Book Explores How War for Independence Revolutionized Firearms Technology

“An explosion of innovative technology — New rifles, new cannon and new tactics.” (©2020 BY Jeff John. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.)

U.S.A. – -( “Rifles, Rangers & Revolution … tells how the constant evolution of military technology during the American Revolution was accelerated bringing forward the use of rifles and new battlefield tactics,” a press release from Jeff John of Art In Arms Press explains. “The one unit using all of these new technologies most capably and creatively was the Queen’s Loyal American Rangers.”

Before proceeding, a disclosure is in order. Jeff was my editor for many years, first at Guns and Ammo, then at Handguns, and for about 15 years at Guns. This is his third book and my third review, and I do it not because I write for him (I no longer do), but because I think what he does is awesome and because it has been it my great fortune over the years to be able to work with some people of great talent and insight.

My first review was for FG42, “ “A study of WWII Germany’s … technological breakthrough taking the primary infantry rifle from a slow-firing pre-1900 bolt-action rifle to an ultra-fast machine rifle capable of spitting out 900 rounds per minute.” I followed that a year later with a review of The Matchless Enfield No. 4 (T) Sniper, “arguably the most well thought out, rugged, durable and accurate of all the war’s sniper rifles.” I’d also introduced my WarOnGuns blog readers to John’s Colours of the Queen’s Rangers, an exclusive in words and pictures about the “the oldest known military colours in North America” and the unit that “never lost a battle during the American Revolution until the surrender at Yorktown.”

(As an aside, readers who have seen the AMC Revolutionary War series Turn: Washington’s Spies, will recognize some of the names who, their villainous fictional characters notwithstanding, played vital roles in advancing tactics and technology.)

Ferguson rifle (©2020 BY Jeff John. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.)

“Raised for the King in 1776 among loyalist Americans by famed French & Indian War leader Major Robert Rogers, the Queen’s Rangers used every one of Britain’s cutting-edge tools,” John documents. “Major Patrick Ferguson’s company using his new breechloading rifle was assigned to the Rangers to test his tactics and rifle in combat.”

“Under final commander Lt. Col. John Graves Simcoe, the Rangers … were one of the first units issued the muzzleloading Pattern 1776 rifle and deployed rifles mounted and dismounted,” John continues. “Rangers cleverly used the unique 3-pounder Grasshopper gun designed expressly for the American frontier battlefields to appear a larger force than they were and formed one of the first British Hussar cavalry units as well as fielding Dragoons and Mounted Rifles.”

If nothing else this provides another documented historical rebuttal for latter-day gun-grabbers who maintain that firearms technology of the day was static and that they could not imagine new developments beyond “just muskets.”

“The book explores how well the small arms the Rangers performed by shooting reproductions of the two rifles, Brown Bess smoothbore musket and Eliott Light Dragoon pistol,” John concludes. “How the cannon led to the steam engine and industrial revolution is explored and chapters on cannon manufacturing include illustrations by the Master Founder of Woolrich Arsenal (who revamped Britain’s entire cannon manufacturing process in the early 1770s).”

Rifles, Rangers & Revolution joins The Matchless Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T) Sniper Rifle and FG42 in the growing list of Art In Arms books in print. Sample chapters of all books are available free on the website, and you can also “look inside” and purchase a copy of one or all at Amazon.

For further information, contact Art In Arms Press, 9732 Pyramid Hwy #113, Sparks, NV 89441,


About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea