21 Democrats Demand They, and all Members of Congress, be Disarmed

21 Democrats Demand They, and all Members of Congress, be Disarmed
21 Democrats Demand They, and all Members of Congress, be Disarmed

U.S.A.-(AmmoLand.com)- New Member of Congress, Second Amendment supporter, and Open Carrier, Lauren Boebert, refuses to back down from the Deep State in Washington D.C. She is going to exercise her Second Amendment rights in D.C. and the Capitol.  Now, as a member of the favored few, in Congress, she has rights and privileges most of us do not. She is using her status to fight for the rest of the country, and the Constitution.

Because she is willing to openly exercise her Second Amendment rights, with strong, protected, symbolic speech, Democrat members of the House are working to eliminate those rights. From foxnews.com:

“The Democrats are always up for stripping away our Constitutional rights and feel threatened when we simply want to exercise those rights,” Boebert told Fox News Wednesday. “I carry a firearm to protect myself and want to exercise my right to do so in one of the most dangerous cities in America. They want to take that right away from me. I look forward to helping make sure they can’t.”

Those members of Congress were perfectly willing to allow members of Congress to have the right to keep and bear arms, as long as it was on the “low down”, in the closet, lest the public gets the idea the Second Amendment actually meant something. But now that the principled Representative Boebert refuses to stay in the Second Amendment closet, that is not allowed.

The Orwellian statement of Representative Huffman is a good place to start. From Representative Jared Huffman, (D) California:

“Threats of political violence are on the rise, and it makes all of us less safe if Members of Congress don’t have to comply with gun safety standards. I led my colleagues in a call to modernize the House’s outdated & dangerous rules for everyone’s safety.”

Notice Huffman, in his statement, calls for generic and mild sounding “gun safety standards”.  The statement is about the letter he promoted and signed with 20 other Democrat House Members. The particulars are clear. The letter calls for a complete ban on guns.

There is no error: Huffman equates “gun safety standards” with a complete gun ban.

From the letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader, bold added:

Ultimately, the current regulations create needless risk for Members of Congress, their staff, members of the Capitol Police, and visitors to the Capitol grounds. A provision in the Rules package directing the Capitol Police Board to ensure that Member of Congress may not possess firearms on Capitol grounds would ensure clarity surrounding firearms policy and protect all individuals in and around the Capitol. We urge inclusion of this commonsense protection in the 117th Congress.

This is the simplistic, emotional, and fact-free phobia of gun hatred. A former essay on this subject is linked here.  It is, simply, Guns are Bad. It is an irrational fear. It is a mental condition.  It is dangerous, to allow people with this sort of mental illness to be in a position of power in Congress.

It makes you wonder why these Democrats do not call for taking away guns from the Capitol Police.

Democrats who openly state that a total ban on guns is a “gun safety measure” are listed below. Their district information is available with an easy couple of clicks at congress.gov. The link for Nanette Barragan is given as an example, to show what is available.

  • Nanette Barragan, District 44, California (Los Angeles)
  • Donald S. Beyer, Jr., District 8, Virginia (Alexandria, half inside the beltway at D.C.)
  • Salud Carbajal, District 24, California (Los Angeles along coast to North)
  • Andre Carson, District 7 Indiana (Indianapolis)
  • Sean Casten, District 6, Illinois (West Chicago suburbs)
  • David Cicilline, District 1, Rhode Island
  • Veronica Escobar, District 16, Texas (El Paso)
  • Raul Grijalva, Arizona, District 3, (highly gerrymandered, Tucson, Phoenix, Yuma)
  • Jahana Hayes, Connecticut, District 5
  • Jared Huffman, California, District 2, (San Francisco)
  • Pramila Jayapal, Washington State, District 7, (Seattle)
  • Daniel T. Kildee, Michigan, District 5
  • Robin Kelly, District 2, Illinois (Chicago)
  • Grace Meng, District 6, New York, (New York)
  • Eleanor Norton, District of Columbia, non-voting
  • David Price, District 4, North Carolina, (Durham)
  • Mike Quigley, District 5, Illinois, (Chicago)
  • Jan Schakowsky, Distrct 9, Illinois, (Chicago metroplex)
  • Mark Takano, District 41, California, (Riverside)

It is painful for this correspondent to notice Raul Grijalva from Arizona is one of those listed. Raul is a disgrace to the state. He is in a safe district. Perhaps some Arizona citizens will read this and realize their rights will always be in danger while he is in public office. Fortunately, he does not seem to be very energetic.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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Another good article Dean. Pelosi, et al care about their own security, but not that of you or me. She has armed security with her, takes USAF airplanes anywhere she wants to go. Has not only Capital Police at her beck and call, but the executive protection force. Metal detectors and armed guards at entrances/exits to Congress. We pay for all that security, yet they want average citizens to dial 911 if there is an issue. Standards should be the same. You think some mother out there should dial 911, you should have the same level of security. Take away… Read more »


Same Old Same Old! I have been asking and waiting on The Right and The Left to free up all those Gun Free Zone they call their Offices, and they have done nothing. Now if it is Ok for this young lady to Carry then it should be Ok for all of US to carry right beside her. Simple as that. They ain’t gonna allow Us to do what she is doing, Sick, Sad, same old BS. Wake up and Free Your Mind. Now I have also been shooting and waiting on stuff for 56 years now as I started… Read more »


So why exactly do these idiots “feel less safe” with guns in Congress? Maybe they should try “feeling less stupid” and see if that helps. Obviously their “feelings” are very important to them as they put way more value and importance on them than actual facts or truth in general. Surely, since feeling are so important to them they’d be willing to give it a shot.


Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert’s constiuents elected her to carry a firearm in the Halls of the Swamp.

Damn, where is AOC and the Squad?

BTW, anyone want to comment to these 21 morons find their campaign websites and do so. Their official sites are only available to constituents.

Last edited 4 years ago by Camotim

Grijalva is an embarrassment to Arizona, as is the recent election of Kelly if in fact it was legitimate. Seeing Arizona now colored blue on the political maps likes to break my heart.
For the entire time that the survey was run Arizona was the most gun friendly state in the Union. Bet that won’t hold for the 2001 vote.


This is a great example of how they feel about the rest of us plebeians. If they don’t trust a congress person to safely carry, who would they trust? If they had their way, certainly none of us would be allowed to even see firearms in a museum. After all guns are bad, evil and dangerous.