, which these creeps lack? Thus THEY were criminals BEFORE they BRANDISHED their weapons. TWO crimes. If I were standing in the street in the town… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

You may want to look up in what cases insurance companies are paying out in general, as you seem to think that they will even consider paying out for you running someone over on purpose for self defense. They simply don’t! Any financial liability will be yours and you may be sued in civil court for damages! Your insurance company doesn’t care and won’t cover you!

Mike Crognale

You made a flat statement. Prove it.

Charlie Foxtrot

Pretty much every motorist liability insurance has an intentional act exception. Simply google “intentional act exception to insurance” and you will find ample of resources. This is liability insurance 101! It has rather old roots and it sometimes makes no sense, but it is what it is. Since insurance law is at the state level and each insurance company uses its own verbiage, I will not post 50+ links here to legal opinions. I will just post one: Exclusions for Intentional Acts in Motorist Insurance https://www.phillipslawoffices.com/firmnews/exclusions-for-intentional-acts-in-motorist-insurance/ What is true is that the driver of a car may have a claim… Read more »


@CF – It makes perfect sense to exclude intentional acts. Insurance is in the business of making life more predictable, pooling policyholder seems money to cover unknowable and able expenses. If they covered intentional acts, coverage would immediately become unaffordable.


@Mike – Read your policy. Most exclude governmental actions, not sure whether riot damage is covered – but no car or home insurance covers intentional actions you’ve taken. Well possibly if you hit a tree because it was only option you saw to avoid hitting a pedestrian. All policies require you to take any and all reasonable steps to minimize damage. If hail storm breaks your car windows and you leave the car out in the rain for days afterwards, insurance may not cover water damage (depends on how adjuster writes it up). Anyone know how self defense insurance treats… Read more »


P.S., that’s a fine inspiring document. Aside from the spelling errors, I shudder at the thought of the many people who may believe that dis-information and historical rewrite.


I see we both noticed. The thing is, not only did they not know, they didn’t even know that they didn’t know. Kind of like some posters on this site some times. But, when fifty percent of the population has an IQ below 100, it is to be expected I guess.


Thank you for posting this.

I want to sign up to get some of that ‘free solar energy’ too.

I really hate it when I am behind with the solar payments and they turn it off.


This is what we regular Americans are up against. The war has started, indeed. Y’all see the story about a USAF Huey getting shot at while over Virginia yesterday?

Mystic Wolf

Sure did, the idiot that pulled that o e thought the chopper was carrying the PRESIDENT,

Charlie Foxtrot

As far as I know, they haven’t caught anyone yet.


@MW – Really? Pres Reagan used to regularly chopper past my domicile (at the time). Two identical looking, armored choppers. Guess you’d have a 50% chance of targeting the right one. I’m thinking shooting at either would clarify which was which pretty quickly as Pres scoots away and the other smokes your ass. Who in their right mind goes after military aircraft with small arms? Unclear whether they took more than one shot or even if it was aimed. Got to guess chance of escape is better if you only shoot once. Actually kind of surprising anyone was injured –… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

When was the last time you were trained by a competent trainer in responding to an armed roadblock? I am just curious. The training I went through last year explicitly mentioned something about not doing anything stupid! Carrying an unintelligible letter that nobody cares about wasn’t part of my training either. Rock on, dangerous road warrior.


It looked like he was just showing a letter he received as part of a windshield flyer, not that he carries a letter as a legal defense. As to your other point, there are about 320 million people in the US that have had zero training in any sort of situational awareness encounters. So? Perhaps the author was showing a bit of bravado. I’d like to think I wouldn’t be impeded on a public street from these thugs, but until I am in that position, I won’t really know. I do know if I see a weapon coming out of… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

Bravado is what gets people killed! I am pretty sure BLM thinks that Garrett Foster showed bravado when he was rightfully shot!

See my post below about the risks you take by start shooting people at an armed roadblock. The truck driver made it without shooting anyone!


