U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- On 26 July 2020, a paper titled: Glass table injuries: A silent public health problem was published in the American Journal of Surgery.Â
The paper detailed an examination of how many accidents involving glass tables occurred in the United States, how severe the injuries from such accidents were, and the distribution of injuries by age. The annual number of fatalities from accidents involving glass tables was projected to be about 400.
Most people do not consider glass tables to be a significant risk for accidents. 400 deaths a year sounds like a lot. It is about .13 per 100,000, out of a total of 731.9 per 100,000 total. 400 is .00018 of the total number of deaths in the nation each year.
The results of the article have been widely published in the public media. From newsmax.com:
Bonne’s group found more than 3,200 U.S. cases of glass table-related injuries requiring trauma center care occurring between 2009 and 2015. The data was collected from the 96 sample hospitals included in the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System database. More than half of the injuries were traced to faulty glass tables, the researchers noted.
Multiplying that by the almost 5,000 emergency care centers nationwide, Bonne’s team estimated there are about 13,800 U.S. cases of severe injury tied to glass tables each year.
The team also looked more closely at the 24 cases that their Level 1 trauma center treated between 2001 and 2016. In this smaller grouping, the investigators found that half of their patients experienced injuries to their deep organs, upper torso, abdomen or joint cavities and required surgery. About 8% died within a month of injury. Most of the injuries were suffered by children younger than age 7 or adults in their early 20s.
Access to the article is here. A one time read costs $35.95. I contacted the lead author, Dr. Stephanie Bonne, and she graciously sent me a read-only copy.
From the article, page 10, supplied by Dr. Stephanie Bonne:
Similarly, if severe injury numbers are extrapolated, there are an estimated 2.6 severe injuries per hospital in the United States, annually. This is a total of 13,802 severe injuries in the United States, annually. This is actually slightly less than the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s estimate of 20,700 annual injuries (9). However, either number is extremely high. If our case fatality rate of 8% is applied to this number, we can estimate about 400 deaths annually in the United States occur annually due to individuals sustaining severe injuries from faulty glass tables.
Dr. Bonne clarified the 8% fatality rate was calculated for the entire sample, not just the 24 cases at the one trauma center.
The study has a bar chart showing the distribution of cases by age. From the chart, it was simple to obtain good distribution numbers.
42% of the accidents were for children. 13.9% were for children under the age of five. The projection, from the study, is for 400 fatalities from glass table accidents per year.
That translates to 168 children aged 0-17 who die in fatal accidents involving glass table tops per year. 55 of those children are projected to be under the age of five. The study numbers were done from 2009 to 2015.
During that period, there was an average of 86 children who died in accidents involving firearms per year (601 for 7 years). There was an average of 24.4 children who died each year, on average, under the age of five (178 for 7 years) in accidents involving firearms. From the CDC WISQARS database:
According to the projections in the study, children are about twice as likely to die from an accident involving a glass tabletop, as they are to die from an accident involving a firearm each year.
For children under the age of five, they are slightly more than twice as likely to die in an accident involving a glass tabletop as they are to die from an accident involving a firearm, in a given year.
The firearm numbers have changed in recent years. Fatal firearm accidents have been trending downward. The average total fatal firearm accidents from 2009 to 2016 was 536.
In 2018, the last year we have numbers for, there were 458, quite close to the projected number for fatal glass tabletop accidents. CDC WISQARS database:
The point of this comparison is to show how successful the gun culture has been in reducing fatal firearm accidents. In the last 86 years, the rate of fatal firearm accidents has been reduced by 94%. The rate of fatal firearm accidents is now in the range of fatal accidents from household furniture.
The rate of fatal firearms accidents for children is about one half that of fatal accidents of glass table tops for children.
The rate of fatal firearms accidents for children is less than the rate of fatal bicycle accidents for children.
The number of children under five who die by drowning in five-gallon buckets is comparable to the number of children under five who die in fatal firearm accidents.
The number of people who are deliberately killed with firearms by homicide or suicide is not addressed in this article.
The general indications are the presence or absence of firearms has little effect on overall suicide or homicide rates. Extremely restrictive laws on firearms may reduce suicide or homicide with firearms. Those laws have little effect on overall homicide or suicide rates.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
Here’s an couple of interesting statistics that I believe reflect just how responsible and safety conscious the average American gunowner is. Mexico, a country where firearm ownership is highly restricted, and a country with 1/3 the population of the US, has more accidental firearm deaths than the US does annually. Additionally our rate of accidental deaths from firearms is roughly the same as New Zealand’s despite the US having almost 4 times as many guns per capita, and New Zealand having strict licensing requirements for gun owners.
I the Nam, a sleeping bunker was to be torn down because the space was needed. All the Marines gathered around it and hundreds of rats ran out. An E-tool was the weapon of choice. The local Viets were very happy to receive boxes of rats for dinner!
fit a hawser cone to the vent stack a few inches below the tip of it. Fit it with the cone tip pointing upward. They can’t climb outward and downward past the rim of it. One less way they can get inside and harrass yer wimminfokes. But the downside is you will have fewer opportunities to show off your boot-stomping skills to said wimminfokes. Tradeoffs, you decide.
musta been a NOrway rat. They are far smarter than the noral bilge/sewer rats, AND they are VERY skilled climbers.
I cracked up when yuo finished the note with “women don’t like it”. (I dont know of ANYONE who LIKES rats of any variety two or four legged.
The point of this comparison is to show how successful the gun culture has been in reducing fatal firearm accidents.
It also shows the reality of how twisted the anti-gun harpies are, and how successful their constant barrage of disinformation has been in presenting a false narrative of how dangerous firearms truly are.. which is a fraction of what they would have us believe.
This factoid, the deaths by glass tabletops, is very interesting, particularly when shown next to deaths by firearms in the same age categories. Nice work.
The irony of society judging how a child dies or injured is politically biased. On one hand unborn children are killed without any fanfare by the thousands, but if one is killed by a gun it’s front page news. Death by glass tables is a new one for me, but buckets and plastic bags are common as depicted by all of the warning signs. The hypocrisy of placing blame on inanimate objects and using statistics to demonize only certain ones (firearms) rather than the people who cause them has been a playbook standard.