@CF – Far more importantly, the driver left without being shot at.


So, CF, I am honestly curious as to what were some of that training’s highlights. Would you be so kind as to share. I have wondered, if one found themselves in a similar situation with a medical emergency onboard, what do those in the know say to do. Especially if retreat is impossible.

Charlie Foxtrot

Are you seriously asking me to summarize a week-long training class that included a number of aspects, including checking for IEDs, planning multiple routes, communication with the team and/or base, being aware of threats ahead of time and while driving, defensive driving, driving through a barrier vs. reversing and quick turns, driving while shooting (just don’t if you are the driver), leaving the car and escaping on foot, etc.? There is no simple solution here!!! The whole point of training is to learn individual skills and to understand for which situations they are applicable and for which situations they are… Read more »


Thanks, that is along the line I was thinking of. Practical things that most would not consider and yet would be most likely be effective against an untrained foe.


Your enemy expects to create fear in you so you have to do what they want. They then have you by the gonads controlling you even when you know better. The enemy wants you to fear anything you do. The demonstrators using violence and threatening people is the very tool that they are using against us. At some time we will have to deal with, it’s better sooner than later when the enemy is stronger. If you create overwhelming fear in them you will control the situation.
The outcome is decided by who is in control.

Charlie Foxtrot

The outcome is decided by who is in control.

I definitely agree with that. What being in control means seems to be the debate. Reacting like a yahoo to a bunch of yahoos challenging you is not being in control. It is simply letting fear driving your actions.


What would you call logic in a life and death institution ?
Opinion of control is settled when one can tell the other what to do. In combat it’s the one with most firepower, in civilian situations it’s the one who in command the situation.
Your freedom of existence is your own responsibility, no one else’s, that should always be pressed in court. A life threat by someone, criminal, pretty much negates their right’s, and asking for a challenge.
Those are the basic laws of human nature.

When would you decide to fight back ?

Charlie Foxtrot

Again, what being in control means seems to be the debate. What does “fighting back” mean? It seems your emotions and fear are controlling you. I don’t need to establish dominance in the street to survive. Those that try, typically get shot by others trying the same thing.


Have you ever been in combat ? That is the best training you can get. With 19 months in Nam. I learned a lot about human nature and your natural rights. Has anyone every tried to kill you ? Your opinion changes in the blink of an eye. Common sense demands that you protect your self or become the victim of your own opinion. I would rather be judged by 12 than be 6 feet under. Many laws are really not legal according to the Supreme Court and a jury’s opinion is all that really matters.

Charlie Foxtrot

A rather naive world view!


Come on, you know in any situation who is in control or not. Debate over control is a sorry outlook in any circumstance. It’s either a stalemate or not. In any life and death challenge there is always a effective action. Well proven in combat where you learn the difference. Mull over your thoughts but when you are challenged there is little time to think or plan. Planning must be instilled by training and training yourself to run from the threat will eventually catch up to you when you will have to defend you and yours. If you run then… Read more »

Charlie Foxtrot

Very often, god is in control and you are just in for the ride. You may naively think that you are in control, but it is just a delusion based on ignorance and arrogance. The fact that you compare a situation like the one in the video on the street of a major US city with your combat experience in Vietnam is very telling. Realize that the truck driver was neither injured or killed and he did not had to injure or kill someone else and deal with the aftermath that can ruin his life. I call that a win!… Read more »


I wish I had a Dollar for every former Marine who was a legend in his own mind. I’d be much richer than I am.


ponder this: see how easily those that want to control us all have gotten the vast majority of Americans to splatter those worse than useless cloth mug nappies all over their faces? NO ONE questions it. They just “do what yer told ta do and shut up”. Does not bode well for our future. In the same way millions have shuttered theyr businesses, ceased gathering for weddings, funerals, birthday celebrations, church meetings, “going for coffee”, picnics in the (now closed) parks….. and being told “we’re no longer processing applicaions for your Mother May I Card to arm yourself in public… Read more »


You never have enough AMMO ! ! !


As a trained and experienced Biological person I can tell you we call those paper and cloth masks are called ” Death or Suicide” masks.


Try a GunSight training course ( look it up on the net ) to find out how it really works. ( The best training you can get )
Stopping a vehicle is something that happens in combat zones all the time. When someone points a gun at you then you are in combat situation whether you like it or not.

Charlie Foxtrot

GunSight Training? Never heard of it! Gunsite Academy? Clint Smith rocks! You belong to those folks that confuse their military experience with civilian life and then try to apply their military training to something that is completely different in the streets. Clint Smith would be the first guy to tell you that you, alone, driving through the streets of a major US city is different than you being part of a military unit moving around. As a civilian, you have ZERO backup and ZERO supply lines. You are on your own! You have no clue how many armed foes you… Read more »


I live less than 5 miles from where this happened. You know what I’m going to do if one of these punks try this shit on me. I’m going to run. I’m going to turn around in the middle of the street if I see any kind of protest ahead. Some of you guy get a firearm and all the sudden you think your some kind of invincible super man alpha Male. Alot of you dont even have the right temperament to even carry a gun. Learn the art of de escalation. But your ego won’t let you back down… Read more »

Matt in Oklahoma

There’s a reason you live there and not elsewhere. There’s a reason you work in a safe job. There’s a reason you deal with it daily and we don’t. Running is an option and not a bad one but too many times your blocked in all directions. Have a plan for all contingencies. Your vehicle is your property and those occupants deserve protection. I’m not breaking the law driving down the road. They are breaking the law blocking traffic and holding people against their will. That is not part of the 1st amendment. That is just criminal and criminals need… Read more »


Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out and that’s fine. Let’s hope you can react quickly enough under duress when it’s required!

In the video, the shitheads chased the truck down when the driver tried to go around. What if they opened fire then?

Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Where does it go from any point? What happens when this crap comes to your/our neighborhood? Lots and lots of decisions to make! Hope yours are correct!

Just saying………!


In life threatening situations you do not have the advantage of 20/20 hindsight. You do not get to watch the video replay three times before making your split second call. That is why training and drill is so important. What counts on the street and in court is the mental picture of the immediate threat you fact when you face it. Not five seconds before. Not five seconds after. If you believe you can retreat, de-escalate or avoid trouble do so. But don’t train by making that judgement from your arm chair while watching video replays. Train for the most… Read more »


Your knees must get awfully sore.



Sneaky suspicion you will be 1) registering ALL 3 of your guns 2) Turning them in when KING KAMALA THE PRESIDENT ( not the wrestler ) who sadly went to the squared circle in the sky last week tells you to do so. 3) Or participating in ( your state here ) gun buyback program 4) By the way I’m a surveyor so make sure they are not in a city easement when you decide to give the old bad guys a go. I think it’s fair to say I don’t disagree with your train of thought. But it’s not… Read more »


@SEMPAI – Avoiding a fight with no purpose or benefit beyond proving to yourself that you are a tough guy – is very different from abject surrender in face of a mortal threat to you and yours (your life, your family, and your country). Yes I probably would participate if they’ll pay good money for non functioning percussion rifles, we’ve got two from near civil war era. Not rare, not valuable, just slightly interesting. If they are “buying back” I probably need cash for something more functional. Heck I might even sell them my 70 moa mosin. Only accurate rifles… Read more »


Actually your totally backasswards on you thinking I’m bar fight guy! I Don’t drink.
I believe you bought my mosin…LOL
Instructors : Craig Stewart..that’s me can I go? ABSOLUTELY if i choose too!! Since 96 i have had altercations (maybe 3) with no punches thrown , no need for it I know other ways to stop the aggressor Better to embarrass someone than knock out their teeth.
And marriage, providing for your family and raising kids is by far the heaviest responsibility a man can ever have ..I agree 100%
Bar fight guy ? CMON MAN

Last edited 4 years ago by SEMPAI